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Thursday, January 18, 2024

US Extradition of 'Z-40,' Former Zetas Leader, Suspended by Federal Judge

Borderland Beat Contributors

A Mexican federal judge approved a motion preventing the US extradition of former Zetas leader Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, also known as El Z-40. Although Z40 was arrested in Mexico over 10 years ago, authorities have been unable to extradite him to the U.S. His extradition process has been filled with motions, suspensions, and delays.

Following his departure from the Federal Social Readaptation Center No. 1 ("Altiplano"), Mexico's maximum-security prison, Z40 was relocated to another facility in Tepic, Nayarit, last week. As per court records, Z40 faces charges related to mass killings in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, and Allende, Coahuila. In the US, he is wanted for international drug trafficking as the former head of Los Zetas.

If Z40 is extradited to the US, he would be the highest-ranking Zetas member to stand trial in the US. Notable figures in this regard include early Zetas members Jaime Gonzalez Duran (alias El Hummer) and Jesus Enrique Rejon Aguilar (alias El Mamito), and Z40's relatives Juan Francisco Treviño Jr. (alias El Kiko) and Juan Gerardo Trevino Chavez (alias El Huevo).

Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, alias Z-40 or Zeta 40 (image credit: HEARST)

According to the DEA's website, which has not been updated his arrest in Mexico, Z40 led a Zetas faction with control over more than 200 operatives. His responsibilities included overseeing the collection of "tariffs" (piso) at drug plazas managed by the former co-organization of the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas in Mexico.

During the period from 2006 to 2007, Z40 served as the Nuevo Laredo plaza boss, subsequently being assigned to the state of Veracruz, in March 2007 following the death of Efrain Teodoro Torres (alias El Efra or Z-14).

Z40 was reputedly involved in smuggling multi-hundred kilogram loads of cocaine weekly from Mexico to the United States and facilitated the trafficking of cocaine through Guatemala to the United States. He faces charges in a 2008 Federal indictment in the District of Columbia.

Z40 was arrested in July 2013 and has been in extradition hearings ever since.

Various members of Z40's family became entangled in criminal activities. His brother Omar Alejandro Treviño Morales (alias "Z-42") was a high-ranking Zetas leader; his brother José was implicated in laundering money for Los Zetas in the United States, utilizing a horse-breeding company as a front. Jose's activities were exposed and resulted in their capture following a raid on US territory in 2012.

If Z40 is extradited, he may be advised by his attorneys to cooperate with and provide cartel intel to US federal authorities for a soother sentence and avoid life in prison. However, Z40 was arrested over a decade ago and the information he has on cartels may not be as valuable for US investigators anymore. This may mean that his chances of receiving leniency are likely lower than other Zetas leaders who testified in US courtrooms before him.

Imprisonment in Mexico
In October 2016, prison officials got word that Z40 and his brother Z42 were planning to escape from Altiplano, the prison they were currently held in. Their plan involved creating an "artificial operation" (likely a prison riot) that distracted some of the guards while other corrupted guards opened the main door of the prison so the brothers could simply walk out.

Later in 2016, in Altiplano prison, Z40 allegedly encountered Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) figure José Bernabé Brizuela Meraz, alias "La Vaca", another inmate.

Z40 and La Vaca, evidently, did not get along and their friction led to Z40 threatening to kill Vaca. Vaca took this threat seriously, informing his relatives and subordinates about Z40's words. Luckily for La Vaca though, Z40 was transferred out of Altiplano in May 2017 - before he got a chance to kill La Vaca. But the threat still hung heavy over La Vaca - he knew that inmates loyal to Z40 would still have it out for him.

In December 2019, hitmen loyal to Z40 attempted to stop his prison transfer convoy as it traveled on highway 175 through Oaxaca. Their attack left a State Investigation Agency (AEI) captain dead but failed to free Z40.

These incidents above, and others not mentioned in this report, have worried some Mexican authorities that Z40 could potentially escape from prison. He has been transferred between the various federal prisons in Mexico several times, as part of "a precautionary inmate rotation program."

Sources: Milenio; El FinancieroDOS; Borderland Beat archives




    1. It's a way of humiliating him, telling him he's small potatoes.

    2. That could be but I doubt it the US went for the Trevino brothers in America

    3. 1:18 que payaso eres men

    4. Payasos son los que dice "men"

  2. How z40 and z42 aren’t extradited yet just shows how someone in the Mexican government is hiding there secrets within the two suspects.

  3. Como trabaja la vida. El commandante de la AEI sin querer,
    dio su vida por este lacra. Que en paz descanse.

  4. Mamito is waiting in court, on the deal that he cut with the U.S., for early release.

  5. His already en la Tuna feds El Paso

    1. In a low security prison pendejo ? Mf doing 5 years have escaped from there i was there when george jung was there so no digas mamadas

  6. Z40 is the most feared capo
    Of the drug war and is more powerful than anyone believes!

    1. Take his balls out your mouth. The only reason he’s still there and not in US is because of all the cases he has in Mexico. He wasn’t a drug traffickers. All he was good for was killing Mexicans. Why would the US want him so bad ? He use to wash dogs. Perolaprador I believe is how they say it.

    2. 12:33 he was scared of Don Mencho, thats why he turned him self in

  7. I think this peaceful looking fella could beat up chapo mayo nemesio isidro if it came down to good ol old sku putasos .. hahahha they aint nothing without guns

    1. Them flaco desnutridos from tamos ain’t nothing without them guns 🤣 aver si muy bravo send him to the feds the chicanos will whoop that ass the way they punked osiel

    2. Are you the youngster, with pimples and a Mohawk haircut that says Mencho is in Redwood City?

    3. Rancholos starting their internet banging...

    4. Connor I remember too, you would say El Mencho lives in Redwood, now you have everyone believing you. I do know at one time you idolize him, then you had the hots for Emma C, lol becareful what you wish for, because a Sicario will be knocking at you house.

    5. Mayo and chapo for sure, mencho i dont know and isidro might be a good match

  8. This man knows too much. He'll be in Mexican prison till the day he dies.

  9. The faustain pact is Z40 feeds info on cartel activity to the American 3 letter agencies and he stays in Mexico!
    If he were extradicted his ability to gather this intel would be finished!

    1. If this was true they would have extradited him by know

      Whos going to have indo on contras a decade later lol

  10. Who kicked z40s ass in those pictures?

    1. Obviously soldiers that captured him

    2. Marina disnt lay a finger on him
      40 tried to run and hide behind matoralas & he tooka tumble lol
      Hence the face bruise and dirty appearance in the coahulia sandy ass carreteras
      They didnt beat his ass for shit & they could have

      If u really wanna see someone beat the fuck up...
      That would be manuel lopez nunez don balas lol
      Federal police didnt just beat him they tortured his ass

  11. This guy had a lot of government under his payroll and Mexican politicians don’t want to be exposed like the pieces of shit they are with their citizens.

  12. I have 00000.0 doubts, that this guy has any judge near his case very significantly threatened against extradition. It is absurd how guys like Ovidio can get arrested, and instantly shipped within the same year, but he hasn’t yet

    1. Yes. CDN is sometimes seen as a mid tier player compared to CJNG or Sinaloa. But CDN controls a very good plaza. They are ruthless too. These judges know that if they do something against Z40 they could come looking for them even in Central Mexico…

    2. CDN control's the best plaza in mexico

  13. That man has many people loyal to him and his family throughout many northern states. And not to mention his connection to harfuch

  14. What a coincidence people from different groups are getting arrested? And now they bring up Trevino's case up? Did chapos son talk after being extradited?

  15. Anyone ever notice how both him and his brother weren't wearing hand-cuffs during their press photos?

    Take a good look at 42 he positions his arms like he's cuffed but he's not... says a lot, holmes.

    1. True. Z40 didn’t even have handcuffs. He walked like nothing had gone wrong. I remember some people in Mexico brought it up but the media was quiet about it. Seems like they were told to not speak about it, likely on orders from superiors.

    2. Can anyone guess who the Treviños have in mexico city???👀

      This guy is the reason why he wasnt cuffed
      To show respect to them
      Even rho z42s fat titty ass was crying lol

  16. This guy use to sleep in his bullet proof truck every night

  17. fkn trash burn in prison

  18. Z40 shady asf this monkey used to send his people to there own death or capture for no good reason. El Taliban who was once his best friend realized how terrible he was to even his own people, disgusted by it decided to go against Z40. OG Zetas would ask Z3 why he kept Z40 around but I guess Lazca like his brutality. Z40 was also a racist against paisas immigrants.

    1. 40s best friend was la ardilla foo

    2. Fuck no that was in the early days
      Before 40 started fucking Ardillas Ex

      To this day 40 is scared of ardilla
      Who knows why but that says a LOT about Ardilla
      Ardilla was lazcas close compadre
      Not even business related but just personal friends

      Ardilla was more wild/loose canon that 40
      40 was business savy brutal
      Ardilla was just a fuckin nut for no reason

      He got his ass arrested by the ejercito (not the marina) in San Fernando in 2004
      He was drunk and pased out @ a gas station where he pulled up to them...
      Alone all by himself vs a peloton of like 10 soldados rasos
      There was an exchange of words and threats and he obciously got his ass arrested...
      But get this not even they cuffed him or beat his ass and he was released lol
      Allegedly Lazca gave apoyo and he had him staved for a week as punishment lol

      I met him in San Fernando way back by chance
      He'd make his presence known and would let you know what he thought
      "Oye por que tan caro la bironga te quieres hacer rico con los campesinos eh Cabron"
      This type of shit haha

      Little fucker would have everyone scared & wasnt over 5'4 say 130lbs soaking wet

      Lazca was always just attracted to some real psychos
      Ardilla was wayyy more wild than 40

    3. @427 -- Sounds like he has YOU soaking wet! Jesus Christ..

  19. z40 was never caught he gave himself up to the mx gov with conditions of not being extradited with $2 mill in cash which was reported but could of been just what was turned in. as long as cdn has nuevo laredo z40 will stay in mx

    1. I son't think so, but can you further elaborate?
      Because it was really 5M in the truck
      He had 1 of his accountants wirh him

      I would have never rhought he would have turned himself in, especially with his pvt guard/accountant...

      What do you know of z42 arrest?
      Was that turned in as well?
      With his family & daughter after a birthday party

      I think your wrong on 40

  20. Can’t extradite what you don’t have in possession


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