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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Volunteer Searcher in Guanajuato Goes Missing; Brother Kidnapped, Husband and Son Killed

"Anonymous" for Borderland Beat

Missing persons search activist Lorenza Cano Flores was kidnapped by a group of gunmen on Wednesday in the city of Salamanca, Guanajuato.

The Salamanca United in the Search for the Disappeared, Cano's search group, verified that her husband and son (Miguel and Miguel Angel) were fatally shot by unidentified attackers just days before the kidnapping. According to reports, the two resided in the US but were visiting Salamanca at the time.

Cano has been in search of her brother, José Francisco Cano Flores, since August 17, 2018, when he was abducted by armed individuals along with one of his uncles. Presently, Cano's daughter is the sole remaining relative participating in these searches and is the one who has informed authorities about Cano's abduction.

Since 2021, a minimum of seven volunteer searchers have lost their lives in Mexico. These individuals often initiate their independent investigations, frequently relying on information from former criminals. This approach becomes necessary as the government has proven ineffective in providing assistance.

The Mexican government has allocated minimal resources to search for the missing. Volunteers are forced to take on the role of non-existent official search teams as they seek out clandestine graves where cartels often bury their victims. Insufficient private and public funding and the poor implementation of a genetic databases by the government slow down the identification process for the discovered remains.

Shifts in government also result in the loss or erasure of missing person profiles, creating challenges in gathering and maintaining information.

When search groups find human remains, the typical response from authorities is to dispatch a police and forensics team to recover the remains. Unfortunately, in many instances, the recovered remains go unidentified.

The perpetrators behind the killings of the six searchers since 2021 remain unclear. Cartels have a history of attempting to intimidate searchers, particularly if they venture to grave sites still in use.

The searchers typically are not aiming to convict anyone for their relatives' abductions. Their primary goal is to locate the remains of their loved ones in order to mourn them and conduct a proper burial. According to searchers, individuals who have repented or left the cartels are likely the most effective sources of information they can rely on.

In Mexico, over 110,000 people are missing since the start of Mexico's drug war in 2006. Many of the missing persons are from Guanajuato, the state with the highest homicide rate in Mexico. Guanajuato is home to a violent turf war between multiple cartels, primarily factions of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (CSRL) and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). 

Sources: El PaisWP


  1. They wouldn't have to form these search groups if it wasn't for Mexico's failed security policy. Not a single candidate for presidency is proposing any effective security policy, so it looks like 6 more years of the same.

    1. The hopeful female candidate wanting to run for President , won't mention nothing about the Cartels for fear of being chopped up. She already has to put up with ALMO's snide remarks, that a female does not know how to lead a Country etc.

    2. Detroit IDK if Ebrard is going to be a candidate but he has proposed a program called "Angel". BB has an article about it. It was posted around August of last year.

    3. It's ELMO's fault.

    4. 3:18:
      Ebrard was the only one who could at least stem the tide of violence. Unfortunately, he lost the September 6th election to Sheinbaum who is way ahead in all of the polls. If Sheinbaum is elected, which she probably will be, the rights of transgenders will be protected. However, I don't expect her to protect the rights of the Mexican people to live in peace. I hope I am wrong,
      but I believe the orgy of violence will continue for the next 6 years.

    5. Whomever becomes president has to cullude with the local Cartel, any people running for that title and dont work together with the cartels, will get plata o plumo.

  2. A full family destroyed... imagine the sense of outrage and powerlessness. Me dueles Mexico.

  3. Another victim of Cjng who is always going overboard with the violence.

    1. 224 you know what's left over of Marros group is tearing shit up. They got a shot of life with CDS helping them.

      ~Chico Malo de Irapuato

  4. Nothing left to live for...

    Might as well get a Goat Horn and start doing drivebys on Halcones or finding out where some cartel scum like to get drunk on the weekends and go get some revenge.

    I'd go on an absolute rampage until I got killed.

    Remember to save 1 bullet for yourself to avoid appearing on the next episode of "Chop House on Borderland Beat."

  5. When I read these stories I feel hopeless and angry! This women is the true definition of a guerrera! She is brave enough to face all those rat bastards without any weapons or help. The love she has for her brother is priceless! Women like her are really the reason the the country continues to move forward even when faced with unmeasurable challenges. God bless her, her family and all the other Mexican Women who continue to fight for justice and peace!

  6. A lot of people bring death to their ownself and others around them,if her brother was picked up by the cartel most likely he is dead she should have left it alone and live her life.

    1. She could not get help from the local police or government. More likely I think she is going to be tortured, then killed.

  7. Mexico is pathetic. Absolutely sick. God bless this family.

  8. TERRIBLE! these searchers bless their souls! just looking for their missing relatives and getting killed by impulsive, gung-ho maniacs is just evil! A whole family killed for what!?! Mexico authorities should be ashamed and do more to help and PROTECT these searchers!

  9. And the comments on this lady diminish, and forgotten and put on the back burner, no authority in Mexico will look into it. But if there's an uproar 5 months later, ALMO will call an investigation, that leads to nowhere.
    Rest in peace as we know there are sense less killers all over.


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