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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Who Will Say Something To The United States? | Arms Trafficking From The US To Mexico

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Female # 1: Sedena warned about the trafficking of weapons. Those weapons come from the US to Mexico. We have the image of Uncle Sam here in the background. And just as they often point towards us. We will also point towards the United States because those are weapons that arrive in Mexico. And pay attention to this. These are weapons exclusively made for the US armed forces. Listen to what the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs says here. 

Alicia Isabel Adriana Bárcena Ibarra: There is a very important matter here and that is that the Secretary of Defense alerted the United States about weapons that are entering Mexico which are made for the exclusive use of the American armed forces. And it’s very urgent that an investigation be initiated. 

Female # 1: And so you the United States have to stop the entry of weapons to Mexico. Because they arrive here and are used by criminal groups. Listen, this is also a challenge for the Mexican armed forces. The rifles that enter our country are the Barret rifle that pierces war tanks. In addition there are semi-automatic weapons like the AR-15 which is the most lethal assault rifle of the world. There is also the M-16 rifle in the hands of the criminals. Which is on the other side of the screen there. And it can fire up to 900 rounds per minute.

This is why the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs speaks of more than 4 million weapons that are circulating in the hands of civilians in our country. In fact, these are the figures: 200,000 weapons come from United States and they arrive every daily to our country. The majority of them come from Texas, Arizona, and California. Here’s the map, this river or this route is adequately known as the Iron River. 

Most of these weapons enter by land or by car across the border likes its nothing. In the United States it’s very easy to acquire firearms because they have a flexible policy. You can go to a store as a minor and ask for cigarettes or order alcoholic beverages and they won’t sell them to you. But if you are a minor with no criminal record. They will sell him the weapon and he can legally buy it. In Mexico there is only an armory controlled by the Sedena that only sells about 24,000 guns a year. All kinds of tests are carried out to be able to obtain them.

And you know what Argeria, for example in this administration, although it’s true that authorities have seized more than 91,000 weapons from the hands of organized crime. Then it’s also a fact that if the United States points to Mexico for its problems. We also have to point toward the United States because the problem comes from there. 

Argeria: Of course the problem comes from there. And there is something else that we have to highlight here. This is very good and we can talk about data figures. But where exactly are the results. I want to tell you that this Monday justice finally moved forward. The court of appeals from the first circuit of Massachusetts ruled in favor of Mexico with regard to the manufacturers and distributors. 

This means that the case will be reviewed all over again. United States authorities have an obligation, listen to this, to make sure that companies comply with the Mexican and American laws. Such as import and export regulations. They also have to guarantee that distributors don’t supply criminal groups, which is what’s happening. Next February 22 there will be a district court hearing in Arizona to talk about the points of sales of weapons. The oral arguments will be presented on this date. 

But we’re going to break this topic down little by little. I want to talk to you about what's happening, not only in the United States but also throughout our country. Here we have a map where you can see the states with the greatest presence of these types of weapons. In August 2021 Mexico filed a lawsuit for more than 172,000 million pesos against 11 production and distribution firearms companies due to illegal trade practices and negligence. 

But take a look at this. In 2022 the lawsuit was thrown out by the court of Massachusetts. What is the main obstacle in the way? Well, the law that protects the legal arms trade shields the arms industry before any lawsuit for misuse of these products. Mexico didn’t give up and sought to protect itself from the case being thrown out last July 2003. These 11 companies produce 68 percent of the weapons that enter our entire country. They arrive mainly in the states of Sinaloa, Jalisco, Michoacán, and Guerrero.

Azteca Noticias


  1. AMLO needs to stop crying over spilled milk ….lil cry babies!

    1. People see what they want to see on this matter. Because if the shoe was on the other foot it's a guarantee the US would be throwing a bitch fit if Mexico was flooding the US with all of these weapons. So it's always going to be this back and forth blame game with both countries for years to come. It almost looks like a love/hate marriage between the two. We're good on this and this and this. But your a complete fuck up in these other areas of your life. Sounds to me so much like your typical neighbors nowadays 😆

    2. It all comes down to Republicans and them willing to pass laws against high powered guns. The Democrats have been trying for over 20 years to get this done. It's always blocked by Republicans. The reason this happens is very simple. It all comes down to money. The NRA donates hundreds of millions of dollars to all of these Republicans every year. These donations are public. Look it up. They gave Trump 57 million in 2016. Republicans are in the NRA pocket. As simple as that.

    3. 11:32am. Is correct and hit it right on the nose, could of not said it better myself.

    4. For years I have heard Mexicans say it's all about supply and demand. That if Americans would stop using drugs Mexicans would stop sending drugs to the US. Let me say this; that if Mexicans would stop butchering each other with guns, etc., the US would stop sending them. You can't have it both ways. If there were no drug profits there would be no violence. @11:32 you're full of BS. There's no innocent politicians in the US just like there's no innocent politicians in Mexico. Stupid take.

    5. @ 10:57. Mexico tiene que cuidar mas su frontera. Cuando uno cruza a mexico le picas a un boton y si te sale verde la luz ya chingastes y si te sale rojo pues le das pa su cafe y ya chingastes otra vez. Siempre nunca me esculcan les doy 50 dolares y paso con todo. La cosa que yo no cruzo armas pero es muy facil

    6. @1132 thank god republicans actually care about our rights!

    7. Sol,
      I agree 💯. I'd also like to say, that as a staunch Second Amendment supporter, when they catch the guys selling these weapons, they should be extradited to Mexico to serve their life sentences. Let's see how that works out for them. These scumbags just fuel the burning fires for gun control, and attacks on our 2A rights. Crimes that involve guns should be automatic LWP. If you shoot someone you should face a firing squad. Punish criminals harshly, not penalize the overwhelming majority. Guns don't kill, killers with guns kill people. JMO
      Sol, big thanks to you, and the rest of you guys here on BB, from the 206.

    8. When the Second Amendment was first written we only had muskets which took you about 80 seconds to load for one shot. These high caliber weapons have no place in society. They are meant for war. Regular citizens should not be allowed to buy these guns that shoot 1000 bullets in 30 seconds and can go through thick metal. Just look up the stats. Compare the United States to European countries. They have strict gun control laws and no mass shootings. It is harder to vote than it is to buy a gun. Come on guys use your brains. It's common sense.

    9. 3:20 LWP or LWOP?

    10. @5:21...The 2nd Amendments true intention was to keep citizens armed, to overthrow any gov trying to do wrong by its citizens. Every citizen should be aed with the most powerful guns they can handle. If the gov has big weapons, and the criminals have big weapons, then We as citizens need big weapons. Pay close attention to Texas right now. If Biden and his cronies keep allowing the invasion at our southern border, and attempt to cause any harm to Texans who are rightfully defending their border, you'll see why. If you don't like guns, don't own them. But under no circumstances, do your opinions or feelings about guns trump my Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms. Ya, look at Europe. Unarmed, just had a school shooting recently, and get bullied by other countries, and cry to the US for help. If you like Europe, move there. Just keep in mind, guns don't kill people. Guns don't shoot up schools. Mentally ill people coddled by society commit those acts. There are a dozen or so guns within arms reach of me right now. They've been here for years. They have never discharg d a single bullet, unless, I pull the trigger. The Second Amendment ensures all the other rights stay intact.

  2. Simple, send our real guns and missiles South of the Border. Semi-autos made for war haha. Is that a joke? Buckle up cry baby cartel but huggers. You talk if bad neighbors ha, wait until the missles fly. Good luck MX people. When it's over maybe we can be good neighbors again.

    1. 11:04, I’m a white, semi-conservative American, and I think that you are an ignorant, dumbass piece of trash for writing such a stupid comment. I want the readers to know that we aren’t all like this little idiot who wrote that.

    2. What pride u have gringo, for every missle you send 124642 migrants will enter the US and enjoy your handouts from the government, loot, kill, rob, cheat, and worse for you STAY AND PROCREATE -Gerente 11

    3. Yeah yeah John Wayne good luck with that. Not with this cupcake generation of TikTok watching fortnight playing soldiers hahaha

  3. Since both the US and Mexico have chosen NOT to secure their international border, neither country can justifiably blame the other for anything that crosses illegally.
    Both Presidents need to grow up and secure both sides of the border.

    1. 11:18 You have good 👍 valid points.
      ALMO has been soft on the Cartels and actually letting CJNG grow into other States, they now pay good bribes to curupt officials, it use to be CDS.
      Anyway back to your points...for many years the flow of drugs coming from Mexico, continues to grow, even though USA pumps Millions in Aid yearly to Mexico to diminish the war on drugs, in return we get a quota of 5 busts from the Marinas yearly, extradition of cartel drug lords, DEA on the ground, the effort on Mexican government has came to a real low.
      And now ALMOs government is crying about guns coming into Mexico, it's the criminals that bring them in, not the manufacturer, not the USA.

    2. Millions?! You mean BILLIONS!

    3. 1:03
      Millions add up to Billions😭😹.

  4. According to this article SEDENA kept tabs from the guns coming into Mexico 🤔.
    And were able to come to an amount coming in, so if they saw what was coming in, why not confiscate the guns and arrest the gun traffickers.. I smell a Propaganda stunt in the works.

    1. Exactly. Border agents on mexico side should be checking what’s coming into their country if they actually cared.

    2. 11:37 - There are multiple different jobs in a cartel. One job is the halcóns who are in charge of keeping tabs on rivals and law enforcement. Another job is the sicarios who fight against rivals for territory. And a third job is the gun traffickers who receive the guns from the U.S. and then distributes them to the cartel. The guns that SEDENA claims are from the U.S. were probably seized after a shootout with sicarios or were found during a cartel safe house raid. Either way, it’s very likely that the gun traffickers themselves were not the ones in charge of watching the safe house or were not one of the sicarios involved in the shootout where these guns were seized. The job of the gun trafficker is simply to receive the guns and then distribute them. After that, they disappear until they’re needed again. So, it’s very likely the gun traffickers are still out there, and the only people getting arrested are the sicarios.

    3. 11:37 - “Propaganda stunt in the works” ? You seriously think this is the first time someone has been caught trying to bring U.S. guns into Mexico. The Mexican government has been talking for years about how U.S. guns are coming into Mexico and are ending up in the cartels, but no one from the U.S. listens. The U.S. is always quick to put the blame on someone else. This isn’t anything new.

    4. 12:16 - Do you have any idea how many cars pass through the border everyday ? Checking every car is impossible. Why do you think so many drugs still get pass through and enter America ? It’s just not physically possible with the amount of cars that pass through.

    5. vehicles passing our borders everyday should be for trade business only, if you block citizens passing everyday would be more productive in stoping the flow both ways.

    6. @115 tell us you don’t understand the border without telling us you don’t understand the border. People commute for work. Both countries profit from shopping and other commerce. There are familial relationships. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  5. This lady of Mexico, never made a speech, wonder who is pulling her tail to make one now
    Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (I thought it was Ebrand), Alicia Isabel Adriana Blanco Ibarra.
    A good written speech, unfortunately she never mentioned that Soldiers in the Mexican Military sell Cartels weapons from their Armory. That for sure was ommited. May I also say those weapons are exclusive use by the Mexican Military.🤣

    1. 1:35 - The reason why we never heard from Alicia Isabel Adriana Blanco Ibarra before is because she was just recently named Mexico’s new secretary of foreign affairs in 2023 after Marcelo Ebrard left the position to try to run for presidency. The most common weapons seized from the cartels by law enforcement are ARs and AKs. Not a single branch of the Mexican military uses any of these weapons, even though these weapons are considered weapons exclusively for military usage. The weapon of choice for the Mexican army is the FX-05, which was developed by the Mexican military. And for the Mexican marines, the weapon of choice is Sig Sauer rifles. Neither the FX-05 or Sig Sauer rifles are weapons commonly used by the cartels.

    2. JFC the AR15 is not considered a military weapon. You must binge watch CNN. Tell me you know nothing about weapons without telling me.

    3. 3:48 - If you are talking to me (the comment at 3:03), you do realize that Mexico and America have different gun laws, right ? I am fully aware that it is legal for a citizen to own an AR in the U.S. But in Mexico an AR is considered a weapon exclusively for the military. Pretty much the only weapons a Mexican citizen can legally own in Mexico is a handgun, a revolver, or a shotgun. And I believe these guns must stay in your house at all times.

    4. I live here. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Do you? The only folks who label an AR15 a “military weapon” are CNN binging leftists.

    5. According to SEDENA, something like 30% of guns purchased by SEDENA every year disappear into the black market. And that's *according* to them. What's the real figure? 60%? You can argue till the end of the world about whether the USA or Mexico is more to blame for this ongoing disaster. But none of this shit would be happening if not for corruption.

    6. 10:42 - Dude, these are LAWS. I’m not talking about people claiming that these weapons should be only for the military because there is no need for a civilian to own an AR-15 and blah blah blah. I’m talking about actual LAWS. For example, if you stop at a military checkpoint in Mexico, and you have an AR-15 with a caliber of .223, you can literally be booked and charged for possessing a weapon exclusive for law enforcement. That’s an actual law in Mexico. When the military raid a cartel safe house and find a bunch of guns, what do you think they charge the cartel members in that were in the house at the time of the raid? For possession of a weapon exclusively to law enforcement. When a group of cartel gunmen get pulled over and don’t put up a right, and then the military checks their cars and find a bunch of guns like ARs and AKs. Maybe even an LMG and a Barret 50 cal. What do you think they get charged with? Possessing a weapon exclusively for law enforcement.

    7. 1:45 - I didn’t mean to write “put up a right”. I meant to write “put up a fight”. As in surrendering without a single shot being fired.

  6. The AR 15 most deadly? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  7. First, the number of guns claimed is BS and unverifiable. Next, a good number of Mexican military weapons end up with the cartels. In addition, it’s the Mexican government that tolerates, profits, and is complicit with the cartels - and you seek to place blame? That’s not reality that’s theater and politics. Finally if not for the border, they can just as easily import weapons through the various ports and coastal areas the Mexican government permits them to control.

    1. 3:07 - First, what’s your proof that the number of guns they claim is BS and unverifiable ? Next, the most common weapons seized from the cartels by law enforcement are ARs and AKs. Not a single branch of the Mexican military uses any of these weapons. The weapon of choice for the Mexican army is the FX-05, which was developed by the Mexican military. And for the Mexican marines, the weapon of choice is Sig Sauer rifles. Neither the FX-05 or Sig Sauer rifles are weapons commonly used by the cartels. In addition, I find it funny you say the Mexican government is complicit with the cartels when literally every single big cartel in Mexico has been targeted during AMLO’s presidency. The military has captured Ovidio (Chapitos), Lupe Tapia ( MZ ), El Mencho’s brother and El CR, El Huevo (leader of CDN), El Marro (leader of CSRL), the son of El Botox (Los Viagras), and recently La Kena (CDG Los Escorpiones). They have also conducted military operations to capture El Guano (CDS), El Primito (Metros), Pez (LFM), and El Fresa (LFM). And finally, if the cartels were to start importing guns through the coasts and ports, it would take them longer to get the guns into the hands of the cartels compared to going through the border. Not to mention there’s the possibility of getting caught by the U.S. coast guard and la marina who patrol Mexico’s ports and coasts.

    2. I live here. You obviously do not. If you lived here you’d understand things you don’t read about on blogs. Next, post your reference for verifiable weapons seizures and types. Make sure you actually know what a reference is. Claims aren’t references by the way, and if you lived here you’d understand the Mx govt isn’t exactly great statisticians. Everyone who lives here understands the complicity on every level and taking down some narcos now and then doesn’t suggest otherwise when their money is in their pockets.

    3. 10:40 - Number one, yo si soy de México. Number two, you said “post your reference”, but you didn’t post any reference when claiming that the number of guns SEDENA claims is BS. What proof do you got that the number of guns SEDENA claims comes into Mexico is over exaggerated or minimize? What proof do you got that the Mexican government “permits” the cartels to control the ports and coastal area? Because right now, my claims are just as strong or just as weak as your claims are. Number three, these aren’t just “some narcos”. These are leaders of cartels or family members of leaders. Yeah, I’m sure Los Chapitos agreed to turn in their own brother before El Nini. I guess all those sicarios that came to save Ovidio were just actors. And I’m sure that El Huevo gave up his own position to the military, so that he could be captured and extradited to the U.S.A. You claim “their money is in their pocket”, so what reference or proof you got that the Mexican government receives money from the cartel. And I’m not talking about some stupid local or state governor. I’m talking about the actual Mexican government. The Federal government, like the president himself. And while we are at it, what reference do you got that the Secretary of the Navy José Rafael Ojeda Durán is receiving money from the cartels and is permitting the cartels to control the ports, which should be under the control of SEMAR?

    4. 3:07 Like I said Mexico is doing a Propaganda stunt, this is the first time we hear SEDENA has been keeping tabs on the guns that come in, Mexico is so curupt and you think SEDENA keeps a database my ass.
      They know the gate is open to flood USA, we requests from Mexico.

    5. I also agree that's it's BS on the number of guns being reported. This agency knows it's election time in USA, what best time to create propaganda.

    6. 8:10 - This is definitely not the first time we hear SEDENA has been keeping tabs. Every month, AMLO has the SEDENA and SEMAR give a monthly recap of what they have seized, how many arrests they have made etc. I remember very clearly in the early months of 2023, when SEDENA talked about how many guns they had seized, they added a chart on the side that mentioned how many guns were traced back to the the U.S. and how many were traced to other countries. I don’t remember what month it was but I think it was something like 70% of the guns seized that month were from the U.S. and the other 30% were from other countries. I’m pretty sure Borderlandbeat even had an article about it. They did this a few more times and then all a sudden got rid of the chart. They probably received a call from the White House telling them to stop or something. The U.S. always trying to cover its tracks. Either way, the point is the Mexican government has been talking for years about how U.S. guns are coming into Mexico and are ending up in the cartels, but no one from the U.S. listens. The U.S. is always quick to put the blame on someone else. This isn’t anything new.

    7. 8:16 - What? How would saying that guns from America are entering Mexico and ending up in the cartels hands possibly help Mexico? Yeah, let’s talk about the guns coming into country so that the Democratic President looks bad and as a result people in America end up voting for the Republican candidate. Because it’s not like the Republicans have constantly been threatening to invade our country and use drone strikes on our territory.

    8. @102 you’re incredibly naive. Money laundering is epic here. You don’t think the Mx economy and by extension the government benefit from this??!! And we have irrefutable proof thru court cases of top government complicity. If you actually lived here and seen how things operate, you’d know none of this is possible without complicity. You’re impressed by the recent arrests? LOL. They want to permit the 4 letter cartel to come to TAMPS. That wasn’t an independent metros decision, that’s a decision that goes higher. And IF you lived here you’d know the army here was talking to La Columna about this very thing. People are getting arrested bc they decided they can no longer tolerate their war. And when the dust settles, it will be business as usual and no more such arrests. What hole do you have your head in where you can believe that criminal enterprise resulting in impunity levels on violent crime and kidnapping are as high as failed states (this is a failed state btw), where entire communities can be held under siege with no help from the gov’t ( research buena vista hildago). As you so eagerly point out they are making arrests which means THEY ARE CAPABLE WHEN THEY WANT TO BE). You don’t know what you’re talking about. At all

    9. And further @102 you doubt ports are controlled?? Hahahahahhaha why do you suppose Altimira/Madero/Tampico is such an important plaza? Do you think the recent years of peace there are bc the gulf packed up and went home? That they no longer do business there? You’re uninformed and gullible. When is the last high level arrest you’ve heard out of Tampico? Or seizure? How about a financial investigation and prosecution into the extensive money laundering that occurs there with impunity? And you seem to imply because a more obvious corruption may occur at the State level that somehow that makes it less problematic. If you actuality lived here you’d know how problematic that is for citizens. What about corruption and collusion from state police, guardia national, and even the army themselves? Aren’t the latter two fed entities? Are you so uninformed you’d deny the corruption of those entities? What about the judges? LOL you need to sit down. You might be “from” here but you definitely don’t live here or an area of here with DTO activity and you are definitely naive and unable to discern selective prosecution and political theater.

    10. 9:20
      With All Due Respect... you do mention 70% come from USA and the other guns 30% come from other countries, a quote from you in your comment..'Mexican government has been talking for years about how US guns are coming into Mexico ".
      If they knew for years why not have check points along time ago of what comes into Mexico??? And now because it's voting season in USA, let's throw it in and see if USA will bite.

    11. @102 and another thing; IF they wanted to cripple the cartels they’d enact a RICO type law, and instead of putting slides together with pictures, they’d actually do a damn investigation, prosecute and start handing out 20-40 year sentences to participants. RICO decimated the Italian mob in the US and would do exactly the same here EXCEPT, the structurally inadequacies from local to state to fed that I outlined would make it impossible even if they wanted to. Where is it that you lived? In some Pueblo mágico painted in rainbows 🌈?? 😂😂

    12. 9:49, 9:56, 10:04 - You say “we have irrefutable proof thru court cases of top government complicity” and then don’t provide any. And I’m talking about this current administration. Don’t bring up Garcia Luna who hasn’t even been in office as Secretary Of National Defense for more than a decade. You then start claiming that someone higher made the decision to is allow las cuatro letras into tamps without saying who this higher up is or without providing any proof. I searched up Buena Vista, Hildago, and found nothing. You claim that the years of peace in Tampico/Madero/Altimara are because the cartels are in control without providing any proof. I can easily claim the years of peace are because the military did its job and my argument would be just as strong as yours. All I’m pretty much hearing is that you have zero references or zero proof. So, as of right now, my claims are just as strong as yours are. The only thing I agree with you on is that Mexico needs RICO like charges, but I disagree that they would be hard to impossible to implement. But hey, we agreed on at least one thing. I’m cool leaving the conversation there because it’s obvious we will never see eye to eye.

    13. 10:02 - The military does have check points to see what comes through into Mexico, but it’s just physically impossible to check every car that passes through the border. Why do you think drugs still find a way into America? It’s not because US customs isn’t doing their job and checking for drugs. It’s just physically impossible to search every car because so many cars pass through the border on a daily basis.

  8. They aren't doing anything. Ther never have. America is just worried about short popcorn headlines. During election years........ if not tell me why no dea agent got in trouble for all the shit they do .... noonebecause the American DADDDDDDDDYs. TEll everyone how to act. Amd every bitch bows down

  9. How can u stop anyrhing when all of Mexico corrupt

  10. Lol tables turning and Americans don't like it lmfao😂😂

  11. Political BS for the gullible. Get rid of the demand for illegal drugs and guns in both countries and watch the problem disappear. However, just like illegal immigration, no one wants to actually solve the problem.


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