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Monday, February 5, 2024

1.2 Million Fentanyl, Methamphetamine And Cocaine Pills Hidden In Boxes With Bee Hives Secured In Culiacán: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from RÍODOCE 


Elements of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) secured 1,210,000 fentanyl pills, 70 kilos of methamphetamine and five kilos of cocaine, hidden in boxes with honeycombs, in Culiacan.

According to the investigation, members of the Federal Ministerial Police, following an anonymous tip, went to the vicinity of the "El Pisal" toll booth on the Culiacan-Los Mochis highway.

At the scene they stopped a car driven by Aczel "M", who was transporting wooden boxes with honeycombs.

Due to the risk, it was decided to transfer them to the FGR facilities, where personnel specialized in handling bees found approximately 125 kilos of fentanyl inside some of the boxes, of which four kilos corresponded to powdered fentanyl and 121 kilos to approximately 1,210,000 pills.

There were also 70 kilos of methamphetamine and five kilos of cocaine.

The arrested person and the seized goods were handed over to the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF) in Culiacán.


  1. The Chapitos calling into the Feds on their own transporters, happens here in the States too.

    1. If Chapitos did do this , someone needs to print some labels with Ivan’s face and a title that says “ Fuck the Americans “ or something along those lines 😄, and stick those photos to each bundle of package of dope . Then they can call and tip the police off and the news station . Let the American justice system get a whiff of that headline photo on CNN 😄 I bet Chapo’s would be caught extremely fast after that one 😂 ( Also if someone could duplicate Ivan’s handwriting… maybe they could also write a letter addressed to Biden saying something like “ Biden,you , your mama , your greasy head granny are a bitch and so is every law enforcement agency in America . Come to Culiacan so we can kick your ass Putos !!! 😂😂😂😂 )

    2. At 7:30
      Welcome back emoji nino!

    3. Sinaloa would be a vietnam if the sinaloas would really wanted to

    4. LOL 135 nope it would be over for breakfast

    5. 1.2 million get knabbed so 10 million get thru..

    6. 135 still working on its basic training jajaja

    7. Dang 7:30, and I thought I had quite the imagination.

    8. @11:19PM 😄 I guess I just like wondering what would be the straw that breaks the camels(American justice system) back . I think people care about their image more than anything(U.S justice system included). That’s the reason most of these narcos don’t quite while their millions/ billions of dollars ahead . They can’t picture themselves living on a beach with all their ill gotten gains , living on a beach , being a normal person no one knows or fears . Their image always becomes more important than the money they said they were doing it all for in the first place.
      The Chapitos killed astronomically more people than Bin Laden ever did , and yet they went all out hunting his butt down . But think him making that video taking credit for it after 9/11 was really the punch in the gut to them. Someone who’s an expert in CGI/AI animation needs to make photoshopped video of Chapitos (atleast Ivan) disrespecting Biden and the U.S , to such extreme and embarrassing levels , it goes viral everywhere online and their forced to put the boot us the Chapitos asses, in order to protect their “ we don’t mess around” image😄 . I’ve seen people do the crazier to protect their image 🤷‍♂️😄
      Just a thought 🤔😁

  2. Way to pay off for Chavos release

  3. That’s 1.2 million bodies snatched by the 🦎.

  4. Chapitos hating on independents

    1. 4:21 era de la gente del Mayito flaco

  5. So they have trained bees to manufacture their drugs for them? Brilliant!

    1. They've actually equipped and trained bees with enough fentanyl in their stingers to kill 1 person 10 times with each sting and make it look like an overdose rather than a homicide.

  6. Because why the fuck wld anyone want to check some bee hives? It was actually smart till it wasnt.

    1. They would've gone unnoticed if nobody would've tipped off the feds.

    2. i thought it was another drug 'dump' and the bees were to stop thieves, also pretty genius. but yeah it it was chapo's snitching why not just whack em yourself? probably something else imo

  7. Straight up snitched lmao

  8. Imagine if the bees got into the meth

    1. Corny Netflix coming soon, probably with Lindsay Lohan in it.

  9. it was probably for los negros

  10. "Man produces evil as a bee produces honey"
    .. William Golding

  11. because.. could be better than monkey pox.?. “it’s all about alternates,” like: hey bro- I can’t get the bats.. could I interest you in a few cases of bees.. ?

  12. Nothing is more depressing than seeing all the young ones talk about their pill habits on Reddit.. whatever happened to just drinking beers and smoking pot? Or hell, just being a kid..

    All these overdoses of youth should really bring about the biggest question; why are teenagers seeking to use opiates to begin with?


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