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Saturday, February 3, 2024

A Mob Made Up Of El Mencho’s Brothers In Law’s Threaten Their Adversaries

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A contingent of over 30 armed men show themselves to be outside during daylight hours in a heavily wooded area. Five individuals in front of the formation have identical baseball caps with the CJNG logo across the front. 

At this time it is believed that if the men were broken up into squads of 6-7 men per team for a mission that required the less is more approach. Then the guys wearing the caps would be their respective leaders for every group. As a whole the team you see here is a force multiplier. Meaning that the overall effectiveness of this group and what all it can achieve is increased whenever they decide to work in tandem with each other. 

However, it’s going to be a rare instance to see them roaming together throughout their area of operations with ease. Unless of course they’ve already established themselves in the region by paying off the right people to be there. In addition, based on what we see and hear in this film, the impression given is that this mob, alleged brothers in law’s of El Mencho, were recently deployed to the state of Tabasco. 

To finalize, the rest of the enforcers, sporting tactical ballistic helmets, balaclavas, assault weapons, tactical vests, and desert camouflage BDU’s (Battle Dress Uniforms). Are what make up the rest of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel force within this broadcast. 

Video translation is as follows: 

This message is for you Daniel Hernandez Montejo aka El H or Prada, leader of the Barredora. You think you’re slick because you have all the authorities and its members bought off, many of which are former Zetas. Baludo aka El Mudo, Kevin, Nieta aka El Poli, Luna aka El Guason or 50, Chelo Gordo, and Chuki. All of these individuals are former workers of Toño Guizar. 

These are the instigators of violence that citizens in the state of Tabasco are currently dealing with. Stop making people believe that you’re a part of El Jardinero’s mob. Let it be made clear that the CJNG doesn’t support kidnappers, thieves, rapists, extortionists, or Zetas. Come on out to face us for that armed confrontation. 

Stop hurting the citizenry by torching their vehicles and attacking the merchants. This is the only thing that you guys know how to do. We’re already in position here, we are Mencho’s brothers in law mob. And we’re going to purge the state of all these scumbags. Mr. President, this war isn’t against your government. But it is against these filthy individuals who have your home state terrorized. We are…

Sicarios scream in unison: We are Mencho’s brothers in law’s mob!

Tabasco, México 

Vivo En Marte


  1. I want to see Mencho sister in law mob next. I hope they wear bikini camouflage uniforms. Lol.

    1. Might as well not wear anything

    2. Einstein 69 ya dats rightFebruary 3, 2024 at 9:27 PM

      At their weddings the bride wears a balaclava @ kevlar wedding dress

  2. Nobody fears cjng anymore. Noticed how even the smallest gangs are breaking away from them

    1. 122 yeah sure kid! and then you woke up

    2. 1:54 - It’s true. La Barredora has been claiming that they worked for CJNG for years and CJNG never denied. But now fast forward years later and all of a sudden CJNG is saying that they were never allied with La Barredora and is declaring war on them. Sounds to me like La Barredora is done working for CJNG and CJNG is not happy.

    3. No its not 217 now shut up and go to bed.

    4. 2:17 - There’s also Cartel De Zicuiran, which I believe was created by former CJNG members who got tired of working for CJNG and decided to split off and make their own cartel.

    5. 2:33 that bulshit lmao, Zicuiran is the cartel of Migueladas and he was never a member of the CJNG, only their ally, and they split up because Jardinero went to a truce with Gabino Barrero, and also because of this show with la guardia por la paz.

      On the other hand, they agreed to a truce with Viagras and a small part of the Templarios.

      La Barredora of Tabasco left the CJNG after El Pantera was arrested, and this is nothing unusual, these recruitment cells come and go all the time.

      On the place of the CDS fans I'd be more worried about losing half of Sonora lol.

    6. 2:17 dude theres a bunch of barredoras, every cartel has a group or 2 that call them selfs la barredora

    7. 😆 🤣 😂 if one of those dudes walked in a room you would piss down your leg and be real quiet

    8. 2:59 tell us about the ass whooping cjng is getting in Zacatecas . Or who basically outside of Tecate lost all the plazas in Baja California. Or how R5 and Flama are hitting them in Jalisco. 🧐

    9. In TJ CAF members allied with CJNG and formed TJNG too. They also broke off and left.

    10. 439 sorry to break it to you but Flamas getting his ass took. Nice try little guy

    11. 4:36 they can't stop cjng ir vice versa.
      Once any of these cartels invade a plaza they will be there until government pushes them out but in this case government is getting big money from both in zacatecas and mexicali and Tijuana. They will be in those plazas until they miss their payment and vice versa

    12. 7:46 can't stop cjng? They have been basically kicked out of Baja and Zacatecas.

    13. 832 no one believes you many people fear cjng including you.

    14. 10;17 what if I post proof would you believe it or would you call it fake ?

    15. 1:51 you don't have to post proof of your fear of cjng we all know its true.

    16. Kids kids CJNG can kiss my ass.

  3. Los cuinis no velen verga.

  4. No se acaban las 4 letras alv hdpsm the gardener is a active ass foo

    1. Toda via ESTA mencho in redwood City?

    2. 7pm alv en donde si se que esta es en tu mente chavalon sin pagar renta fackk

    3. 3:13 lo seas Maldito nino, le voy a dicir a tu Mamacita.🤣

  5. Cjng got the best video production in the game

  6. Toño Guízar? Possibly related to JMGV aka Z43/Chema/Carlitos/Charli and MGC aka Z200/Amarillo.

    1. Yes thats the one the plaza boss for zetas in Palenque Chiapas in the past

    2. That's what I was thinking...I also heard z200 name before...who is he? Guizar was the last name of z43

    3. "Toño Guízar? Possibly"
      Good call bro,makes sense Z43 may be the same as the one who killed the farmers in Guate and left the manta in blood z200

    4. This is just a continuation of a war thats been going on since the early/mid 2000s. Antonio Guizar was JMGV aka el Charly/carlitos/Z43 brother both sons of Paulino Antonio Guizar Romero. I believe They were also both cousins with Mauricio Cardenas Guizar aka Z200/el Amarillo and some other guy called Erick Cardenas Guizar aka el Orejon.

  7. Mexico has a new boss and his name is mencho,like it or not! You’ll be hearing from Cuini soon,trust me!

    1. Mencho is dead Mijo.
      Come the middle of this month will be 2 years. Where have you been 😭.

    2. @659 only if u knew! Don’t believe everything on social
      Media or BB wink wink

    3. 4:35 yep mencho is dead, family and higher-ups be running CJNG cartel.

    4. @6:59 you have been crying the same shit for two years,🤣 ya callate.. la Vaca de Colima would say that he had balls so big that they dragged so you believe that too?

    5. If Mencho is dead that means CJNG is here to stay power has sucessfully been passed.

    6. @9:49 it's true Mencho been dead you forgot the sickness he had. Your in denial 😭, that's fine chico you will get over it.

    7. Mencho dead or not cjng is stronger than ever

    8. 2:52 stonger than ever but yet losing plazas and getting pushed back in others lok

    9. 9:55 cds hasn't moved out cjng out of any plazas, if anything cjng went in their plazas and cds can't take them out.
      Cds trying hard in zacatecas UT no matter how many people they kill cjng gets replacements and they are still there.
      Zacatecas, Tijuana, mexicali are still cjng plazas and cds can't take them out.
      Cds trying HARD ro move in jalisco but they got ran out and trying to get back but cjng is not letting them.
      Cjng expanded even more after chapo got locked up, they moved in zetas territory and cds territory and are STILL THERE.

    10. Were not talking about CDS 915

    11. 2:09 just cheerleading for the sake of it huh lol . In Zacatecas Apa has about 2 3 towns close to the Jalisco border and jardinero has another 1 or 2 towns close to the Nayarit border but CJNG has lost all the center of the state for the most part. . In Baja California outside of Tecate they basically lost all their plazas. Regarding Jalisco isn't R5 from CU hitting them in Jalisco? Also they can't even take out Flama.

    12. Mexicali a CJNG plaza ? Yeah you don't have clue what you talking about son . 2:09

  8. I've always wondered why we rarely ever see these fancy costumes on their dead ppl after gun battles just the universal skinny jeans, polo t shirt, huaraches and ill fitting tactical..maybe bullet proof vest with cartel initials crudely stitched on...I'm just saying..anyway auditions for next video on Tuesday 10AM..we'll provide clothing for the shoot..(note: tweakers need not apply as you are required to stand still for up to 30 seconds at time during filming)

  9. It just doesn’t make sense how a country with an army such as Mexico’s lets insurgent militias like this operate with such impunity

    Its only obvious that they allow them to operate, if anything are part of it.

    1. Bribes are paid to curupt government officials, to look the other way.

    2. Bullshit, this is more than money… they are performing “population control” by wiping out all the “undesirables”

    3. "It just doesn’t make sense how a country with an army" Do we really think Mexican armed forces couldn't obliterate cartels if the took the gloves off?Of course they could,this is the way mexico has run for generations,thats why they dont need or want,they dont need it,just get in the way of business and cash flow

  10. They are probably the only guys in the CJNG wearing nice clean new uniforms for the photos While the other guys wear personal cloths doing the dirty work

  11. Whos the barredora and are they for Real?

  12. These splinter groups are not cartels. They are small town groups that break because they aren’t producing for the cartel. They do not have drugs or connections. They don’t have numbers in weapons either. Same with Zetas. They dwindled to pockets of criminal groups that preyed on the poor farmers, ranchers and small businesses. They steal gas as their main income. Stop tripping. No drugs, no cartel, no money, not gonna last.


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