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Sunday, February 4, 2024

A Third Person Was Arrested In Sedena And Navy Operations In Culiacán, Who Is He?

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LOS NOTICIERISTAS 

Culiacán, Sin.- A third man has been arrested! The arrest of a third man was confirmed to Los Noticieristas in the mega air and ground operation implemented by the military and marines in the southern towns of Culiacán, during the early morning hours of Thursday, February 1.

In addition to the arrest of brothers Julián Clemente 'M', 25 years old, and Uriel 'M', 24 years old, residents of Estación Obispo, Emiliano Zapata, Los Noticieristas was able to confirm that another presumed criminal has 'fallen'. There are three of them.

Photo Brothers

Who is he?

Luis Felipe 'H', 34 years old, residing in the Stanza Toscana subdivision in the vicinity of the Bacurimí police station on the road to Culiacancito.

Photo third party

The three were detained in a building "RAIDED" by federal forces in Pueblos Unidos in the early hours of the morning. The operation was carried out by land with units known as "fast" units of the Sedena and also with aerial support from a helicopter.

Unlike the brothers Julián Clemente and Uriel, who were taken to be handed over to the authorities at the Sinaloa Attorney General's Office (FGR), Luis Felipe was immediately flown to Mexico City from Culiacán International Airport, making him a more important figure within the criminal organization.

They are accused of crimes against health and against the federal firearms law, but no details have been provided on the number of weapons, calibers and type of drugs that were seized at the time of the arrest.

The operation was carried out by members of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) and the Mexican Navy (Semar) in the communities of Pueblos Unidos, Quilá, Emiliano Zapata and El Salado.


  1. Replies
    1. Negative samuelon will never! he already paid off in cash

    2. That's not Samuel Fuentes

    3. Now your just talking out your ass

    4. Samuel looks different.

    5. Si le da un aire

  2. That’s La Kenos little brother La Chemo.

  3. Escoltas personales de mi compa Chavo felix y este ultimo su asistente personal asi.como el condor o el nariz le fue a guzman loera

    1. Nino vete a dormir.
      Donde estas tu mama?

    2. Your right word around town is chavo felix got away but barely

  4. Something strange is happening in Sinaloa. As I was looking for info, I came across an interesting piece of information. The DEA and FBI started catching criminals in a completely different way than before. Now they are catching the lower part of the Pyramid Scheme, because it shows that it is much more efficient to go from the bottom to the top of the structural mafia pyramid than before. Before, they used to catch the Boss first and someone closer to him...that brought completely different results. Now they are working on moving from the bottom to the top. A lot of small criminals are tortured to get as much information as possible and so it is much easier to seize drugs and weapons. And then they go to the Plaza Chiefs, who, so to tell, are killed or caught. It's a matter of time when the Chapiza Faction will fall. Mayo Play very intelligent game.

    1. 348 am lol nothing strange it's been like that

    2. 348 I hate to call a drug lord smart but yeah Mayo played the Chapitos like a music instrument.

    3. 3:48 yes because Ovidio was a lower rank then el nini. This makes perfect sense 😂

    4. Strange Lolo ur crazy it's always been that way to try and catch bottom feeders to get to the top .... But it's not that they are catching em their bosses are selling em out to make it look good like they are making progress on the war on drugs .... And the reason they dont arrest the bosses is cause the bosses are paying em off ..... Duh

    5. Connor hoy es lunes donde va estar Mencho?

  5. Porque no agarran al sr menso haber ? Oops I meant mencho

    1. Porke es dedo lo protégén

    2. 9:53 Porque no está en Sinaloa llorón 🤦‍♂️.
      11:17 Eso es exclusivo del 👑🐭 cubaloa

    3. Porque esta muerto vato loco.

    4. @11:17 you ain’t lying either

  6. How do they know who to arrest ? I mean those dudes aren’t well known narcos

    1. Se llama departamento de inteligencia, parte de la seguridad nacional.

    2. 12:04 you still a rookie

    3. Might not be well known to the casual observer, but to the intelligence services these guys are household names.


    4. They might be like gods in their plazas tho, just not big enough to make national news.


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