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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Armed Criminal Cell 'Equipo 5.7' Interrogates A Spy

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A 24 inch machete in the hands of a right handed assassin is going to be used to viciously cut apart a young man. He’s accused by 'Equipo 5.7', an armed wing of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (CSRL), of being an alleged spy for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) in the city of Celaya, Guanajuato. 

Before being ripped apart into numerous pieces. He will narrate on camera of his open involvement helping run safe houses throughout different neighborhoods in and around town the for the CJNG. 

In addition, both of his feet will be set on fire as a warning to anyone who wants to help out the Jalisco assassins. Afterwards, the CSRL enforcers will place his body parts inside 50 pound bags of Purina dog food. Those remains are disposed of like rubbish in the Fovissste neighborhood during daylight hours. 

Vide translation is as follows: 

I am a spy for the Jalisco gunmen. I’ve been doing this for a month now. My job was to make sure that no government personnel came through the Valle Hermoso neighborhood. While I watched a home there and in the Los Olivos neighborhood. I was at the swap meet on that day and they told me that I was going to work for them. 

So, I had to go forward and see if there were any government workers from the Municipal Guardsmen, I mean National Guardsmen, and the army around. I was only at those 4 locations and the safe houses that I had were in the Fovisste and the El Cantar neighborhood. They also had that safe house in the Exelaris neighborhood that you guys raided. 

But they’re no longer there because they relocated to another residence. I was involved in the events that I just mentioned and I was working with them because when I went to purchase crystal meth. The Fedepales (Former Federal Policemen now known as Municipal Policemen) detained me and wanted for me to give up those dope houses. I didn’t give anyone up. But they made me go work for them. The patrol vehicle number is 7202. And if I refused work they we’re going to kill me. So, it was easier for me to just join them. 

Video ends with the following message:

Policemen Jesus Luna Sauceda in unit #7911, Pedro Serafín Juárez in unit # 7933, and Iván Francisco Reyes Ortega in unit # 7002, brother of Peche, the so called director. We’re coming after you faggots. It’s great that you’re involved in this bullshit. 

Video message reads as follows:

We’re coming after all those faggot Fedepales who are involved in bullshit. We’ve left your bitch ass piece of shit spies lying dead here for you guys. This is what happens to everyone who cooperates with the Fedepales dogs. The same fate awaits the whole gang of assholes. There’s no room for turncoats here. Every one of you guys has already been located. We are the Equipo 5.7 mob. 

Valle Hermoso neighborhood 
Celaya, Guanajuato

Los Olivos neighborhood 
Celaya, Guanajuato

Fovissste neighborhood 
Celaya, Guanajuato 

El Cantar neighborhood 
Celaya, Guanajuato

Exelaris neighborhood 
Celaya, Guanajuato

* 'Es De Un Equipo' by Nicko Rodriguez is the name of the song that plays during the second video  

El Blog de Los Guachos  NMás


  1. Not a cjng fanboy but they not taking cjng out of gto

    1. Hell nah they ain’t.. them boys there to stay

    2. They ain't taking CSRDL out of gto anytime soon either . Not even with the state government and so called elites they couldn't finish off a gang of fuel thieves and extornists @126

    3. The home cartel aways stays and survives. Just look at the past wars. CAF survived CDS in TJ. Zetas survived both CDG and CDS in Nuevo Laredo. Juarez Cartel survived CDS in Chihuahua. The list goes on and on. CSRDL will always be in Guanajuato. NUFF SAID!!!

    4. 8:36 about time someone has a brain on them . Exactly bro. Linea still around in Chihuahua. Isidro still in Guasave. To name a few more . If anything CSRDL is making a little comeback thanks to out of state reinforcements and the locals not trying to take orders from the skinny Jalisco bitches

    5. 8:36 *Celaya and its surrounding areas*
      9:30 Last year they also got reinforcements from K19 and were killed off within months. Don't be surprised when they get called back or turned in to the government.

  2. Ya vieron quien la tiene mas espesa.

  3. It's exciting to see, that revenge is exacted to the cartel that wants to, take over many States in Mexico.
    CJNG cheerleaders, don't watch the video.

    1. @152, exciting? Revenge? WTF are you talking about; all they did was kill some poor two-bit junkie, claiming to have been forcibly recruited. When we begin to see headlines outlining the precision elimination of all the key players in all of these groups, by US Special OPS; That statement of yours shall be treated no better than any other casual brain fart.

    2. CJNG usually does the butchering, this time one of theirs gets it.

    3. Wow they got a lookout that was forced in NG is falling apart in Guanajuato any day now

    4. Two individuals got killed. Exactly the same skinny build with no firearm for their protection.

    5. " treated no better than any other casual brain fart" Bro there's that many brain farts round here the ozone is fucked,cows aint got shit on this crew

  4. What do you do when you are given no choice but to participate? Thats crazy alot of youth in Mex have to live everyday like this.

  5. Pobre morro! Just sucks when all them young guys don’t get an option best thing is to stay away from drugs but many don’t get it

    1. It’s like when playing blackjack you get a 16, the dealer has a 10 face up a 7 face down and the next card on the deck is another 10. You’re fucked either way, sad reality the way some people get bad hands in this world

  6. Purina hey? That's not cheap dog food. Someone is doing well for themselves.

    1. Not all bravo hounds in Mexico get fed la Purina..
      It's a dog-eat-dog world at times, literally..
      A beaner perro callejero would eat shit if it had spaghetti sauce on it..
      In the States, the rudest insult a wero can give someone is to say that they have a 'mexican' dog..
      In my barrio, there's 2 or 3 brokedick dogs that everybody feeds, and they are, though my cat would argue otherwise, sweet as sugar..

    2. You said beaners I'm sorry but you lost my respect

    3. 22:27
      No seas La Malinche..
      Everybody likes to eat beans, it's not an insult..
      A beaner that don't eat beans ain't really a beaner in my book..
      Black beans is what they got where I live, sometimes tourists from other states will complain that's there's no pinto beans or bayos, or whatever..
      I'm an irish-american, but you may call me potato -head if you like, I'll get over it..
      "To bean or not to bean, that is the question"
      ..the Bard

    4. "You said beaners I'm sorry but you lost my respect"
      Get the fuck out with your phony hurt and outrage? Whats next,cursing going to give you PTSD ? Filthy phonies and their high morals,make you sick

    5. 7:19 AM
      Lmao im half an half an dont give a fuck about race shit,thats for whining and blaming everyone else,pussy shit....
      Always keep it real bro

    6. Try to stay on topic, lads, the subject is FRIJOLES !
      Beans support good gut health, fibers, amino acids, and other nutrients which can help the beneficial bacteria in your colon to "flourish"..
      This goes a long way to 'splain why some bean-eatin', mesican talkin' folks are seldom heard uttering a phrase without the word 'pedo' in it, and that's a fact, jack..

  7. " It’s great that you’re involved in this bullshit."
    Fuckin love it,thats the attitude,we are all going out anyway

  8. Funny the way they always call them those skinny bitches of jalisco

    1. My family from GTO . And that's what most people call them 🤣. Been saying for over a year now and I'm glad posts like this are backing up what I been saying but Marros has been gaing alot of ground in GTO thanks to CDS and CDG . Around the ranches in the outskirts of Celeya there is CDS sicarios and CDG gunmen too .

    2. 4:57 you’re on some good drugs. Csrl always runs when cjng goes looking for them in Celaya. I live in GTO towards the southern part by valle de Santiago and work in northern GTO. Csrl are nowhere near what they used to be and steady losing ground. Only reason they’re still in GTO is because they run whenever cjng or the army goes looking for them.

    3. 6:15 if you really from around there then you must not go out a lot . Go down town to all the bars . The Marros stay balling and shouting out the skies that they are 100 percent people of Marro and they taunt and mock openly the elites to come out for the confrontation. Also see how you didn't contradict my claim of CDS and CDG gunmen being in GTO. I'm not in favor of any cartel I think they all scum but the truth of the matter is that CJNG worst mistake in GTO was not killing of CSRDL

    4. 457
      I think there are a lot of fools on here who say there from this or that..
      What cartel do the people want to see there? I know it would be better if no cartel was there but? CJNG roll in and a war ramps up with many more deaths everywhere they go and we all know they are fuckin dogs, but CSRL are just as bad

    5. 7:14 I agree with you about people claiming to be from this area or think they know about a certain area. But in my case there is proof backing up my claims from over a year ago . And I agree all cartels are shit especially in GTO nothing but tweeked out kids killing and raping left and right but at the end of the day it's the sad reality palging my beautiful state. I can actually see things getting worser

    6. 6:15 It’s true, marros family members partying with Eden sanches and his jaliska diss songs full blast on the most popular bars, and not just in celaya, he’s always posting videos and lives where he openly mocks jaliscas (literally) the plaza bosses from Acambaro and others were released in the past month, Sisi is back and running shit and fucking up panteras or what’s left of them, jaliscos only have jerecuaro on this side of the map but it’s just a matter of time, Sisi was a ruthless mofo, he’s the one in charge of all the fosas that were discovered in acambaro, and he’s back after doing only 3-4 years, Same as dalugas, Along with marrito (monedas) and Ruddy.

    7. 637 is the same tonto that says he lives near ALMO. He's just another cds nuthugger.

    8. 7:41 sounds like you a CJNG groupie in denial

    9. They got more than Jerecuaro on the southeast side . They got Tarandacuao, Tarimoro, Coroneo, and Apaseo el Alto. Both are pieces of shit but just calling it how it is

    10. So acambaro belongs to csrl?

    11. 3:08 no it belongs to cjng but csrl still have presence there just very low key

  9. Damn I wonder if R2 sees this shit

  10. Pobre joven.
    Mejor te hubieras quedado de nini en tu casa

  11. Thats the way i want to go.

  12. The second video is the dismemberment sol ?

    1. Both videos show the same guy being dismembered after he's dead. His buddy is lying on the ground deceased as well. The second video doesn't have sound when he has his feet on fire. Plus you get to see a body hanging from its neck. Sound does come back once they decide to throw him out into public. You can hear the dog bag being opened during his interrogation. Lots of ruffling noises there. The captive is jittery throughout the questioning. He obviously knew what was coming next.

    2. 5:29 out of curiosity Sol. What do you feel watching these videos ?

    3. Funny 532. I asked the same thing. lol

      Rubio NYC

  13. Wow Sol you have outdone yourself 🫤

    Rubio NYC

  14. What the fuck Mexico?! Praying for K.C Missouri. Praying for Mexico and USA

  15. Who keeps covering up vids w ugg faces?

    1. Videos are covered so they wont be taken down by the blogger site

      Sol Prendido will be able to explain more but they are covered for a reason.

  16. Claiming strength by targeting only the weakest and most vulnerable reveals a profound weakness. Kid is only like 19. torturing and massacring over those least capable of defending themselves only emphasizes the pettiness and empty supposed temporary victory.

    All the victimizers in these cartel death porn end up on the receiving end or shot in the head by their ‘compadre.’

    1. 3:47 the kid was forced into that life, these scumbags should have shown him mercy. You are right, they are weak.

  17. Great post! I have heard about this group in the bajío part. But yeah I agree youths should stay away from this bs. Anyways who wants tacos.


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