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Friday, February 16, 2024

Breaking News & LIVE THREAD: Detention Of A CJNG Plaza Leader Ended In A Shootout With The National Guard And Blockades Of Heavy Trucks On The Streets In Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco

 "Char" and "Enojon" for Borderland Beat 



According to Toño Neri Johnston a specialist on judicial matters stated the following,

 "Detention of a CJNG plaza leader ended in a shootout with the National Guard and blockades of heavy trucks on the streets of Tecnológico in Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco."



"Not a name but discusses a leader of CJNG being captured"

    ROADBLOCKS WITH HEAVY TRUCKS Images found on X or Twitter



  1. About 45 mins away from Tonaya

    1. What that gotta do with anything

    2. Do you believe el Mencho is in Tonaya?
      just asking for a friend of mine..

    3. he lives there been seen by various people and been reported he lives or lived in that town

    4. I wouldnt say in tonaya because it is the first town, but if you continue in by Los asmoles you might just find him

  2. That area has some of the upper echelon of CJNG.

    1. Another L for cjng smh

    2. Why u shaking your head. All cartels should get arrested or shot

    3. Why smh? Should be celebrating lol

  3. Desde que el pendejo del Apa y el Jardinero gritaban alos cuatro vientos que el ejercito se las pelaban los train del culo alas 4

  4. Maybe it’s Nabo, or sr. Menso

  5. On social media you cab see allot of them videos, but who did they catch?

  6. I hope the government doesn’t give in and let these foos know that they can be got

  7. El yerno del Mencho?

  8. Que segun capturaron cercas del municipio de zacoalco de torres al sobrino del fallecido gringo Cardenas Acevedo y a tarjetas pinzon segun los usuaarios en face de esas localidades

  9. Excelente trabajo Fuerzas Armadas

  10. The word it's el Tanque

    1. El tanque is not in Veracruz I heard hes chilling in Tabasco/ veracruz

  11. Puro cuatro letras andamos al topon!!

    1. Tapón traes en la nariz jajajaja

  12. A la verga durango perros.

  13. I doubt it's anyone known to the public I bet it's someone has never heard of unless your from that area.

    1. Don’t think they’d do all this for an unknown guy

    2. 11:37 - This was nothing compared to when El Doble RR and El Apa were almost captured in 2022. Whoever they captured probably wasn’t as high of a ranking member as many people think.

  14. Las nenas del CJNG haciendo berrinches 🤡🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. You love hating on Jalisco with no clear reasoning. What happen, your step dad from Jalisco 🤣🤣🤣

    2. Asi como las chaputas

    3. Lol this clown be rooting for the snitchaloas, so many snitches in that cartel with paperwork and wanna big them up, go touch grass my boy.

    4. 842 he comments like this clown on reddit.

  15. I'm not saying it's a nobody I'm saying it's probably someone big but low key. Someone with power but his name ain't floating around like others with corridos

  16. bueno lo que yo pienso es que si los gringos quieren pueden acabar con el cjng,acuerdate de la gran cantidad de soplones que la dea tiene en jalisco,es decir si los gringos van a kabul,a pakistan ,irak,imaginate si no van a ir a tomarse unos tequilitas a jalisco o decir ahora tienen que cuidarse hasta de sus amigos,los cjng....

  17. felicitaciones por su buena informacion por favor ve a ver le journal de y la canada hay informacion buena para ustedes que son los primeros en informar saludos de montreal,quebec

  18. So who got popped off? Heads about to roll

  19. they said thered be joint operation “training” with us special forces, i been sayin there gonna hit some big targets. more to come!

  20. Todos estos tipos discutiendo sobre CDS y CJNG, ¿quién es mejor? Quién es peor, o quién chiva más... Pregúntate, si estuvieras en el lugar de un Jefe, y te encerraran en Supermax USA, empezarías a chivatar para salvar tu trasero de la cadena perpetua en una celda pequeña. NUNCA podrás responder esa pregunta, porque no estás en esa posición y con ese sentimiento. Lo peor en la vida es cuando te quitan la libertad total. Mejor estar muerto. Entonces, todos los que se ríen cuando alguien hace trampa, pregúntense por qué alguien lo hizo. Existe un gran riesgo de que el Cartel mate a todos los miembros de su familia. Sólo si estás completamente solo entonces es totalmente diferente. Simplemente haces muecas detrás del teclado, no te ríes en la calle ni te burlas como si estuvieras dentro de tus propias cuatro paredes. Ratoncitos. Saludos cordiales 'El Sicarioººº

    1. Y acá en las calles de Estados Unidos hay unos que se la rifan y se pasan la cadena perpetua por los huevos por que la cárcel si hizo para los hombres. Tu lo has dicho mejor muerto que preso. No se porque están tan pendejos y se dejan agarrar vivos. Yo en ese rollo yo me agarró a balazos con los guachos y los gringos porque muerto te la pelan. La ley odia no poder capturar alguien vivo.

    2. el negocio era para los hombres hoy en dia ay muchos que piensan como tu y son chivatones como vicentillo que decia tragarse el mundo de un bocado pero termino siendo funda de los gringos

  21. Who from the CJNG got captured?

  22. Where's the dork that claims the national guard and the army sit around in their barracks, smoking weed and watching novelas?

    1. 10:02 ur stupid dude if u think really army is doing all they can to take out these guys SMH....their corruption feeds cartels violence,it is well known the government works for n supports the cartels for a fat check

    2. @10:02
      HEARST has mentioned many a times, that curupt government is in collision with Cartels, the military is hooked up to the government.
      Imagine if the military did it's job 100%, there would be no bribe money coming in to curupt government officials.
      So in essence like the guy says the military is mainly in the barracks killing time exercising, watching movies, drinking, and more likely smoking confiscated Marijuana.

    3. Military isnt trained to be police. You need a special attorneys office with special permissions like the the italian anti mafia DIA, own independent investigators, prosecutors and judges.
      Just more guys with guns causes just more violence and ppl moving north.

    4. The armed forces of Mexico could smack the arse of any cartel any time and cartels know it..The song remains the same,dinero

    5. Ahhh 10:02
      They guy that mentions that Military kills time at the barracks is true. He also mentions the barracks are Pink color. I took too 🤔 think they smoke pot, as no one from the public can see them smoking it.

  23. Their saying it's his Son in law

  24. Been seeing around it was el 03 don’t know how true it is

  25. La sirena d los viagras dice ke agarraron a el piter jefe d plaza d ahí

  26. El Bocho was the plaza here a decade ago. They say the boss is now an ex police man. Just what damn value do these small towns and cities really have? How much can they even sell or is it purely for logistical purposes?

    1. ....continued

      La Barca, Tapalpa, Mazamitla, Zapotlanejo, Tequila, Teocaltiche, or San Juan de Los Lagos. Who gives a shit about these places and what can you possibly be doing? Selling one kilo of meth every month?

    2. Tequila is a great place for money laundering, secure ways for storage and transportation. Many reasons to go after small villages.

    3. My friends just got back from Tequila and they told me about it, they don't know much about Mexico in terms of how we discuss it here

      but what they told me was classic narco land, a cop/Uber driver driving them around visibly coked out

      a bartender smoking meth in the bathroom

      on their own, they are just a minor thing, even hilarious, but altogether, this is why those places can be dangerous. There is no "real" law and order but the CJNG.

      The reason CJNG needs those plazas is territory. They exert top down control of Jalisco. There's no place they can't burn down at a 30 minute notice if they need to. Mencho or his team give the order, they will light up Vallerta, cut off access from Guadalajara, block off the roads. They can mobilize from every direction to hit back against the military.

      They also are running meth labs in those parts. That's where the production centers are They buy properties, boutique hotels, probably a lot of the tequila fields themselves are in on the hustle.

      They have properties for just burying bodies probably. Torture houses. Ranches for the bosses.

      As for meth, they have turned a lot of those towns into like the TJ colonias. Everyone smoked out. Working class people strung out on the jale. Turned into addicts, stealing.

    4. 4:05 J
      Everyone who can, geeks out during the weekend.
      Drug addicts are common, nothing new.
      Being a thief carries the three strikes rule, but the punishment is death, not life.
      Child molesters and rapist are harshly dealt with on first accusation.
      If one group controls plaza they'll just disappear them. Everyone knows what happens.

    5. That's same as what my post detailed. CJNG has absolute control. It's not that drug addicts are new, it's that 20 years ago there wasn't pure meth all over Jalisco. Or Tijuana, or Mexicali or wherever.

    6. 7:32 J
      Crank/crystal/ice use to my knowledge became widespread during the early 90's and I can guarantee it wasn't because of the bikers distribution networks. This timeframe would also coincide with the rise of Los Amezcua Contreras aka Cártel de Colima. These guys were the suppliers of the main ingredient of meth to a lot of the investors/cooks . After they got arrested in the late 90's you think that business stopped in México?
      The same people that were investing/cooking in the SJV and other areas of California were the ones that started cooking in Michoacán and surrounding states. Some product stayed in those states for local consumption because there was demand for it.
      As we recently seen with the blue pills, consumers will use what's readily available and "popular". No reason for initiates to start off by "chasing the dragon" but the tragic stories tells us that's exactly what they do.
      Many of the addicts of cocaine or crack during the 90's later on switched over to the meth, including those who got deported from the USA, when meth became more available in the SW and later in the PNW.
      La frontera has always been known as the land of addiction in México, specifically la negra/chiva. Before when you thought of a lacra, you'd picture a tecato from la frontera.
      Now the reason why cartels have a thorough presence and control of a state is because they need all possible revenues to sustain the sicarios they employ. Blame Los Zetas for this MO. Also blame them for the militarization of the cartels. And also the "cheapening" of salaries.
      Sinaloa notwithstanding, meth manufacturing takes place in remote areas that people won't "accidentally" come across. Those lands aren't the property of anyone, thereby avoiding any anonymous calls to the government. And they definitely aren't going to set up labs on land that was developed and will produce revenue. The money and drugs don't get mixed.
      Meth use is prevalent among the sicarios because of their "work" and the numbers that are employed. Here where I live nearly 70% of those that go to county jail test positive for meth. Its use is widespread.
      Meth in the Sur, fetty in the Norte?

    7. 3:52 I disagree. Isn't money laundering the hardest process of it all? The biggest tequila companies are the masters there, not the cartel. Why are so many artists and foreigners investing in this place and making terrible tequilas if that was not the case? The best place to launder money is where business will constantly boom. That's usually a city with more money flow and not one based on one industry. While laundering drug money has been done through tequila brands, is it not more detectable this way?

    8. 4:05 That's an eye opening answer. I know torture houses are usually by the ranches. I can't say I'm with on the idea of Vallarta being lit. That's a big place with tourism even El Cuini couldn't escape when they arrested him there. A lot of the leaders in NG have been arrested and they couldn't do a thing to avoid it. I really can't say much about the warfare strategies because I don't know a thing about it. In the end if the military wants you in Mexico then they will prevail. The lab operations makes a lot of sense. Whether it's for the Mexican or American market

    9. When the Marines came for Mencho in 2015, I think May, and the helicopters got shot down, on the ranch in Ocoltloan, that

      they burned like 30 spots in Vallerta. Gas stations mostly. OXXO's. Semi trucks across the highways. They were ready to fight if they took Mencho.

      Vallerta was under siege for a day, and like a dozen other spots too. If they give the order they will do it.

    10. @ 3:52

      who owns the lands that all the Hollywood/investors/Tequila companies do

      who owns the governor

      who owns the political/wealthy families who own a lot of that land

      there is no real law but the CJNG. Everyone else, power wise, is an asset or complicit.

    11. 1:30 That happened in one occasion. Has it been done again? All the other high heads have been arrested. That includes his brother, los Cuinis, his son, his daughter, and his wife. He's an ex cop with some possible ex military guarding him. So how does he maneuver around the state? Yes it's likely that it's under the governor's knowledge or the local municipal president that he is staying under at the time. Remember that NG tried to kill Alfaro not too long ago? Does that show disagreement or complicity? Let me tell you this about this so called power. It is a delusion of power. Any narco that has to run and hide, has no power. They live under the whim of the government.

    12. 3:52 That is a foolish question in which you have an ever more foolish answer to. Do you realize how much industry is in Mexico? Not everyone needs to be a part of crime in order to be great entrepreneurs. The drug trade may be lucrative nut not as lucrative as what these 100 year old companies are doing. They don't need narcos and especially not a stain to their that can ruin their profit. Who knows maybe there are a few greedy ones in a big family name. So why not add why not Palazuelos in this comedic concept where every wealthy elite in Mexico is involved.

      The governor can choose to allow access or not. He has more powerful friends than a cartel. You think these owners of massive companies don't have any political influence to set things in motion as well?

      The Beckmman's laughed at the cartel when they tried to intimidate them. The Orendain family, Javier Arroyo Chavez, and The Vergaras from Omnilife would laugh at these notions. The governor decides the landscape of crime, not the other way around. Remember how brutal Mexican politics are. I do not support or condone any party, but it is difficult to get anything done with so many delusions of power that people feel like they have. Don't give the cartel too much credit over the evil that thrives. Mexico would relatively thrive as a country with legitimate industry and its role as an export country. Speak to the real elite in Mexico. You'll see what they think about the narrative that big media companies sell to the Middle and lower class

    13. Of course they are not all involved. I know you really get it from your post

      And of course the governor is more powerful and he can go over their heads, just like Veytia and H2 but not every situation is the exact same

      I’m not saying that CJNG controls the powerful families but that it all flows together

      The political money, the narco money, the business money is all flowing the same places

      It’s not linear exactly. But Interconnected.

  27. 09 Is correct el Piter or Peter got caught

  28. J 4.05pm watched to much Narco tv shows. You rarely see crack heads maybe at some night club you see some people doing Coke but that sounds a little to much to be true. I was in CD Guzman last week you don't see none of what you said. The meth labs are well hidden in the middle nowhere from what I heard. But good luck getting close enough to see what's going on

  29. I live in jalisco, rumors are that it's el 03

    1. I live in India, rumor is 006 has something to do with it.🤣

    2. I live in Tijuana, da rumor is El 006 Sicario is connected.

    3. I live in Berlin Germany and rumor is Sicario 006 is helping the Ukrainians against the Invaders.

    4. Sicario 006 is on a top secret mission so no one really knows where he is.


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