Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Cartel de Sinaloa Can Go Fuck Themselves

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The southern drawl of a gunman from the Kaibiles of the Chiapas Cartel is loudly heard on film. 

For this broadcast, the hitman wont be wasting any time with a long winded oration or simple pleasantries. 

His message is curt and simple. In addition, their true intentions are immediately made known. 

They’ve all gathered outside under the burning Mexican sun to openly challenge the Cartel de Sinaloa into warfare with profanities. 

A volley of gunfire will quickly follow after his announcement is made. 

Video translation is as follows:

Welcome to the town of 20 de Noviembre. We are the absolute Kaibiles of the Chiapas Cartel. The Cartel de Sinaloa can go fuck themselves. Cartel de Sinaloa, go fuck yourselves, go fuck yourselves. 

20 de Noviembre, Chiapas

20 de Noviembre, Chiapas

20 de Noviembre, Chiapas

Eco 1 LVM

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  1. Replies
    1. They should of just saved that ammo when they really need it lol

    2. Esos indios le estan dando una chinga a los sinaloas jiji

    3. @5:22, y que pendejo? No te da gusto tu historia?

    4. Sinaloans are also Indio what's issue with being Indio ? Stop denying your bloodline!

    5. 8:43 nobody bringing up Sinaloa but you 😂 . Actually all Mexicans for the most part should be descendents from indios no ? Lol

  2. Dicen que los de cartel chiapas son los mas poderosos de todo mexico. No ocupan mi maruchan puro frijolito y maiz

    1. Lo dices porque eres de Chiapas ?

  3. Smdh...all of them are damn fools! Why ignit and instigate another drug war!! Find another route, territory, etc. It's enough to go around. Nothing is worth risking your freaking life. Mexico govt should be ashame.

  4. Soy guatemalteco y esos chiapanecos no son kaibiles si unos payasos mejicanos queriendo usurpar nuestra identidad para asustar al enemigo los kaibiles les queda grande a estos majes mejicanos

    1. Todos se alinian wey

    2. Los contratan. No seas macana. Kaibiles son fuerzas especiales de Guatemala. Contrataron a dos tres que volvieron del congo. Pero los aran pedazos. Puro KaiBiLe duur

    3. Kaibiles are for sale.

    4. 7:35 Vos eres chapín o guanaco? Usas palabras de vários países buey!!

    5. Para el guatemalita los mexicanos somos sus padres

    6. Esos kaibilitos guatemaltecos se los cenan en la noche en México 🇲🇽

  5. So CDS is fighting against CJNG and Cartel de Chiapas at the same time ?

  6. One day theyre cds the next jaliscas today kaibiles. That chiapas cartel changes identity like most ppl change socks.

  7. The guy second from the right jammed up

  8. Not trying to sound like a cheerleader but come on lmao. Un cartel sin historia con esos de Sinaloa no se pueden comparar jajja. Pero buena suerte.

  9. Puro campeón que no trae nada ! Otro grupo más que no va dar para mucho en el negocio de la mafia.

  10. I’m not an expert or anything. But those guys sound Mexican. Now all I want to know is: Are kaibiles a title given to a soldier from Guatemala. Or is it just a term used given to a soldier trained in that country and they are from somewhere else and can just call themselves that. I just don’t see those guys “ Kaibiles” which are somewhat an elite group of soldiers. Announcing themselves like this.

    I don’t know🤔. I could be wrong.
    All comments are welcomed.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Kabiles are an infamous unit of Guatemalan special forces known for their brutal training and cult-like initiation practices, they are regarded as feared and effective fighters within military circles. Some Kabiles were recruited into Los Zetas during the height of their power as they expanded into Guatemala. Who knows why these guys call themselves Kabiles, maybe some of them actually are former Kabiles or maybe they are just using the name for recognition/to designate themselves as the "special forces" wing of this cartel. Chiapas being so close to Guatemala, either is possible, or maybe they were just inspired/influenced by them

    2. Rubio kiss my grits.

    3. 7:50
      My man Rubio more of a mangú fan than a grits kind of guy, I betcha..

    4. 813. Lagarto yes I love mangu lol. With eggs and salchichon. You good?

      Rubio NYC

    5. Thanks 1255. Appreciate the info

      Rubio NYC

    6. Didnt El Companito say he was Kaibile Mano con Ojos

    7. 8:38 Wtf you eat mago with eggs 🤢 no Mamés

    8. Que vergas es mangu ?

    9. @rubio like saying “

    10. @rubio they’re just saying it it’s like a title like let’s say “we’re navy seals special forces “ kinda like that

    11. Que chingados están hablando que madres es mangu

  11. From what I’ve heard these Kaibiles were the ones that started this severed head crap back in days with the Zetas.

    1. La barbie started the severed head thing

    2. What a great trend to pick up. And from there it has just gotten crazy. Now it’s like you also become a butcher.

      Rubio nyc

    3. Familia michoacana did that to the zetas in morelia when they started kicking them out of michoacan.
      They threw 3 or 4 heads in a dance floor and that's when all the beheading started

    4. No fueron los indígenas de kaibiles

  12. Sicario #006 has more training and firepower than 40 Kaibiles combined.

  13. What happened to all those fucking idiots who kept saying Chiapas was better off when CDS was in charge? The chiapanecos don't want that snitch mob in their state anymore.

    1. Calmese pa before you pop a blood vessel in your brain. Ocupas tus BP medication Solecito, we know all cartels are garbage

    2. I've known people from Chiapas. And in my experience with them I can tell you guys that it takes a lot to piss these country boys off. CDS obviously fucked up beyond belief one too many times for them to have complained about these clowns on film. And I'm glad they're letting everyone know what most of us have been saying for some time now.


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