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Saturday, February 24, 2024

Cartel de Sinaloa Interrogate An Abducted Male

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Sunlight from the bright burning Mexican sun drowns everything in view at first glance. But we eventually get a clear picture of a captured male sitting on the ground outside with both hands tied behind his back. The initial impression given is that he’s the latest captive that has fallen into the hands of the mighty Cartel de Sinaloa (CDS). 

However, his answers under questioning quickly reveal that he was actually being held against his will by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). His abductors had abandoned him to his fate in what appears to be the advancement of CDS through the area. 

All inquiries made by the Cartel de Sinaloa assassins are to better understand their next plan of attack on the battlefield. In their hasty retreat the CJNG gunmen deliberately screwed themselves by leaving their prisoner alive. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: Help us dude. 

Captive: There’s about 15 of them around. 

Sicario #1: Where exactly are there 15 of them?

Captive: They’re nearby. 

Sicario #1: Are they here just ahead of us?

Captive: There’s several guys scattered further ahead from here. 

Sicario #1: How many of them though?

Captive: I don’t know their names because I’m new to this area. 

Sicario #1: I need to know how many more individuals are out here dude. You’re not in any trouble here. We’re actually going to save your life here. Go ahead and save your life by helping yourself in this matter. Tell me how many individuals there were all together? 

Captive: There’s about 20 guys. 

Sicario #1: But where exactly were they?

Captive: I think that they’re just up ahead from where we are. 

Sicario #1: Look dude we don’t have any problems with you. None whatsoever. 

Captive: There’s a lone individual up ahead from here. 

Sicario #1: So, that’s 20 total so far. What about further up? 

Captive: Further up? There’s actually an individual further out from there. 

Sicario #1: How many of them were there?

Sicario #2: Are you referring to where the antena is at? 

Captive: I honestly don’t know this area too well. They recently brought me here several days ago. 

Sicario #1: Look here dude. Save yourself, save yourself. Don’t be a dumb ass about this. Save yourself dude. Just tell us what we need to know. 

Captive: The truth is that I was just recently brought here 2 days ago. 

Sicario #1: Where did they bring you from?

Captive: From Xalisco.  * The name of this city sounds identical to the state of Jalisco

Sicario #1: Which part exactly?

Captive: Nayarit. 

Sicario #1: Why were you brought here?

Sicario #2: There actually is a town in the state of Nayarit known as Xalisco. 

Captive: I was abducted and brought here tied up. 

Sicario #3: Good job there sir!

Sicario #1: What do you mean tied up?

Captive: I was brought here tied up as you see me in handcuffs. 

Sicario #1: What exactly did they say to you?

Captive: They said that…

Xalisco, Nayarit

* Events took place in the state of Zacatecas

Sandra Edith


  1. This was operativa MZ advancing towards Nayarit from Zacatecas

    1. 1003 I dont see MZ getting anything important in Nayarit. Riveria Nayarit is CJNG and thats not going to change any time soon.

    2. 10:20 that’s how it started in Zacatecas then little by little cjng ended up getting kicked out more and more

    3. 10:20 just by having CJNG far away from Durango is already a big big win for CDS . So whatever advancement MZ can do into Nayarit is a another big win .

    4. 1003 is spanking his mono to MZ.

    5. CDS is already in Nayarit , they always have been

    6. 11:22 deflecting I think it's called what you are doing

    7. 1057 Durango has always been a strong home for CDS. They had an issue with the zetas back in 08ish but eventually won the war as they did against CJNG in Zacatecas

    8. 11:29 You are right.

    9. 11:29 I had heared that before that CDS is in Nayarit. By any chance would you know the area or towns under said CDS control?

  2. They ended up killing him

  3. What was the point of cjng bringing him against his will ? To fight against cds ? Why bring innocent people like this to fight when they can’t even be trusted look how easily he folded and gave in.

    1. 10:51 I'm from Zacatecas and the reason why Operativa MZ has gained so much ground so fast and seems to have more people than CJNG is because sicarios like this dude end up getting spared but end up joining the MZ side . I personally know of a few cases like this poor dude here .

    2. 11:01 yeah I know I went to visit Zacatecas last year (sombrerete to be exact) and yes MZ had pretty much control of all the state .

    3. 102

      All the state? BRUH🤥.
      MZs controls all of northern Zacatecas and are pushing south, thats where CJNG has multiple strongholds.

    4. 4:23 CJNG has 2 3 towns by Jalisco and 2 by Nayarit and that's about it . They got pushed out of the center of the state . I can imagine that the battles are going to be now closer to Jalisco and Nayarit.

    5. 4:23 bro lets be real , I don’t support either of them but yeah MZ is in control of all Zacatecas.

    6. I hate to say it but cds does not control the entire state of zac, they do control most of it but there's some few towns to the south out of their control

    7. Maybe because it's all part of the genocide

  4. Isn’t CJNG in more Mexican states , more armed , more foot soldiers ?why are they being pushed back in Zacatecas ? Does mencho have half of his army protecting him ?

    1. 11:45 in my opinion CJNG has to many war fronts open across all of Mexico.

    2. 12:55 that’s a horrible thing for them. Too busy fighting rather than focusing on trafficking

    3. They seem to have shifted their focus to Michoacán after the split with Migueladas but that’s just my assumptions since the videos I’ve seen show better equipped sicarios compared to the other states.

    4. 3:25 Why you write that? You know some posters are going to go rabid claiming all those sicarios got killed off and are buried out in the monte and soon they're going to be fighting in Jalisco and Nayarit.

    5. cds is getting nothing important in Jalisco or Nayarit. attn fangirls cds is not taking anything there time is up and they are falling yes cjng is slipping but cds is not what you claim so stop throwing up links no one cares but yourself.

    6. 9:20 you had a nightmare of cds huh? Woke up hella salty my guy lmao

    7. 920 sinaloenses been in Nayarit for years. Lol

    8. 2:17 you can’t say that , it’ll hurt some people by saying that

    9. 6:17 out of curiosity what parts of Nayarit?

    10. 12:55 Exactly, they had managed to have a little presence in the north some time ago but with so many wars they no longer have almost any presence, now they are fighting to remain in the central states like San Luis or Zacatecas (which little by little they are losing) Guanajuato etc

  5. CJNG is done. They are losing everywhere. CDS is now strong due to alliance between Mayo and Chapitos. They are supporting Santa Rosa Lima in Guanajuato, Cartels Unidos in Michoacan, and Nueva Plaza in Guadalajara. CDS is beating CJNG in Chiapas, Zacatecas and now Nayarit. Beat down.

    1. cds is not even remotely close to they're strength when chapo was out you may be right about cjng but not so much with cds LOL

    2. 6:33 we’re not talking about Chapo, he’s gone and in jail. MZ has been whooping cjng ass left and right .

    3. 1150 I can tell your a teenager and not worth my time. cds MZ is at about 1/2 strength when Chapo was out. Ivan sunk the ship hes a complete moron.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. The secret key is the alliance of Amlo and Sinaloa (with the Mayo faction to be exact) the last government, that is, Enrique's, had an alliance with Jalisco and that was where Jalisco became strong, each government obviously agreed with a cartel and in the case Morena is Sinaloa, the majority of states governed by this political party are now or are about to be controlled by Sinaloa.

  6. The informant Cartel aka Zambadas are kicking everyone’s ass

    1. It's not new, Mayo is the favorite capo protected by the Mexican government and the US government, you don't have to be a genius to realize that he is the goose that lays the golden eggs.

    2. Thats good we need one group to dominate so theirs less violence rather see them then the human organ eaters aka new zetas

  7. People here just ramble shit in the comments after seeing one video

    1. Just locals from the area saying how it is and there is proof to back up the claims so must be truth behind it no ?

    2. 'Just locals from the area saying'
      Wish they all were, but i highly doubt it, and there is much rambling shit about my cartel is badder than yours

    3. 9:49 you are right on that but you can kinda tell if they are saying the truth or just cheerleading. If you are interested in hearing about my part of the state just ask .

    4. 9:49 Zacatecas is one of those states where half of the population lives in the states and most of them actually go back to visit their family. Unlike other states where it’s less people that go back

    5. Haaaaaa someone else that sees my point of view when it comes to comments here.

      Respect to the people that have great comments and insight!!!!

      Rubio NYC

  8. 2:43
    Comments get crazy when it's getting near a full moon..

    1. I saw a werewolf in london and his hair was perfect

    2. "He is mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse's health, a boys love, or a whore's oath"
      ..the Bard King Lear

  9. Oh yeah do yourself a favor. Wow!


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