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Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Cartel Del Noreste 'CDN-Z' Goes On A Rampage And Sends Messages To Gulf Cartel In Doctor Coss: Nuevo León

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL UNIVERSAL

The events took place after the arrest on Monday afternoon of two men in possession of weapons for the exclusive use of the Army by police officers of the Civil Force.

Monterrey, NL.- On Tuesday morning, an armed group set fire to municipal facilities and vehicles in Doctor Coss, 140 kilometers east of this city.

The events took place after the arrest of two men in possession of weapons for the exclusive use of the Army, drugs and tire irons on Monday afternoon by Civil Force police officers. The arrest was made on the Comitas highway, near the El Zacate ranch.

The detainees were identified as Cesar "N", 28 years old, and Juan "N", 76 years old, who during a search were seized two long weapons for the exclusive use of the Mexican Army, loaded with 30 cartridges; two magazines loaded with 27 bullets; 12 plastic bags with marijuana and 25 metal objects known as "ponchallantas" (tire spikes).

Preliminary reports indicate that one of the vehicles set on fire was a school bus used to transport students who live in communities far from the municipal capital, as well as a police patrol car.

These events take place in a context of violence related to organized crime, which left seven homicides in the state on Monday. Four decapitated bodies were found near the ejido La Canela.


  1. Thats like coward shit right there. Like toddlers throwing tantrums bunch of p*ssies.

  2. Cartel Del Noreste has no chance against the military or even state police ( Fuerza Civil ) that they decided to take their anger out on a bunch of vehicles. LMAO.

    1. Exactly see my comment above. P*ssies.

    2. 3:30; Well said.

    3. They have every chance with the weapon that has saved every cartel from temporary attack from government authorities (to include US authorities). It is called bribery and it has been efficiently and effectively been used since the beginning of time.

  3. From what I’ve read and heard, the four decapitated bodies were all members of the Gulf Cartel. So, it seems like the only things of value that were lost that day were a bunch of vehicles.

  4. Off topic, but I woke up this morning and got myself a beer.

    1. I am courageless in the morning...straight coward. Then I start to get my courage up with a beer or two. Everyday...

      006 for president!

    2. I woke up for coffee ☕, but need Choncitas to go with it.

  5. They are making Doctor Coss NL, a ghost town. So sad to see….. always driven through there in order to get from south Texas, to Monterrey.

  6. Bad translation - "ponchallantas" are not “tire irons.” They are however brilliant little devices.

  7. Cdn wins 1 or 2 out of every 10 topones with the cdg metros.

  8. 'school bus used to transport students who live in communities far from'
    CDN ex Zs really are the scrub niggas of the cartel world,Zs were bad now CDN take it even lower

  9. Typical CDN thing burn the shit out of cars. And when they get in the topones they let military men piss on their heads. No wonder CDG is the bet that the government supports.

  10. This is the beginning of their end....

  11. CDN has all the Zeta Rejects.


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