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Friday, February 9, 2024

CJNG Interrogates A Member Of La Barredora

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel interrogates a member of La Barredora in the state of Tabasco. He was directly connected to Carlos Tomás Díaz Rodríguez aka Licenciado Tomasín or El 12, former Zeta, who has been identified as being the leader for La Barredroa. 

The questioning revealed details of links between local officials in Tabasco and the La Barredora criminal group.

According to available reports, this man was executed and decapitated shortly after the questioning was captured on video. His head was abandoned along with a narco message that reiterated the alleged links between La Barredora and municipal officials.

Video translation is as follows:

My name is Marco. I’m a worker and hitman for Noemi. She’s the boss in the town of Jalpa de Méndez, Tabasco. We’ve had control of this plaza for several years now. It was given to us by Tomás (Carlos Tomás Díaz Rodríguez aka Licenciado Tomasín or El 12). 

Our boss works with Collado (Candelario Collado González), he’s the connect inside the mayors office. And our bosses house is protected by the municipal police using patrol vehicle # 0030. Manuel Enrique Pérez Notario has shielded us from the attorney generals office and the Mexican Marines. In case we were ever caught there would be no problems. 

Since everything was settled beforehand with the State Police. We were able to operate freely through the towns of Cunduacán and Jalpa de Méndez. This was allowed on the account that we had both police chiefs on our payroll. If we happen to get arrested by the municipal police. Someone will contact Noemi or Ira Eusebia in Cunduacán.

Narco message reads as follows:

Carlos Tomás Díaz, here lies your operative. That bitch Noemí kills innocents. You say you have support from the highest commands within the government, that's why you have the directors Manuel P. Notario and Candelario Collado G. in your ranks. 

Candelario Collado González police chief in Cunduacán, Tabasco

Manuel Enrique Pérez Notario, Director of Public Safety of Jalpa de Méndez, Tabasco.

Cunduacán, Tabasco

Jalpa de Méndez, Tabasco

 El Informante de Huimanguillo  Entérate México


  1. Is Borderland Beat better than Grillonautus? Hell fuck yes it is. We show the ugly execution videos and translate it into English for free. If anyone can find something better than this. Then do yourself a favor and stay your asses over there. 😀

    1. El Sol tiene more get-up-and-go than the Energizer bunny, this could be proven in a court of law..
      Beyond prolific..
      100% Kona coffee the key?
      Keep on keeping on, your output is appreciated..
      Photo of police chief Collado shows breast cancer awareness pink ribbon attached to his uniform, demonstrating beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's in fact one of the good guys..

    2. Grillonautas2 commenters are the worse then bb's commenters 😆

    3. 100% BB better then Grillonautas if you think Grillonautas is better then head back to narcofootage for some CDS propaganda

    4. Dr. Sol
      Without you and your partners we would be in the dark.
      Multi tasker..
      Handle phones
      Help people in distress
      Keep the reddit kids in line
      Moderate comments
      No one else can top BB website
      Keep up the good work.

      El Nemesis


    5. BB also makes exclusive reports, like those from Itzli, hearst, morogris, redlog (forgot his name), and others. those take a lot of research, dedication, and honestly talent. not to say Grillonautas doesn't have this either... but the fact that BB does it unpaid is pretty incredible.

    6. sol youre a beast with this journalism stuff!💪🏽

    7. Excelente trabajo SOL
      y Si si eres mejor q Grillonautas.

      Pero si está fuerte hasta me dolió el estómago.

    8. Nothing is even close to. BB !

    9. 8:54 Su éxito podría mejorar astronómicamente si se expandieran publicando tanto en inglés como en español. Hasta entonces, se han encasillado en un solo idioma.

    10. Grillnautus makes up fake stories all
      The time for clicks, with fake headlines as well

    11. I don't know but I seen comments on other narco news of people that actually live in Mexico clowning BB . I have personally showed BB to my family members in Mexico whenever i go visit and they laugh so hard whenever I translate the comments. It's just a matter of opinion. I personally like BB and Grillonautas2.

    12. Sol I don't care what the reddit kids say, bunch of immature ninos. Sol your ok in my book. I open your website every morning to catch up, on the latest information. Just say no to any form of pop-,ups advertising, I don't need penis enhancement ads every 10 seconds.

    13. meh dark web is better

    14. Yeah grillonautas will jump on any story even if the story is unconfirmed and turns out false. There’s no oversight there from what it seems. At least in BB you can check the sources for yourself if you want. And when there aren’t and it’s someone’s own research, it’s clear and announced as such… long live BB!

    15. Bro those bastards stealing y’all content.. grillonautas is aight but this site a hit fasho fasho 🔥

    16. BB use to be better but it’s not anymore. Any comment that goes against the grain is not allowed to be posted. BB is also run by the feds. This comment most likely won’t be posted because they don’t want the dirty little secret out.

    17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    18. 5:54 - I assume Mogrois is me so thanks lol Grillonautas2 is a great channel. They put a lot of work into what they do and I respect that. I still remember their first channel back in the early 2010s. Glad to see they are doing well.

      BB isn't claiming to do anything "groundbreaking". We have a wide variety of styles and coverages, some exclusive to BB, some not. We cite our sources when we can and leave it up to our readers to make their own decisions. At the end of the day we are all unpaid and this is something we do on our free time.

    19. 5:13 - If it were run by the feds then I would probably have more money in my bank account and be doing this full-time! lol We are just a bunch of nerds who want to write about this interesting topic. If that's your cup of tea then hope you continue reading!

    20. 6:36 just trying to give credit where credit is due and sorry if I couldn't remember your name bro . But honestly I consider your work and hearts and Enojon groundbreaking in my book . Y'all 3 put out very very well put and informed and just basically top top of the line reporting. In my personal opinion now a days especially with social media and all that. There is just so much information out there now that honestly anyone who is willing to do the job could dig and find something. Saludos. Keep up the good work. Love reading your CDG Zetas work

    21. 5:13 be happy you're comment went through, be happy with the present than the past. Thank God we have moderators in here, we sure don't want, racist, offensive comments getting in here, I have great respect for this website.
      J.T. H.
      Berlin, Germany

  2. Definitely better. Best part is that we as readers can also share info with BB. Nice job!

    1. Agreed, some of the better scoops here have started with reader comments. It was even better back in the forum days—the CDG threads were incredible. What a time to be following cartel news…too bad some dude in Atherton had to ruin it for everyone.

    2. Dude in Atherton has a son in SF who cosplays a legit businessman but he does all kinds of bad shit on both sides of the border. He must have some kind of deal with the feds or that dirty little bastard would be in prison by now.

  3. Appreciate u Sol .. keep it up .

  4. Lead singer for mex cover band "los talking heads"

  5. InNoCeNt UsEd As A pRoP

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Pobre hombre.
    Se le ve el hambre generacional y la pobreza propia del sur.

    1. Juarez didn’t used to be called la Línea.that’s f*ck’d up. No warning


    Info from the guycomas leaks states Tomas was part of cjng and they are fighting los panteras in tobasco which are remnants of the zetas?

    1. El panteras was CJNG and Tomas is a commander with barradora. Commander H IS head of CJNG in tobasco

  8. I am surprised these guys don't carry a cyanide pill they can swallow the moment they are scooped up by an enemy. Your dead either way. Why not just go to sleep? Beats the hell out of snitching on everyone you know and work with. Beats the hell out of sitting there in your underwear wondering how and what the sick Fuck$ have in store for you. If I were stupid enough to be involved in a back stabbing lying cheating murdering group of sadistic assholes I would carry some form of instant death pill. Hell they could even just use their own Fentanyl!!!

    1. 🤔🥱.... please tell us what else would go down only in your wild imagination. 😅😅😅

    2. 4:31 ya be watching too many Hitler videos, take a break.

    3. How many times are people going to keep spamming this? About the pills?

  9. BB is and has been the best for more than 10 years already Sol I just miss Chivis

  10. It's important to understand that la Barredora isn't a single group. It's just a common term used by a group of a sicarios to refer to their organization in whatever city they're operating in, but those organizations aren't linked together.


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