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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

El Cuco", "El Niño", "El Franklin", "El Chavalito" And "El Especial" Involved In Crime Of Young Woman Burned Alive And Her Friend In Culiacán: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from Los Noticieristas 

Mayra Michelle ✞

On February 5, 2024, Borderland Beat covered the death of a woman who was found with severe burns on her body with the name Mayra Michelle, and her male friend shot to death.  Los Noticieristas news site based out of Sinaloa wrote the following article stating that those responsible for the death of Mayra Michelle were captured, but nothing on whether an organized crime group ordered the death. 


Culiacán, Sin.- There are five people implicated in the "levantón" and murder of young Michelle and her friend Ernesto, four who have been arrested and one who remains at large, revealed sources from the Sinaloa Prosecutor's Office to Los Noticieristas.

They are accused of depriving the two young men of their freedom on February 1. On that day Michelle had passed by Ernesto in her white 2019 Volkswagen Jetta to his house to go eat seafood and later they had plans to go to a bar in the city, but they were "picked up" on the way.

Those involved are:

-Juan José "A", alias "El Cuco", 28 years old.

-Angel Noé "F", nicknamed "El Niño", whose age was not provided.

-Franklin Manuel "G", alias "El Franklin", 19 years old.

-Jorge Alejandro "M", "El Chavalito" or "El Yosh", 30 years old.

-Jesús Alberto "M", alias "El Especial", 26 years old.

The crime

It was not until February 4 when Ernesto and Michelle were found on the side of the Mexico highway at kilometer 169, belonging to the San Lorenzo syndicate. The young man, who worked as an eyelashes-for-appointments man, was shot and tortured.

The cause of death was determined to be hypovolemic shock and hepatic and pulmonary laceration caused by gunshot wounds to the thorax and abdomen. He also had a bullet wound in his cheek; torture marks in different parts of his body and marks on his wrists. While Michelle, a businesswoman, who had a boutique in the Corona plaza in the vicinity of Espacios Barcelona in the northern part of the city, was found burned, but alive, dying hours later in a hospital.

Michelle was shot twice

Michelle's cause of death was multiple organ dysfunction secondary to superficial and deep first and second-degree burns in 100 percent of her body produced by direct fire. But that was not all, the 26-year-old also had two bullets: one in her right leg and the other in her left thigh.

They are down!

The arrest warrants against the alleged perpetrators, alleged hired killers, were released last Friday, February 16, and subsequently arrested over the weekend.

They are accused of the crimes of forced disappearance of persons, femicide and aggravated homicide for the "KIDNAPPING" and murder of Ernesto and Michelle.

Four were arrested in the community of Campo Chama on the Aguaruto-Villa Juarez highway, Navolato, and a vehicle, cell phones, firearms and shell casings were seized.

One of them is a fugitive from justice, however, it has not been specified which of the five is the perpetrator. The mastermind and motive for the crime have not been determined.



  1. Just light them up now. Im usually not all eye for an eye...but some crimes it fits

  2. Doesnt look like a business woman, more like a girl you can hire when being lonely.

    1. And you are an expert on how these two types of women dress how?

    2. Being an expert in how these two types of women dress, I can assure you with great confidence that the lady pictured is indeed a skank..

    3. Punks just like you are the ones that do this kind of disgusting crap

    4. The lady is a Barbie girl.

    5. @10:35am I am sure you are a Gentleman. Judge not by clothing - dumb & mean.

    6. Get off your soap boxes hes just keepin it real ? Hes not saying deserve or none of that shit ?

    7. No but he’s right they could have use a better picture of her to show her as a business woman instead they chose to use a picture that makes her look like a girl of the night.

    8. 10:35 por lo general así se viste en Culiacán y varias tienen boutiques.
      Ahora sí preguntas quién tiene estudios es otro tema.

  3. The guys arrested most likely had nothing to do with this crime. Government just wants the illusion that they are working. Why would five guys who just got released from jail go and murder two people? The connection and motive needs to be explained. Sounds bogus to me.

    1. Give us more details on your investigation. Why should we believe you over the article.

    2. for real..."i got a hunch" ass motherfer...they couldnt possibly be the ones because they just got out jail? what? have you ever been locked up? people do decades and go back a day aftwr release

    3. Por eso mismo.

      Acaban de salir de prisión NO de su doctorado honoris causa.

      Conexión y motivo?
      Ves muchas series de tv
      Con que se acredite la participación y el homicidio

    4. 6:05 ve y pregúntale al MP

    5. @ 6:05 you're on to something there. pay no attention to the other downies h8in on your hunch. only 3 reasons to kill. vengence, $$, and to hide a crime.

  4. Chick survived a few hours with 100% 2nd degree burns and a bullet in each leg. Wow… very little is more painful than severe burns.

    All of those behind it deserve Mexican justice and removed from the playing field.

    1. 6:58 Unfortunately Mexican justice is a 3 ring circus, most get a slap on the wrist, a chubby judge, with a robe and a White wig, gets bribes and out they go to commit more crime.

    2. Burns over 100% of her body, hospital staff gave la pobrecita a generous dose of fentanyl, I guarantee you that..
      The stuff does have it's clinical applications..
      Bad, bad way to go, imagine her mom hearing the details?
      What a world we live in..

    3. 8:29 juez gordo con bata? Y peluca?
      Hay audiencias abiertas al público te invito a que estés de oyente en una.

  5. Replies
    1. My guess is the sicarios became enraged that after the night, once again, they were going home empty handed, unable to pull women in. Then, they see this vato with a beautiful woman, and that was it.

    2. 14:06
      Alguien solo imaginó, nada de argumentos

    3. 2:06 she kept denying their advances maybe huh and left that guy

  6. What does "eyelashes-for-appointments" slang mean?

    1. I think he did eye lashes on girls

  7. They should do the same sh#t to them. Quémenlos igualitos a los hdspm.

  8. This is all a facade. These four individuals didnt have anything to do with this young girls death. Its fucked up.

    1. Eres familiar?

    2. Ah 5:59
      Si Tengo familia
      2 ninas ye un nino.

  9. LOL, you guys know so much. I’m going to quit reading the articles and just read y’all’s comments for the facts.

  10. Holy fkn shit. Not only shot twice, but full body burned…. Imagine what that girl must’ve been feeling with all this. Fuckkkk. It is insane that she was even alive hours after all this. How do you not pass out from the pain

  11. Scumbag rat shit bastards

  12. Jealousy seems to me, clearly the guy wasn't the primary target, even though a liver shot is a terrible way to go.
    And doing eyelashes, ha had to be gay...
    Guess wrong time to socialize with his sista.
    But what do I know.

    1. They snitched and did something else that i dont wanna put on blast on here

  13. porque se les tapa la cara... de que los protegen.

  14. There is a video of the girl all burnt off and still talking. Its crazy.


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