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Sunday, February 18, 2024

El Paso FBI Agents Arrest La Chely On Multiple Homicide Charges

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

FBI agents arrested Michelle Angelica Pineda, known as "La Chely" at a motel Thursday. The Mexican Government was looking for La Chely, a Mexican national, for her alleged involvement in at least five homicides in Juarez.

The FBI Safe Streets Gang Task Force worked with the El Paso Police Gang Unit, County Sheriff's Narcotics Division, and Border Patrol to take down La Chely, who is accused of running a drug trafficking ring for the Artistas Assessino gang.

"Pineda was known for her extreme brutality such as dismembering bodies, removing hearts, and placing the hearts in front of “Santa Muerte” altars and statutes," according to a news release from the FBI El Paso Office Friday.

FBI officials say La Chely had entered the U.S. illegally. Once captured, agents took her to a port of entry and gave her over into Chihuahua State Police and State Attorney General of Chihuahua custody.

“Today’s deportation highlights the swift action of our agents and our significant partnerships by successfully taking a violent assassin off our streets and putting her back into the hands of Mexican law enforcement to be tried for her crimes,” said John Morales, FBI El Paso Special Agent in Charge. “Working hand-in-hand with our partners whether in law enforcement, the private sector, and with foreign law enforcement agencies are paramount in order to keep people like Pineda from bringing violence and drugs into our lives and poisoning our communities.”

Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua



  1. Replies
    1. I doubt he even knows who she is lol she’s a low level scum bag

    2. foo you snitched on bb live

  2. Replies
    1. "foul wrinkled witch, what maketh thou in my sight?"
      ..the Bard

    2. Her actions are ugly too

    3. I think she's cute.

    4. Fea o guapa no importa..
      Thoe dead eyes

    5. ..those dead eyes were on the face of the last person her victims saw as they exited this world..

    6. I agree . She definitely has the dead eyes .💯

    7. Con maquillaje a de estar buena

  3. pobre loquita,babosa,lo que es la ignorancia ahora que no tienes salida ni pal infierno,loca babosa........

  4. In 2019 Mexico has 22,000 gun deaths. The US had 37,000.

    1. 12:54 Yeah? The USA also has about 200 million more people living there than México.
      "What cha think"?

    2. Okay miss facts, compare beheadings n dismemberments too

    3. The US had 45,000 in 2023

    4. 2:18
      I think it's staggeringly high, especially for a 1st world country. That the US has more people is no excuse. There's no drug war in the US. What ya think now?

    5. There’s always been a drug war. What do you call 100,000 fentanyl deaths. Let me guess it’s the cost of doing business ? Grow up idiot. Mexico is a shit hole.

    6. Since 2019, those numbers are switched. Also, Mexico has a homicide rate of 26 per 100,000 people....the US was 7.

    7. USA and Mexico are competing each other who has the highest gun deaths. Lol

    8. Socal, the US suicide rate is extremely high too. Mexico's is very low in comparison.

    9. First of all 54% of those 37K "Gun Deaths are or were suicidal deaths. Not homicide. Only 43% were homicide. With the numbers rising Year after year. Gun deaths in Mexico is a different statistic based on different types of homicide they don't necessarily kill people with guns. It's dismemberment, fire, bats knives etc. Not a week goes bye that there's a murder involving something other than guns.

    10. @B.B. follower 4life,

      But the end result is the same, death. The US is a 1st world country and those numbers are staggering. It's a national tragedy..

    11. Let’s face it. The US is the ONLY country that size that keeps somewhat accurate records. So really we don’t know what other countries have. Mexico didn’t start counting homicides till the 90s. So this is a pointless argument. The point is. Mexico is a shit hole where people get massacred in the street and displayed for everyone to see. NOWHERE IN THE WORKD DOES THIS HAPPEN.

    12. 11:37
      So, your argument is based on missing evidence since Mexico is not accurate? Holy cow. The accurate US numbers are still staggering.

    13. 12:42 not as staggering as seeing bodies hung from over passes and heads rolling around in the town square. How many homicides in US are drug related ? Then how many accidental deaths from fentanyl or meth poisoning ? All those deaths could be blamed on Mexico just like Mexico likes to blame all gun deaths on gun manufacturers. What about when the military disappears people in Mexico ? US has a drug problem. Mexico has a disregard for life problem.

    14. 3:51
      None of that changes the fact that a 1st world country, the US, has a staggering murder rate.

    15. Mexico has been having high yearly homicides, EUW states highest rate in the World.

    16. Let these clowns argue about which country is the best,fuckin morons

    17. The US is quickly losing it's first world status. Also, if you only count a certain people who were specifically mentioned in the constitution the gun murders drop by over ten fold. It's not a gun problem, it's a demographic problem. This probably won't get posted because simple facts are inconvenient.

  5. Muy matona y muy deshaseada también!

    La cara llena de granos y espinillas , una loquita de barrio así sin más.

  6. Se les escapo el 03 CJNG el viernes en ciudad guzman jalisco segun ..... o lo capturaron y solto un billete

    1. Connor todavia ESTA mencho en Redwood City?

  7. Strong criminal in the EP area for sure. But, might of possed off the wrong crew and now she is in the shithole

  8. @12:54 A large percentage of the 39,707 deaths from gun violence in the USA in 2019 were from suicide. 3 in 5 deaths were a result of suicide, 36 percent were from homicides. Look it up.

    1. 2019 🤔
      I don't want to know the stats to 2019.
      That's old news.
      2023 stats for Mexico 36,500 to homicides, not including the unreported missing.

    2. 3:47
      That's so sad! The US had 50,000 suicides! Plus, 45,000 gun deaths! Dead is dead.

    3. 5:22
      The US had 45,000 gun deaths in 2023. It also had 50,000 suicides in 2023.

    4. The worst suicides are the angry ones when they feel the need to cause damage before ending their own life

    5. 6:31 keep dreaming nino, add some more to your made up numbers 😜, that you forgot to mention the overdose deaths. Just because Mexico tops homicides, doesn't mean you have to exaggerate .

    6. 6:51
      No exaggeration. Also, attack the argument not the person.

  9. Why would she hide in the US

    1. 6:22
      Because she was stupid..
      Cerebros de camarón..
      Must have felt too uncomfortable in Mexico, and was sure she could blend in with El Paso gangsters..
      Got a feeling she's sporting a full paint job, and I'm not talking store-bought tattoos here..
      She thought that if she had someone with a clean I.D rent the motel room for her, she could lie low and stay off the radar..
      Yeahbut she couldn't stay off the phone, her street team pursuers triangulated her ass, revieved motel security tapes, the rest is history..
      Must be valuable as a corroborating wit in some big case, where the feds like to tie up all the loose ends..
      Maybe this is her karma for sins of a past life..
      You'd naturally think a girl named Angelica would have a sweeter disposition, but this little miss sunshine is nobody you'd wanna run into in a dark alley in Borderland..
      "And I'm proud to be an asshole from El Paso,
      A place where sweet young virgin's are deflowered.
      You walk down the street knee-deep in tacos
      And the wetbacks still get 20 cents an hour"
      ..Kinky Friedman and The Texas Jewboys

  10. This girl applied in Chicos tacos 🌮 and that’s how she got caught my x

  11. Any update on the guy that got killed in San Diego from caf

    1. It was el chato from CAF that got killed outside the UTC mall in La Jolla

  12. The Mexican Elizabeth Bathory.

    1. "I am in blood
      Stepped In so far that should I wade no more,
      Returning were as tedious as go'er"
      .. Macbeth

  13. Chato from CAF got killed in San Diego La Jolla area . Confirmed Gf has posted videos of him

  14. Ambushed at the entrance to his building Palisades in UTC

    At least 5 shots, and three went into the town houses across the street. Two victims, one survived. Pistol.
    The killer was wearing a hoodie/light jacket and dark pants. Had to have been waiting near the entrance on foot.

    1. Palisades at UTC starts out at $5,000 a month for a 2-bedroom, 2 bath..

  15. Gente de la Tia Juana published that wow Chato was Kado's secretary

    pics and the story linking the two, but SDPD hasn't released the victims names

  16. AFN running with it too

    Chato is on Flaco's crew

    right hand of Kado

  17. Chato chato es mi carnal


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