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Thursday, February 22, 2024

Follow Up An Entire Criminal Cell Of 'CJNG' Arrested In Tlaquepaque: Jalisco. February 21, 2024

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from ALERTA JALISCO 

A total of 17 people were detained following a shooting incident in Tlaquepaque.

Elements of the National Guard went to respond to a report of gunshots on Plan de Valladolid Street in Fraccionamiento Revolucion, but were met with gunfire, so they repelled the aggression, managing to shoot down a woman who was trying to escape through the rooftops.

There they secured a farm where they detained 12 men and one woman. In addition, they seized long arms, drugs, various vehicles and tactical equipment with the initials of a criminal organization, cash and six bags with human remains.

After the confrontation, an operation was deployed and they located a second property located on Brigada del Norte and Brigada Poniente streets in Fraccionamiento El Tapatío in Tlaquepaque, where they arrested three men and a woman. Weapons, vehicles and tactical equipment were seized.

Everything was handed over to the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office.


  1. Army if want to defeat cartels should do shoot to kill on site.I am out of game but still i was always primary dfs than NARCO.10 years i living like king.

    1. Like they do in Nuevo Laredo

    2. Yeah sure you were bro, living in the Netherlands talking about being a Mexican narco

  2. bueno que te puedo decir guadalajara es una ciudad peligrosa desde los barrios ricos de zapopan,hasta las zonas humildes como san pedro tlaquepaque ,pero lo bonito no se lo quita nadie yo vivi ahi mucho tiempo,,,,,y que desmadre para acordarse para el resto de tus dias,pero tambien te digo algo no solo en mexico esta la cosa caliente aqui en montreal,canada,esta caliente la guerra entre los gang de rue,,,pandillade haitianos,libaneses,y otros que ya no le quieren pagar proteccion a los hell angells,esta manana encontraron aqui en montreal,a un tipo que la banda contraria le cortaron un dedo de la mano y otro del pie.....para que veas que hasta en los paises ricos esta caliente............

    1. Calmate. Yo vivo en quebec city y voy a montreal casi 2 veces al mes, todo tranquilo sin ningun problema. Jalisco si esta caliente. Y la neta te consoco todo mexico y guadalajara/jalisco esta feo a comparacion de casi todas las ciudades de nemmmexico y estados.

  3. “Six bags of human remains”

    Uhh wtf were they going with that? Maybe they really do eat people..

    1. Thats their grocery bag the sick fucks that they are.

    2. Just in case they need some parts

    3. Yea, but eww why keep the dirt weed next to dead people's body parts?! Just another reason to buy online, lab tested or grow your own.

  4. Arriba 👆🏻 🆙 Culiacán

    1. Si arriba...pero de mi verga 😄

    2. Arriba Argentina!
      Arriba Eva Peron?

  5. Notice the reporting agency did not want to mention the cartel involved.
    How many want to bet, that a judge once a big bribe is accepted, for the 17 arrested.
    He will yell "Caso Cerrado" No evidencia'.

  6. You will never see this type of arrest against CDS - government love them some CDS ALL THE TIME

    1. Piss-poor pakalolo packaging..
      Seal-A-Meal musta been on the fritz..
      Remember to never put the body parts bags outside until just before the trash truck shows up, and always be sure to discourage half starved street mutts and nosy pepenadores from snooping through your corpse-laden garbage..
      Stash of captured cashi looks like it's all american fifties, honeybees, and 500 peso billes, not a 20 peso note in sight, so surely this mob must have been big shots..
      Everybody should sleep a little sounder tonight knowing this braindead banda de delincuentes won't be pounding the pavement tonight..

    2. Read Nuevo Leon or Coahuila news, the police and military arrest entire CDS cells all the time.

  7. Looks like the National Guard obtained a few more optics off the AR platforms.

    Optics seem to be constantly missing on most of these seizures.

    1. Optics are missing cuz they were never there!!🔭😹

  8. They actually displayed home made guns and a micro roni with out the glock that's supposed to go on it. Also only any sort of sight or optic on 2 of the ar's. One had flip ups and the other a crappy airsoft red dot. Wonder where the optics went....hmmmm I'll bet the cops confiscated them for further analysis.....on the personal rifles


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