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Saturday, February 3, 2024

In Acapulco, The Beaches are Turning into Battlefields

"El Riviera" for Borderland Beat
Graphics by HEARST

In less than a week, the tourist area of Acapulco has been shaken by a wave of violence, with a total of seven reported homicides. The once idyllic coastal city, which was arguably the world's top vacation destination, has become a hotbed of crime, raising concerns about the safety of both locals and tourists.

The latest incident occurred on Thursday, February 1, 2024, when two men were brutally murdered on the Costera, the main street in the city. Despite heightened security, with over 300 soldiers from the Navy and National Guard deployed in the area, the killers carried out the execution in broad daylight.

Prior to this, on Sunday, January 28, a cab driver fell victim to a similar fate, again on the Costera, in front of Tamarindos beach. The driver was shot to death in his taxi on the street as tourists looked on in horror. On the same day 2 sicarios drove up in a boat and killed a man on Condesa beach.

And a day before that saw another deadly confrontation erupt nearby on El Morro beach. Rival groups shot at each other, resulting in one person being killed and two more injured. The violence took place between the Emporio hotel and Playa Suites, again on the main drag in the city.

The bloodshed did not stop there. On Monday, January 29, yet another killing occurred on Manzanillo beach. These gruesome events have left Acapulco residents and the authorities grappling with the escalating violence. Despite the city being guarded by more than 10,000 members of the National Guard, homicides are out of control in the once-popular tourist destination.

The series of killings in such a short span raises questions about the effectiveness of current security measures and the underlying issues contributing to the surge in violence. This all comes just 3 months after hurricane Otis, a category 5 storm, which made landfall with less than 2 hours warning and devastated the city.

While the government has set up programs to help the residents, the security situation is out of control. Acapulco, already known for high levels of violence and extortion, is being bled dry by the many criminal groups that operate in the city. Criminals are even going door to door in some areas forcing the residents to give them a percentage of the federal relief money.

The tourist zones of the city, which previously had been relatively safe, are quickly turning into warzones. The vacationers, mostly from Mexico these days, no longer feel safe walking down the street or sitting at the beach. American and Canadian tourists largely stopped coming to Acapulco years earlier and the way things are going it won't be long until Mexicans don't want to visit either.


  1. Replies
    1. 1242 I live in Pochota and no cds here. You must be what members call a nuthugger. Your cds is not everywhere chonero.

    2. Acapulco hasn't been controlled by any one group since Beltrán Leyva. It's mostly local groups that control different sections of the city.. but CJNG is definitely looking to change that and run the whole show.

    3. It will be safer then.

  2. Wow. I was watching a video on Youtube from the Grillonautas channel and they quoted Borderlandbeat 3 times during a story about El Chavo Felix .

    1. And we haven't even released our profile on Chavo Felix yet. ;)

    2. 12:44 on the latest video they posted right . I think the dude that post videos using the black sunglasses emoji posted it . Like Sol said once . They all take from each other . But BB is up there with the best

  3. WAS the best vacation destination in the world. Was being the key word. Been there a few times, first time in1986, last time in 2022. The army was out in full force, intimidating at first, but we got used to it and felt safe. There are no direct flights there from GDL and we don't like going through Mex City. Barra de Navidad is our favorite playa location these days. Too bad for Acapulco, such a beautiful place,

    1. It infuriates me to see how they destroyed it. After Otis it was already on life support and now they're going to bleed it dry doing this..


    3. They ruined it and Cancun… funny how they don’t let this happen to Cabo San Lucas though

    4. Hey don't say nothing bad about Cancun, HEARST has a timeshare hotel, loves to go there in the summer.

  4. Acapulco has been this way for years now. Since Enrique Peña Nieto’s presidency it’s been this way. I remember the marines literally had to disband the municipal police and take over because the corruption was so bad. Now the marines have left, and things are once again getting bad.

    1. Oh the marines are still here, as is the army and the national guard in high numbers. They're corrupt just as much as the municipales are. This is the worst I've seen it and it's probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better..

  5. Who said mexicos beaches are safe?

    1. I've been to Venice Beach and watched a knife fight between two bums. I felt a lot safer in Cabo San Lucas than I did in Venice. Trust me.

    2. 7:51 your forgot to mention, there's a homeless encampment, near Venice Beach. Some of the bums don't have nothing to do all day, but use drugs and start fights.

    3. 751 I moved out of Cali. One party Democrats ran that state into the ground. Good luck.

    4. So true. They ruined the state. They've ruined the country.

    5. It's better that having Cheetos face running the Country, he has lots of lawsuits going on. In one of the many, he owes a lady 83 million, for talking out of his ass .

  6. Now might be a good time for the bad guys to go door to door, soliciting funds..
    If you are willing to stand in line in the hot sun all day and produce a water or light bill to prove your residency, you get handed $8,000 in cashi (almost 500 dollars), a new refrigerator, mattress, oven, floor fan, blender, etc..
    The army has got flatbed trucks full of goodies..
    I dunno nuthin' about some battle between Jaliciences and Sinaloenses, Acapulco ya tiene su propio home-grown miscreants to terrorize the general public..

    1. Lizard boy/man has the government of Obrador, finally helped restore Alcapulco?

    2. Yeah, the beaches were packed to the rafters today, at least in the traditional part of town where I hang my hat, and where the budget -conscious revelers from the valley of Mexico flock to, cuz you can rent a hotel room for under 500 pesos, the ocean temp is 83°(28°}, the fish is fresh, the coconuts sabe bien rico, and the overall vibe is serene..
      La Guardia Nacionál was serving up big cardboard boxes full of good shit this morning, fresh eggs, diapers, canasta basica products that everyday blue collar sort of folks tend to gravitate to..
      Wait in line, get a box, get back in line, cola de fila, and aim for another box..
      In the sea-level colonias, most of the hurricane debris has been carted off, there's a free concert and fireworks going off right now downtown in the zocalo, it's complimentary bread and circuses for the masses to distract from what's really turning into un año nuevo sangriento, this year of the dragon..

    3. At 9:52
      Let me see 🤔.
      500 pesos a night times 20 pesos to the dollar=$25.00 a that's a bargain. I bet the drinks at the strip clubs are a bargain too.

  7. If Acapulco only had two hours advanced notice of an incoming category 5 hurricane its pathetic government is to blame. Those pendejos must've thought surely its trajectory will change.
    Here in California at least two days before it made landfall the meteorologist were talking about it and cautioning people that might travel there. The computer models were also showing that probability.

    1. Elmo can care a rats ass.

    2. The news was more focused on the one expected to hit Sinaloa that had formed first and was slowly moving, and I guess they forgot about the second one that formed quickly die to freak conditions. It was in the Sinaloa reports with the 2nd having a lower probability of hitting the state, so while all eyes were there, the 2nd did a sneak attack.

  8. Está horrible Acapulco, siempre ha estado así. Es la playa con chilangos. La gente súper tranza.

  9. I thought they had a cartel. That little cartel Barbie started. Independent cartel of Acapulco or something like that ?

    1. oh yea, they say kenas indie folxx are like a mixture of gay pilotes, Chapitos and the machos..


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