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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Judge Grants Extradition Of Erick Valencia Salazar 'El 85', 'CJNG' Co-Founder, And Close Collaborator Of 'El Mencho' To The U.S.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

A federal judge granted the extradition to the United States of Erick Valencia Salazar, alias "El 85," a former collaborator of Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) leader Nemesio Oseguera, who is wanted by a federal court in the District of Columbia.

After filing several appeals to stop his transfer, the head of the Fifth District Court in Amparo and Federal Trials in the State of Mexico, Alfonso Alexander López Moreno, determined that the "justice of the Union DOES NOT PROTECT" "El 85" against the extradition agreement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) in August of last year, and the omission of the judge responsible for issuing his legal opinion on the case by the deadline established by the International Extradition Law.

Valencia Salazar was first arrested in 2012 and released by a judge in 2017.

In September 2022, almost five years after being released, Erick was recaptured by elements of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), in the municipality of Tapalpa, Jalisco, where he was vacationing, and who was served an arrest warrant for extradition purposes.

In October 2022, a federal judge granted a provisional suspension to Erick Valencia to temporarily halt his extradition to the United States.

The CJNG founder's freedom was at the disposal of the amparo court at the Altiplano maximum security prison, where he is being held.

In September 2023, Valencia Salazar filed an injunction to stop his surrender to the US government, after he was notified of the extradition order inside the prison.



  1. I presume he will be the co-operating witness, so he can get less time in jail, if Mencho ever gets extradited.

    1. Ya mencho bajo tierra

    2. Otro que piensa que mencho esta vivo.

    3. Hojala si Este muerto ese pedaso de weyon por eso es tan culero por cuernudo podras matar al papa de tu hijastra pero las cojidas ya no se quitan weyon

    4. Nomas un pendejo piensa que mencho esta muerto

  2. Excellent another scumbling going to a 8x10 suite.

    1. Maybe he can share a cell with El Raton.

    2. 5:18
      Top bunk or bottom punk?

  3. Well, that's one way to emigrate to the US.

    1. Yes Mr Brown
      Unfortunately his freedom has been relinquished.

    2. And many others do it the criminal way

    3. These guys get free room and board for the rest of their lives! Wasting millions of tax dollars to lock up one loser after another….then they just keep getting replaced. Does anyone think we are winning this “war on drugs”?! 😂

    4. Unfortunately that is true, for instance notorious c9nfessed killer el grande-he killed and bu5chered about 200 people with his own hands, irrespective of the ones he ordered, he is free among us here in the US, w. Protection for him, place to live for him and his family, ...

    5. @03:49 right, so the solution is to just let everyone sell dope no matter how many people die from the deadly dope.

      Especially fentanyl. Fentanyl is a religion and it should be free and protected by the USSA (United Socialist States of America).

      Canada obviously knows whats good and they give underage children free fentanyl as a harm reduction measure, which makes totally perfect sense -- that way the cartels and trailer trash biker gangs like the Outlaws and Hells Angels can't make any money peddling M Box blues from Juan Carlos Guzman on the playground and on TicToc and YouTube.

    6. 5:22 You put our mor false stats than Frump!
      The answer is education and recovery - but the lobby efforts and industries that thrive from the drug war and incarcerations have way too much power to let our country implement common sense.

  4. Pure theater. The casual observer looks at this and concludes Mexico is indeed serious about fighting DTO’s. But, the Italian Mafia in the US wasn’t decimated because they prosecuted (and finally convicted) the likes of Gotti; it was decimated when they began to prosecute the organization itself using RICO. If Mexico were serious, they’d enact a RICO type law and put everyone associated with the organization away for 20 to life. But, they are NOT serious about ending the DTOs do they engage in theater, and some of you watch and say, “AMLO is not corrupted, look at who they arrested. Look at who they extradited.” RICO my friends is not some Latin guy who comes to sleep with your wife while you’re fan boying over your favorite cartel or AMLO - RICO castrated and ends criminal organizations.

    1. It’s fuckd up they gave GS9 a RICO , Bobby Shmurda never recovered 🥲

    2. Didn’t end the Mexican Mafia and Nuestra Familia or the Tangos in Texas.

    3. Hey did you guys Raul Leon of the Cali Eme was put on disregard status to spend all that time working for an organization I bet that sucks

    4. @1021 there’s never been a rico prosecution of the leadership top down for the Mexican mafia. They’ve used RICO (successfully) to prosecute local members.

    5. 11:44 Huero Sherm has been on disregard stats I believe for a few years now. Probably due to talking on TV and being squirreled away in ADX Colorado with little contact.

    6. 908 do you honestly think the country is going to recover from 40 years of corruption in one term? Just now, during this term, there are judicial reforms to the mexican justice system that are being presented, imposed or rejected. The change everyone is crying for is occurring right before our eyes. Mexico has a long way to go and we have yet to see what the future holds. Although you may disregard all of the captures and extraditions as political theatre under the current administration, it's the most that have occurred in 5 years and whatever odd months than the last 5 previous administrations combined.

    7. 2:03 I’m 9:08 and I live here in Tamps. In the 3 years here, feet actually on the ground with a wife from here, I can tell you all this has amounted to absolutely nothing. The current government is criminal. There is no public safety or security. Corruption is the rule not the exception. There is no rule of law. Organized crime controls vast portions of the country with impunity. The police cannot be trusted and the average Mexican, IF they seek help will reach out to the local bad guys. The army cannot be trusted and has a horrendous human rights record and are used as a police force. Violent crime and kidnapping are crimes of impunity. There is no true freedom of the press and politicians are murdered at a shockingly high rate. Elections are corrupted. Money laundering is so ubiquitous that the illegal activities are a MAJOR part of the economy. And the arrests you speak of have done NOTHING to move the needle on these issues. Nada. Until they go about dismantling organizations, which they will not, none of this will change. And this will not happens because like many, you don’t understand it’s not a “good guys” “bad guys” dynamic here. The government is complicit. It is NOT safe here and hasn’t been since before the “drug wars.” Finally, “hugs not bullets” is NOT a security strategy. You actually believe for one second the very people who benefit from the illicit trades are going to shut it down? LOL. No. But they will continue to engage in this theater and distract everyone with selective arrests and favoring one group of another. Are you and others so naive that you actually believe the metros on their own invited CJNG to the State? LOL I’d love to sell some bridges right now because many of you are obviously ignorant to the boots on the ground truth here. I knew CJNG was coming here months before the metros - escorpiones issues and so did a lot of others who live in a very particular region of the State.

    8. 04:51 Orale cabron.

    9. @9.08. The "casual observer"? Every single thing you say makes you sound like a casual observer. By "casual" I mean somebody who doesn't understand Mexican law or politics, thinks that the Rico laws can be transferred globally, has no understanding of what is happening and why, and why the Rico laws worked in the first place. How the hell would Rico work in Mexico?

  5. That Squirrel gonna get a new cage!!🐿️🩻🇺🇸😹

  6. Agreed. They are not as serious as they ought to be.

  7. A special task force of CJNG composed of Grupo Elite, Fuerzas Especiales del Mencho and Los Operadores Droneros Operators will rescue him .

    1. How about the cunnis?🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️to the rescue!!

    2. 10:37

      It's "cuini" not "cunni".

  8. Him getting captured, and especially Mencho's brother getting caught, are the reasons why I have believed for some time now that Mencho has passed.
    No way he would have allowed that to happen, blood is blood.

    1. I tried telling everybody a couple years ago I was in Guadalajara when it happened, I was staying at the hotel francia next to the presidential palace, I saw a bunch of commotion going on. I asked one of the guards there he said that Mencho died at the hospital and they were just taking precautions and case of reprisals. If I recall it was February 13th almost 3 years ago

    2. Of you die on Friday the 13th, you go straight to hell, everybody knows this..

    3. 3:14 if you don't know what day of the month it is or how to count...don't be surprised people won't believe you.
      Are you the same person that said some people you know that live close to the hospital also told you that?

    4. 3:14
      You're right he died at the Guadalajara hospital, many people are in denial, he died due to 3 complications of his health, it was 2 years ago he died, not 3 maybe a typo error.

    5. 3:14; 🍪🍼. Yes you told us….hers your cookie and milk; good boy🤮🤣😂

  9. Jaliscos ratted on this man 2 times to get him out of the way.

  10. All the CJNG dudes are getting extradited to the States now... LoL...

    1. Hilarious! Stay in school kid.

    2. 'Hilarious! Stay in school kid'
      Must be hurting this guys adulation seeing his heroes get fucked off into clean hell..
      Mexicans should fuckin hate these guys,but ?

    3. 1:20 They get hurt when their hero’s get caught or killed, yet their hero’s don’t even give a shit about them lol

    4. I'm American. The stuff going on in Mexico is pure entertainment for my twisted mentality. I don't care for any garbage group ruining that country. Some of you are embarrassing.

  11. Sorry BB readers I corrected the article I wrote an specific part of the article twice -CHAR

    1. 'Sorry BB readers I corrected the article ...Char'
      While bi-lingual readers sit on their arse and complain about BB translation and stories..
      You have no need to apologize to anyone here

  12. Mr. Char. Everyone makes mistakes.

    Thanks for the article. Be easy.

    Rubio NYC

  13. How about the Zeta leaders who have been in prison longer than him? What is so special about them? I am sure they lead bigger atrocities against mexican citizens and more!! Who is protecting them? Just saying...

    1. They have better legal representation.

    2. Those Zetas obviously have dirt on many Mexican Politicians along their territory. The financiers inside CJNG are almost all in prison now, Los Cuinis aka Menchos cuñados ….

  14. What about la bola Trevino. I heard his ass has connects with military generals that’s why he is not get send to the gringos like Gen Luna lmao

  15. Y Cienfuegos when? The lil old head got away with some panama papers that show cia people delivering rifles to Santa sitas. But he help traffic drugs back and forward. Todos Deven caer alav.

  16. Did he ever actually leave cjng and join neava plaza or not?

    1. El 85 joined forces with CJNG top LT El Cholo to start La Nueva Plaza cartel. El 85 and el cholo as founders. while in prison el cholo was head of the nueva plaza cartel n even form alliance with Sinaloa n top police forces battle against CJNG. They did good up untill El Cholo got captured by CJNG then el 85 became head of NP. 🍍🍍

    2. El 85 never joined el cholos nueva plaza he will always be cjng he runs a huge cjng group in uraupan and in Colima he got out twice since being captured in 2012

    3. 👆🤣🤦‍♂️

    4. This is 4:51pm. When el 85 got caught 2012-2017 he became aware that el Mencho had casted/betrayed him and got in contact with el cholo who was top LT for CJNG at the time n branched off with his cell to form NP. All is fair in the narco world even calling/snitching to the cops/Gov on your enemies or allies, ain't nothing new.

    5. 7:04 👆🤣🤦‍♂️

    6. El 85 Group managed to establish themselves all around URUAPAN plus some towns north of that agricultural hub

    7. @4.51. That is simply not true. That was a leaked story from the military hoping the lights would flash once the rumour got out, so they could home in on CJNG leaders. They were looking for Mencho. Erik had nothing to do with Nueva Plaza. So many media outlets repeated the story from a single bullshit leak.

    8. @7.04. All those stories you are reading come from 1 original bullshit source. 85 had nothing to do with Nueva Plaza.

    9. This is 7:04. Thanks for the correction. Yeah unfortunately that info is on wiki n utube videos n just spread crazy. Plz remove or edit my comments. Thanks 9:37

  17. He will get convicted and life..ironically he will serve his time next to El Chapo. If they don't want to get caught and extradited to U..S. they need make a truce.

  18. que bueno pinche lacra!!!

  19. Rip to this guy he shoulda tried to disappear after he was released but instead he had to fight

    1. His cell was the one that was recently able to establish themselves inside Uruapan, Michoacán -recently abnormal things like a Los Viagras & CJNG ceasefire

    2. @6.28. He didn't fight. Who did he fight against? His debts caught up with him, and so his protection failed.


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