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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Los Tlacos Manhandle The Familia Michoacána Gunmen

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Several videos have surfaced from a recent confrontation that took place between members of Los Tlacos and Familia Michoacána operatives. It appears that the Los Tlacos gunmen actually kept their word when they had previously mentioned. 

That they were on their way towards the Familia Michoacána mob by way of San Miguel Totolapan, Guerrero. At some point en route they actually ran into each other and a gun battle took place between the two warring cartels. 

The Familia Michoacána cartel lost 20 assassins on their end. And the Los Tlacos mob took the time to film how they dispose of their enemies in broad daylight. 

They used one big blaze, unnecessary gunfire on corpses that can’t feel shit anymore, and too many vulgarities against the dead that’ll more than likely follow them wherever it is they’re going. 

Video translation is as follows:

Alright, let’s see. Fresa and Pez, you faggots. I thought you and your commanders were such hot shit out here? Come and bring your 20 dead and operatives that I’ve captured. Stop going around claiming that you’re the big dick here. 

You already know that the Sierra mob is who rules in this place. We didn’t want to advance forward in this terrain. But we’re fucking tired of you rats, kidnappers, rapists of women, and murderers of innocent civilians. 

We’re on our way, we’re on our way towards San Miguel Totolapan. We’re going as far as the town of Arcelia. And as for you politicians. Stop supporting this trash. Because if you continue to do so, your lives will end just the same. 

The faggot mayor from San Miguel Totolapan also needs to stop threatening the Sierra mob. Otherwise, I’ll eventually fuck you up. 

Sincerely, We’re a mob for operative 21. We are the Sierra Cartel. We’re the absolute mob for El 80.

Sicarios scream in unison: We are the Sierra Cartel!

Distance between San Miguel Totolapan and Arcelia

Que Poca Madre  Daily Narco  Jonatan Mendoza  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. They showed those corpses who's boss!

  2. LFM really sending untrained members to the front

    1. Capacitados ??
      Solo son malandros.
      Si buscas capacitación estás mirando el lado equivocado

  3. I agree, si estan bien pendejos los vatos

  4. Gente del 80 dela linea. Ahhh no son coches

    1. El 80 tenia puro lince

    2. How do people become that disconnected from humanity. How do people become that

    3. @3:24 they become numb to it. Its real sad.

    4. "How do people become that disconnected from humanity" What is humanity ?
      There is a first time for everyone,and even you are capable of it deep down

  5. Thats probably the first guys they’ve ever killed that’s why they making big deal out of it

    1. You must’ve missed the article / video where the execute 20 people from an opposing cartel. Think it was FM or something. los tlacos cartel Has been around and active for some time.

  6. Talk about being dumb. Wasting bullets on corpses. On of these guys shooting actually said "so they won't revive themselves". I think he's being watching too much walking dead. Lol.

    1. Calm down theyre just having fun. Plenty of ammo coning from the US, trust me capitalist uncle sam loves the business.

    2. 00:47 tío Sam, capitalista?
      Déjame adivinar
      Eres chilango, verdad????

  7. Dammit they did work on them foos like they said

  8. Damn those sicarios had no training, your not supposed to all be bunched up in an ambush. Plus they needed spotters to watch for any enemy approaching. Unless they ran out of ammo. This is terrible for Mexicans. No real winners in these battles. They are killing their own kind, and this war never ends. But i guess it’s a cultural thing to have tribal wars

    1. Exactly.were they asleep or what? How did they manage to catch that many in such a small grouping ? How didn't they spot something ?

    2. its almost always state vs state in mexico, we dont look at us a whole or equal

  9. Everyone in Tierra Caliente, Gr. saw this coming

  10. Sheesh how do you lose that bad?

  11. I lost brain cells watching these guys

    1. That and more 11:14. Absolute stupidity/real bona-fide hillbilly, back woods, hut dwelling, pillow talking with their sisters type shit.

  12. That fire would have absolutely drunk

  13. That’s the second time them tlacos left a massacre of LFM smh

  14. La Familia Michoacana needs to be dealt with. They are one of the groups who do most of the extortion.

  15. Even though these guys are scum and demons i don’t get how you can have so much hate towards a enemy you didn’t even know exist and risking to get beheaded/torture for a boss/druglord who doesn’t know you exist or even care less about you.

    1. The people they killed belong to one of the most tyrannical cartels in Mexico, extorting everyone in Guerrero of everything down to the peasant farmer. I know people from La Cosa Chica whos sons were kidnapped/conscripted by the LFM. So I applaud their demise.

    2. 12:40 that is true but they say tlacos are the same kind of scum as lfm, they also extort civilians

  16. Those dudes from the south when they on the other side of the stick cry 🤣🤣🤣

  17. Seguenle! Putos extorsionadores esos de LFM!

  18. Gente sin educación,de gente de guerra no tienen nada,cuando una batalla termina los difuntos se respetan

    1. que chingen su puta madre los difuntos jaja

  19. All i hear is verga verga whooo woohooooo


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