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Friday, February 2, 2024

Mayoral Candidate Murdered by Gunman Near Guadalajara, Jalisco

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Jaime Vera Alaniz (aged 62), a mayoral pre-candidate for Mascota, Jalisco, was fatally shot outside a laundry shop in Zapopan, part of the Guadalajara metropolitan area. Eyewitnesses reported that the assailant escaped on foot.

Emergency responders confirmed Vera's death at the scene, noting that he had sustained three gunshot wounds to his arm, abdomen, and skull.

Vera Alaniz was running for the position of mayor in the municipality of Mascota, representing the Ecologist Green Party of Mexico (PVEM).

According to numerous social media posts from residents of Mascota, Vera Alaniz was actively involved in charity work, providing support to communities facing economic challenges. Additionally, he contributed by delivering garbage bins to localities in need of proper waste disposal infrastructure.

He had recently signed up as a candidate for mayor of Mascota. He said his goal was to "restore the charm of the town".

The electoral campaigns for Jalisco's municipalities are set to commence on March 31 and conclude on May 29. On December 5, 2023, Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez announced the implementation of a security protocol for the electoral process, coordinated by the State Security Board.

Investigators have yet to release information regarding the suspected perpetrators or the motive behind the murder. It remains unclear whether the candidate had received threats from a criminal organization or an individual. 

The fact that Vera Alaniz was murdered in Zapopan, located nearly 200 km (124 mi) from Mascota municipality, indicates that the assailants meticulously planned and were aware of the candidate's travel arrangements.

CJNG's Influence in Mascota, Jalisco
The Mascota area and its surroundings are regarded as a strategic location for the operations of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias El Mencho.

This region is known to house various clandestine laboratories engaged in the production of fentanyl.

In addition to the laboratories, the Mascota area also features clandestine landing strips utilized by cartel members to receive small planes from southern Mexico and dispatch shipments to other parts of Mexico. These runways are meticulously concealed with large flower pots, which are removed at night to facilitate swift and efficient landings.

Background sources: Roberti News


  1. Nueva plaza and cds trying hard to take over jalisco
    Good luck with that!

  2. Didn’t someone on here say cjng does not produce or sell fent ?

    1. And you believe everything they tell you.😭.

      They have been brainwashing, the townspeople of coming to Clean the town, never to I see them with brooms or trash bag. When in fact they come to rape, extort, kidnap.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Can't wait for cjng downfall

    1. No one can wait, but CDS will fall before CJNG does

    2. It’s already happening

    3. Lol, the cartels will never fail. As long as us Americans want drugs.

    4. Cartels will never fail? Where the hell you beed the past 20 years. Juarez cartel gone. Arellano cartel gone. The real familia michoacana gone. Los zetas gone. El milenio los diaz parada all gone

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Lol, the cartels will never fail. As long as us Americans want drugs....
      Fuckin pure goofy kunts,which cartel shall we support nina ?

    7. 12:10 exactly 💯
      11:03 truth hurts right 🤣

    8. I have a great love and respect for the people a country of Mexico and there was a time many years ago when the drug cartels relied solely on the sale of drugs to the US. This is no longer the case if tomorrow 100 pct of the sale and flow of drugs to the US dissapeared the cartels would still exist see mexico now has more then enough of its own citizens hooked on drugs to be able to support the drug cartels as well as the fact that there exist cartels which are not major drug suppliers but are domestic criminal organizations roberry, extortion, kidnapping you get the picture. i fear that it may take 3 generations to actually rid mexico of its domestic drug addiction.

  4. Mayo runs it all. Now that there’s no internal conflict within CDS, CJNG will get pushed back real quick. Take a look at Zacatecas, the clowns can’t even take Teocaltiche.

    1. Lol both CDS amd CJNG are clowns but to your point CDS can't even expand in Jalisco lol they are confined to teoca

    2. You’re missing the point. CJNG went to Zacatecas and got sent home. CDS are still in Teocaltiche, CJNG are barely on the outskirts. These are facts. CDS are in Jalisco and never left.

    3. 357 to my knowledge from folks that I know that just came back from nochistlan , la estancia and apulco.. jardinero 4 letters people still operate in those municipalities

    4. Connor todavia ESTA mencho en Redwood City?

    5. Cjng is still string in zacatuercas, don't get it twisted

  5. He looks like a good guy.

  6. Female prez candidate HAS balls considering colosio n her plans against cartels

  7. That had nothing to do with crime, that was political motivated. Alfaro makes sure that only his people get elected.


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