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Monday, February 5, 2024

Mexican Judge Drops Firearm Charges Against Gulf Cartel Boss Osiel Cárdenas Months Ahead of His US Release

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Osiel Cardenas Guillen was the top leader of the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas in the late 1990s and early 2000s. He is credited with pioneering the paramilitarization of Mexico's cartels by forming Los Zetas, originally composed of ex-commandos.
A Mexican federal court has granted a motion filed by former Zetas and Gulf Cartel leader Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, who is months away from being released from a US federal prison.

The motion, presented by Cardenas's defense team, aims to shield him from potential arrest by Mexican authorities if Cardenas is deported back to Mexico following the completion of his sentence in the US. This legal maneuver indicates that Cardenas is making preparations for his release and potential return to Mexico.

The decision effectively drops the firearm charges against Cardenas. The judge argued that this particular offense, carrying a potential sentence of over 20 years in Mexico, has now exceeded the statute of limitations.

According to court records, the defense argued that the firearm charge against Cárdenas took place on March 14, 2003, the day he was apprehended in flagrante delicto. These firearms charges were deemed serious offenses as they involved weapons designated for military-exclusive use, constituting an aggravated factor in the charge.

However, Mexican prosecutors did not formally accuse him until two years later and was kept in prison on other charges.

His defense team argued that Mexican prosecutors agreed to extradite Cardenas in 2007 under the condition that he would face charges in Mexico first, and that once these proceedings concluded, he would be extradited to the US. They contend that Cardenas should not face charges upon his return to Mexico, citing this precedent.

The judge endorsing Cardenas's motion is Jorge Mario Montellano Iturralde, and the case has been transferred to another court for a final review.

It is unclear if Cardenas faces other charges in Mexico in addition to this firearm charge.


Cardenas Guillen served as the top leader of the Gulf Cartel from 1999 to 2003. During his leadership, he recruited several ex-military members to establish the cartel's paramilitary wing, Los Zetas. At the peak of his influence, he became one of the most sought-after international fugitives.

Arrested in Mexico in 2003, Cárdenas Guillén was subsequently extradited to the U.S. in 2007. Initially sentenced to 25 years in prison without the possibility of parole in 2010, his sentence has undergone multiple reductions.

As per the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Cárdenas Guillén's anticipated release date is set for August 30, 2024. He is currently held at the USP Terre Haute in Indiana.

Last month, a photo of him posing with another federal inmate was leaked on social media. This is the most recent picture of him to date since his extradition to the US.

Sources: Milenio; Borderland Beat Archives


  1. Think he would be in witness protection here after all the cooperation with prosecutors. He would be a target anywhere.

    1. Osiel only cooperated against Zetas. DEA just wanted zetas and his 50 million in cash. His family still owns Matamoros. Like in Laredo where Trevinos own everything. It would be like 40 coming home in a way

    2. The only problem is Matamoros did have more than one cell about a year ago with Contador v Vaquero. Other than that then yeah. Matamoros seems very consolidated. If he stays there he should be fine. The problems happen if he steps out of there.

    3. Z-40 didn't flip like he did though or at least it's not a common known fact.
      I don't know how this one plays out. It would be interesting to see what happens if he does try come back

    4. Why would the government care if he got murdered after he served his use to them ?

      You really think witsec is going to be used for someone like this

  2. Where is that dude who said the CDG doesn’t have good attorneys? These guys are prepping for everything, even if Osiel gets deported. Sounds like good lawyering to me.

    1. Yikes. That doesn't sound good.

    2. It was good lawyering, it was cooperation on Osiel's part.

    3. I see, thanks Detroit.

    4. Better Call Saul (CDG edition)

    5. It’s not good lawyering , this is what happens when someone gets released.

  3. This is one wicked hombre veteran of the game I wonder what he has up his sleeves for the CDG

    1. Starting to sound like tormenta, buddy.

  4. He's coming back for what's his

    1. he will be dead really quick

    2. Dudes about to pull an antrax 2.0

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if he fully resumes leadership of the Gulf Cartel again after he is sent back to Mexico.

    1. He will have to fight for it most likely. His nephew wont give up the boss position

    2. 6:31 El Contador? Of course he will, especially if he's still incarcerated in México and most definitely if extradited to the USA. When OCG was in Almoloya/Altiplano said nephew was one of his messengers. Shit it might be all bad for El Contador since he ordered the killing of some of his primos hermanos for whatever reason. Remember Chapo socked up Guano for having their half brother Ernesto killed and had his main pistoleros Los Muro killed off.
      MX de quién es hijo El Contador?

    3. How will he return to the helm if there's legal conditions imposed? Or, if he's put in the witness protection program? What if none of that happens, will CDG and the rest of the underworld allow a known rat back in the game?

    4. 7:14 El Contador es hijo de Agustín Cárdenas Guillén.

    5. MX
      Les ayudo a sus hermanos en el negocio? Los únicos que recuerdo que sonaron fueron Tormenta, Majadero y Mario.

    6. The boss of the matamoros cdg ordered 1 or 2 of his cousins killed. There is no turning back from that Are you sure he wld not turn in his uncle? Shit once they get that power they dont want to give it up.

    7. 9:09 - No de manera formal. Sé que Rafael visitó a Osiel cuando estaba detenido con El Chava en CDMX antes de que escaparan e hizo declaraciones con ministeriales, confirmando que estaba casado con Celia Salinas. De Agustín no se mucho. Quiero imaginarme que estaban metidos en lavado de dinero.

    8. 6:11 El Contador is currently incarcerated. He has an extradition warrant to the USA pending. His legal problems have just begun. He was Osiel protege. If anything he would seek to have his kids take his former position with their uncle. It's about respecting elders and the experience he has. Of course they can be brats or Osiel just might stay in the USA.

      MX lo visitó Rafael su hermano o su Papá? Supongo que fue el hermano porque del Papá no se sabe mucho. Tu también escribiste el perfil en español de OCG en Wikipedia?

    9. 2:45 - Visitó a su hermano.

      No lo escribí. Ese artículo lleva desde el 2006 (yo empecé en Wikipedia en el 2011) y ha pasado por muchas ediciones. Yo escribí varios del antiguo CDG/Z en inglés como los de El June, Yeyo, Zefe, Meme Loco, Lictor Marroquin, Medrano, La Brocha, El JC, Pita, Gilberto Barragán, El Alvin, El Chuta, Flanders 1, Guerrero Reyes, etc. Ya no escribo mucho ahí.

    10. thank you for every writing you’ve done so far, rly hope you continue but still tysm 🤍

  6. Wild that this is really happening

  7. Most definitely gonna take a shot back at leadership IF he comes back to MX. I’m sure some other cartels will be impacted since the old school mentality still prevails

  8. They’re going to be a truce with gulf cartel and CAF when Osiel gets out. Just watch. Benjamin and Osiel were once locked up together. El corrido del comando negro is going to come back in exsistence. These guys are locked up with heavy weights from Colombia that still have plug.

    1. Osiel had Benjamin beat up over a disagreement in Almoloya. Don't remember if they quashed it.

    2. Lol both of them are washed
      Plus whos going to let them back in
      In their world a few months is a completely different field
      Much less years

      Lol dreaming

  9. Dude he is a rat. He will get smoked like chino antrax

    1. Are you really comparing this guy (regardless of being the friend killer), who was a Top G in CDG and also the guy whom under his command was created the Zetas, to that skinny kid Antrax? Lol

  10. “He’s a rat” = he’s a narco nowadays

    1. 9:09 Stop living in your Hollywood fantasy movies “goodfellas “ in reality mob bosses, cartel bosseswill do anything to stay out of prison . They’re criminals for a reason when the push comes to shove they will do anything to survive

    2. Well, Juan Garcia Abrego from the Gulf cartel did not snitch. He was given 11 life sentences as a result of that...

    3. Him plus Beltran Leyva are only ones that did that...
      Besides Tormenta/Z3/Abl that shot it out

    4. … Manuel Torres .. Macho Prieto .. Nacho Coronel .. Ines Calderon.. Pablo Acosta … Ramon Arellano …

    5. Abrego snitched in mexico. One guy that was crossing more drugs than he was paying tax on. Abrego kidnapped his worker tortured him for info killed his ass. Then he had some mexican police agency arrest the trafficker. Thats is fucking snitching. He shld of just killed the guy.This story was mentioned in his case on the usa.

    6. Hollywood movies have you tontos very indoctrinated

  11. Most old school bosses retire or are independent low key instead of going back to cartels.

    1. Osiel was too at the top. He can’t retire anywhere in Mexico. CDMX? He was arrested there once. And people know who he is there. MTY? They’ll kill you even in San Pedro. Matamoros? Not even close. Too small of a city for him and a local war could ensue. Cancun? Bad choice, lots of local gangs there.

      There’s really no place for him in a normal civilian environment IF he returns to Mexico. It’s better of jumping right back into the CDG Moros if he can, but that has its own complexities too.

      Unless he is suicidal or crazy, he should be praying to stay in the US in witness protection. He rated so much about the Zetas and he’s partially to blame for CDG-Zetas split too, so that’s effectively a death sentence if he returns.

      August will come by quick. He may be out soon. I’m enjoying this BB stories about Osiel, hope they continue as more is known.

  12. It’s crazy to think that his release could drastically go in two ways: he can either stay in the US and nothing really changes, or he comes back and potentially changes the criminal dynamics of northeastern Mexico. Both are a possibility. Saludos Morogris.

    1. Quit dreaming … change the dynamics .. if this guy goes back to Mexico he gets smoked .. his cartel is defunct, it’s just a bunch of hoodlum young punks with guns that have nothing in common with a 60yr old businessman .. he will not be able to establish control

    2. 60 year old "business" man? Lol

    3. Hell lay down the lay and everyone will fall in line es la mera vena de moros y el papa grande de los de la letra

    4. GDG 💔 needs a beamer, boy.
      CDS on 7&7s

    5. everything’s gravy in Michigan.

  13. I remember when he was convicted and thinking that the 2020s were so far away. And now he’s less than a year away from leaving prison.

  14. He will have one bullet right between his eyes in Mexico. I said what I said.

    Canadian girl 💋

  15. Ugly little fucker i hope he does go back to Mex and people are waiting for him,hes a survivor he wont go to Mex,look how much he sang,Sinatra aint got shit on big head here

    1. Iived across from his home, he would high five me, his kids were spoiled.

    2. Orale
      Tell us more amigo

  16. How many commenting here have at least moved a 62.5? Or are you all just fans?

    Haven't any of you tripped and gotten up? Why? Cus if you did it once, you can sure do it again.

    1. What's 62.5? A 1/16 of a brick? 😒 Do they really sell like that? Get the 70g

    2. Pretty funny comments lol

      caught that 62.5 right away, that's a 2 and a quarter pretty much, called 2 and a baby in like rap songs/Atlanta culture

    3. There are none 70g bags by the border.

      "Small" timers do, big dogs don't.

    4. Lmao I thought minim was a quarter-half of a gordo lol
      So what does that come out to about 8ish - 17ish onzas

      Anythin less than that is rough pa comprar y vender
      La vasa tener que mochar otra vez y luego ya es mugrero
      tu cliente no te va a comprar otra vez ni te va pedir ya

      Si los pinches gordos que cruzan la ribereña orita no son mas de 70% en general con rodos que mueven

      Contimas esos 70 gramos

    5. Half a big...a first steps of a come up...if u can get there then to 125 your on ur way

    6. lol yeah 125

      even though it's actually 126

    7. 70g is two and a half ounces.
      1000g is a kilo. Sometimes they're a little over or below. No problem as long as it's ether base fishscale aka original.
      You want a 1/4 brick, that's 250g. That's how business gets handled.

    8. Where do you get 126 from?

      that's why I asked "just fans" or actually know the game and consequences of it
      And if you are not getting it directly, it's not meant to be cut. Will only work for bars & not the Mirro.

    9. @ 10:02
      Sir that fishscale does not exist anymore and if it looks like it...

      Its because they know how to rerock
      Like 5:55 had said there not pure anymore I heard its never above 80% @ best now.
      ^ ***For south tx***
      Profit margins too low

      This isnt miami during the 80s
      Everything is cut
      Unless its jefes personal stash, thats something else and even then that doesnt get sold

    10. That’s the business model though.

      Come from Colombia at like 95%
      and the Colombians have all their scams, oilier ones. Gasoline ones. 90 for a little cheaper.

      Then they take 15/20 % off the top

      On the 126 thing, you are exactly right that’s how it goes, but the math is 1008 but yeah no one goes by that it’s what you said.

    11. 6:56 when someone doesn't even know the grams to ounce conversion of kilos do they really know what they're talking about? You want high purity powder? Tell your source you need the powder for crack/piedra/base. If you're buying multiple ounces to a kilo and don't look like a cop or chump, that source will find you what you need.
      10:05 ether base is the best, has the fishscale throughout, oil base is sometimes a little difficult to cook and burns the nasal passage and the stuff that smells and tastes strongly of gasoline is potent. High quality kilos stay original. Fucked up kilos that slip through are for the crybabies and those who only sell for the nose or veins as these clients filter out the impurities when the cook it for the needle.

  17. Do you think he will get transferred to a halfway house? or perhaps they'll give him "house arrest" for the remainder of his sentence? They apparently allow this for federal sentences.

  18. It's not right that these guys can be responsible for countless lives taken and destroyed and still walk free. 10, 20, 50 years isnt enough

    1. La eme should've killed him

    2. …because he is going back to:

  19. Oziel never stopped being the boss. What Zeta did he snitch on ? Only people he gave up was the crooked cops and politicians that turned on him after he gave them those millions !

  20. Osiel...he was madrina something way back as 1989 or year,two later....he knows system and he knew from start that he has some stuff for bargain...that's why he will be out in August....At time of arrest he was much,much more powerful than Chapito.Thats why Chapito organized his arrest....only difference he got arrested at time when he had loads of info to offer while Chapito wabking whole day long in Colorado

    1. it was after 96 that he rose above and beyond

    2. it was 1970-ish, and everything was ‘seasonal’.. no one had heard of hydroponics.. the U.S. law enforcement had just blockaded many of our neighbors routes in the Caribbean and we found ourselves with an influx of requests..

    3. Luis Medrano was a …

    4. Informant for Medellín ..

    5. 5:17-18
      how did you come up with that?
      do you know who his boss worked for?

    6. Luis medrano had previously worked for Casimiro Espinoza and then went on to work for Garcia Abrego after he died, we still don’t know why Tomas “Gringo” Sanchez ordered the hit on Olivero Chavez Araujo.. it was probably a dispute between Cali & Medellin.. OBO

    7. someone like Arkan ?

    8. 2:30

      blamed for when actually 2 others gave the order, when the plan failed, fearing what his reaction would be they decided to pin it on him

      they weren't wrong, the order was given and he along with his bg were taken care of


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