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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Mexico Close To Capturing 'CJNG' Leader El Mencho In 2024, According To Report

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was reposted and translated from INFOBAE 

Disclosure of information suggesting organized crime financing for Lopez Obrador's 2006 presidential campaign halted the major operation.

By: Andres Martinez


Recent disagreements between Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) over an investigation into alleged organized crime financing of the 2006 presidential election have resulted in an unexpected beneficiary: Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias "El Mencho," leader of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG).

Tension between the two sides has hindered operations aimed at capturing one of the most wanted criminals, reported journalist Oscar Balderas on MVS Noticias. The planning of an operation aimed at arresting 'El Mencho' was affected due to a diplomatic conflict, leaving the CJNG leader to operate more freely.

The discord between Mexico and the DEA intensified following the release of information suggesting organized crime financing of Lopez Obrador's 2006 presidential campaign. This triggered a series of leaks that undermined trust and collaboration between the two countries on security issues.

Mutual accusations and the cessation of cooperation between Mexico and the U.S. have given 'El Mencho', and by extension the CJNG, a tactical advantage in this period of political and diplomatic turbulence. (Infobae México/Jovani Pérez)

Officials from the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) and the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) indicated to journalist Balderas that there were robust plans for the capture of 'El Mencho', based on intelligence provided by the US, as well as by the Australian Federal Police and the Panamanian National Police. However, these strategies were compromised by the subsequent breakdown of relations and cooperation with the DEA.

The situation of "suspension" in joint operations highlights the significant impact of diplomatic relations on the fight against drug trafficking.

Mutual accusations and the cessation of cooperation between Mexico and the US have given 'El Mencho', and by extension the CJNG, a tactical advantage in this period of political and diplomatic turbulence.
Despite previous efforts to coordinate action against the cartel, recent tensions have made it clear that the path to capturing one of the most notorious drug traffickers has become more questionable than ever.

Security sources told Oscar Balderas that since September 2023, intelligence authorities had located the CJNG leader, while predicting that his capture could take place in the first three months of this year.

At the end of January 2024, different foreign media, such as Deutsche Welle, ProPublica and Insight Crime, published three separate reports 4 had investigated the financing between 2 and 4 million dollars that the Sinaloa Cartel gave to people close to the campaign of then presidential candidate López Obrador in 2006.

The arrest of the CJNG leader is expected to take place in 2024. (Screenshot)

"U.S. anti-drug agents uncovered what they considered solid evidence that major drug traffickers had delivered around $2 million to political operators working on his (AMLO's) first presidential campaign," reads the publication by journalist Tim Golden of ProPublica.

In this regard, President López Obrador rejected the accusations and affirmed that they are just a kind of election campaigning.

"It is completely false, it is a slander, they are of course very upset and unfortunately the press is very subordinated to power (...) Just tell the State Department, the US Government (that) if there is something they don't like, they should state it openly, they should not send it to say it because it is slander," said the head of the Federal Executive in his press conference on January 31.

Meanwhile, during President López Obrador's morning conference at the National Palace on February 22, the president informed that the US newspaper The New York Times sent him, in a "threatening" tone, a questionnaire to clarify the alleged financing of drug trafficking in his last presidential campaign in 2018.

"It seems to me that the Department of Justice (US) has made it clear, that President López Obrador is not being investigated. It would be the responsibility of the Department of Justice to review any allegations," US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby responded that same day.


  1. Did he not die like 2 years ago? Jajaja

    1. No but due to American pressure if not Mexican political pressure he will be soon. He has too much intel to be taken alive.

    2. If he was alive, they would not give him up anyway. Yes he died 2 years ago.
      ALMO got caught in the cookie jar and now wants US to apologize 😭, thank God we have freedom of press.

    3. Well... not really

    4. 6:51 u really think we have freedom of press or is it they want u to believe u do. U keep thinking u do, it won't hurt

    5. It's not about them giving him up; make no mistake about it when it comes to the intelligence logistics, regarding the tracking of all these degenerates, as it's all derived from U.S. sources. If they are"looking" for him, it's because they are being told to look, and because the U.S has enough information indicating that he's still very much alive. The Mexican "intelligence" apparatus is a complete joke when operating solely on it's own devices. Their IT capabilities are even more pathetic, and that's being generous.

    6. so is he menzo?

  2. Wonder if they’ll go after AMLO like they just charged that ex president in Central America.

    1. No they won’t. Going way back before Salina’s Mexican politicians have had sufficient protection from current presidents to protect them. Regardless of political party this has been a quid pro quo that has lasted to avoid payback on them and their families.

    2. 🤔 who? The U.S? For what? These are accusations coming from media outlets. The U.S won't go after AMLO.

    3. 11:44 The media acquired story from US intelligence - but regardless the top reply summed it up accurately IMO.
      EPN was undoubtedly tied to narcos and Chinese and Brazilian bribes and I am sure much more. Likely F Calderon (CDS) and V Fox were too. We saw precedent with General Cienfuegos and certainly Pres Salina’s; and this will continue with Garcia Luna before he serves any serious time. I have no doubt both AMLO’s and Luna’s counsel are negotiating with Mexico and US admin right now to insure Mexico administrations & power elite will continue to take turns getting wealthy. There is simply too many powerful families at risk letting Manuel Obrador, Garcia Luna to sit in a US prison.

    4. They can’t cause they are allegations without solid proof from outlets. You dropped this 🧠

    5. @2.16. The media didn't acquire it from US intelligence lol. It is an old story, leaked again and againsince long before he became President. Every potential Mexican President is "investigated", so the fact that the investigation itself ( instead of the sworn testimony that dogs Fox, Calderon and EPN) is seen as a sign of guilt, that really should tell you something. Comparing him with Garcia Luna, the right hand of the man who is responsible for the mess AMLO is trying to clear up, is just strange.

    6. @9.10. Absolutely bang on.

    7. @2.16. No, it's a little diplomatic power struggle being played out by news sites that serve specific interests, using AMLO as the hook to hang the "story" on. Nameless "Security People" (making it sound like high level intelligence), people who were invested in trying to capture Mencho, were pissed off that their investment was hobbled by bureaucratic bullshit, and they bitched about it when they were phoned for their opinion. Then Infobae linked those quotes with the old stories that somebody campaigning for AMLO took money, and joined them together like the surviving half of 2 written off cars being welded back together in a Guanajuato chop shop. "Drug Traffickers Benefit When Competing Agencies Squabble" doesn't make a headline though.
      (Cheers for the upload Char, was a good read. Not shootin the messenger here..)

  3. That reporter Oscar Balderas is a newby to Narco Info Wars but is on most Mexican news channels as an expert because he had access to military intel

  4. This SOB is one elusive hombre .. Soy mencho guey

    1. Soy mencho guey! SOY MENCHO!

    2. El senor , que don que Santo no jodan apoco tanto amor por un asesino de niños asenino de gente inocente ,ratero , cobra piso patron de gente pior que el y a heso le tienen respecto o miedo? Que estado se puede pasear la gente si que no te tengas que ir a la casa despues de las 9pm ,ni que fuera uno su chiquillo , embes de entregar Buenos para nada como Este lo celebran. Mexico es mas que estas basuras Mexico puede volver hacer lindo pero nececita parar de poner estos como heroes o idolos!

    3. Connor todavia ESTA mencho en Redwood City?

    4. No esta el pero el papa de su hijastro si en El Camino real

  5. Los pendejos that said he was dead lol
    If mencho really is dead then it's even worse for sinaloa because it means CJNG can stay together without mencho and that's a very bad sign.

    1. He's been dead a few years now and Sinaloa's worst enemy are Sinaloa's the internal strife's have caused a huge blow to that organization

    2. 12:48 8:35 are both correct

    3. El mencho esta vivito y culiando he resides near los altos de jalisco he has a clinic near yahualica every now and the roads are closed because hes at the clinic

  6. In the photo it seems like he constipated 😭

    1. You got to understand he was losing body fat and fatigue does that.

    2. He got lipo and a tummy tuck

  7. No que muy muerto cabrones? Pinches halucines. Pero neta, todos estos traficantes que se meten con la gente merecen morir. Todos.

    ‼️¡¡Marg bar Âmrikâ‼️¡¡

  9. Mencho will never be captured alive. I believe his security apparatus is second to none, and the highly trained and well armed security apparatus will die protecting Mencho. And Mencho would die too. He will be told here they done well before they even start off

    1. Mijo ESTA muerto vato.

    2. Hes already caught by a casket

    3. 440 if he's truely dead that's not good news for CDs. Power has successful my been pasted.

  10. I dislike the CIA and DEA ,US government they’ve created all this drug trafficking the murders all over the world know I see who created all the border crisis in recent months and to add on know they go after mencho more distractions from the Ukrainian war of how much there funding it if I’m not mistaken 300 billion but they can’t take care there own citizens the homeless people,medical coverage,the cost of living CIA and US goverment have always acted with threats to get what they want and AMLO is the only one that tells them to fuck off and disbanded the DEA in Mexico 🇲🇽 that’s why there really pissed 😤 off as a native of Tijuana I fucken hate what they did to my country last thing just remember who really killed Kiki camarena and there still blaming Caro Quintero even do over 23FBI agents have the proof the CIA did it

    1. Relax it takes both countries to F shit up.

    2. It's the globalist Man! The fucken globalist! AMLO is a threat. He's nationalizing everything these foreign Billionaires and domestic political crooks could've made profits on. He's attempting to save PEMEX, Nationalized the Lithium, Nationalized that Solar energy park, bought back Canadian owned railroads that were sold off by crooked ass Cedillo and shut down by the Canadian railroad company. Opened up a new trade route that will challenge the panama canal. He put term caps on foreign mining companies. The tren Maya was built using the military not a foreign company, and the trains were built in Mexico and China, not the U.S or Spain or Germany,same for the new airport in Mexico city and the other airports along the tren Maya routes. He revived AeroMexico. Started the state owned banking. P These are all projects and industries that were bought by the globalist and He's reclaiming them. These Billionaires that could've had their hands in the cookie jar are mad and just like they can lobby government officials to sway political decisions to favor their industries, they can also bribe these international media companies like Propublica to write these smear articles. Carlos Slim has the largest share in the New York Times, what a coincidence that the article on this investigation comes up one week after Carlos Slim criticized AMLO for using the military to build hospitals, airports, bridges, schools and railroads instead of foreign companies. AMLO responds to slim during the mañanera and BAM! we get this article. Globalist own everything and want their hands in everything... everything they want, AMLO is jeopardizing. The railroads, the airlines, the oil, medical sector, banking, trade routes, telecommunications. They're upset and the one way to get him is by amplifying the crime Stat coming out of mexico and blackingout the progress and achievements made my the current administration.

    3. @823 and thats what people dont understand. Theyre quick to call out the number of murders going on in MX as their sole leverage against AMLO. Truth is that man had done more for MX than any other president before him. Mexicos economy will continue to mend itself throughout time with these decisions made by him.

    4. Chatgpt, write a bunch of half-baked inaccurate pro-AMLO bullshit.

    5. 957 half baked or not, it's true. Under AMLO foreign interest are being threatened by the mexican governments action to buy back and nationalize these industries. You could call it "pro-AMLO bullshit" or you could reply with some facts to counter the statement.

    6. 957 if it's inaccurate then disprove it.

    7. If it wasn't the U.S. buying most of the drugs, it would be another country. Nobody fucked up Mexico but Mexico. Stop blaming other for how fucked up your third world shit hole has become, Mexico has one to blame but themselves.

    8. 8:21 Lmao! You’ve obviously not ventured far from your bedroom but if you do; and you visit real 3rd world countries - you will see that Mexico is light years ahead of real third world countries. I love Mexico for business, pleasure, and the people. Financially I do better thru my Mexican companies than I do my US based.

  11. I have a theory might be totally wrong though. But here it goes . What if all the little scrimmages between government troops and CJNG sicarios in Jalisco recently is because the military is testing the waters with Menchos security apparatus. What y'all think?

    1. 6:10 right bro or I'm to far out there with my theory

    2. It is not the dumbest thing written on this page for sure

    3. 8:55 who you think falling first out of Mencho Ivan and MZ ?

    4. Not a bad theory. It’s plausible.

    5. I think Mencho will go down in a hail of bullets Ivan will fall soon

    6. What about MZ ? 2:16
      I personally think MZ is going to die of natural causes. That Mencho is going to die shooting it out and that Ivan is going down in Culiacanazo 3

    7. One test per year doesnt move you forward to your goal. So no its not testing, why doing test runs, they know where he is unless he uses pigeons to communicate. If he use any device with a circuit, sedena and the gringos are on his ass. Mencho just pays better. The same with el mayo, he invested all his money into the mexican economy, especially in sinaloa. If they catch him, no more bribes to politicians and many mexicans will loose their jobs. Those are 2 reason to let him walk

    8. @5:21 . I could see that. Possibly to see where his escape route leads to . Why shoot it out with well armed cartel ,trying to catpure their leader , when you already know where he heads to when the heat comes? Sound’s definitely plausible

    9. To further more on my theory guys . This is just based on pure speculation of mine based on what I have read online but apparently all these little scrimmages that CJNG has had with the military in Jalisco. The military has "captured" some CJNG bosses but no names are given. What if the bosses that are being captured are the lower rank leading the front line soldiers of the hit squads.

  12. you cant trust anything any of those US politicians say, or any agency, theyll change their mind so fast and arrest everyone they feel will up their political careers

  13. CJNG before,(this tantrum of Lopez Obrador)
    was operating freely in 28 states, nothing new.
    Majority of us know Mencho is dead, trying to pull leverage with USA on a dead body.

    1. So much confidence in your statement 🤣 "majority of us know mencho is dead" 🤣 so you know more than the actual intelligence agencies?? Come on man.. lmao

  14. I think mencho is scared of maradona since he came out mencho stepped down
    Bow down to a mfkr greater than you

  15. I thought all the Sinaloa dickriders insist that Mencho is dead?

    So ALMO is allegedly on thr take? Imposible!!! He has hit the cartels do hard in the history of Mexico. No way he can be corrupt como chinito Biden.

    1. I am sorry to inform you, ALMO is on the take, manos suscias. Cheap pension when he retires he'll no..let me get what I can as the other Presidents did.

    2. 8:08 Prove it then

  16. When I was in Afghanistan and we were first deployed to new areas or had a new goal(specific terrorist or terror group) the higher ups would sometimes release stories like this via all kinds of different media avenues. Not because we were actually closing in, we may have had a general idea where to look, we might not have known shit but that this was a bad guy city. But whenever they released these announcements we'd see people scramble. Moving, panicking etc. so you never know.

    1. Trump was with you? Trump was in WW1 and WW2 you know. He was the best of the best. They call him the orange sniper .

    2. @7:44 That makes perfect sense and is a great strategy.

  17. This articles are more drama than anything else.

  18. En cuanto atrapen a El Mencho para que empiesen a gritar las porristas de CDS que ellos terminaron con CJNG y se mojen todas sus pantaletas los gueyes estos.
    No puede CDS contra el Mencho al igual que no puede contra el cartel de Juarez sin ayuda de el gobierno Mexicano.

    1. 8;46 en Zacatecas ya van de salida gracias al CDS y en Baja lo mismo. Entonces de que hablas groupie. Aver como El CJNG le quito la plaza de GTO al Marro o la de Nayarit Al H2 . Gracias al gobierno

    2. AnonymousFebruary 29, 2024 at 8:46 AM
      no sabes nada como se manejan las cosas todos ocupan al gobierno. acaso ya se te olvidaron las mantas y videos donde todos y dije todos lloran diciendo que el gobierno agarro dinero y que deben cumplir muchos ejemplos hay. tumbese ese rollo que cjng no ocupa de gobierno. no te dejes llevar por los videos de propaganda que hacen.

    3. 9:14 y apoco ya se termino el CJNG con eso que acabas de aclarar?
      Ni madre.
      Pero cuando se vaya el Mencho los alucines de ustedes van a decir que fueron los que le ganaron.
      Haci son todas las mujeres.

    4. 11:52 no se acabo ahi todavia andan. Pero ya andan menos fuertes que antes . En GTO todavia no pueden con CSRDL y en Michoacan con CU. En Tabasco La Barredora se les voltio y en Jalisco no pueden con El Flama

    5. 11:07 no si pone Todo nomas El tiempo.

    6. 11:07 no sea cuentero nomas por defender a CDS.
      Todo mundo sabe que hace años Genaro Garcia Luna trabajaba para CDS solamente y que sin este cuate
      CDS no estuviera donde esta hoy.
      Ningun cartel a tenido a alguien tan alto ayudandoles en todo el pais.
      Queire decir que los alucines de CDS son los mas culos en pelear y ganarnbatallqs sin el gobierno.
      Pero escuchen sus estupidos corridos de mierda y dicen que ellos solos salen a el topon y otras mierdas les creen.

    7. 11:07. Todos contra los de las 4L así se las pelannnnn toda villa

  19. Some of the comments I read here. I swear that I would never post them. Some sound soooo ignorant. I wonder if ya been given an opportunity to hopefully come up with better ( more educated statements ). I mean seriously. The ones the say that Mancho is dead. Do you have proof? A picture? A video? A link ?

    And the others that just don’t make sense. If this was my article. Some “most” would not have your comments posted. It’s like talking to teenagers.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Rubio there can be no doubt that most here are in fact teenagers and/or young uneducated men. Both are drawn to this type of topic.

    2. Ok teacher Fasgalio.

    3. @9:59 offer a comment regarding the article, instead of whining about the comments. You lost some dumb nut comments too.

    4. Rubio offers a lot of comments, but sometimes, like any normal person, he gets fed up with the nonsense.
      No shame in that.🙂

    5. Thank you 1033 and 256. I’m sure the ones including their rebuttal where I’m the “bad guy” are part of the non sense. Don’t get me wrong. Some things are entertaining. But shit man. If you are going to comment about someone being dead or whatever. At least show us some proof. Something else to get us excited. But if not. Then stop the Mencho is dead crap. My personal opinion is that if the guy was dead. There would be 200 hundred new cartels that would have split from CJNG. I mean they would be in the same boat or worse than CDG. which is a mess ever since Mata amigos got locked up. Yes mata amigos was not a good person. But at least he was feared enough that he kept the zetas and the other factions under one umbrella. I mean look at what happened with chapo gone. Yes el azul might probably still be around. And also sombrero man. But i would not like to see them gone because it will be the end of CDS. And the same for CJNG.


    6. 2:56 well then he should not read the comments, just read the article.😁

    7. Mexico is not going to exhume Menchos rotting body for you.

    8. 3:28 chill out majority that live in Mexico know he is dead, you think with the heath issues he had he was going to last. Chavez of Venezuela wanted to rule forever, hit he too died yo soon.

    9. At 744 haaaaaaa.

      Rubio NYC

    10. I agree with you Rubio about the people saying he is dead . Like they were there at the funeral home , huddled in the crowd of CJNG members ,when they buried them 🤣 They probably did the eulogy too and also sang Whitney Houston’s “ I will always love you”😒🤣
      Like the younger generation says “ Pics or it didn’t happen “😄
      If he was really dead , why not just tell the world he’s dead ? Why have your family , cartel and friends be persecuted by the government for no reason? Taking all that extra heat for no reason . If anything, it would actually help because they would focus on another head honcho who actually can be brought to justice in a court room .

    11. 10:44
      Mijo no funeral was held, his death was kepted low key to avoid unwanted attention from the rivals and news media. The local newspaper was threatened not to publish the hospital he died. You can be in denial all you want.

    12. @12:53 Why would he care about keeping his funeral low key ? He is driven by nothing but pure ego . His son and wife got busted in Mexico , and yet he didn’t do anything to get them freed . For a man who has an army , he didn’t send anyone to bust them out. It’s because he doesn’t care about anyone but himself . Hell, even little Ovidio had hundreds and hundreds of guys fighting tooth and nail to set him free , but Mencho can’t send anyone to free his wife or son (in Mexico) . Why do you think that is ? It’s because he could care less about anyone but himself . A man with an ego his size , would definitely make sure the world knew “ the greatest narco ever”(in his mind😄) is dead . So he chose to be low key in death , but never just chose to take his millions and move to a country where no one knew him , to live out his life with his ill gotten gains ?🤔😒 The big narcos never take their money and quit while they’re ahead because their egos are so important to them, they rather risk prison/death than take off the mask they wear to the world . At some point it’s not the money they drives them. It’s the fact they think their the baddest man on the planet , and that becomes more important than money to them. Ego is the same thing that got
      Chapo caught . Him needing to feel like he was a god , was the reason he got caught . In the drug game, the faces change but the story stays the same .

  20. Michoacán is slowly being invaded by CJNG and El Moncho would state in narco mantas his desire to return to his hometown and retire

    1. Not really @10:00 . Cjng has being throwing alot of money and soldiers into their Michoacan offensive for the past 4 5 and haven't progressed much. CU has the local military in their pocket and while doesn't change CJNG ain't getting far in Michoacan. Shit even R5 from CU be hitting CJNG all the way in Jalisco

    2. 11:06 jajajaja no sabes nada.

    3. 4:10 aver segun tu narco experto tu que sabes ? Dejame advinar ya casi el CJNG son dueños de Michoacan?

    4. 4:27 CU lleva meses que se fracturó buey. Ponte trucha

    5. 4:42 muchos socios del CJNG se les an voltiado en Michoacan. Como El Abuelo. Los pajaros sierra y El Migueladas. Trucha con la carucha

    6. 5:23 Migueladas trabajaba sus propios terrenos. Ahorita en Michoacán hay nuevos acuerdos y pleitos, parece que va haber un reacomodo. Lo cierto es que los que antes estaban unidos contra CJNG ya no lo están. Tierra Caliente se prendió nuevamente.

  21. Mayo likely dead.. Mencho possibly as well.

  22. Word from people in Jalisco is that their is a few internal fights going on between cjng groups and small bosses. Not looking good for the organization but looking better for states like Zacatecas, Guanajuato, chiapas, Michoacan, slp. Where they send troops to fight

    1. Word in Michoacán is that CJNG has money with the next Governor in this years elections

    2. 5:25 🤔 you might want to double check that.

    3. @5:25 not with shienbuam the informant has already spoke and said who they are in support of

  23. C.U & snichloassss no pueden con las 4L

    1. 6:35 last thing i heard is that cjng is getting an ass whooping in zac gto la baja 😂

    2. 4lacras are the same they need some level of authorities to help open up the road for them to go in any state.

    3. you mean los Lacraz de 3 patas.

  24. Lol people think they know more then the agencies talking bout el mencho is dead, dude is well and alive.

    1. It’s probably actually Mencho on here typing over and over , saying he’s dead 🤣

    2. Yes the ghost of Mencho is still amongst us. He should rest in peace and not worry about ghosting Mexico.

  25. Nell aka anda en Redwood City

    1. Ese Connor cominso con ese chismi.

  26. mencho will be arrested right before bidens term ends as a parting gift from amlo

    1. I doubt AMLO will go after a figure that powerful unless the cartel has been significantly weakened. Just my theory, I think the strategy is to significantly weaken the cartel by targeting the kingpins inner circle so that when the main leader is finally taken down the cartel has a hard time restructuring itself due to lack of experienced leadership.

  27. protecting this guy But he'll probably snitch on his location the day he leaves office boarding a plane for Europe with suitcases full of bribe money like EL Negro.Durazo.

  28. EL Mencho is just enjoying his coffee in criminal valhalla the Netherlands. Tax-wise the best country for mafia

  29. Mencho was spotted at the local swap meet buying stuff in Fresno.

    1. What day and which swap meet?

    2. la cucarracha de fresno next to la pulga de arrge

    3. 12.46! You go lmao! And you can tell some ppl took you serious🤣😂

  30. Mencho ain’t getting arrested! This dude going balls out,guaranteed!! Watch!!

    1. Nino El esta en El Pantoen.

    2. Y hulk hogan es mi papá!


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