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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Miguel Ángel Treviño-Morales Claims in Letter He Isn’t Former Los Zetas Leader Z-40

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

From a Milenio Article

Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales assured that he is not the leader of Los Zetas and in 2019 he was acquitted of the accusation against him for organized crime, although he faces other charges, he is innocent until proven otherwise.

In a letter sent to MILENIO, requesting to exercise his right of reply, he also requested that his image and name stop being used to identify him or match him to the nickname Z-40 since it has been proven before the courts “that I am not that person they mentioned.” But in any case, there is a homonymy or a similar name, which causes damage to his image and name and that of his family.

“I will use all the legal means at my disposal to carry out this clarification and to request compensation for the damages and losses that you have caused,” added Treviño Morales.

Treviño Morales said that there is not a single complaint against him for threatening or bribing any judge and that neither in Mexico nor in any other country has he received a sentence that proves his identity as a criminal leader and in fact the sentence that establishes that It could not be proven that he is the person whom witnesses pointed out, in addition, that he has obtained more than 12 acquittal resolutions demonstrating that he was not and will not be responsible for being a leader or belonging to organized crime or the Gulf Cartel or Los Zetas.

He explains that the judge had doubts about the identity of the person to whom the witnesses Yeraldin, Rafael, and Mateo Díaz López were referring since there was no firm and categorical accusation against Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, the witnesses who affirmed they had in sight to that person and not knowing him, raised doubts and that it was up to the Public Ministry to provide the appropriate means to prove the identification.

He denied that he has intimidated, bribed, or threatened judges to avoid his extradition to the United States and has only exercised his right to an adequate defense, "which cannot be classified as an undue benefit" and that said trial has been prolonged further by the constant change of detention centers and various powers of judges. He stated that he promoted an Amparo in his extradition process and although he obtained the provisional suspension, on January 2 he was denied the definitive suspension. Federal judges fear they will be killed if they authorize the extradition of Zetas leaders to the US.

He affirms that there is no documentation of any crime he committed, and although he is being prosecuted for some crimes, the presumption of innocence operates in his favor, and “I am innocent until proven otherwise,” he indicated.

Treviño Morales also stated that there is no way he could have ordered the murder of 10 guards since he has remained isolated from the prison population most of the time in prison and even his family and defense interviews are recorded and listened to. Neither There is a criminal process or investigation file in this regard.

And he maintained that he does not enjoy and has not enjoyed any privilege regarding conjugal visits. Miguel Ángel Treviño also affirmed that he has no pending arrest warrant against him for the accusation of the massacre of 200 migrants in San Fernando and confirmed that he had legally won, as a benefit in confinement, access to fresh fruit in the Buenavista prison, Michoacán.

Source Milenio


  1. Z40 forgets Mamito cut a deal to testify against him once extradited to the U.S.. Mamito testified on z40 brother and spilled the beans on their operations.

    1. Oh dayum you think thats still valid?

    2. It's very valid.

    3. Ahhhh shitttt
      40 shouldnt have stole "tempting dash" horse from mamito & sent to his brother in Oklahoma.
      He should have just let him get it, Mamito had already paid I think $100K for him

      Bet you thats why Z7 was hot & aired him out

      I always wonder what someone like Ardilla/Rana/ Pepito Sarabia think about 40...
      Do they still respect/look out for him?

      I sure as fuck know ardilla wants to kill his ass lol.
      He should be getting out soon & hes definitely not Ever getting extradited
      As he wasnt that big

  2. Yeah they got the wrong guy all this time and we’re just now hearing about it. They should release him tomorrow and pay him for false imprisonment. Sounds like what it is. A big ass stall tactic to hold something up like extradition. All this has to be thoroughly sorted out before he can go anywhere.

  3. Ahhhhh shittt...

    Isn't this what they claim when there getting close to being extradited???

  4. Extradite this piece of shit already. I don't get all this political bullshit. If he killed the presidents son he would do everything in his power to get him extradited. I remember how that lady from juarez that yelled at Calderon " si fuera tu hijo tu lo buscarias hasta por debajo delas pierdas "

  5. Idk why.. but I believe him. He looks innocent.

  6. No conjugal visits but earned access to fresh fruit (s) in prison.

    The burden of an innocent person in the bowels of the Mexican judicial system.

  7. The Mandela effect is real

  8. I read something about a rescue attempt in which a lot of guards got killed while Miguel Treviño Morales was being moved to another facility. Is that true ? If this is true, why the fuck those guards got killed ?


  9. Hey ya kiddo's gather up for Marshmallows.
    Gonna be another cold one.

    Rubio NYC

  10. The fact that this piece of shit person is still in Mexican soil and not serving life sentence in US soil is mind blowing. This dude is literally the biggest shit in the narco business same dude that probably ordered the killings of all those 70+ immigrants back in 2010!! SMH

    1. Zetas will for ever be los más vale vrg entre los narcos. Se pasaron de más con la gente inocente. Pura vale vrg

    2. That was z3 9:59

  11. Y'all delusional! Many hate this guy because of his tactics ! But he's no worse than the others! All cartels, affect population one way or another . One may be more brutal, but end result is the same ! A burden in society

  12. Why do these tough guys always become soft once they are in prison, he sounds like a b.tch.

  13. Justice for Miquelito! He is a bricklayer.

  14. Just wait until you get extradited and we’ll see if you are innocent. Mexico probably doesn’t have enough evidence but USA does.

  15. LIES! He's the leader. I remember reading and seeing videos back in 2009, 2010, 2011 of this killings from the Los Zetas and his name always popped up. Due the CRIME due to time. He should get life and be ashamed for killing his own people!!!

  16. Before anyone says justice in mex is a joke,err OJ Simpson,Sammy Gravano,justice is a word,it can be a joke all over.The more money,the more justice you get..

  17. Intimidación 100% ejercida y aplicada
    Abogados haciendo su chamba
    Recursos destinados siend aplicados en su máxima expresión

    Creo que ningun Jefe o Capo preso en México ha logrado tanto como este cabrón

    1. Si compa
      Es por que tiene la escuela del mero bueno de toda la republica...
      Herbierto del mero zowchuca

      Que queria hacer un pinche golpe del estado bien firme al gobierno

      Por eso los gringos/3 letras y la marina lo tumbaron

  18. he.s the eastern bunny..awee

  19. Kill this piece of trash already . Why is he still alive is the real question

  20. This dude is a bitch


  22. He should be tried at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

  23. Jalisco is in his town only of matter of time before they come after him before he gets extradited.and his fat brother.

  24. Free this poor coward

  25. Crazy how is alive in jail with all his enemies

  26. Yea that’s not him!!

  27. Hear me out for a moment imagine if it actually is the wrong guy and the real 40 been chilling all these years with no one looking lol or this letter is an open message to his family to get him out now before hes taken to the states

  28. Better Call Saul ❌ Better Call Miguel ✅

  29. His the guy from the taco tuck


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