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Sunday, February 25, 2024

More Than Half A Ton Of Possible Methamphetamine Seized In Culiacán: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This article was translated and reposted from NOROESTE 

Mexican Army personnel located material used for the production of synthetic drugs.

Mexican Army personnel secured possible methamphetamine on a dirt road near the towns of La Constancia, San Miguel de las Mesas, and Solidaridad Campesina, in Culiacan.

The agents conducted ground reconnaissance on the road where they located, hidden in the undergrowth, material used for the production of synthetic drugs.

They then implemented a security device and conducted searches, locating and securing the following:

- 531 kilograms approximately of possible methamphetamine.

- Approximately 1,000 liters of toluene.

- Approximately 600 liters of acetone.

- Approximately 500 liters of hydrochloric acid.

- Approximately 100 liters of isopropyl alcohol.

- 2 organic synthesis reactors (out of service).

- 3 condensers.

The possible drug seized was handed over to the competent authorities so that investigations and expert actions could be carried out to confirm the type and quantity; it should be noted that these actions were carried out in strict compliance with the rule of law.



  1. Focus on coke, you aholes, forget all that fent & meth shit, culos, just bring the coke and Uncle Sam will lay off. Otherwise, you estupido, jodidos y putos de la chingada will continue turning a corner of no return. When the election is over in Nov- The USA will focus on YOU and the pure poison that youve been sending us with no end in sight. Seals are prolly already practicing their Spanish to come get you and your other 3rd graders.

    1. Tell your USA to stop sending weapons to cartels you lame!

    2. Democrats will win. Guaranteed.

    3. In the 90s Tijuana, Juárez, and Golfo focused on coca-cola and looked how they got decimated.

    4. knock it off 519 all those companies are still active just more lowkey like blo

    5. The big f-up is fent if you mess with fent your finished.

    6. 234 get a life liberal dems have gone backwards….

    7. 105 tell Mexico to stop buying guns. Supply and demand rite?

    8. Tell the Americans to stop buying fent. Supply and demand right?

    9. Corruption and hypocrisy on both sides.

    10. Tell the Russians to stop invading Ukraine.

    11. Actually the fentanyl was mixed in with all the other drugs the cartel sends. That was to get everyone hooked. The reasoning is they can produce as much as they want to and don’t have to wait on crop cycles. And that’s exactly the same reason Uncle Sam says they gotta go. Maybe some of those guns they send will kill more cartel operatives like it was intended to do. Cause hey they’re dumb Mexicans they’ll do the job for the Uncle Sam. All we gotta do is make sure they have whatever they need. 🔫🔫🔫🔫

    12. 2:34 Dems 😂 call them what they are Communist / Socialist. Who here on BB agrees with me at AOC is definitely on Addy? I’m guessing a high does but you can see the Adderall in her eyes

    13. 2:34 get off the coolade

  2. They kept that shit where's the pictures

    1. Yep - they'll just cook it up and send it on its way. Woop!

  3. Sinaloa is asking for the heat and attention from the U.S.. When the U.S. military gets involved they are all going to be worried and scared.

    1. El mayo know that even the mighty usa has a price

    2. And what would that be? The money they print ? Hah , they want the information he provides them on all the other cartels. You can bet your ass it isn’t money.

  4. This is pretty small time for the area

    1. Its just a throw-away to get attention away from the big haul. Chump change.

    2. I'm surprised they only found so little everyone that lives around that area knows with out that garbage no income would be coming in so they can have pave roads and money for school supplies. Every little town around Culiacan has at least 1 lab if not more.

    3. 3:36
      And one submarine.

    4. 6:46 , where would they build them smarty pants ?

  5. CDS= Cartel de los tweekers y fentaninos. CJNG made them their bitch . They’re too busy showing off on their tik tok reels , and instagram. Valen berga

    1. Take a look at Zacatecas and see who made who their bitch spoiler alert it wasn’t CJNG, don’t support cartels kid stay in your lane

    2. 11:04 I wouldn't consider myself a cheerleader for any cartel . I personally think all are scum . But to my point of view whenever the whole CJNG vs CDS war started in Mexico. I feel like CJNG starting of winning and advancing. But I feel like starting about 2 years ago CDS started turning the tide and I feel like now CDS is the one whooping CJNG and advancing.

    3. 3:37 if you follow something’s that close then yeah your a cheerleader. 📣 Quit hiding your pom poms

    4. some ones from cjng got his panties twisted tight ja, all them cjng tweekers cant even fight bunch of canon foders

    5. 7:35 so by your logic everyone on here is a cheerleader then mija . Your skirt tight enough?

    6. 942 if you are 11:04 your comment did come off a bit groupieish

    7. 337 is 100% fangirling

  6. Wey good public relations move. I agree, it’s a throw-away to stay in line with agreements to provide some product and make the MX government look the part. Dog and pony show for sure. Oh well.

    1. Who is the show for ? Everyone knows the Mexican president is the most corrupt politician on the planet. So who is the show for ?


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