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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Municipal Policewoman Teresa Castro Ramírez Shot To Death

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A policewoman and her 6-year-old daughter are murdered in Celaya; They were heading to the minor's school.

Another attack on police officers is recorded in the entity, this time in the municipality of Celaya.

The attacks against police officers in Guanajuato are not only increasing, but now criminal groups are retaliating against their families.

Such is the case recorded on the morning of this February 20 in the municipality of Celaya where a female member of the municipal police was shot dead when she was leaving her house in the early hours of the day. Unfortunately, her little six-year-old daughter was also murdered.

Sources close to the investigation detailed that the attack occurred at approximately 6:00 in the morning, when the woman was preparing to take her daughter to school and they were aboard their vehicle, a white Volkswagen. Armed subjects were waiting for her at the Cimatario Park and opened fire on her; more than 40 rounds were fired at her. 

Hours later, the attack was confirmed through a press release by the Secretary of Citizen Security of Celaya:

“The Secretariat of Citizen Security of Celaya (SSCC) reports that this morning a fellow member of the General Directorate of Municipal Police died as a result of gunshots, while she was on her day of rest.

The cowardly attack occurred at approximately 6:00 in the morning when the police officer apparently left her home in the company of her little daughter, who unfortunately also died at the scene, while they were traveling in a vehicle. 

Since the moment of the report, personnel from the three levels of Government have maintained a search mechanism for those likely responsible in order to bring them to justice.” The document stated. 

 With this homicide, there are now a total of 15 police officers that have been murdered in the state of Guanajuato since January 1 to February 20.

In at least two cases, the criminals have also retaliated against the families of the police officers, on Tuesday, February 6, in the municipality of Abasolo, armed men entered the home of a police officer from the State Public Security Forces. (FSPE) of Guanajuato and shot him and his family. Before fleeing, they threw an explosive that caused a fire in which their two children were trapped: all three lost their lives.

Other police officers murdered in Guanajuato

Elements of the municipal police of Apaseo el Alto were attacked by armed men during the night of Tuesday, February 13, in the parking lot of a commercial store located in the central area of ​​the municipality.

According to the information report from the municipal police, the events occurred minutes after 8:30 pm this Tuesday in the parking lot of a self-service store located on Hermenegildo Galeana and Leandro Valle streets.

Celaya, Guanajuato 

Celaya, Guanajuato 


  1. Solo haci pueden los narcos contra polis honestos. Los atrapan en emboscadas y fuera de servicio.
    Mas culos no salen porke no se puede.

  2. Cowards who ambush police and their kids.
    It has happened many a times and they still can't figure out, which criminal group is doing it.

  3. Por desgracia en su mayoría los han atacado en servicio

  4. Where are all of the cartel nuthuggers bragging about a code with the cartels that they don't mess with children.

  5. Replies
    1. CJNG=👶🏼☠️⚰️🪦

    2. The only reason there are supposed to be Bosses is to maintain order and make sure things like this don’t happen. If there’s no order what are big bosses purpose.

  6. Killing a 6 year old girl deserves the death penalty. El Salvador is shaming Mexico on crime rate. Mexico does not care it is a terrorist narco state.

    1. And would you believe Mexico does not believe in the death penalty.

    2. El Salvador or Bukele rather, was able to contain the crime in his country for mainly 2 reasons. 1, the size of his country is roughly the size of Nayarit, which isn't very big. Try containing the crime in a country that 60 times larger.2, the criminals in El Salvador have full face and body tattoos. They're not hard to spot. In Mexico, the criminals look like regular people, mayors, policeman and business people. They blend in a lot easier. Besides that, you're neighbors with a country who is reforming the criminal justice system by shutting down prisons, reducing jail time and criticizing anyone who doesn't follow in the same or similar approach.

  7. This is what happens when you support CJNG or any other cartel. This female cop played the game and lost. Everybody knows the rules. If you want your kids safe then go get a job as a secretary or maid. It's that simple.

    1. Job as secretary or maid equals safe nice logic.

    2. 402, So far the stupidest comment of the day.

    3. 'If you want your kids safe then go get a job as a secretary or maid'
      Everyone it was this policewoman's fault her and her daughter were killed by cartels...
      Not the criminal rat bastards who killed them

  8. Lamentable.
    quizás fue mejor q se fueran juntas ...
    Y así no vivir la.una sin la.otra

  9. The diff between mex & salvador is that the pure idiots of salvador tat their faces for ez identification. Still, salvador presents a workable end to those captured- no leniency, barefooted, merciless asskicking prison stays. AMLO YOU SON OF A BITCH!

  10. It’s funny how every one always automatically assumes that shit was a cartel when it’s well documented that the government on both sides of the border do shady shit in Mexico. Think about how easy it could be for a government to do their dirty tricks and make it look “cartel related”. I am not saying cartels ain’t out here doing shit or even that they do most the shit. I am saying no way it’s always some narco doing the dirt.

    1. Then can you help figure out, which are the low life criminals killing cops. I am sure if they catch one he can fkn snitch who is behind it.

    2. Sherlock is on its way to uncover the truth and i thought you are still struggling with round globe.

  11. They don't call them the baby killer cartel just because.

  12. I am sorry to say but probably she was. Cartel connected and there has to be some reason behind scenes....

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


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