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Sunday, February 25, 2024

Narco Ballads Not Authorized By 'El Gavilan' Will Face Consequences, 'El Gavilan' Is A Security Chief For Ivan & Alfredo Guzman And Allegedly Current Plaza Boss Of Culiacan: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

The following information on quotation marks was posted by LaMasakr3


El Gavilan is a mysterious member of the Los Chapitos faction of the Sinaloa Cartel with a higher ranking and more power than the now-arrested 'El Nini'. Moreover, the days of El Nini, El Chicken Little, or El 19 appear numbered on Mexican soil because his extradition to the United States is looming. With this in mind, the importance of El Gavilan cannot be undermined as this individual led the first Culiacanazo with the blessing of Ivan Archivaldo and Kevin Alonso Gil Acosta 'El 200' or 'El Cabo' on October 17, 2019, for Los Chapitos forces, not El Nini as some might of thought.  

El Gavilan Security Chief And Allegedly Current Plaza Boss Of Culiacan?

El Gavilan has managed to stay out of the spotlight for years and unlike El Nini who starved for attention, this secretive Los Chapitos member has managed to rise through the ranks and has gained the confidence of Ivan Archivaldo Guzman. El Gavilan reportedly was a secretary of Ivan and then became a security chief for 'Los Chapitos (Ivan, Alfredo)' inner circle. There are also rumors about El Gavilan being a former Mexican military member, but this information is still unconfirmed. 

Lastly, the position of plaza boss of Culiacan seems to be a burned-out one as it attracts too much attention to military federal forces, so we will see how long El Gavilan stays in his current position or if there will be a constant rotation of this position. 

"🎥 Culiacán, Sinaloa 

Sinaloa Cartel
Los Chapos 

The Gavilan's corridos are still banned.

On Thursday the account of "Gerardo y Los Nuevos Buskadores" uploaded a story where they warn "to the groups that are recording corridos that are not authorized, trucha con la carrucha".

The corrido in question is called "Si no quieres no".

 🎥 | follow-up + extension 

After the new OFAC designations to the Sinaloa Cartel, and where they officially revealed photos of Perris, Karateca, Kastor and other associates of the Chapitos, the nickname of "200" was censored in the song Gavilán II from the album Genesis, by singer Pesos Pluma."


  1. Karateca?, kastor?, ok I think I missed the story where these guys are being displayed?

    Rubio NYC

    1. Great move by the chapitos , drawing even more heat on themselves, theyre just digging themselves in a bigger hole ,there is no way out of what’s next to come no matter what they try to do to get the heat off,it’s going to come like quick sand.

  2. Gavilan is ex Mexican military . To be in his cell it's mandatory to be ex military.

    1. 227 yeah right. You believe everything 006 says on here Jajah, tonto!

    2. 4:47 do a little research before typing tonto. One of those kids that just types shit for the fun of it lol

    3. 2:27 yeah he was . He was in the Mexican Navy .

    4. @4.15 Be a little more credulous when doing your own research, or these myths spread. The way 2.27 phrased it made it sound like he was turning away applicants to his "cell" for not being ex military. Cartels use police, but you'd never say to join them you have to be ex-police. They recruit friends they trust, that's all.

    5. 7:37 yeah and we all know how corrupt police officers and military personnel in Mexico can be .

    6. 2:27 - Gavilan is ex military, but it is not mandatory for you to be ex military in order to be part of his cell. I don’t know where you got that from.

    7. I was just talking to him and he said he’s not ex military

    8. Sicario006 for president

  3. Otro gordo pendejo con pantalones de vieja

    1. Hahahaha me encantó!

    2. 6:17 yo también ! Me enamoré !

    3. Money can’t buy taste or common sense.

    4. Peso pluma with his helium suckin voice,only in mexico class like this

  4. From what i have gather from Gavilan from how corridos is that

    He and the people he has are ex military
    He and his people love smoking weed
    He prays to La Santa Muerte

  5. El gavilan next in line to be snitch on, pobre pendejo

    1. Delator y desertor de ser cierto

    2. Gavilan got arrested in September with the scar in his truck while Ivan and Alfredo got away

  6. is 200 kevin gil acosta higher ranked than gavilan??? and what post does gavilan hold, is he ivan's jefe de seguridad or does that post belong to 200. and who is the new jefe de plaza of culiacan???

    1. El 200 and his brother el 300 run security for the Iván

    2. "El 200 and his brother el 300"
      True enough but 300 has a clave of el 3.00 and his primo has el 3.45 and Ivan had a jefe el bumpu .The man with hat snr m gave approval for el 3.00 to go to el 4 and a bit..First Culiacanoseo and the guy with the 50 was 5.ll ?

    3. I no no if yu no, but days ago Anwar went to park knuckels bruised like prize fighter but skin smooth like Cambodian fun bag. Like pa-pa once say "Sometime dey throw rock at your face, is no because they mad, is because they want to be Anwar"
      Kisses Anwar

  7. El Señor Sicario#006 is very low key.
    He does not autorize corridos about him although his missions are legendary in golden triangle of Sinaloa ,Durango and Chihuahua. He is the only Sicario that has shaked the hands of El Chapo ,El Mayo ,El Azul and Nacho Coronel.

    1. Yeah no doubt he’s in the position he’s in for a reason. Been in the game a long time and with a military background

    2. Yeah and when Sicario006 shaked their hands, he just came from the bathroom and did not wash his hands.

    3. 1142 006 is a warrior so he is not comfortable in the luxurious boardrooms of the jefes. He only wipes with 1 sheet of tp. He doesn't wash his hands so the contras can never smell soap because it would give up his position. Cochino but its survival!

    4. And your all the type of guys to be following paris hilton or britney spears on instagram for real.

  8. Cállense van a despertar a Don mayo 👴🏻, se duerme temprano

    1. Antes de dormir le pone una veladora a mencho DEP

    2. 6:16 eso si, Don Mencho es su santo! 😂

    3. 6:23 pero es triste que ya murió y los gusanos se lo comieron hasta yo lloro

    4. “Don Mencho”🤣 Ay si Ay si Mencho por aquí cago

    5. @6:16 más bien se la prende a Ramoncito Arellano Félix. Su más temido enemigo ke a tenido en toda su carrera.

  9. What other corridos are there about him besides Peso plumas ?

    1. @11:21 that corrido de los farmerz is for a different gavilan frm Guerrero if im correct

    2. Gavilan - Chavalos de la montaña

  10. A chief security guy, that finally realized it isn’t so smart to have multiple corridos of him?… I’m shocked.

    1. Yeah ask Nini how all that attention went

  11. He’s always been lowkey so I feel like this is a way for him not to gain so much attention like Nini. Nini loved attention and corridos composed for him, he wanted to be like chino ántrax so bad

  12. This guy mistakenly took an ex friends electoral and ex helper of mines. Thinking they were up to something. They got let go after an hour. My ex friend went to his uncle venting. "I told I knew who you were beneath the mask, forget them stopping us, they ran my name through the radios" That being more important, he told his uncle last name Barraza. "I want him to person apologize and bring my electoral to my doorstep" Gavilán did not listen and had his Secretary bring it to him. My ex friend has that real power. The one that last. I cut him off because his uncle raised his voice to me on the phone. I was told for him to tall to me on the phone a handful of times was a big deal.

    1. So you were told you were lucky to have spoken to him at all? Ha, I know that one. But when you say "Electoral", do you mean a man carrying the register was abducted, or the Elector and another man was abducted? And Gavilans right hand man returned the register, or they returned the abducted men? It sounds like a good story, it's just a bit confusing, the way you phrased it, and I'm pretty ignorant about the politics in Culiacan. (If you want to know how trafficking works in any state, understand the politics first.)

    2. 429 Electoral is ID. When they were pulled. They kept their IDs. Interesting enough many people in Culiacan do not take most people in Corridors serious. They know that their time is short lived. The real ones are the ones that are mixed with political/prestigious families.

  13. Some of these guys think they are God ... I would tell him I'll get whatever the fuc- narco ballad I wanna get

    1. These guys have no vision! They could only see short term! And are content being a plaza boss! Props to obrador ! This man was breaking stones for years and years till he accomplished what he wanted ! Ultimate discipline after he accomplished what he wanted the rest could bow down and kiss the hand! Even if he has done a shit job . He accomplished what he wanted after 30 plus years! To become president of Mexico!! These guys are happy being a fucking plaza boss for 30 years! Talk about lack of vision

    2. Being a plaza boss for a city like culiacan is actually hard

    3. Hard for losers .... i would be the big boss from the get ... i wouldnt answer to anyone .... so their only option would be to get out of my way ....

    4. I would be the big chichona 👉👉👉👉Yo soy jefe, maton, yes the Big Boss
      My cuete's loaded, it's full of balas
      I put it in your face and you won't say nada
      Vatos, cholos, you call us what you will
      You say we are assassins an we are sent to kill
      It's in my blood to be an Aztec Warrior
      Go to any extreme and hold no barriers
      Chicano and I'm Brown and I'm proud
      Guantes, chingazos, simon tu sabes, get down
      Right now, in the dirt
      What's the matter? You afraid you're gonna get hurt?
      I'm with my homeboys, my camaradas
      Kicking back millaje, why pa mi no vale nada
      Yo soy chingon ese, like Al Capone ese
      Controlo a todos solo never try to swept me
      Some of you don't know what's happening que pasa
      It's not for you anyway, 'cause this is for the Raza

  14. El gavilán es el ejecutivo de seguridad personal antes parte de la marina armada de mexico y hora encargado de algunas plazas por parte de los chapos

  15. Looks like Ivan and Alfredo got to him. Have better corridos then us; then end up like Nini. I think the Tucanes corrido for El Nini did him in.

    1. That corrido died quick… they had been promoting the corrido to officially launch on a Thursday, and Nini gets caught 24 hours before it gets released. Lol. That shit was hilarious.

  16. El gavilan El gavilan
    Aya yaya.
    anda la verga

  17. Song is actually out on Spotify… the artist didn’t upload it, some other random fan-leak account posted it. It’s under “Los Guzmanez” by “5 music MX”

    1. That guy stays uploading unauthorized songs I'm many of them groups they send songs and everyone is mad with who ever that is wouldn't be surprised if he geta whales one day

  18. el gavilan tambien conocido como JUANCHO... aspecto de fokemon.. alardea subirle tiro a sus 2 escuadras en aire para impresionar..


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