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Thursday, February 22, 2024

Paso De Guadalupe Turned Into A 'Clandestine Grave' Area Controlled By Ricardo Ruiz Velasco Alias "El Doble R" "El RR": Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

The geographical location of the area makes it a real "dumping ground".

Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

El Paso de Guadalupe, a town at the foot of the highway to Saltillo that is located on the border of Ixtlahuacan del Rio and Zapopan, near the Santiago River, has long been a clandestine grave "dump". This area is controlled by Ricardo Ruiz Velasco, alias "El Doble R".

Over time, the remains that months ago were abandoned there are now only bones that have been found by various collectives of relatives of missing persons. The findings intensified during the month of January after collectives Luz de Esperanza and Madres Buscadoras de Jalisco conducted field searches. Only in the month that just ended, remains were located on the 5th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 26th, 28th and 31st, according to the records of the State Prosecutor's Office.

While during 2023 there were 10 other discoveries of human remains and bodies. The collective Madres Buscadoras de Jalisco is the one that has made the most discoveries in January. Since the 5th of that month they have found several skeletons that could belong to 15 people.

These findings have been in Paso de Guadalupe at kilometer 28 of the highway to Saltillo, all have been located at ground level. That area near the riverbed is full of rocks, and since then the searchers have been permanently exploiting it in the hope of finding their missing loved ones there.

The most recent finding was in recent days at kilometer 29 of the highway to Saltillo, near the town of San Francisco Ixcatán, where members of this group found a lower extremity some 300 meters away from the highway. Hector Flores, founder of the Colectivo Luz de Esperanza (Light of Hope Collective), which also conducts searches in the area, assures that the remains have been abandoned there for some time.

"It is very difficult to do these searches in the area. The remains that we find there periodically, it is a disgrace that every two or three months we find remains there. They are of Long DATA, the skeletons that we found are approximately one year old".

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Kilometers before the Guadalupe pass is the area known as Cola de Caballo, a site that has historically also served criminal groups as a dumping ground for bodies. The area, which is far from the town, lacks lighting and surveillance, which means that drug gangs use it as a body dump. The collective Luz de Esperanza has already requested actions to prevent them from continuing to leave bodies in the area.

"Regarding the highway to Saltillo, we have asked the municipal government and the state government to find a way to clean up the three dumps, to put up a fence so that human remains are no longer dumped there, but we have had no response. In February, because there is no budget, neither at the federal level, nor at the state level due to the fiscal issue, there is no budget for the families".

He regretted that there are no policies to prevent the disappearance of people and the subsequent abandonment of their bodies in such sites.

"It is a reflection of what we are living, the situation has not changed, there is no containment or investigation in life. So unfortunately our disappeared are condemned to death because the authorities do nothing and we continue to find them in this way."

Not even the authorities go there

Francisco Jiménez Reynoso, a specialist in security issues and full-time researcher at the University of Guadalajara and the Observatory of Security and Justice, said that the geographical location of the area makes it a real "dump".

"Its conditions, its uninhabitability, an inhospitable road, very lonely, almost no surveillance, the darkness because this type of events regularly, with few exceptions, take advantage of the night, of the great darkness that exists on this road, the lack of lighting, the lack of surveillance, the authorities themselves know that it is dangerous there and not even they go there, much less at night, so there are several factors, the geographical issue."

Regarding the initiative of requesting the placement of a mesh, the specialist assures that it would be an option to inhibit crime. It is a proposal that should be taken seriously because they know what is happening, they know more than the authorities and they are more involved than the authorities, they have more interest than the authorities, even from the three levels of government.

For years the authorities have promised to reinforce security in the area, however, remains continue to be found both in Paso de Guadalupe and on the highway to Saltillo near the Los Camachos spa. The commissioner of the Zapopan Police Jorge Alberto Arizpe Garcia assured that it is an area in which there is constant vigilance by the authorities of the three levels of government.

"There is patrolling and not only from us but also from the National Guard, from the Sedena there is also going to be patrolling. We coordinate with them, even recently there was a young girl under age when she was rescued who was about 50 meters away".

According to the collective Luz de Esperanza, there are more than 5 thousand unidentified human remains in the Instituto Jalisciense de Ciencias Forenses, which have been located in different points of the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara.




  1. He’ll get what’s coming to him

    1. He better move to Spain beith Gotarri

  2. RR stands for Robert Reniro?

    1. RR stands for "Railroad". RR signs are usually posted at railroad crossings as a caution to pedestrian and vehicular traffic to be aware and vigilant of passing trains.

    2. RR stands for rich rojo puro cartel del jaliscoooo senor el mencho

    3. RR -Rogrt Rabbit

    4. It stands for Ronald Regan

  3. I’m from Ixtlahuacan del Rio and every night after 10pm no one can come or go in the town multiple friends of mine got kidnapped to work for doble rr while his kids and family drive around in. G wagons and rolls Royce’s I know for a fact the national guard does payrolls for doble rr he doesn’t hide he walks around freely

    1. How come you got lucky? still walking around instead of working for that dirt bag

    2. Are you the guy that claims to live all over Mexico at once?

    3. Y dicen los jali porristas que sus héroes mantienen a los pueblos de Jalisco en paz. Por eso mucha gente de Jalisco a migrado a Estados Unidos pidiendo asilo en los últimos 3 años. Nomas pregunten a gente de aya para que les digan, por si quieren seguir cubriendo por ellos. Nomas metiendose con la gente y los jóvenes para forzarlos a trabajar

    4. I’m the son of a lawyer

    5. 2:40 dime que cartel no hace todo lo que acavas de decir?

    6. 5:09 y mucha gente Del sur de zacatecas igual dejo sus tierras cuando llegaron los cjng aser sus jaladas. Todos lo asen pero en unos estados menos y se puede Vivir ala distancia de ellos sin que ellos te involucren como en Jalisco, asta con comerciantes, empresarios los asen trabajar

    7. 6:45 si piensas que algun otro cartel lo hace menos, estas pero bien tapado, todos los carteles lo hacen por igual, fijate nomas en las noticias de sinaloa y esta igual

    8. 9:41 si las miro de todo mexico y ni soy de sinaloa pero de ahí no se ve que salgan tantas noticias como estados del centro y sur. Mejor tu pregunta ala gente de sinaloa y jalisco aver si encuentras tu respuesta de quien es quien, como necesitas que comparar los a cjng en esta conversación. yo me refería a carteles de estados como guerrero, Michoacan, tamualipas donde si son esos estados fallidos y ahora con esta nota jalisco se está viendo igual en estos últimos 3 años

  4. Ixtlahuacán del Río, 45278 Jalisco, Mexico

    Supposedly, this is RR's property. It's out in the middle of nowhere but within his territory and the territory he disputes.

    1. Yes that’s his he has another one in tlacotan and el o3 has his in trejos and mencho has one in San Antonio de Los Vazquez and Los ranchitos and el sapo has his in puerto Vallarta outskirts and el jardinero valle de banderas and huetamo but all of them have apartments and houses in Zapopan

    2. This is not an address but a city. Ixtlahuacán del Río, 45278 Jalisco, Mexico

      It is reported that RR has a multiple ranches in Ixtlahuacán del Río with bleeding edge counter surveillance and heavy security.

      The Ranches are not homes in the traditional sense. These are working ranches with clandestine landing strips that store drug shipments destined for 🇺🇸.

    3. Ye he has multiple I live in the area the police do patrols then hide in their station while grupo elite does theirs

    4. 21.002007,-103.302242

      These are the Google map coordinates for RR's supposed property. I wouldn't doubt it, based on the location and extravagance of the property.

  5. This guy seems fairly powerful

  6. CJNG IS KING!!!!!!!!

  7. I find the articles about el doble R interesting. I'd like to see a full history/rise to power story or article about him. Or any of the other high ranking people at his level from the CJNG. Or other cartels. Not the leaders we're all familiar with but these guys who hold power at this level.

    1. The upbringing and rise to power is always interesting to read

    2. Just check the area on google earth, some interesting house you find.


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