Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Policemen Threaten To Kill The Head Of The FGR Because Of Alleged Drug Theft

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Hitmen threatened to kill Edgar Gerardo Aguilar Quintana, regional head of the FGR of CdMx, supposedly for stealing drugs

This Thursday, journalist Antonio Nieto released a video in which a group of hitmen threatened to kill Edgar Gerardo Aguilar Quintana, regional head of the Attorney General's Office (FGR) in Mexico City.

Apparently, it was due to a betrayal of the agreements that Aguilar supposedly had with the criminal group, which has not been identified.

The group's messenger indicated that the video is addressed to the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to report his annoyance with the FGR official through an alternative means.

“In the month of April 2023 [Aguilar] broke into one of our properties along with his elements. On that occasion, they presented a search warrant with which they entered and seized 620 kilos of cocaine,” highlighted a hooded man without informing about the location of the property.

“Not content with just taking the drugs, they beat the workers, leaving them seriously injured [...] We managed to recover [the drugs] through direct negotiation with Edgar Gerardo Aguilar Quintana, to whom we gave a large amount of money so that he would give it back to us,” the man added.

Apparently, the criminal group found out some time later that the order presented in that operation by the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) was false and they accused the agent of having robbed them, but they let it pass, "since we’re still doing business with him by buying drugs that are confiscated at a good price.”

Aguilar allegedly orchestrated a new simulated operation to take 800 kilos of drugs, "It was useless to hand over 500,000 dollars every month in your own hand so that you would let us work," he said, since the money deliveries were allegedly made in the garden located next to the FGR building, in the Doctores neighborhood.

“This time you blatantly said that the drugs could not be recovered since these were orders from higher up. However, you sold the same drug that you stole from us to other people without going through the trouble of changing the logos, much less the seals,” is heard in the video.

Apparently, after the last seizure, Aguilar Quintana boasted of the protection he enjoyed as an element of the FGR, because of this the criminals chose to intimidate him.

“We have decided to kill you and we want to see that the person you boasted so much about comes and brings you back to life [...] Your death is something inevitable and non-negotiable, this group that you see is designed to fulfill our objective. If you want to try acting slick we won’t hold back from killing your family,” he warned.

However, until now no authority has commented on the matter. In addition, the date on which the material was recorded, as well as the identity of those involved, is unknown.

Mexico City, CDMX

Diario Puntal  Antonio Nieto

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  1. Sheeesh if that’s me I take my family all my money and go to some remote part of Baja and live out the rest of my life. Preferably Bahia de Los Angeles area

    1. Oh you must mean the Inland Empire

  2. Su novio le robo el jale. Por eso esta tan ardido.

  3. Sounds like the government of Mexico stoled drugs bcuz the cartel did not pay the fee for permission to deal drugs. Wonder what Mexico done with stolen cocaine.

    1. Re sale it to criminals. Didnt you read the fucking story?

    2. Vuelve a leer o pide que te la lean

    3. I’m sure they burned it, haha. Those videos of large bricks and bales being thrown in incinerator, does anyone really believe that besides that sheep watching tv news . If that’s really drugs, I’m Ozzy Osbournes butthole.

  4. Someone got a little to greedy.

  5. Does that make since the FGR stealing drugs?

  6. Doubt it. FGR are one of the least corrupt organizations in the world. Polygraphs and counter intelligence teams regularly investigate internal security teams. Doubt they are corrupt. Plus they get an aguinaldo in December which is easily 10k (pesos). That alones makes them immune to corruption.

    1. Playboy these are chilangos in Mexico City. That's la mera pinche mata of all things corrupt. Plus who else is going to go into that police station and steal those bricks so brazenly besides corrupt chilango federal agents. They took that merca like it wasn't shit. 😀

    2. $600 bucks bonus every christmas?
      That works out to less than 30 pesos a day for the year..
      You can spring for un vaso de elote with your windfall, but that's about it..
      Meanwhile, back at the pad, baby needs new shoes, the wife is grumbling about getting liposuction or planning a shopping trip to Liverpool, the bills are piling up, your gambling and Buchanan's habit is through the roof, and as the family breadwinner, it's your duty to go out there and bring home the bacon..
      Mexican cops got a LOT on their plate..

    3. No lo dudes. Hace mucho yo trabajé ahí y el MP federal pide dinero para abrir carpetas (el que me digas) le enjaretan a la defensa particular a los que quieren para q se vayan y no salga tanto trabajo y sin pagarle ese extra.
      Hay 19:19 eres ingenuo o no conoces la hostilidad del ambiente penal. Mi niña hermosa...

    4. @7:19 pm, is that what yer DEA bosses told you? You sound like a used car salesman’s cream dream.

    5. The cops entered the dealers spot. It wasn't taken from the station

    6. 7:19 sarcasm right???

  7. Bueno a funcionarios así ni quien les llore.
    Hay chilangos de por si tienen la fama
    Has patria y mata un chilango tranza

  8. "group's messenger addressed to the president". You blubbering cry baby scurrying to bust the Prez's b*lls cuz u and your group are soggy noodles.

    Canadian girl💋

    1. His group looks to be just a bunch of kids.. None of those guys is 25 or older, except the "Fat-Enchilada" reading the message.

  9. They been reading about original Zetas all dressed in black to scare people,fuckin funny people saying Zetas fuck up army,marine,Seal Team,S.A.S,Kaibiles,Batman,Wonderwoman,most were killed off quick,this legendary bullshit ?

  10. No surprises at all. It’s been know they take your merca and resale it to contras. But well we know this that goes and how it ends right


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