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Monday, February 12, 2024

Republicans Demand Pentagon Strategy To Eliminate CJNG Leaders

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Republican legislators presented an initiative that, if approved would force the US Department of Defense to establish a strategy to capture or kill the leaders of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. Senator Tom Cotton of Arizona and the Representative Morgan Luttrell of Texas. Respectively presented in the Senate and House of Representatives the Jalisco Cartel Neutralization Act. Which requires that within a period of no more than 90 days, after approval of the act, and every 90 days thereafter. 

Secretary of Defense provide a report to the appropriate committees of the Congress. On any progress with the aim to capture or kill the leadership of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. Although the initiative was barely presented and has not even been subject to debate is a sample of the moods that prevail in congress. Our border is being exploited by the cartels. Since they run one of the most extensive human trafficking and drug operations in the world. 

That puts in danger every corner of the United States assured the congressman Luttrell, a former Navy SEAL, in the initiative presentation text of just three pages. The Jalisco Cartel, the most dangerous criminal organization of Mexico. And the second most powerful drug cartel must be identified and dismantled to protect the people American. This legislation makes clear that the Jalisco cartel cannot remain emboldened in our border and that the United States military must be prepared to confront and eliminate the Cartel Jalisco.

In the event that it is determined that the best course of action is to use the armed forces of our great country, he added. This is the second measure that Luttrell presents in relation to cartels. Earlier this month he announced another bill to combat influence of cartels. The law to defend our borders from armed invaders would allow the United States Armed Forces to use deadly force against individuals who cross into the country armed. The United States is offering a reward of up to 10 million dollars for information leading to the capture or arrest of the current leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, Nemesio Oseguera aka El Mencho.

El Universal  Congressman Morgan Luttrell


  1. Wow now they’re getting some spotlight by the US

    1. Who are the pushers and who are the fighters? So we know jardinero el abran oceguera and el 3 are the top then you have Julio Alberto Castillo rr ,chito cano la fresa de Nayarit
      El barbas El delta la firma la gallina los arraguin los R Ramon alvarez y sus hermanos Jose Luis Sanchez Valencia El chalaman

  2. Good luck with that.

  3. Don’t worry, hug happy Amlo will step in and run interference for the criminal cartels. He couldn’t ever be happy if the cartel leaders were dead or captured instead of them chopping up torturing innocent civilians.

    1. Bribes from Cartels make him happy.

  4. Hope this goes thru, it will be for a better humanity in Mexico.

    1. It would make Mexico even worse. Think Colombia in the early 90s.

    2. 6:15 I don’t think Mexico could get any worse than it already is because of cjng

  5. They ain't worried about the snitch cartel that's for sure. 🤣 And we all know CJNG isn't at the border either.

    1. They are terrorizing escorpiónes damn near the border tho lol

    2. Not at the Border... But they had to establish a presence at the Border to get their drugs across. I wonder if they are willing to disappear from the border cities to retreat to Jalisco or Michigan.. but in doing that, they would be Forced to pay the cartels at the border cities to get their Drugs across...

    3. They’re not strong enough to be near the border

    4. Cjng is in tj when el buho gets out soon

    5. Nobody worried about them en tijuas

  6. Dang. It's a wrap for CJNG.
    CDSNITCHES will continue to be the favorite cartel by government
    CJNG might end up like the zetas, they are stronger than ever but once the government goes after a cartel it will crumble it and in turn it will split and more violent the plazas get.
    Just look at LFM, the "michoacanazo' ended the cartel in michoacan and split

    1. Not really CDS snitches are being dismantled look at the Shapitos they are in complete disarray.

    2. No they’re not lol they’re still high in power .. CJNG got kicked out of Zacatecas ass whooped

    3. 4:54 cjng only has power in the very southern tip of Zacatecas, Nochistlan area that is Surronded by Jalisco state.
      Someone I know who lives out there tells me that cjng is taking old people hostage and held for ransom if they have family in the states. Since they probably have money.

    4. Chapo/Mayo sent in Calderon to dismantle FM because they felt threatened lmao

  7. Typical election year babble. The republicans are trying to turn border security into an election issue. Trump was president for four years and did no better than Biden on border security.

    1. The Republicans for finally agreeing to a border deal, with the Democrats, when Trump told the Republicans not to agree, when the MF is not president, and would to believe they the clown Republicans agreed not no no longer agree, except for 3 that are being threatened to lay low.

  8. Republicans? Blah blah blah...

  9. Ahhh so this is what vincentillo was advocating for in Washington on behalf of his papee

  10. The bill, all three pages of it, will never get out of beaucratic committee, it's just a publicity stunt, no co-sponsors except these two redneck lunatics, it's really not meant to go to a floor vote, let alone succeed..
    this is what these politicos spend their time doing, trying to get clicks, fundraise..
    Not sure where they're talking about taking the battle to, you can't invade your biggest trade partner, and gringo armies aren't allowed to scrap within the borders of the U.S., if I remember my 4th grade civics class lessons correctly..
    False alarm..
    Too bad, would LOVE to see those douchebags napalmed..

  11. The cjng and chapitos both need to be eliminated they bring the most violence

    1. Agreed but don't forget about MZ and ever other cartel in Mex

    2. 8:22 the criminal under world always needs some guys running shit. Even in the us you have some

  12. Oh those republicans, tough on their wives but bitching on the criminals. I thought all problems are solved if every citizen is well armed with at least a couple ARs.

  13. About time lol they even it up.

  14. Well, that is what you get for trying to y o after chapos sons, for stuff they didn't even do. Cjng is BURNT. to a crisp. If not yet, they're going down soon. And with them- the people in the recording industry that tried to pull what they did in wa state. Civilians and military, law enforcement died because of their lies.

    1. 1140 incorrect cds sapitos are burnt to a crisp.

  15. The new blood alliance was created by the us and Mexico govts , to protect what was supposed to be protected. Those who tried to dismantle it, trust me johnny law is coming for you

  16. CJNG doesn't work for the gringos at least for now USA is the top dog narco. CIA agent son told me can't be on top unless you work with the feds.

  17. Uncle Sam salute Mencho wey with "YES WE CAN" Take care Cervantes. We are proud off your work as General Cartel Prosecuter.

  18. It’s just a piece of paper that is put forward by one senator. It means nothing yet

  19. This bill will never pass. A bill which authorizes the use of our military in a foreign country won't pass. It will look like an invasion of Mexico and a disrespect to their sovereignty. The only politicians who will vote for this will be the small number of radical Republicans in our house.

  20. fuck off with this bullshit sol

  21. Mencho is kicking down fat bribe to Trump. Nothing gonna happen to him foo

  22. Wait, this might finally get AMLO to go after CJNG….because it’s always Sinaloa since he took office

    1. You must be blind - upper echelon of CDS is loved by ALMO/ morena

  23. I wish Tom Cotton was the AZ Senator instead of "pink tutu" Sinema or "spare monkey" Kelly...

    1. 8:12
      Nah, keep senator Cotton in Arkansas..
      Claimed he was an Army Ranger, but in reality, he never wore the beret..
      Mark Kelly flew combat missions in the navy Gulf war..
      They even shot his wife in the noggin, ferpetessakes..
      He's future presidential material, sin duda..
      Can't blame Cotton for trying, he's a patriot who sheds a doleful tear when he sees how cartel tweek and fent have ravaged his beautiful home state..
      Sinema is another story altogether, she DOES have that hot lesbo thing going on..

    2. He served with the 506th and 101st. Never heard his claim to being a Ranger? Maybe he went through Ranger school? The different names the US Army uses for schools change all the time.
      Space monkey got the sympathy vote due to Gabby. The ghost of Songbird McCain still haunts AZ.

    3. 22:41
      Yeah, Cotton did go to Ranger school..
      Studied at Harvard, which should make him smarter than the average bear..
      Your boy McCain, who was nice enough to autograph my racing program for me at the horse track in Del Mar one time, was tortured so brutally by the vietnamese that he tried more than once to commit suicide to get away from the pain..
      Finally his tormentors told him that he, as ranking officer of his group of prisoners of war, was being released from custody..
      He answered no thanks, I'll go when all my guys get to leave..
      Heroic like a motherfucker..
      Good luck with Kari Lake, what she lacks in gravitas, she more than makes up for in pure animal cunning..

  24. Is this legal? How can politicians from another country kill criminals belonging to another country?

  25. Not a fan but mencho le penso, it’s funny to me how he actually thought of investing a lot of his money into the cartel to make it stronger, weapons , armory, etc etc. When the other cartel leaders never thought about that. That’s why they outgunned and out numbered by jaliscas

    1. They definitely have numbers but they can’t win in almost all of the states they invade.

    2. 8:43 cjng definitely took it to onother level
      That's why they call themselves the mata zetas starting off

  26. Lol what a joke. Republicans are funny AF.

  27. Obrador legs are shaking, speech writers are getting a rough draft ready for him, to counter attack the Republicans, I was there I shook Obradors hand, I read part of it , it says Yankees go home, Mexico solvriegn country we don't need help, we have the Cartels under control. Only 5 homicides happened in 2023.

  28. Says on twitterX that Sicario 006 will be spearheading a special task force to bring down the cuatro letras.

  29. Great legislation that needs to be approved. Morgan is enacting meaningful and positive legislation that will end cartel influence in the United States

  30. not 2021 anymore sry nyc mayor is already agreeing with tx lmao


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