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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Shootout In Tabasco; 3 Killed And 2 Wounded In A Bar

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Early Sunday morning an armed criminal cell unleashed a shootout in a bar in Tabasco that left 3 men dead and 2 injured. There are already detainees.

Shooting rampage in Tabasco bar today Sunday.

Three people were killed and two injured in a shooting in Tabasco; reported in a well-known bar located in the Tabasco 2000 neighborhood, in the city of Villahermosa early this Sunday morning, February 11, 2024.

The exact moment in which this confrontation takes place at the entrance of a bar where several men are having an argument that later turns into a brawl that ends in a shooting that leaves 3 people dead and two injured. In the video, you can see how a man in a white t-shirt pulls out a gun and starts shooting; finally he flees on foot.

Through its X account, the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection of Tabasco reported the arrest of 7 men, allegedly responsible for the confrontation at the bar in Tabasco 2000 neighborhood. They also indicated through the social network that the subjects tried to flee and that they also seized a firearm and three vehicles. For the moment, the detainees and the victims have not been identified. Investigations are still ongoing.

Villahermosa neighborhood 
Villahermosa, Tabasco

Villahermosa, Tabasco

Tv Azteca  Azucena Uresti


  1. dude tried to scare them with warning shots and got dropped. thats why you dont pull a gun unless youre about to put a bullet in someone.

  2. Guy in the white shirt had a pretty good defense of others argument (under US law)…until he started shooting the two unarmed guys.

  3. Dam homie in the white is real one bout that life

    1. Guy in the white isna coward wtf you talking sbout,the other guy shot in the air to calm shit down
      The guy in the white shot everyone in the back like the coward he is lol
      Look at him run away after he left his homie behind

    2. What was he supposed to do tap em on the back and say I'm going to shoot you now?? Nah bro he's a real killer and that's not his first time

    3. "The guy in the white shot everyone in the back like the coward he is lol"
      Bro,who is alive and well?
      Get yourself hurt thinking the way you do

  4. I I I don't don't, want to see the video, I don't don't want to have nightmares.

    1. Grow up rookie or stay off this blog

  5. Anybody that likes to jump on anyone deserves hot lead.

    1. 🤔Mijo I figured it out.
      White shirt "Rambo", was drinking he hears the comostion, he hears gunfire, he fears without looking, the local Cartel did not get extortion money from the bar, he thinks they are shooting the place up, he gets Rambo adrenalin and shoots at who he assumes are the bad guys, unfortunately he killed a few Innocents.

  6. Cocaine is a helluvah of a drug, smoked all them foos

  7. The frist one is very intelligent...wenn he saw that brawl would be much dangerous, he run like Bolt and save live. Congratulation..You are the man. But they would find him one day. That's is sad !

  8. The guy in the White shirt was never in danger, to take his weapon out. He should have accessed the situation, the other guy as video shows shot into the air. The White shirt guy shot unarmed security in Black and killed them, in cold blood. Anything goes in Mexico.

    1. Dont be too disappointed, America is still nr 1 in gun violence.

    2. 8:55 don't forget to mention Mexico tops in Homicides in the world.

    3. 1:44
      Mexico doesn't top in homicides, although it's up there.

    4. Yes I agree too, Mexico is the homicide capital of the world.

    5. I can't believe the people that try to hide the high numbers of death in the heavily killed country.

    6. Mexico doesn't have the highest murder rate according to the numbers. Facts are facts.

    7. I wonder who is doing all of the shooting in the us? Who knows 🤔

    8. 36,500 + - 1,000
      Homicides in Mexico 2023

  9. "Violence is only interesting to those who haven't lived it"

    1. Just about anything that is rare is interesting.

  10. "Anything goes in Mexico"
    You people obviously never been in very violent situations,you think there are rules?

    1. No rules in Mexico Mijo, that's why they say anything goes in Mexico.😭

  11. That motherfucker went for goal,he gives no fucks everyone's getting killed

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Cowards .... plus dont think u gonba scare anybody with warning shots like a dumbass especially if they have guns to

  14. Im Mexican and I wont even go to Mexico, its turned into a freaking shitshow for 20 years now.

    1. I am from Finland, and I neither would travel to Mexico, they will think I'm American and kidnap me. Interesting weird stuff that goes in that Country.

  15. I just don't get it Mexicans killing Mexicans.

    Rubio NYC

    1. Other races kill same race, not just one race Mijo.

  16. BLO is still fighting itself

  17. Wtf. This guy shot both sides, so he wasn't with any of them?

  18. His attitude is pure,kill everything with no hesitation,takes more than you think to do what he did

  19. You should move to a small town. This is a land of wolves now, and you are not a wolf.


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