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Friday, February 16, 2024

The CJNG Remind Merchants Of Their No Extortion Policy

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

It was just a month ago that we last heard from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) being in Xonacatepec, Puebla. At the time an armed criminal cell made up of 5 hitmen appeared on film with a captured fuel thief known as Juan Daniel Arenas Zepeda aka El Lobo. 

And today, just a little over 4 weeks later, 6 enforcers from the CJNG emerge in another broadcast. Only this time they’re positioned inside the capital of Puebla. A distance of approximately 26 minutes by way of a vehicle is what separates the town of Xonacatepec from the states capital. 

This peculiar cell of hitmen dressed in uniformity hasn’t traveled too far from where their initial video surfaced. Nonetheless, with each subsequent release online from this team of enforcers we get a glimpse of what areas they seem to be roaming through. 

Video trans;action is as follows:

Good morning city of Puebla. This statement is aimed at merchants and businessmen. We’re reiterating once again that we don’t ask for protection fees or extortion money. Don't fall for those filthy tricks from individuals want to claim the name of our company. We invite you to report such matters to the authorities so that they can do their jobs. We will continue and persist in purging all these scumbags from this area. 

Sincerely, CJNG

Operativa Barredora

Distance between the town of Xonacatepec and the state’s capital.

Puebla, Puebla

All Source News


  1. We don't extort anyone. However, if you don't pay the CJNG tax and give up your 12 year old daughter we will make you a star in one of our videos.

    1. 12:30 don't forget that if you have 12 year old sons they get forced recruited to go fight for the 4 letters.

    2. Tru dat home slice: they all da same

    3. 12:30 the 12 yr old daughters is more of CDS thing bro, just look at Chapo and mayo rap sheet

    4. 1:59 I'm from Jalisco and trust me if your area is controlled by CJNG which most of Jalisco is . Your daughter will get picked up and your son will too . Don't be ignorant

    5. 1:59:
      The 12 year old thing is all cartels.

    6. 2:50 and 3:54 actually every cartel and i mean EVERY CARTEL is part of any and every criminal activity going down in their controlled area, so just so you know CJNG is known for killing babies (which every other cartel does) just like CDS is known for taking advantage of under age girls (which every cartel does) in other words, CJNG is known as the baby killing cartel and CDS is known as the chomo cartel, but in fact they both same shit, just like all the other cartels, girls if you cant see that yall must be blind as a bat

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. @9:35

      New York Times: El Chapo Drugged and Raped 13-Year-Old Girls, Witness Claims

    9. 9:35 we just can't afford to have your monkey ass lying in here like that 🤣

    10. Nice to see consequence, Sol.

    11. Chapo and mayo's last name should be Upstein, they are at the same level

  2. Wait, wait, wait no extortion fees to The City of Puebla.
    But kidnapping, rapes, murder, torture is off the books.


  4. Sounds like the comments are 100% government approved, revealing nothing close to the middle ground truth. I’m not saying there isn’t the things you mentioned, I’m saying it isn’t systematic or approved policy. Seems like only US & Mexican governments have PR & propaganda departments. Why don’t cartels spend on full time PR? Idk, maybe they don’t care. The truth is far more difficult than ever. Cartels do contribute a lot to local economies and infrastructure. Far more than US Pharma CO’s. think they help the poorest of poor? Nyet, nein, nope. I’m just saying, government agencies that make hundreds of millions off cartels also convince The public they are only evil animals that murder and rape, which is pretty far from the truth, proportionately speaking. —Mateo Gregorio Garcia 様

  5. Stupid vatos.... I forgot CJNG is here to Help the Mexican people...

  6. Soooooo ummmmmm there aren’t many girls in these states I’m assuming. That is sad.
    But seriously they just pick up all these girls to fuck ? And or prostitute or fuck and kill?

    Rubio NYC

    1. It's hardly ever talked about but Mexico is known for its brothels. Lots of women are forced into prostitution in the major cities.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. @12:48 hahahaha te pasas loco jajajajajajaja

  7. Puebla that land of the padrotes aka pimps

  8. LOTs of street hookers in Tijuana from Puebla..
    They complain it's a poor state and there's no opportunity to make money down there..

    1. What's the going rate for hookers in Tijuana?

    2. 08:07 you can get a bj in TJ for $5 or less (100 MXN pesos)

    3. 10:18
      If it's only a hunnert pesos, it's a dude in a dress, sorry to inform you..

  9. Que amables y dulces esos del cartel

  10. En Penjamillo Michoacán y su municipios extortionan y secuestran roban y todo por las órdenes del cuate de tirimacuaro ayuda por favor

    1. Quién es el cuate de tirimacuaro ?

  11. Some thoughts in regard to TJ gals:
    Instagram lovelies snagged online gonna set you back a couple hundred, minimum, but you get the lavish geisha girl tratamiento, don't take them straight to the vicio motel, relax, grab lunch at a decent place, and if you don't have any Spanish language skills, not to worry, at these prices your non-english comprehending sweetheart, if she's good at her job, will smile, raise her eyebrows, nod, giggle animatedly in delight, and otherwise show she really cares about you as you pour your heart out and get her caught up on your life story..
    To them, it's a job, like shampooing poodles, but the hapless trick really thinks he's found sumbody to love..
    One rung down the ladder are the magnificent, pantera-like specimens that inhabit the better gentleman's clubs, Hong Kong, etc..
    $60-120, you can talk some of them into scrogging without a condom, yeah but remember, you ain't the only one..
    Sometimes you can catch one at Oxxo in the morning, getting coffee and putting saldo on her phone..
    The punkins that work in the bars look down on the sore-footed paraditas in stilettos standing outside on the street, we're talking $20-40 here, and it's 15 minutes, 3 positions, strictly business, lots of add-ons when you go up to the room (taking their top off costs extra) if you don't, like getting in a taxi, agree on the fare first..
    All sorts of other females prowling the mean streets, trying to make their rent, widowed mamas with hungry rugrats at home, drogada chicks friending for a hit off the pipe, spiraling all the way down to the tubercular, HIV infested cesspool hotties who will gladly crawl out of the gutter to give you that 100 peso hummer..

    1. Lizard your new call sign is..
      Poetic Lizard...🤣😂

    2. 10:30 Sir🦎 👍
      Any info regarding Acapulco?

    3. 10:21
      Bloodbath in the streets, but the local newspaper coverage mostly frets about crime in the state capitol..
      On a lighter note, the feds have already given out 40,000 spanking new refrigerators..
      AMLO was there at the dock, understandably taking credit, when the ship from China showed up Thursday, lotsa ovens, fans, mattresses, etc..
      My kitty-cat got broken glass in his paw, un recuerdo de Otis, $200 pesos to the veterinarian to make the sneaky little fucker be able to meow happily again..

    4. 20-40$ but you for to add on the motel rates, and no I don't want the HIV infested girls.

    5. 10:10
      The dumpy shitholes the street girls trick in front of charge 50-100 pesos for a half hour, the clerk in recepción will shoot you a sliver of soap and a raggy remnant of a towel, and though I'm not sure, might be required by law to provide a condón..
      Mexican rubbers only fit pencil dicks, if you're like the lizard, hung like a Texas mule, you'd best bring your own..
      There will be a kid wandering around with a broom, slip him 10 varos or a buck, you will feel good about yourself..
      They will come knocking a few minutes before your time is up, as a courtesy to the girls that want to hurry you along and get back out on the sidewalk..
      As far as your understandable aversion to catching the bug is concerned, HIV-positve tramps seldom advertise their status, and you can't tell just by looking..

  12. They don’t even believe that bs. They tax hard working people but all cartels do. That’s how they keep their miserable lives while their boss seats on his assrs. But daddy amlo rides them hard


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