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Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Interrogation Of Germán Alegría Estrada

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The name of the shadowy figure known as El Güero Pulseras returns to Borderland Beat yet again in another video. This obese bad boy has been getting down for the mighty Cartel de Sinaloa (CDS) for a number of years now. 

Every movement that he has made thus far as an operative for CDS remains unimpeded in the state of Chiapas. The actions of his adversaries have yet to take him out. 

For this broadcast, police chief Germán Alegría Estrada will reveal on camera the names of all guilty parties allegedly involved within the criminal landscape of Chiapas. 

From every town that they hold control over and have illicit business dealings in. To the intimate details of a local merchant who was recently killed right after his abduction. 

All municipalities mentioned exist within an area of operations of no more than 200 miles in length. 

Police chief Estrada was killed with one gunshot to his head off camera right after his interrogation. 

Video translation is as follows:

Interrogator: What’s your name and what position do you hold for the government?

Captive: My name is Germán Alegría Estrada. And I am the director of the municipal police in the town of Berriozábal.

Interrogator: What other job do you hold?

Captive: I’m in charge of the plaza for Jesus Machado Meza aka El Güero Pulseras in Berriozábal.

Interrogator: Do you have knowledge of Pulseras hierarchy in the state of Chiapas?

Captive: Yes. 

Interrogator: Tell us everything you know. 

Captive: Jair Hernández Terán and his brother alias Travieso are in charge of the plaza for the city of Tapachula. They also have Gordo Ernesto Molina, a government employee, on board with them. We currently have very few hitmen. We’re having to do most of the work ourselves. In addition, there’s a checkpoint in the town of Tuzantán. If they happen to see something in that area that needs to be handled. There’s a house there where people are brought in to be interrogated. And if the individuals are good to go, someone in the town of Tonalá is notified about this. 

Interrogator: Who exactly is notified in Tonalá?

Captive: The person in charge there is El Fresa. He’s the individual that’s notified. Just the same, they only have 10 individuals within their group. The people who operate there are a mob for Commander Marin. If it happens to be them that capture a suspicious person. They then hand that person over to Fresa. 

Interrogator: What else can you tell me?

Captive: My shift is on Fridays and Saturdays. And I follow their orders. 

Interrogator: What all do you know about the car wash merchant and why he was abducted?

Captive: He was directly dealt with from people at the top. I was contacted by Commander Gopes, his last name is Rojas. Word had come down from the bosses that they had to be abducted. I was instructed to turn the cameras away. We used a Honda CRV and a Chevy Tacoma, both white in color. They killed the merchant and the other individual was taken away. 

Interrogator: Who exactly are you referring to when you say people at the top?

Captive: When I say from the top I’m referring to Gabriela Cepeda and Panchito Orantes (Francisco Javier Orantes Abadía - Undersecretary of Security). They’re the ones who give out the orders to Commander Rojas. 

Interrogator: How do you guys operate in the city of Tuxtla (Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas)?

Captive: They have 2 or 3 vehicles in Tuxtla where they operate. Law enforcement handles all of the jobs. They set up the cameras and erase the video footage afterwards. Everything has been prearranged beforehand with the C5 (Command, Control, Computing, Communications and Citizen Contact Center) personnel. The apprehensions are made by the PEP (State Preventive Police) agents or any other police authority in Tuxtla. They’re then handed over to Pulseras mob. Both Alexis Zuart, director of police for the city of Tuxtla. And Marco Antonio Burguete Ramos, director of the State Border Police, gather there. 

Interrogator: What else can you tell me outside of this?

Captive: I know that Ivan Meras aka El 300 is in charge of Villa Las Rosas and that he’s currently a government employee. He’s the son in law of Orantes and brother in law of Yair aka El Hercules. Alex Cruz aka El Pelón is in charge for the towns of Venustiano Carranza and San Francisco Pujiltic. He runs all of that area. In fact he’s the individual responsible for the abduction of businessman Carlos Amadeo Moguel, which took place recently in the city of Tuxtla. He’s the person who worked him over. And in the city of Comitán, everyone already knows that mayor Mario Guillén aka El Señor Fox is Güero Pulseras boss. He created a tactical unit for the municipal police for the sole purpose of being able to safely patrol everywhere. 

Interrogator: What about for the town of Suchiapa?

Captive: They have people in the ranches, family members of politician Jorge Luis Llaven Abarca. He’s the actual godfather of both Gabriela Cepeda and Panchito. He’s interested in never losing that municipality. And that they remain the only individuals who hold control over that airport. 

Interrogator: What message would you like to give out to the everyone? 

Captive: Well, for them to think long and hard about what they’re going to do here. Things aren’t as easy as it seems. We were promised so many things and given very little in return. It’s not worth it to give support to people who come in from other states. Because if they lose the war. The only thing that they’re going to do is go back to their home state. And the problem is done and over with on their end. 

Jesus Esteban Machado Meza aka El Güero Pulseras

Gabriela Cepeda Soto

Comitán mayor Mario Guillén aka El Señor Fox 

Comitán mayor Mario Guillén aka El Señor Fox 

Maps for every community or town mentioned have been assembled in one glorious slide.


  1. Que no mame, el señor Fox.

    1. Damn this dude straight up told like it was nothing lol I would made some random shit up.

    2. El Señor Zorro. Zorra is fox in spanish. That's a nice horse. 👌🏼

    3. 3:21

      "Fox" in English is neutral so it doesn't necessarily translate into "zorra". You have to know if it's female or male first.

    4. Zorra is a foxy girl

    5. 6:14
      In Spanish slang.

    6. El señor fox va terminar como ese mando policiaco de Berriozábal. 🌽🆖️

    7. 2:59, why make random shit up? They’re going to kill you anyway. None of these people love you or are your friends

    8. 2:59 , i think the thought process might be , I could give them some BS that they already know is a lie, and get every bone broken in my body , maybe skinned , or i can tell everything and hope for one to the back of the head.

    9. @1:49
      You’re absolutely right . Why get brutally tortured before being killed , for information that won’t matter anyways . He knew death was coming guaranteed. Why make it 1000 times worse for absolutely no reason. I’m sure deep down he was relieved it was going to be quick . If we know we are going to be killed and are giving 2 options on how to be killed , most of us are going to take the least painful choice 😄

  2. Where is the article for the shoot in cumbres de juarez Tijuana and the war cesar quintero beltran, Chencho beltrans nephew has going on for the 7 year old he got killed in culiacan major players involved el toro o el chachis, el misa y/o rayo

    1. Stop watching "gentedelatiajuana" bro 😂

    2. GENTE DE LA TÍA JUANA ARE #1 in Sinaloa propaganda

    3. All over the news in Tijuana

    4. Zeta tijuana also cds cheerleader?

    5. Lo bueno que ya ahi foto del hijo del lico. Diente x diente

    6. 2:40 5:23 are the typical CAF groupies. Always making up excuses and talking about fake propaganda. They never want to admit their dead

    7. Capturaron al " que show " brazo derecho del flaquito y el piloto felix y kado con 100 cuadros de perico 5 rolex 1 Ap y 2 hublot relojes de diamantes con 300,000 Verdes.. apoco si estan chambeando loa CAF otra vez brgas


    1. What other States are they really fighting?

  4. Comitan is a CDS plaza, a couple days ago a female from CDMX was visiting her husband, a military member of the 101 base in Chicomuselo. Shortly after she drove to Comitán and she's been missing ever since.

    1. Que bueno q dices para NO ir.
      En verdad te lo agradezco

  5. A HAVE THE PICTURE OF "EL 300" 🫡🫡🫡

  6. No Fukn way...! !! The Mayor thinks he's Zoro??? That Dudes Smoking coke

    1. Se cree zorro, guapo y todos sus complejos de inferioridad en la infancia los esta compensando

    2. 4:55 it's called piedras, or crack in English ⛱️

    3. That fat fuck will be zero soon enough

  7. Why does it have to be like this in mexico? Is it cultural,generational,the police hand you over to be killed ? Any way has to be better than that ?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Al parecer los del norte igual que los del sur se van a callar el pinche hocico con sus mamadas aquí.

    4. Just an excuse for living the easy life and betraying the people and the country.

    5. "Al parecer los del norte igual"
      Sol you got your mexican shirt on today.
      People are people,filthy phonies.You know

    6. It isn’t just Mexico and in fact India (one of the largest economic world houses) is 100x worse than Mexico and the people just accept it there as in most countries less developed than Mx.

  8. I always wonder if the people named in these confession videos go to work the next day like nothing has happened. Do police forces start investigating or questioning them? Or does the man in the video just tell all the bad things about that people because they are holding the gun?

    1. In this case, this poor soul is in hell already.

    2. Ya lo encontraron muerto hace días.

    3. Yeah how does that work when they blast you out in the banners and videos ? Do they open investigations up or just treat it like a lie propaganda from criminals?

    4. They start investigations but only to find the contra who put up the mantas.

    5. It runs off their back like water on a duck. If the corrupt mayor can afford a million peso horse, he can affors to bribe a judge.

    6. @4:41 I can picture the guy who got mentioned , bringing doughnuts and coffee into work the next day for everyone like “ hey guys how’s it going”, while everyone just looks at him awkwardly, but doesn’t say anything . Talk about an awkward moment 😄😄

  9. A mí sí me duele mucho ver a policías y militares así.
    La verdad arriesgan su vida
    Lo que NO entiendo es como se meten a la maña y no piensan que nada de eso es productivo o positivo.

    1. Aveces se meten porque el Gobierno no les da buen salario o depende de que Estado o municipio es pues los amenazan con hacerles daño a sus familias

  10. That vato in the first pics looks like Chaparro Chuacheneger

  11. Maybe too many Cervezas for me, but he looks as if he is reading a script a good deal of his confession.

  12. Sounds like a very disorganized cell this guy worked for, he knew too much. Good organizations have later above layer, and are only told what their job is, not why nonetheless who.

  13. This obese bad boy ? lol you got feud with this dude or what lmaooo

  14. eyes moving like hes reading from something

  15. SMDH sad and senseless to kill innocemt people.just doing what a boss tell them to do. The CARTELs are ignorant, ruthless and have no reasoning for human life!!! Noone wins I MEXICO too many killings!

  16. It's a real fucking shame what they did to Tonalá....

  17. He reminds me of Z-40. Same kinda face and all, even eyebrows.

  18. Ms Soto is a milf for sure. Doesn’t have a welcoming look though.


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