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Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Sale Of Vapes And Electronic Cigarettes Is Prohibited In Culiacan By 'Los Rugrats' Armed Wing Of Mayito Flaco: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

Los Rugrats as we shared on Thursday, January 8, 2024, is an armed wing working directly on the orders of Ismael Zambada-Sicairos aka "Mayito Flaco" son of Ismael "Mayo" Zambada-Garcia. 

The leader of Los Rugrats is Carlitos who operates or operated in the Laguna Colorada south of the municipality of Culiacan. However, it is important to point out that there have been rumors about the death of Carlitos but nothing confirmed as it might be a strategy to deflect attention. 

The sale of vapes and electronic cigarettes is prohibited

LaMasakr3 on X ," 🎥 #Culiacán, #Sinaloa 

The sale of vapes and electronic cigarettes is prohibited. Comment by those who know that the Rugrats are the ones in the video."


  1. Wait. Prohibit vapes & E cig, but Fentanyl is o.k., bunch of retards.

    1. They wanna be the ones to sell the vapes

    2. Duh it's control the market

    3. They prohibit sales of fentanyl in culiacan also haven’t you seen the articles of executed people left with blue pills in the past 2 months

    4. Are vapes and ecigs banned in mexico or just parts? Or not banned at all?

    5. Why is a crew thats alledgely worth Billions extorting Vape carts. Times are tough for MZ

    6. 9:59 Mexico has banned the import and export of vaping products so do not travel with them.
      Once you arrive you may be able to find retailers permitted to sell vapes but most are not allowed.
      There are also clean air zones in effect so if you do find a vape be careful where you use it.

    7. 9:59 President Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented to the Congress of the Union a reform initiative to prohibit from the Constitution the production, distribution and sale of vapers and electronic cigarettes in the country.

  2. Pretty soon loud farts in Culiacan will be prohibited too 🤦‍♂️😄

    1. Thats just exaggeration, personal car sales that don’t pay a tax, vape sales are also prohibited in gdl by cjng

    2. Alacran already prohibited loud motor cycles.

      No more loud Culocanning in Culocan, I guess.

    3. Lies, i live in Guadalajara and vape sells are allowed in jalisco

  3. Pura gente del Mayito Flaco 🤠

    1. Vicentillo is the new boss

    2. No he's in witness protection in the US and will never return to Mexico

    3. 'Pura gente del Mayito Flaco'
      Gobble that cock pleb,pura plebito fagito.
      Fuckin clown has nothing to do with cartels and hes yellin pura mayito?I dont know

  4. What about Wax pens?

    1. 9:57 use your common sense or do you even have one ? Up to your criteria

  5. Otro pasado de verga.

  6. Let them people eat and too without killing gs!!

  7. Fuck these dudes bro… I’ll smoke whatever tf I want! Bitch ass old ass mayonnaise and chapitos should just stick to heron and opium… let the pot heads smoke freely they ain’t bothering no one man.. smh

    1. Exactly bro,fuckin scrounging off the people again.C.D.S and vapes snide fuckers

    2. They don’t want lazy pothead bums in Mexico

    3. Yeah they want energetic tweaked out dumbasses to join their piece of shit human garbage cartel.

  8. How long have the Rugrats been active?

    1. Varios anos pero mantén perfil bajo

  9. They need to ban that garbage ass music they have. At one time Mexico had so many good singers Vicente Fernandez, Alejandro, Jose Jose, Juan Gabriel, El Buki, Luis Miguel, Cornelio Reyna, Los Cadetes, Las bandas de antes. Damn what happened? Now we got the garbage ass corridos tumbados. The corridos from Los Incomparables de Tijuana Los Canelos esos si eran corridos.

    1. What happened is that they maxed out on all those different combinations that were being used in their compositions. In other words the musicians could rehash the same music themes only so many times before it all became stale and played out. And so a new era began. Obviously way different than what people were use to hearing. Everyone who refused to roll with those changes stayed behind in what they considered a better time in music history. While the newer generations embraced what was purposely placed before them without giving too much thought to why certain themes are being sung about everywhere.

    2. lol Sol you’re tripping.
      Panter Bélico still plays the old style and is one of the most popular.
      Edición Especial another one,
      Many more to name.

    3. The bigger issue with what 9:52 states which is 100% true
      Is that mexican muic is generally only played from usa-mexico with SOME south american countrys....

      What does this mean...
      Mexican artists don't make mich money, comparing to say Taylor Swift.

      Why bacause just as 9:52 stated the music is only geared/targeted/setup o only listen in USA/Mexico...

      Meanwhile Taylor swift is being heard worldwide thus why shes worth millons

      And why Tucanes/Panter belico are only worth pennys
      Plus these badass bandas ^mentioned above are groups of people so that $ is way less

      Look @ fuerza regida, most popular conjunto on mex/us side
      But only worth a few millon

      The mexican market doesnt have produce enough $.

      Look @ Velentin Elizalde and many other singers that may have made 1 song cor $100k that soneone asked for...
      And it costs them there life

      Meanwhile Taylor Swifts music will make money forever with or without her living

      Mexican music needs to start being heard more globally if they want to make real money.

      Look @ Shakira hell even karol g
      These levels is what every artist should aim for

      Making a corrdio for $100K will only take you so far

      Mexican music needs to change to grow and make more money

    4. What are you on about... Mexico is a huge market. Just because they don't make the money doesn't mean their labels don't make the real cut of the cash. How do you even know what the groups are worth? Who the heck are you?

    5. No different than how “Drill” is being pushed to destroy hip hop music.

    6. Actually Mexican music is very popular in all of Latin America. They also have a huge customer base here in the U.S.

    7. You forgot Jose Alfredo Jimenez and Pedro Infante.

    8. 8:38 I noticed that Colombians pretend to be Mexicans like they have an obsession over Mexican culture they even copy the mariachi I noticed all Latin América copiest Mexican slang but they look ridiculous

    9. 8:36 yea me too i saw that, specifically people from Colombia

    10. No haven't noticed Colombians have they're own style which is noticeably different little less cringe 901

  10. Que no el equipo flechas era el equipo del flaco ? Lo dice el corrido “ el equipo flechas “ de arriesgado y Jesús ojeda

    1. El Flaco tiene varias personas que lo protegen como el Changuito Ántrax y Los Rugrats y Los Flechas asta Jesús Pena El 20 aves lo acompaña

  11. Government of California + big tobacco companies = Cartel…this is similar of what they did in Cali.they banned the sale of vapes also.

  12. And Menchos kid is the Step child

  13. Cheap motherfuckers,they are like cheap grifters squeezing money off working people trying to support their families , and on here goofy cunts are shouting their name as tho its cool.C.D.S FUCKING CHEAP SCRUB RATS,rugrats\scrubrats

  14. Pretty cruel to keep extorting the locals when you’re a multibillion dollar cartel… yeah, I understand “wars cost money” but who’s waging these wars?

  15. They control all sales of cigarettes in every Sinola ejidos. It is a monopoly dictator style. People lives are threatened if they tell the authorities, and the authorities also fear them.

  16. I live In Jalisco and you can sell vapes, sinaloa are just some rats

  17. Los Rugrats van cuidandome los pasos pa que todo salga bien

  18. I hate those got damn pussy sticks


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