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Thursday, February 1, 2024

Throwback Thursday: Remembering 'Carlos Adrián Guardado Salcido' aka "El 50" "El Sony"

"Char" for Borderland Beat 

"EL SONY" "EL 50"

Carlos Adrián Guardado Salcido aka "El Sony" or "El 50" was named plaza boss of Culiacán, Sinaloa, by Joaquin Guzman-Loera "Chapo Guzman." El 50 is described as a student(Source: CODIGO FN) of Manuel Alejandro Aponte Gomez "El Bravo" and Jonathan Salas Aviles "El Fantasma, who rose through the ranks in the Guzman faction of the Sinaloa Cartel and eventually became trusted lieutenants for Chapo Guzman. Both El Bravo and El Fantasma have a military background, El Sony died in a heavily armed confrontation against the military federal forces of Mexico in Culiacán on August 3-4, 2013.(Source:Borderland Beat)   

El Sony was rumored to also have a military background, and the NOROESTE news site confirms. Also, I want to call attention to El 50 or El Sony was said to be a nephew of Manuel Torres Felix, but I can confirm both are not related. 

📌Carlos Adrian Guardado Salcido 

📌Former member of the State Police in Baja California 

📌Administrative personnel in the Eighth Military Infantry Battalion. 

📌Agent of the Secretary of Public Security and Municipal Transit of Ahome.(Source: NOROESTE)


  1. Thanks for the throw back, never heard of him

    1. thanks bro

      yeah very famous el 50 or sony with military background plaza boss of Culiacan named by chapo

      el 50 had military background his boss was el Bravo and el fantasma

      killed by the military this operation was covered by Borderland Beat

      I was trying to figure out how long el 50 was plaza boss for in culiacan but could not figure it out

    2. bien lo recuerdo. mataron al R5 en sonora luego callo el 50. mas no recuerdo si el chapo estubo ahi con el parece que le calleron al cahpo el 50 muere en el repliege chapo sale por un tunel y el bravo se lo lleva para mazatlan y cae el chapo por segunda vez,

    3. I know a different Sony from cds that was a bigger fish just older than this dude but still alive and lock up. Got into a shootout, been inside his house and they tore his house up. Interesting didn't know there was 2 Sony in the game.

  2. Is el fantasma still alive ?

    1. yes his alive behind bars still

    2. Oh really ? I didn’t know he was behind bars.

    3. He’s not in a prison . lol

    4. I thought he escaped?

    5. Fantasma is in prison he was captured in costa rica

    6. yes he became a corrido singer

  3. If I’m not wrong his body got picked up by his own gunman the same day he got killed.

    1. yeah I still remember when he died borderland beat covered this grenades , car explosions , gun-battle lasted for hours

    2. Thanks leaving the link to read Sony’s death article.

  4. Remember dude just more meat for da machina

  5. Never heard of this guy either

  6. About Sony being related to los torres. There’s el corrido “ el cincuenta “ de los nuevos rebeldes where they talk about a guy being related to Los torres. Not sure if it’s the same guy or might be another completely different guy.

  7. Los agarraron solos. Solamente eran 4 pistoleros contra los militares. Después de su muerte “el jefe” mando gente para recoger su cuerpo. Pero casualmente Sony estaba dando la vuelta cuando de repente se topó con los militares.

  8. Seems like a good reminder.. the life of a Culiacan plaza boss doesn’t seem like a good one in the end.

    1. yeah I agree the plaza boss usually do not last to long they all end up dead of captured

    2. Seems like these guys name them plaza boss are fodder for the government.

    3. In the end it's a bad idea? I think it's a bad idea from the jump

  9. El 50 nunca falla, mucha fe le tiene el tío..dice un corrido

  10. For anyone that hasn't heard of Sony and the shootout where he died probably too young . Dude was a heavy hitter for Chapos CDS side

    1. Well hes dead so wasnt all that heavy

    2. 11:07 look up the shootout then if he wasn't a heavyweight sicario

  11. Imagine if this happened in the USA . Members of Special Forces or Tier 1 Operators just leave and join a criminal group .

    1. @7.07 CIA boys recruit them for “tribing excersises” lol and some infiltrate or teach cartels for the right money!!

  12. Can you imagine entrusting your life and safety in a guy who takes selfies like this

  13. I remember this, it was the run up to major hits in Culiacan and against Macho in Penasco. It was a long shootout in August 2013, and DEA was probably passing information somewhere, they were intercepting the blackberries and there was active intel against Rafa and Mayo

    They moved on Mayo around that time too, and all they found was some drums and a few rifles on a ranch. They were flying in from La Paz

    After this, Serafin was picked up in November 2013, then Macho shot it out with the Federal Police in December 2013, and then Chino got arrested

    Next month they moved on El Pena/20, then hit Chapo the same week.

  14. also involved tunnels iin Culiacan for the safe houses 50 was in

  15. If I'm not confusing this event with another, the armed forces struggled to enter the safehouse because it was reinforced with bulletproof windows. That delayed their entry and allowed whichever HVT was there to escape through the tunnel. This was Chapos people.

  16. Chapo was in the house, they got raided chapo hit the tunnel got out, 50 stayed died like the elegante a few years later, some girl was in there that a few years later got detained or killed. ‘Fuego contra fuego’ a bad ass corrido by revolver cannabis about lo ocurrido

  17. Un sonido entre la gente retumbando un cincuenta es el que lleva empotrado

  18. Why memorialize any of these demons? If you want to memorialize this asshole why not just publish a photo of his shot up corpse?

    1. Agreed. Like mass shooters in the U.S. that know the media machine will make them famous/infamous. It perpetuates it for future nut jobs whose mother's didn't love them enough and ended up on psych drugs. Show them shot to pieces.

  19. Sonny compadre de rafa alvarado

  20. Sometimes I go back on the archives to read old news. It is interesting. If you guys read the first articles of Borderland Beat you will like them a lot. They are interesting.


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