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Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tlaquepaque Multihomicide Perpetrators May Be Linked To Other Mass Killings: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

The casings located Sunday morning at the intersection of Santiago de Liniers and Nicolás Avellaneda are being analyzed.

Román Ortega / El Occidental

Those responsible for the multiple homicides perpetrated on Sunday morning in the Francisco I Madero neighborhood, in Tlaquepaque, in which seven young people died and one more was injured, could be related to other murders that occurred in the first days of this month in the San Pedrito and Vistas del Cuatro neighborhoods, in Tlaquepaque, said prosecutor Luis Joaquín Méndez Ruiz.

He added that the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences (IJFC) is analyzing the casings found Sunday morning at the intersection of Santiago de Linier and Nicolas Avellaneda.

"We are going to wait for the analysis and the response from ballistics, because by giving us, possibly with some other positive events that are related to organized crime, we could continue to sustain this position. Then, it is definitely a group that carries out this type of activities in that area, we already have some data, we will continue working to find the arrest."

February 4

In two different events, six men were murdered in the municipality of San Pedro Tlaquepaque. The first case occurred in a burned down black construction site on Potrero and Poza Rica streets, where three men were found lifeless and shot.

The second multiple crime of the same day occurred at the junction of Organización y Sociedad, in the Vistas del Cuatro neighborhood. At the site, the bodies of three men were found with their hands tied with plastic tape and with marks of torture on different parts of their bodies. They were also covered with a blanket.

That same day, the Secretary of National Defense deployed 400 troops and implemented operations together with the Tlaquepaque police to try to inhibit the commission of violent acts, but despite these operations, the mass murders in the municipality continued,

February 6

Two days later, two women and a man were shot in the head on Mata Redonda Street, near the intersection with Agua Azul, inside a house.

The most recent case was registered on Sunday morning in the Francisco I Madero neighborhood, with the already known toll.




  1. Off topic, FYI - Excellent AP report on upcoming elections in Mexico and the government's financial situation. Apparently AMLO spent un chingo de dinero on a bunch of expensive programs that aren't finished, and whoever is the next president of Mexico will have to figure out how to pay for them.

    1. Off Topic
      My underwear feels loose,the elastic is gone, time for me to get some new Fruit of the Looms.

    2. 12:52 just wash your ass with soap daily and go commando you fool.

    3. "Wash your ass every day
      Say your prayers every night"
      .. anonymous

    4. Hum Off Topic
      Has anyone seen Detroit, his computer froze , MI is experiencing super cold weather 12 degrees ouch!

  2. It's time to organize a couple of battalions from the Mexican Army and a couple of battalions from the American Army, highly equipped soldiers with all possible tactical equipment, fast armored vehicles with miniguns and supported by an Apache helicopter. First, carefully study all the important information and then General must give the command. First kill, then ask. Let them go to the unit with ring tactics and just reduce the circle. First Michoacan then Jalisco and Colima...Kill all the criminals in order. With 50,000 - 60,000 marines from both countries, would fuck them all in order. And Drones with AGM- 114 Hellfire strike every single points where criminals have headquarters. Warn the citizens at the last minute to take shelter wherever they can...and strike to death.

    1. How dare you suggest that USA troops infringe on Mexico’s(LMAO) sovereignty! You must be a racist White Christian Trump supporter who legally owns guns to think like that.

    2. If it was going to would have already.... I mean they made up lies to go into Iraq.

    3. Hellfire missiles and state-of-the-art shit like that sure to cost the overburdened U.S. taxpayer a pretty penny..
      And jarhead boots on the ground ?
      Casualties, friendly fire, bad press from liberal fake-news reporters tattling on red-blooded American boys raping the local morenita talent, no, that's bound to end up a recipe for disaster..
      The smart move would be to get into all-out doomsday mode, nuke the entire country, killing ALL mexicans, good and bad, and let the holy fathe in heaven sort them out..
      It's not genocide, because Aztec honeypies in the States, busily reproducing beanerbabies every 9 months, will fill the void, and eventually repopulate a shiny-new, problem-free Mexico..

    4. "Nuke the entire country". Este pendejo y las mamadas que escribe. 💩🤡

  3. Again, why read the articles because you guys are experts on men’s V8 underwater (men’s panties), GI Joe maneuvers, and foreign relations.

    1. Are you the guy that has Trump s clown IQ, but never gives a comment regarding the article.

  4. Bitches and their hysterics over trump lmfao and you wonder about herd mentality

  5. Guys I am from el cerro del cuatro- I want to mention that I have live here since my dad got deported when I awa age 9. I since then live here-born and raise until 9 in san francisco california-Now I am a 32 year old proffesional working for Comcast Xfinity, Me myself I smoke weed because it makes me feel good- Well long story short I ofetn buy bammer weed for 50pesos there are several [places you can buy drugs weed, toinsol, coke, meth -Since I came it was part of zetas then it got change to Mencho and then CDS-Radillas have control over Sinaloa Controling-But then it came alot of murders and got taken back to CJNG if you guys to got this street address you will find murder people no lying, Calle Alfredo Barba 343 Colonia las Liebres, Tlaquepaque Jalisco..---Yo trabaje para la Firma CJNG-ahi los Elite tenian gente y las dejaban en el aljiber-please tell madres buscadoras de Jalisco that I know for sure I see them taken people in and never came out-
    Yo trabajaba para el apa en tlaquepaque en el 2017 y ahi llegan sus sicarios las tres casas tienen caletas por de arriba de las zoteas y simpre me pedian limpiar yo vendia en la casa amarilla droga, y ellos se metian a la casa naranja-las tres son del CJNG me costa se las quitaron a un vato que le decian el patuleko por estar en sillas de ruedas-el CJNG vino y se adueno de esas propiedades por vender droga, lo dejoron en paz el vive aki Calle Amdo Nervo 335 Colonia las Liebres. porfavor ayuden a esas personas a llegar a su familia


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