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Friday, February 16, 2024

U.S. Indicts 'Mayo' Zambada For Manufacturing And Distributing Fentanyl

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated from RIODOCE 

The US government formally charged Ismael El Mayo Zambada Garcia with "conspiring to manufacture and distribute"fentanyl"with the intent and knowledge that such substances would be illegally imported" into its territory.

According to a statement released by the US State Department, Zambada Garcia "was previously charged in multiple superseding indictments with directing a continuing criminal enterprise, as well as conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to commit money laundering, conspiracy to manufacture and distribute cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and fentanyl, as well as other drug-related crimes, through his ongoing activity" as a Sinaloa Cartel member.

Breon Peace, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York; Anne Milgram, Administrator, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); Ivan J. Arvelo, Acting Assistant Director for National Operations, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI); David Sundberg, Assistant Director in Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington Field Office (FBI); Edward A. Caban, Commissioner, New York City Police Department (NYPD); and Steven G. James, Superintendent, New York State Police (NYSP), announced the fifth superseding indictment.

"As alleged, Zambada Garcia is charged with numerous drug-related crimes, which now include the manufacture and distribution of fentanyl, a deadly drug that was largely unknown when he founded the Sinaloa Cartel more than three decades ago and that today is responsible for immeasurable harm," stated U.S. Attorney Peace.

While Zambada Garcia remains a principal leader of the criminal enterprise responsible for importing massive quantities of narcotics into the United States, this fifth indictment demonstrates our steadfast determination to bring him to justice, just as we did with his former accomplice, El Chapo, and as we will continue to do with all those who traffic drugs and seek to profit from the devastation inflicted on our communities. 

Anne Milgram said, as quoted in the release, that "fentanyl is the deadliest drug threat Americans have ever faced, and the Sinaloa Cartel remains the largest trafficker of fentanyl into the United States."

"With fentanyl being the leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 18 and 45, we must continue to hold Zambada Garcia and other cartel leaders, members and associates accountable for the people they have killed."


  1. I wonder what kind of Intel does USA have on him. Mayo seems like a Myth, no newer pictures or sightings no recordings. Mencho seems to be heading in that direction especially with the fake rumors of his death.

    1. To compare Moncho to don mayo not even in the same ball park

    2. Not fake he dead dead dead

    3. @2:51
      Where have you been Mencho is dead.

    4. 6:20 exactly! How can we compare a Mexican with a Cuban?

    5. 8:03 Cuba kid is that you ? Didn't the people in BB ran you off for a while ? 😭

    6. Mencho is salvi , mayo is Cuban , Chapo is Guatemalan. The only real Mexican is marro

    7. His friend, who told him drugs and who soon after got busted was a cuban. But not the man with the hat.
      But yes, you should not compare mencho with el mayo. Mayo invested most of his money into businesses and land. He bribes the local gob and make friends wirh the locals by building roads and houses, employ tons of people outside the narco world. If the sinaloa gob goes after mayo, the state and many of his businesses would go bankrupt immediately. Hell would brake loose and mexicans would remember the years with 30k+ killed people as a peaceful time compared to what’s coming when mayo slips.and falls.

    8. 9:27 Marro is filipino

    9. They’re both leaders of the strongest two cartels in the world and have been in the game for over 3 decades how the fuck is mencho not in Zambadas ballpark lmao tripping

    10. 9:52
      Nadie es necesario en el mundo
      Aprende a no maximizar a una persona.
      Ve al chapo tan glorificado y todo mundo duerme tranquilo y las empresas NO dependen de la presencia física del mayo es corporativo

    11. @4:09 the biggest cartels are not in Mexico. Not even the top 5.

    12. 6:14 do some digging kiddo . I think even DEA and maybe even Interpol have said that if CDS isnt the world biggest drug mover it's definitely top 3 . Top top international agencies says their drugs make it basically to almost every country in the world. Shit even the Arabs welcome the Sinaloans with open arms in the dessert and they have strick ass laws against drugs in some Arab countries

    13. Idk but Myth. Or not attempting to remove El Mayo from the top of the totem pole will not stop or change anything. They are too big of an organization to have only 1 man pulling the strings. He’s guaranteed not involved in day to day or even week to week operations. There has to be a board of at least 10 people. It’s crazy how we never hear about El mayo’s finances at all.

    14. Let’s be for real El Mayo probably doesn’t even know what fentanyl looks like. He doesn’t and will never need Fentanyl $. He still has money from 1978.

  2. Alcohol related death is far higher in the age bracket 18-45 mentioned.

    1. Alcohol is a legal drug.

    2. Very dangerous drug too. Life destroyer

    3. 3:01
      Actually, it's higher for the age bracket over the age of 55.

  3. Alright snitcholas, let's hear what yall gotta say on this one.

    Does mayo have the means to avoid apprehension, from here on out?

    Have they been working a case from the bottom up, to get to mayo? Even working the sides, getting other factions of the snitcholas, like Ovidio? To work an angle on the old man mayo?

    Or is he still god like, to yall, in yalls heads?

    My prediction is, the replies to this comment will be of the same tune.

    "mayo is a god, his children are definitely not snitches and are also demi-gods.

    The mere thought of any of them is the highest form of motivation and success that I, a snitchola, can achieve/conjure up with my little brain.

    Long Live the jar of mayo.
    Puro Tres leches or letters??"

    1. V. Zambada snitched RATTED to U.S. that's why he is free in Miami, stay up with current events.

    2. El gordo and Serafín free as well, meanwhile menchito is dropping the soap

    3. 928 if they're father falls so do they fangirl

    4. Michoachangos and Jalisquillas punching the air right now.

    5. @9:52 IF is the key word. And so far he hasn’t. El sombrero está bien puesto mijita

    6. 1142 every dog has is day one legged man going down soon.

    7. 12:04 the thing is the old dog gonna get his day from natural causes. The hat is too well settled and has shade (protection) from the Mexicans and Gringos

    8. Al mayo la DEA Y LA CIA lo tienen ubicado entre sinaloa y durango they have satelite videos of him and for years have been pin pointing his locations amd with drones they are spying Him in a 100 Miles radious

    9. 02:37 lay off the shabu crystal ice cream meth rocks and fent for a few minutes, alright!?? 👍

    10. @2:37.. yah and I'm sure the directors of the CIA and dea both relayed that info to you directly😆😆😆😆

    11. 10:37 Bro’s mad because men from other states prefer adult women over under age girls (Common CDS L)

    12. shabu man on the proll haha droping dimes on Sir Mayo

  4. Nunca lo atraparan leyenda viviente

    1. Just like Azul, Mayo has too many political connections and too much discipline to be arrested. RCQ had the discipline, but not the political connections.

    2. 8:11
      Azul has been arrested before and did prison time.

    3. 8:11 hasta su foto estuvo en internet

    4. 8:51 Mayo has also been arrested if I'm not mistaken. He was brought in and had a frontal mugshot taken where he has long ass sideburns and a big ole mustache like Ramon Ayala. It was published by a newspaper.

  5. El mayo will keep working he already has 100 million on the side just in case el mayito cacheton "flaco' gets extradited after all the american justice has a price too

  6. What’s the point of pointing these allegations against him when they collaborate with him? Literally the US let’s mayo do whatever he wants. Strongest and most powerful kingpin up to date for sure.

    1. That’s how the CIA and US government works, they use you and when they’re done with you they’ll spit you out:

    2. 549 Mayo is not a CIA asset he never was he got used by the CIA.

    3. 6:16 why I never enlisted for an oil company

  7. Mayo is in big trouble now.

    1. No big deal, he not scarred he is brazen.

    2. He will make it up to the U.S.A. by giving up locations of commanders from CDS and rival cartels

  8. This is all a big mistake. Lots of older men like Mayo use blue Viagra pills, yet they aren't mistakenly accused of making feddy blues. Mayo needs to swear off sex if it brings this much heat. The feds need to look at the picture again, viagra isn't even the same shape as the M30 pills.

  9. According to Former head of DEA Jack Riley said in interview on YouTube last week that El mayo is diabetic and only has one leg. He will be captured soon

    1. Yes sir i suspect that also to be the case

    2. Can you link the video? I've only ever heard Vigil make claims about Mayo related to diabetes. Never heard that thing about the leg before.

    3. Ahora es el pata de palo

    4. 19:00min

    5. @11:43 Very interesting. Thank you so much for linking.

      Immediately before Riley makes his comment about the leg, he refers to "Chapo's two idiot sons" almost as if Chapo is only known to have two sons who took over his role in the Sinaloa Cartel? When he has at least 4 sons involved? But maybe I'm misinterpreting his comment on that.

    6. Riley is kind of a blowhard/grand stander. But, his book had some good insight in it. The Vicente parts.

    7. If its proven Mayo has a missing leg then I'm going to say it was strategic statement and Riley's semi retired.

    8. @Hearst I'm also guessing that his "Chapo's two idiot sons" meaning they call the shots for their faction of cds. There's possibly more involved but the "two idiots" make all decisions for the rest?

    9. El mayo ni diabetico ni mocho sigue fuerte el vijeo no mas pa que sepan y puro costa rica sinaloa

  10. Mayo is finished, along with his sons. He is rich, no need to sell fentanyl, he should of taken Chapitos advice.

  11. i think the game is over,whit el mayo,to late the old man ,imagine those gay they have a lot information about him but the mexicanos corruptos......policia,fiscales ,armada.......nunca lo atraparon,es solo un poco de guerra psicologica,pero el viejito ya esta acostumbrado.....

  12. Mayo is done he has been an informant all this years but the feds aren’t going to forgive this one . All this big profile drug dealers need to understand that the US government just uses them bottom line .

    1. They need to get political connections with Big China and Russia, the gringos are scared of going to war with them because they know it’s a war that can’t be won.

    2. 937 man are you on glue? China and Russia? no one is scared look at the Chinese economy and if it wasn't for oil Russia would be bankrupt. The west is always the best always has always will be.

    3. 2:04
      "Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
      and all the children are insane
      Waiting for the summer rain
      There's danger on the edge of town
      Ride the king's highway
      Weird scenes inside the gold mine
      Ride the highway west, baby
      The west is the best
      The west is the best
      .. Jim Morrison

    4. 9:47 China? Lol I love hearing about those little sex traffickers getting killed in Michoacán

  13. just a show from the weritos.. they have a deal with him and they just want to make it seem like theyre actually after him.

  14. Mayo will give someone up from his faction in the near future to take the heat off of him ... he playing chess not checkers with the gabachos .. plus it's elections coming up en el gabacho dementia Joe bidumb needs to look good

    1. That’s why all the attention on Chavo Félix

    2. @8:33 naa not chavo Félix, he’s way too important to his organization

    3. No one is ever too important for an organization. Plus chavo is still young and will get a slap on the wrist by cooperating

  15. Fuckin pointless legal shit.
    It took the US five years or so after Chapos final capture to indict Zambada. This means it will only take another five years or so for him to be found by which time either he is already dead before capture or will die shortly after.
    All for show.

  16. To all the people saying Mayo is done are delusional. He has a $15 million dollar bounty on his head for years now and he is no closer to getting caught . The old man is going to die of natural causes

    1. Never say never tho. Mayo is a old man he's not invisible.

    2. 9:32 the old man has over 50 years in the drug game . That's half a century. How many narcos bosses have come and gone since then . Meanwhile the old man hasn't even steep in foot in jail once

    3. 12:19 OG Golfo Boss reigned from 1930s-1980s and died of natural causes in 2001

  17. I’ve been calling it for days. All the attention Chavo has been getting is to take heat off Mayo

  18. It’s strange how the democrats want cds heads but the republicans want cjng heads.

  19. Gun battle last night in Culiacán. Some people saying they might’ve killed El Chico, Guano’s youngest son…. Others saying it was a Mayo v Chapos fight. Since the events occurred around the La Lima section of Culiacán, notorious Rusos stronghold

  20. Make room for Benjamin Arellano. Hank rhon es el mero chingon de tijuana. Flaquito is just the front cover. Then you have el mata amigos coming out soon to take control of the gulf. Probably making a deal with the US in not contrabanding fentanyl. Sinaloa just don’t listen

    1. Honestly I wish the splinter factions got absorbed into larger cartels again. Yes I know they’re all scum, however Mexico would be way more peaceful if there was only 4-6 major cartels operating

  21. Everyone gets heat, but not everyone gets indicted on charges. My predicted move is that Mayo is done (due to health) and has been charged again. But, El Chavo is next in line as his successor. Mayo saved his sons and moved them out of the game. But Chavo is next in line

    1. Mayito Flaco Is above Chavo

    2. My personal opinion is that Mayito Flaco is Mayo's primary successor, like way ahead of Chavo.

    3. Mayito flaco, chavo, cheyo, checo just to name a few

    4. 3:49 🤦
      He is actually in CLN

    5. El checo is rusos boss

  22. How about Mexico stops sending fetynl when the USA stops sending weapons to Mexico. Deal or no deal

    1. Oh Mijo your a rookie cookie 😺.
      USA does not send weapons to Mexico, gun traffickers smuggle them into Mexico, there's supposed to be a checkpoint of SEDENA officers checking for contraband, most are sleeping and some that are alert, will take some mordida, to let the weapons in, unfortunately everyone limes to blame the US.

    2. 1:00
      Must've been asleep during the fast and furious operations.. 🤣

    3. If only it was that easy . Wayyy too much money involved for that to even be a consideration

    4. No es que envíen armas mx las personas las pasan de contrabando

    5. Por eso tampoco es que manden el fetanilo pa aka si no que la gente lo pasa de contrabando. It goes both ways my brother.

    6. Lol then ALMO wants to blame the Gun manufacturers, and sue them, he lost the last lawsuit. The stubborn old man and his cabinet, don't comprehend, they need to go after the ones that bring in the guns into Mexico.

  23. One DEA on YouTube stated he’s missing a leg because of the diabetes.

  24. I wouldn’t imagine that this bothers Mayo that much

  25. We're still waiting on the Republicans to develop a plan to kill el Mayo Zambada and the rest of the leaders of CDS!!!!🦎

    1. Lagarto falso..

    2. 121

      "Callate alv"


    3. Republicans lean more towards CJNG being taken down as opposed to Democrats who prefer seeing Cartel De Sinaloa being dismantled

  26. Small detail: The US alleged that Mayo was involved in fentanyl trafficking all the way back in 2021.

    The part of this that is actually news is just that Mayo was indicted by a grand jury on fentanyl-related charges.

    1. At this point , I believe every major cartel has dealings with fentanyl.

    2. But the news is they had evidence saying he produces and sells fent. That’s a big difference than just knows.

  27. There’s at least 3 indictments that name mayo

    One in 2015 San Diego

    One on El Paso 2012

    The change here is the inclusion of fentanyl which increases the political stakes but there’s nothing like the Los Chapitos indictment where it claims they are essentially responsible for the fentanyl epidemic

    But this is major from Brooklyn
    They have major narco indictments
    Rafa, Chapo, Garcia Luna, now Mayo

    1. That's exactly right, J. I just made a similar comment.

      The difference is a fentanyl charge included in this recent one, which is actually Mayo's -fifth- superseding indictment.

    2. I get the feeling that he is going to turn himself in or get captured....there's a interesting Gusgri interview on YouTube with one of mini lics guys. if chapo was telling his kids to retire and mini lic we already seen a zambads do it. at his age he might just need the rest and let his kids take over as part of the agreement.

      Durango1 from the forum

    3. I don’t think he turns himself in
      This indictment isn’t nothing
      But it’s not really a mandate to arrest Zambada
      Like the Chapitos one is. They don’t frame him as the number one supplier or a ruthless sadist.

      He has deep and unchanging political protection in the state of Sinaloa. He has assets and arrangements in the federal government too.

      He will probably live out his life in the sierras. There’s no going back or going out or going to the US.

      Here’s a key part he’s not a problem for the Mexican government. Similar to Chapito Isidro. They play the game the right way.

  28. Mayo is going to turn in his own son in law to save himself and kids

  29. A few things - the feds don’t typically engage in public theater when it comes to indictments. If he’s indicted, it means they have built a case and the Feds do not build weak cases. The government obviously wants more fent trophies on its wall and chapos sons aren’t enough for this particular trophy room. Those who think Mayo has operated for half a century and evaded capture without government complicity - you’re taking drugs yourself. I think with this new indictment means the US will be applying more pressure for his capture. I say all this to mean that his capture isn’t a logistics issue of locating and capturing him, it’s a political issue and the US really wants him - he’s the biggest trophy they can parade in its war against fent. I say he falls.

    1. These are great points, but he doesn't have the hyper violence or legend attached to himself that Chapo did, or Mencho, or Los Chapitos.

      That and his political/economic connections in Mexico. Not that anyone can't get sold out. Plus his own discipline/preference. Staying in the mountains.

    2. The arrest of any big narco is always a political issue, not a logistics/intelligence issue though, right?

      Big cartel arrests only happen because the US leverages the funding they give Mexico, prodding Mexico into actually go after the big guys.

      Meanwhile Mexico leverages migration (changing what they are doing on their southern border + the status of the Remain in Mexico policy).

    3. its 100% both

      reading really inside and granular detailed accounts of Chapo's capture, like Hunting Chapo and the other two

      without Mexico's cooperation, they would be nowhere. But even with it, they had a lot of issues. Intense investigations, and determinism, plus some political capital from DC, but that narrowly succeeded. They were missing him left and right in Culiacan. There were so many leaks in the military that they were getting alerts of when they were coming and how. WIthout the Blackberry intercepts, they would have been done. But, even WITH IT, they almost couldn't do it.

      Pena Nieto basically gave them a time frame to do this, and that's it. They had no cooperation from local government in Sinaloa, just a single branch of SEDENA and SEMAR.

      and during that time frame August 2013-Feb. 2014, a different team from DEA-- they were going at Rafa and Mayo too, staging raids from La Paz, acting on US intel

      DEA came up empty every time.

    4. @1:04 you don’t need the “hyper violence” - that’s completely irrelevant to the US interests. Right or wrong the US focus is fent deaths and in that respect he has blood on his hands and they want their trophy. I think they’ll get it.

    5. @145 of course you need MX cooperation that’s stating the obvious. However, we are their biggest trade partner. I’m sure pressure is being brought to bear as we chat.

    6. @ J
      I always liked reading your comments bro . I feel like you one of the guys that actually gets it not like most of the little kids that just come to type shit in here. Also seems like you well informed in the TJ matters.

    7. @2:55 PM

      Did you know that J used to write at BB? Go search for his BB stories, they are all very good.

    8. @Hearst I didn't know that but thanks for telling me . I'ma search up some of his stuff . By the way I think you are amazing. Your articles are always top tier stuff. Really love your work .

  30. What a joke !
    That's their main guy/partner in crime
    What a bunch of bull shit

  31. The USA and Mexico ain't doing a danm thing to this guy. He's gonna die of natural causes. But there he awaits eternal punishment. He will burn and be tormented for alllllllllllll eternity. Because in God's judgment you can't buy your way out.

  32. I think Mayo’s time is here.

    1. Mencho time has past. R.I.P Mencho dead since 2022

    2. Many in here still believe he is alive in here. Especially Connor.

  33. Nini was bigger then mayo

  34. I feel like mayos last name should be something like Epstein

    1. 8:15
      Congratulations dude, you've finally been able to post an anti-Semitic comment that hasn't been taken down by the mods..

  35. Fentanyl is used legally every day in hospitals nationwide. Not sure where you get it hasn’t been around since sixties.

  36. Cartel de mayonnaise are coming in hot

  37. MZ going to turn himself in, if he can survive. Remember back when Mayito Gordo (MG) was going to be removed from the USA after he completed his federal sentence? Everything was happening as it usually does when a person completes his prison sentence and then has to go to immigration court if not a USA citizen or national.
    Mexicali, where the MZ aligned Rusos have effective control of that plaza, is where MG was going to be returned to México. If he had no pending legal matters with the FGR than he had nothing to worry about. Didn't his attorney's also seek amparos for him?
    Something happened that made MZ change his mind. Pay off too high? MG absolutely couldn't handle being incarcerated any more? Danger of getting killed in México federal prison system? Valuable information that can compromise important politicos in México? We'll have to wait and see.

  38. Imagine if he's actually dead.. smartest thing his family could do would be letting the world believe he is alive... so they can run operations as the world chases a literal ghost.

  39. Compadre will never get arrested he is old old man....he did main objective to get out his Mijo from us prison.DlHe will be in game for max another year than Russo will get everything and he will giving procents 50%Ornmore for financing life's of rest children's plus compadre have nearly 1000000000 dollars in cash and in legitimate company's...wait form another year than it will be tectonic changes in Sinaloa cartel and unimaginable splintering.....bad times coming from Mexico people

  40. Mayo is no more interested in making money especialmente from Fentanyl.He will left his faction to Chavo as frontment and Flavor will be boss in shadows.Mayo decide to stop moment when his eldest Hijo got out from federal custody.Serafin is strictly prohibited to work and all other children's now only have to spend money they papi earned in collusion with CIA.All heat now comes to Chapitos.I am very sorry to say but even worse time comes to Mexico because it will be so much splintered that every little village vill be plaza for which blood will be spilled abnormal.....I know you don't trust me but it's me Azul.I am using my friend to write this for me and I am enjoying life in Europa

    1. Quiet down Belize, I recognize that bad Grammer anywhere.


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