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Friday, February 16, 2024

Victims Of 'Equipo 5.7' Are Identified, Both Were Brothers Who Had Been Reported Missing

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

José Guadalupe and Osvaldo were the two young people who were found dead on Wednesday morning in the Fovissste neighborhood. They were brothers and had been missing since the day before.

At the moment there is no further information about the motive for this murder, agents from the Public Ministry are collecting more information on this matter. 

Authorities indicated that their bodies were dismembered and placed inside plastic bags.

According to information from state authorities, the victims were the brothers José Guadalupe and Osvaldo Daniel Villaseñor Ramírez, both between 18 and 22 years old.

Likewise, sources close to the investigations confirmed that these young people had been reported missing since Tuesday morning.

They were not seen again since they left their homes, their relatives filed a complaint with the Public Ministry, in addition to requesting the support of citizens to locate them through social networks.

At the moment there is no further information about the motive for this murder. 

The bodies of the young people were found dismembered inside plastic bags and sacks outside a home on Mariano Veytia Street, a few meters from the intersection with Manuel Orozco I. Berra Avenue.

Mariano Veytia Street intersects with Manuel Orozco y Berra Street in the Fovissste neighborhood 
Celaya, Guanajuato  Borderland Beat Archives


  1. This is the whitewashed version of the actual truth. And then there's Borderland Beat. Any questions?

    1. That's right SOL. Seeing one of them being interrogated, both of them were tortured by setting their feet on fire and then dismembered is very different than reading they were missing and were later found dead. All because of drugs. Come canto Nacho y Los Amables hace 30 años+/-, "Las drogas son la muerte".

    2. Whitewashed? Cartels pick up innocents and claim they are enemies when they aren’t more routinely they we probably realize. Many innocent people are executed and forced to read a script of actions they have never done. That may not be the norm, but it absolutely happens.

    3. Solo para felicitarte SOL

    4. Excellent Sol et toute l’équipe de BB. Ça fait des années que je suis l’activité des cartels mexicains grâce à vous.
      Un ami de France

    5. Sol with all respect to you and first of all you deserve it for the time you spend writing and translating for blog I have question for you actually three....1.what was moment when everything went to unprecedented violence in Mexico 2006 or Chapito war against Vincente CF in Juarez or .... 2.donyou think that things will become just even more splintered? 3. If you could choose one which would be your favorite narco (or one who is least guilty for all this shite is happening right now.....thanks Azul

    6. Azul
      I feel everything went bad back in 2006. Since then it has just gotten worse. And it doesn't seem to be improving either. The impression I get is that more and more people are getting involved with organized crime for their own reasons. Most of which just don't make that much sense to me. I don't favor any one narco. If the authorities could destroy all cartels combined then it would be better for all of us. Otherwise we're just going to stay engaged in one conflict after another with them.

    7. 8:12 cartels don't randomly pick innocent victims on a daily basis to prove anything. Usually deaths like these two are because of proximities these two might have had with someone involved in shit though they themselves may-keyqord not be involved.
      They could be related to someone in the game also once again while they themselves not being involved.
      A cartel might kill them to send a message to someone perhaps even within he same cartel if related to someone fucking up within.

    8. Thanks....unfortunately things were went to mierda moment Amado decide do vanish,Chapo got out from prison and Calderon sign that deal that economics minuses make look better by sending weaponry worth 1 billion to Mexico....I was against Juarez offensive and against killing Nino d Oro he was brother of compadre.chapo didn't listen me for Nuevo Laredo and Juarez.Thatsnwhyiused my contacts in CIA to make me dead.and trust me Amado did same.I don't typing this direct but my compadres doing this for Europe.

    9. As resident of Sinaloa I say things became bad when Mochomo was as arrested in Culiacán and progressively became worse when Alfredo was killed.

    10. What is the difference between Chicago and Manhattan clam chowder? One is made with milk and the other just tomatillos …

    11. 4:04 Thats interesting. I don’t know Sinaloa but as regular tourist to PV and Cancun that seems to be when these areas changed a lot too.

    12. 8:52
      The soup made with cream en lugar de tomatoes is called New England clam chowder, please try and keep up..
      There's actually a law on the books in Massachusetts, one of the 6 New England states, that makes it illegal to add tomatoes to chowder, no kidding..
      In San Francisco, their version only differs by serving the gooey slop in an edible bread bowl..
      Hopefully Sr. Sol, always busy as a bee, can find the time to type up a hard-hitting exposé detailing the relative merits of lobster Newburg vs. lobster thermidor, stay tuned..

    13. Manhattan Clam Chowder is red and is much better than New England. New England and Massholes can pass all the laws they want, it won't change Manhattan Clam Chowder into the bilge water that NE CC is

  2. We could do a little more digging as a group in the case . But keep in mind alot of the times the scum bag sicarios get killed the family members always quick to point out the deceased where angels. I'm not saying this is the case with this poor kids . Sadly alot of kids get forced recruited to criminal organization. Sad reality of Mexico

    1. La familia es la primera en negar, justificar o minimizar el perímetro de riesgo de los de las consecuencias

  3. Once saw a comic strip depicting the various struggles throughout the world, focusing on problems that are most prevalent/relevant by country; long story short, nowhere is perfect, each country depicted with problems of social and economic strife, problems of inequality etcetera, what stood out was Mexico with a large Headstone in the center of what should have been it's captioning box, simply reading "Hear lies Mexico". This has always stuck with me, and now it's beyond prophetic.

  4. De hecho ya está desactivada su alerta Amber (de Celaya) y en la descripción decía que posibles víctimas de delito.
    Algo sabía la familia

  5. Some people in the comments can't comprehend what it's like in MX. You too can become a victim for doing nothing. they come to BB for entertainment purposes while Sol Prendido is doing the impossible to make people understand the horrors of what is taking place.

    1. "Oh horror! Horror! Horror!
      Tongue nor heart Cannot
      conceive nor name thee!"
      ..the Bard

  6. As a white gringo in the US, I don't come to BB for entertainment. I come here to see what is really going on in MX. The press here doesn't show the full story of how the cartels terrorize their own people. They just focus on fentanyl without focusing on the suffering of innocent Mexicans.

    1. that issss why chapitosalazarslippin.. hisss always intimidatin his fellow countryman.. making it seem like they was natural born enemiessss or something.. allthewhile hissss probably ..….

    2. @1:31 Salazars have been the Enemies of Chaputos for months now...

  7. I know that grupo 5-7 is marros new goons in Guanajuato. But also las 4 letras are enrolling tons of police officers in their lines. And The police units mentioned on the interrogation video have been target it by the group. That’s why a lot of cops are being taken down. It’s a whole scene out there yet smear has a unit there and they don’t do non.

  8. de 5.7 no tienen nada los lacras. nada mas quemando la marca puro muerto be hambre


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