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Tuesday, March 5, 2024

CDN Quotes Donald Trump Of All Persons

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows: 

Constitutional President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Secretary of the Interior Luisa María Alcalde Luján, Secretary of Citizen Public Security Rosa Isela Rodríguez Velásquez, Secretary of Defense General Luis Crescencio Sandoval González, and Secretary of the Navy Almirante José Rafael Ojeda Durán. The members of the Cartel del Noreste (CDN) address you as the highest authorities of the country. To the press as means of dissemination. And to the citizens as the main interested parties in knowing about the truth in the country.

4 years ago an attack occurred in Villa Unión, Coahuila for which we are responsible. These events took place during the previous administration of this company. It was a mistake and we accept it. He who does not learn from mistakes has no future. And this is something that will not happen again. We want to touch on two topics that have had an impact. One at a national level and the other at an international level. The first is that we distances ourselves from the unfortunate acts that occurred on Tuesday, February 27 of the current year.

Where the municipal presidency of Doctor Coss, Nuevo León, was shot at. Along with police headquarters, various government buildings, private homes and businesses. As well as the theft that occurred against ATMs, convenience stores, and individuals. Graffiti and written messages left in the aforementioned places was done so with the purpose of blaming us. And calling government attention to us. In fact it’s very clear that this wasn’t a confrontation.

It was simply an atrocious attack against government buildings and the civilian population. That without any fault suffered the terror of seeing their town attacked for no reason. This unfortunate event can be classified as a terrorist act. Therefore, we distance ourselves from this unfortunate event and also take the opportunity to tell those responsible, César Morfín Morfín aka El Primito of the CDG Metro Nueva Generación faction. Along with his subordinates Homero Ruiz García Carrasco aka Comandante Sánchez, and Álvaro Noé Morfín Morfin aka R8, head of the Camargo and Miguel Aleman plaza. 

That this isn’t the correct way to fight. This conflict is between us. The civilian population is not to blame. Much less the public buildings. If you don't have money to pay your staff, ask for a loan and we'll do it for you. Because we don't stop for money. Stealing from ATMs, robbing stores, and businesses speaks of their personnel being hungry and without money to buy food. Also, if they need prostitutes, we can loan them some money so that they can pay for the services instead of going around raping women like they did.

We want to make the federal authorities aware that the current Secretary of State Security is the same as Genaro García Luna. He only attacks us because he receives payment from El Primito Sánchez and El R8. We know this to be true even though he’s going to say that it isn’t. But the truth is that it’s true. If you have any doubts take a look at how the state authorities are against us. And how they defend the interests of the family of drug trafficker Gilberto García Mena aka El Yune from the town of Guardados de Abajo, municipality of Miguel Aleman. And who happens to be relatives of the governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García Sepúlveda.

The Fuerza Civl cell that is on the payroll of the Metros Nueva Generación faction, Gulf Cartel. Are sub-inspector Gustavo César García Elizondo aka Perseo. Officer José Antonio Ponce Ruiz aka El Titán from the Cerralvo base, Nuevo León. As well as officer Hugo Sánchez aka El Hermoso, from the Peña Blanca base, General Bravo municipality, Nuevo León. Military personnel from the 25th motorized cavalry regiment located in Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas also received money from El Primito. 

First Captain Esiquio Málaga Polito, under the command of the infantry colonel and commander of the 25th motorized cavalry regiment, Israel Zamano Figueroa, who took command on June 6, 2023. Second point, but no less important, we want to clarify something regarding a report in The New York Times published on June 22 February 2024. And the hooded man who appeared on the Loret de Latinus program on February 15 of the current year. Making clear that the facts in which the Zetas organization was linked to the campaigns of the current president of the republic are not true.

And we clarify that Commander 42 doesn’t know that hooded man who identifies himself as Celso Ortega JiménezHe never spoke to him, much less about that topic. Therefore, what was said in 2006 is false and about the 2018 campaign isn’t true either. We do not and will not get involved in politics. And as Donald Trump is fond of saying: that’s all fake news. Reiterating that what was published on Latinus' website is illogical. Given that at that time Nazario Moreno González was an ally of Los Zetas. How was Ortega Jiménez going to be brought to Nueva Italia, Michoacán which was under the control of Los Zetas?

What was said by the hooded man who claims to be Celso Ortega Jiménez, leader of Los Ardillos, are inconsistencies on the part of these people or this might not even be him. We want to point out that at that time this group was a spin off from the Beltrán Leyva cartel as published by the international media Infobae. Sincerely, Your faithful servants Cartel del Noreste

Hitmen scream in unison: CDN!

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  1. CHINGA TU PUTA PERRA MADRE noreste, pinches satanicos estupidos

  2. These foos los viagrss and lfm are the biggest Lacras

    1. Also cjng, they use innocent people for experimental training of sicarios

    2. Lets not forget about CDS who main bosses are a bunch of Chomos

    3. Man fuck all the cartels. I m so sick and fed up with all of the bullshit everywhere from CDN to LFM to CJNG to CDS.

      Me, I am cutting all ties with Mexicans and staying in the American side of the border where it’s okay to shoot machete wielding zombies on dope with my 12Gauge Shotgun(s) just-like President Biden says. Then after you shoot them in the face you can steal their machete and cut off their pinkie toes and eat them.

      Fuck the cartel. Fucked up.

  3. These clown gotta be smoking that good shit if they're quoting Donald Trump. 🤣 I'm pretty sure Mr. Trump doesn't give fuck about you guys. I don't even like Trump. But still though why would you even bother quoting someone that would rather see your organization completely destroyed. Fucking dumbasses.


    1. So your against Cartels and against trump… All that man does is 1 Make money 2 improve his country.. Im guessing your one of the ppl that voted for Biden 🤭

    2. It's crazy hoe the hispanic community in the states went from fuk trump to trump is my president

    3. @5pm they’re chuntaru Republicans, dirtback republicans 🤣

    4. The 1st & prolly last time youll see "good shit" & donald trump in the same sentence.

    5. Anyone using the term "fake news" is just confirming the news was true

    6. Trump va a ganar aunque les duela

    7. Mexicans for trump

    8. FUK Chump, and improve the country?... Talk about one hell of a STUPID statement 4:59🤣; that sorry piece of 💩 did not but FUK the poor and gang-rape the middle class. My wife and I owed taxes 3 out of the 4 years during the arrangutan's term. Our combined income fluctuations only so slightly between 228 and roughly 240 a year as we are both on a salary and mine carries a bonus contingency. Not exactly a fortune, but we earn well above the annual median of 102k for where we reside. At least with Sleepy J we've seen returns rather than deficits. That imbecile isn't even a real Republican, were it not for the fact that he was born into wealth he'd just be another backwoods, singlewide dwelling hillbilly, because he's just that fkn stupid. The crazy witch was right, Trumptards are a basket of deplorables.🤦‍♂️

    9. Everybody here arguing and even writing paragraphs about old rich people have yet to realize the blue and red both would never care about you. They just want your vote you idiots. The rich get them in and they owe favors that is the cycle of politics. Trump is 1 dude and yall so scared of him when none of them even care about you in the end lol.

    10. Well Mr 12:42, what you state isn't exactly of any exceptional insight. It's well understood amongst even those of modest cognitive ability that politicians are all 💩, it's also well understood that one side stands as an even larger pile of 💩, over the other; so the option essentially becomes to step into a pile, or sink into one. Just a little food for thought, let it "SINK" in, because it sounds like it may do you some good.

    11. Federal Tax rate for $200k dropped from 28% to 24% during the Trump years. You might want to check your State’s taxes

  4. I agree with you sol, fucken dumbasses

  5. Mexicans4Trump2024

    1. You forgot he hates Mexicans and others from Latin America?
      If he were to make it, he will separate families from kids again, label Cartels "Terrorist" and make Mexico pay for the Wall.

    2. Here we go with the pussy Trump race shite again fuckin sheep losers

    3. Mexicans4Biden2024
      Yes another 4 years.

    4. @5:46 ohhh stop it crying libby.

    5. Cartels are terrorist you numbnuts

    6. @ 20:12, although I'm no fanboy for Donald Trump, I'm not a brainwashed clown either, I think you need to go and watch the multitude of videos with that POS Joe Biden showing his true racist beliefs on display, but of course those that would vote for a person like himself are the same people who actually believe he got more votes than any other president in the history of the United States, LOL. I may not vote for Donald Trump, but I sure as hell would never vote for a true racist traitor Joe Biden.

    7. 5:46 chillón lib sticks and stones may break my bones, (but words can never hurt me)

    8. 4:46 still voting for trump, you sissy 🇺🇸🇲🇽

    9. ,2:06
      Get some sleep, you're not thinking clearly. Orange man is the racist one.

    10. You forgot that very specific and most critical identifying marker for the beginning of your statement 3:51; that word being "STUPID". You are more than welcome.😉

    11. So his flattering comments about most Hispanics being thugs, rapists, drug dealers, murderers, terrorist, ect. won you over? LMFAO!!!

  6. El Trompas is going to use this in his rally’s, even the Mexican cartels love me everybody loves me

    1. Lol, that's true, Trump is so unhinged and un- American.

    2. Hahahahahahhaa

    3. @4:56 ...oh look it's the crying lib 😢

    4. 8:41 I'm conservative.

  7. We Mexicanos love trump 2024

    1. Yes we do 🇺🇸🇲🇽

    2. 3:53 😂 the funny thing is 90% of the mexicans who support trump cant vote

    3. Speak for yourself. He will get DACA students deported. Also El Salvadorians that are on TA will also be deported.

    4. @7:34 ....good.

    5. 7:38 Why didn't he do it when he was president?

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. I’m Mexican American live in Odessa Texas my parents were born in Chihuahua and Sinaloa and border-jumped into the US back in the 1980s … I’m not 100% backing Trump with anti-immigrant rhetoric but he’s the only one willing to do something about the situation at the border which is something that we can all agree can not continue.. at the same time this country can’t take care of everyone on the planet, it’s not feasible and it isn’t right … those who are living illegally in this country that can show proof of paying taxes for at least five years, has managed to own something either a house, land or business should be granted the opportunity towards citizenship ( with proper criminal record of course).. when my parents arrived in Houston in the early 80s on a sunny morning they were both cleaning office buildings that very night And looking for a daytime job as well. People from that era (pre-2000) came here to bust their ass working hard to make ends meet, they wanted JOBS they didn’t know anything about food stamps, welfare and government assistance… however this generation of immigrants is clearly here for handouts, they aren’t even willing to volunteer to clean up the shelters where they reside while awaiting asylum status in places like New York, LA and Chicago .. they boldly and blatantly state that they’re fleeing their countries and that they are here to be taken care of by us !

    8. 7:12 you got many good points, President Biden doesn't look good on the imagrants coming to America, will he clamp down if gets re-elected?
      Then again Trump is a loose Cannon, he is not careful at the sh3$, that comes out of his mouth. He lost a lawsuit for $83,000 million.
      He recently lost another lawsuit for 383 million. He is bad news for USA.

  8. Señor presidente Donald Trump 2024

  9. Didn’t you guys know that Donald the orange Cheetos was and is the badest person on earth? He served WW1, WW2, Korean, Vietnam war and Afghanistan? That’s why we called him captain bone spurs

    1. And Iraq. HALO mission into China with Delta and Task Force Orange (Army of Northern Virginia) to retrieve sensors and listening devices.

    2. Trump was the only sniper to kill 10 ISIS in one shot using rubber bullets. No wonder his minions call him the orange sponge bob.

    3. The battle of the BULGE... yea that was Trump

    4. He also trained sicario 006 in urban warfare and hand to hand combat he went by the code name el viejo cachondo

    5. Small hand(s) to hand combat.

    6. Hahahahaha! Best comments ever LOL

  10. Trump es la mera perga

  11. Good translation Sol

    Hope all is well

    1. Thank you sir. I know that I don’t talk to you guys often. But the work that you all provide is always essential and much appreciated. Keep up the good work.

  12. Make Mexico Great Again . #mmga

  13. Propaganda is a powerful tool. This video is of good quality. CDN Audio -Visual department is using editing and intros in video.

    Isis used to make these type of videos too.

    1. Tu si sabes!!

    2. "I married isis on the fifth day of may, and it was all I could do to hang on to her"
      ..bob Dylan, the Bard of Hibbing

    3. I said I've no money, she said that ain't necessary

  14. Trump 2024 va ir por ustedes lacras mierdas agarrense en 2024 los visita el diablo

    1. Trump el Mero Diablo vergudo

    2. Y porque no lo hiso cuando era presidente?

    3. 6:01 haz de comer

    4. 6:01 que no Stormy Daniels dijo todo lo contrario? En sus propias palabras dijo la estrella nopor que Trump es un pito chico 😂

    5. After getting all the fun, Racist Donald, does not know who Stormy D. is.
      The $200,000 hush money did not work.

  15. The last minute and a half of the speech came out of left field…

  16. Firstly, the in-depth snitching is amazing. They haven’t sold me on their story, but there’s a chance they’re telling the truth. Not long ago, CJNG/ Metros made a video parading through Dr Coss. The recent ruckus supposedly stemmed from the arrests of a 76 year old and a 28 year old allegedly linked to CDN. CJNG/ Metros could’ve learned of the arrests and saw that as an opportunity to calentar la plaza and blame CDN.

    1. don't shit where you eat right? why would they attack their own local allies and tag their name .. of course it's another cartel. what surprises me always with these vids is how on top of the information they are and coherent with it. even the captives can reel off all these intricate details. aren't they supposed to be stupid and drug addled?

  17. Trump for the win in November 24 ... screw Joe bidumb and his wide open border .. his electric car crap .. his teachings kids what they should identify as .. all that alv

    1. The border is the same as it's always been. Stop being brainwashed

    2. Ni votas buey. Cuando te saquen ALV se la sigues cromando

    3. Negative chief. Only a pendejo would vote for racist trump. He can care less about you.

    4. Que tanto miedo le tienen a la trumpiza alv hahah el trompo es bueno pa los negocios economia pa que valgan mas los cueros Verdes.. bidumb doenst care about u all either were all in the se boat lmaoo

    5. Trump 2024 arriba

    6. Trump will be the next President.

    7. Connor sees everything you morons don’t see. You guys think with your emotions because trump insulated my “FEELINGS “ pinches niñas

    8. 7:40 he doesn’t have to care for me I’m not his hyna, as long he gets the border secure gets the economy rolling and moving and doesn’t start world war 3 I’m good oh and stop giving our taxes to Ukrainians. Positive chief

    9. ¡Pura gente del Sr. Trump!

    10. Oh Connor you seem to amaze me, that I have to make a screen shot.
      Should Cheetos face,loose, I don't want you switching back to Biden, like a grasshopper.

  18. Donald Trump es lo último que ha de querer en su millonaria y racista vida.

  19. Only the uneducated, rumour-reliant, sheep tendency minorities love trump. Any thinking person would by NOW (lol), know he cares not for anyone but himself. Only dimwits believe liars.

    1. Well said. 🍻

    2. it’s crazy that ‘he cares only for himself’ makes sense in your heads as an issue. insanely loud dog whistle for the types that make ‘being left alone’ seem like heaven.

  20. What was said in 2006? Are they referring to that quote by 40 about AMLO being “their guy”?

  21. Quote Dez Nutts you pieces of shit

  22. Reveal yourself, or forever hold your peace 🙂

  23. My president 🫶🇺🇸🫶

  24. Malinches for trump!

  25. Trump 2024!


    1. Racist Cheetos will lose so many lawsuits against him.

    2. 😂 LoL Cheetos.

    3. @11:21 your queso 😩 stinks.

    4. Trumps cartel group name “los orange sponge bob” or “los rapist”

    5. Mr. Cheetos will not make it.

    6. Damned Queso sells old queso dios Mio.

  26. Váyanse a la verga los trump haters ! Arriba la trumpiza !!

  27. How can Mexican or any crossing border Spanish speaking people supports trump when the orange Cheetos calls them rapist or criminals. I’m hella confuse by these uneducated brainwashed fools.

    1. And your not brainwashed by Biden hehe

    2. I don’t even like Biden, but he’s better than your orange conman.

  28. ¡Hola desde la Torre Trump! ¡¡Sleeping Biden!!

  29. Theyll end up hurting the cdn bad after because of space x who used the beltran coronel and sanchez family who were for a communication system to go and simulate and to hurt people lile El Mayo , Mencho, Caro Quintero, The Guzman Loera and Lopez family also certain people from the beltran leyvas for new groups, families , politicians and inclusion for simulations with the royal families in the muslim world , yair lapid and myriams family , the billionaires actors business people celebrities also the american canadian governments nasa langley, blue origin past lives program florida and israel space x canadian space agency as far as azerbajan starlink satelites metaverse microsoft open ai tesla google amazon apple all simulated together to guide humanity and are causing unrest and carrying out operations for inclusion simulations new politicians and world leaders also for the colonization of mars stories with the people from the film industry in hollywood the united nations space agencies who lied to humanity and to peoples brain activities abput everything to be able to guide humanity and there simulations and stories win disgusting the new wave of people trying to guide humanity whos brain activities should never be at the places there at right now in the system horrifying when its there real brain activities and they cant use other peoples to get in and impersonate them with the AI engineers simulating horrifying what the neurologists neuroscientists are doing to targeted peoples brain activities to steal there identities and use them as a business simulating experiences and there personalities captured on neural programs they stole my identity inhuman what I experience on a daily basis 🛰🚀👨‍🚀👨‍⚕️👨‍💻👻🪶🗣🧠👽

    1. Your grammar is ok, but you need to work on paragraphing and sticking to one Topic.😜

    2. This guys grammar is better than mine and trump. Trump can barely read with his stiff neck.

    3. At 12:11 no one is complaining on grammar. He does not stick to one topic, he is all over the wall
      And like the other guy said, paragraphing is extremely needed.

    4. He lost me after “space x “ … what a moron

  30. I feel like this is the new reality-show.


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