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Monday, March 11, 2024

DEA Addresses the Rumors of "El Mencho's" Death

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Matthew Allen, Director of the Los Angeles office of the DEA, said in an interview with Univision Noticias that the head of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, is still alive. He does not rule out that the boss himself ordered that the rumors about his death be spread.

“I have heard many rumors and there is always something that says that 'El Mencho' is sick and on his deathbed. Maybe it's true, I don't know for sure. Or maybe it is misinformation that he spreads so that other people believe that he is weak when in reality he is very strong,” Allen said when speaking with the Univisión team.

In other words, the DEA does not rule out that 'Mencho' himself would have been in charge of spreading rumors about his own death in a possible attempt to appease the hunt that Mexico and the United States maintain against him.

“He is very isolated and knows that an attempt to arrest him would be quite difficult. Obviously, that would depend on the Mexican authorities and I think it would be very bloody,” added Matthew Allen, who heads the division in charge of investigations against the CJNG.

“Even if it takes 30 years, 40 years and you become an old man hiding in the woods, we will never stop looking for you,” warned the DEA representative.

According to military documents consulted by journalist Ricardo Ravelo and published in his book El Amo de Jalisco, 'El Mencho' suffers from kidney failure that forces him to undergo constant dialysis to discard the excess fluid in the blood that he cannot expel on his own.

However, his apparent illness would not have yet diminished his ability to lead the CJNG, considered by the United States Department of Justice as one of the 5 most dangerous transnational criminal organizations in the world.

Sources UnivisionInfobae


  1. Where is ol boy at that’s running that case forgot what his name was his face looks like the skull logo that F.E.M has, Didn’t he say he was dead? Also el chimuelo was saying he was dead ke ay fotos ay pruebas d La hija no se ke.

    1. " maybe it's true, I don't know" they have no freaking clue homies, they lost in the sauce tooooo sacaloooo
      Yo Soy Mencho Wey!!

    2. eye no no but el Harfuch is mencho and satoshi yakamoto, Harfuch invented el BitCoin and his lover is Salvadorean President

    3. La hija que estaba en El bote no es su hija es su hijastra pero facil de comprobar verifiquen el ADN de los dos de la negra y de menchito y Veran que no tienen el Mismo padre

    4. Don Armando de le dijo ya Sali muevete a la riata y mi hijo es jefe de aqui para El real

    5. NSA invented Bitcoin

    6. It was only a matter of time before someone followed the EL MAYO blue print… Stay quiet remain invisible become Invincible.

    7. I believe he lives in the same amount of fear El Mayo does. Tending to his Cattle having people around you that benefit more from them staying free and sleeping like a baby. More importantly I think everyone knows the US Government would never pay out a reward of 10million to anyone.

    8. El chimuelo prestas.

  2. He lives in constant fear alive or dead!!💀💀💀💀💀

    1. That’s the sad truth.

    2. And? This is nothing new. Most, if not all, cartel members live like this.

    3. 8:20 and that sucks . Shitty ass life

    4. He is not scared bro he’s ready to die any day anytime any where

    5. 11:49 hahah go to sleep clown.

  3. He's living like a rat. Hiding in the slums of the sewers just like El Mayo. If I was in the narco world I rather live like a king for a while then f myself or hope to die by bullets and not a knife or machete

    1. 1215 100% facts

    2. Very true. Hiding and always paranoid. What’s the point of having all that money if you can’t even simply go grab something to eat at a local mom and pop place.

    3. Better than being in ADX Supermax. Chapo is going get nuttier than a fruitcake, if he isn't already.

    4. @ 2:52 most of the cartel leaders are smart enough to make money legit if they chose to. They do what they do because it's who they are and they want power more so than material things.

    5. 4:55 Chapo lives rent free in your head huh? We all know he’s rotting in ADX no one’s talking about his ass here.

    6. Thats why i liked TT he lived openly like king from 1990s until death in Matamoros.And he died like man not like these rats....

  4. Como desde el 2021, pero si lo hacen publico muchos mandos medios les podria dar por independizarse y ese cartel tiene muchos socios que estan muy contentos, no les es conveniente que se sepa.

  5. Hopefully that will make the children in here who have nothing important to say other than “ Mencho is dead” like they went to his funeral.


    Rubio NYC

  6. I honestly don't think he is dead yet . But might as well be . I don't think he surviving the next administration

    1. yall have been saying this since 2014 or 15. They are not capturing Mencho, its too risky and takes up too many resources to capture him. He will know in a split second any army operation launched against him and he will be on the move to his next ranch in the mountains

    2. 4:16 whenever he gets killed by the military in the next administration remember this post .

    3. 4:16 lmao keep your hopes and dreams that strong too praying for his evasion from justice is some dick rider shit

    4. Oh brother 😅

  7. Replies
    1. I don't think Mayo is dead. If the government focused their energy on cutting off his Depends supply wherever he's alleged to be. Then that should draw that old geezer out into the open. 😆

    2. 😆👏..that's good shit, bro. Thanks, Sol😆

  8. Just saw Mencho having a michelada here in Phoenix off of Central

    1. Was he wearing a backwards cap?

    2. 152pm that's a negative chief

    3. Connor todavia ESTA mencho en Redwood City?

    4. @connor I saw enma Coronel in downtown Chicago. She looked smoking hot and smiled at me 😉

    5. 415pm yes Emmita is a true Mexican smoke show .. her Instagram pics match with her in real life no catfish...

    6. Connor ya mess around with narco ladies, ya ll get your arms and legs cut off like that chainsaw video Sol found in the black underground.

    7. Connor. Do u live near Phoenix?

    8. 😂 Maradona would not let that happen 2 close to home, Atherton Ca.

    9. 6:15 will they let him live without arms and legs on a wheel chair? Imagine do they cut when the person is alive ? Or when dead?

  9. I can’t get my head around how much power the US government has , All the technology and special trained people but can’t verify mencho death ?

    1. "I can’t get my head around how much power the US government has , All the technology and"
      Maybe the U.S can bring him back to life if hes dead?Then they can prosecute him?You know with all the tech they have

    2. 1:52 why are you mocking me, DEA been reading BB, they have the technology, but why play the alive game.

    3. @2:03 so what if the dea is reading it if you ain’t hiding nothing then who cares. Get your self a vpn and a geo location changer if you scared. Least they can do is get some of this good info and put it to some good fucking use.

    4. 1:46
      Maybe they have verified his death but it's not their obligation to inform us.

    5. Hilarious that someone here thinks BB is a source of intel for the DEA. Just when I thought the comments section couldn’t sink any lower. What’s next? Aliens?

    6. Let's clap them alien cheeks!

    7. @7:59
      You so childish.
      DEA and CIA have analyst, that sit behind the computer, (like the keyboard warriors in their basement.)and their sole purpose is to gather Intel, thru many sources. I bet you they are very happy when Sol and the others translate information from Spanish newspapers into English.

    8. 7:59 I hope you are being sarcastic. We All know the Feds use Facebook and every other social media network for info. They are also now using rap lyrics to indict ppl and they have units watching gangs beef online thus helping them solve cases.

    9. "they have the technology" and the capability to make the worlds first bionic man,menso oseguera will be that man

  10. What happened? Thought Mencho was dead!! Lamo!!! Told u!!! Know for a fact he alive

  11. The comments? People really think the sun shines out the U.S arse,why dont they know if Mensos alive?
    Why dont they know if theres life after death?

    1. As a native of Tijuana, talk from his hometown word still stands "ESTA en la Tomba, in other words he is in the graveyard.

    2. Me a Native of Germany, believe he is long gone , other high ups have taken command of Cjng.

    3. As a nation native of Russia, I d say he been dead quite a while.

  12. we know that foo is alive and hiding until the elections. As ELMO might want to have him, for the gringos and his plebada approval lol

  13. Mencho is very smart and might be taking a play out of El Azul's playbook.

    I mean, when the heat is around the corner, you need to be able to leave everything in 30 seconds flat, even your own life.


  14. Mencho stays in Juarez saw him at Marisco place having a margarita

    1. Aint nobody staying in that ugly ass town

  15. Menchos... Hiding... Just like they all do in the End

  16. Mr.Mencho prefers you think he’s dead.
    Let the haters talk .. wait until mayo dies 😂😂

    1. Connor said he spotted him in Phoenix and the local swap meet chilling out.

    2. Ese carnal Connor todavia deci que esta en Redwood City.

  17. Vivito y culiando se a visto por los rumbos de los altos

  18. Mayo is sick, Mencho is ill, but their grip on their organization hasn't loosened because its fake news.

  19. I’ll tell you all this - DEA and US intel agencies know far more than you think and are not going to be transparent about it. In fact, there’s nothing you can take from or trust about their statement.

  20. Mencho bribed the DEA to say he that he is still alive. I heard it in the corrido and corrido's never lie.

    1. Damn Einstein you’re still alive?

  21. I personally feel hes alive.

    1. This isn’t about your personal sad thoughts. This is about Mr Mencho.

    2. 10:25 ese Rubio me personally deci que esta muerto.

  22. Mencho is dead been for awhile. Don't know why DEA wants US to believe he is alive.

  23. Whats the point being a rich boss if you can't enjoy life? Rich behind 4 walls isn't worth it I'd rather be poor and free

    1. You need to BOSS UP & do something legit

  24. The CIA has been tracking Mencho for years. They know where he is and they know he isn't dead. If he slips up they will take him out. Its only a matter of time.

    1. He is dead, otherwise CIA would have tracked him long ago.

    2. Yeah, they come to snuff the rooster.

  25. "When your strong act weak, abd When your weak act strong" sun tzu

  26. Kidney Failure 🤔…Don’t you think if he can order the death of someone he can order the removal of a Kidney from a Match shet even two kidneys for that matter 😆

    1. Yes it was Kidney failure and COVID, mostly anyone with an autoimmune, pre-existing condition was inter twine to met 💀 death.

    2. At 8:18
      I remember at the beginning of the COVID pandemic ALMO would say it came from USA, that it would not harm his country, to continue dancing and eating tacos. We all know the truth to that🤣😭.

  27. Lol they been looking for MAyO for about that long. Lol love watching dumb dogs chase there own tail.

  28. He's in Chicago with all the others they are looking for in a modest home drawing no attention . Everyone knows this.

    1. The chicago ones flex a lot on social media out every weekend at clubs in vip, expensive restaurants, always on vacation while they own a some small business as cover up.

  29. Playing dead and probably lives in Cuba or elsewhere. Mexico thinking he is still there lol


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