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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

El Pozolero Is Sentenced To 30 Years

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

A federal judge in Baja California sentenced José Santiago Mesa López alias El Pozolero to 30 years and 8 months in prison for participating in a kidnapping and dissolving a corpse in caustic soda. The Attorney General reported that through the prosecutor's office organized crime unit a conviction was made for the criminal offenses of organized crime and kidnapping. 

According to testimony El Pozolero invited to dinner his girlfriend one evening. Along with her mother, her brother, and a nephew of hers. Of whom nothing was ever heard from them again. And because of this, Víctor Alejandro López Soto, the father of the young woman denounced the events at the time. 

Following this, ministerial agents Marcos Javier Luján Rosales and Héctor Manuel Guerrero kidnapped him and handed him over to José Santiago Mesa López El Pozolero. Who was responsible for taking his life and dissolving his corpse in caustic soda. 



  1. heeemilitos no me quieren?

    pos hora trabajan pa mi, no? :p

  2. Hes barely getting his sentence? Isn’t he in prison since 2008 ?

  3. 30 years for making pozole!

    1. No kidding - show the man some compassion!

    2. 14:43
      El no la tuvo
      No abogues por él

  4. So this is different from his previous sentence? I know he pled to a fraction of the people he melted by his own admission. The interview I saw with him he just reiterated how he didn’t snitch and wouldn’t snitch. Wonder if the 30 years will change that.

    1. Snitch on who? Most of them are already pushing up Daisies!! Originally there’ were no laws on the books of the Mx law against disposing or body’s in that manner !! he wasn’t the butcher just the cook!! governor on another note that map is useless!!🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽 ⚖️⚖️

    2. He plead to 300 and got 10 years. They said he melted like 10,000 people. I’m sure some of the people he worked with are still alive

    3. 9:34

      They had laws about the desecration of the dead.

  5. El de la Cherokee Blindada- Fidel Rueda

    1. Whos el LV corrido by fidel Rueda about?

    2. El gato me dicen todos

    3. LV goes hard, they don’t make corridos like that anymore. YouTube took down La de Los Ántrax by Fidel.

  6. I’m trying to figure out these kangaroo individuals maybe ex army always mad because they can’t or are too scared to live the life…

    1. No están enojados, para nada.
      Si esperas una actitud del Doctor Simi estás descolocado.
      Y mejor q tengas esa impresión y no sepas la realidad del gremio.

  7. If he got 10 years for the 300 and was arrested in 2008 he was back out on the street again when he got this pinch?

  8. Wasnt he released a while back?

  9. Those guys knew how to party!
    When El Pozolero got popped, he was too drunk and too passed out to flee..
    They had some girls who locked themselves in the bathroom at the resort they were staying at, paranoid about their heavy weapons..
    One of the hookers heard, through the door, El Teo getting a phone call from presumably a law enforcement asset warning him the raid was coming..
    El Teo and the others made good their daring escape on little Vespas motos down to the beach and dispersed..
    They would come up to La Misión, to Guzman's Fonda, to get food to go..
    Sr. Guzman would go all the way to Rosarito to buy his chickens del rancho, and his sauces were off the hook..
    My friend described them as "mugroso", and "en huarches", peeling off bills from a wad that was fat enough to choke a horse..
    El Teo got too big for his britches, had like 2,000 pistoleros under his command, and thought he didn't need his AFO masters anymore..
    He made a deal with the tomatero devils, pitching the plaza into utter chaos, where it remains today..

    1. A tweaker party ain’t a real party my boy plus most of his men were weak, Couldn’t do shit to Inge.

    2. That’s all good info and the way I remember it

      Forgot about the partying at the Baja Malibu

      Teo and his top guy were heavy hitters in their time

      You know how cave the info to pick up Teo!
      Humberto Loya Castro, chapo and mayos lawyer/informant
      Flew to DF and met with DEA officials
      He handed them his phone with teos number
      Teo overplayed his hand
      The truth was he did cut pretty deep into CAF - they couldn’t work whole city was in chaos’s
      And instead of inge getting the Teo nod being battle tested, he looked like a weak leader
      CAF out maneuvered them but it took truces, a deal with Leyazola, and ultimately Sinaloa gave him up when he was too hot and too much attention on the plaza. Teo was the classic enforcer who should have never been boss

    3. Lizard boy you sure get around.
      You like Menudo the young teen rock group?

    4. 10:13
      Ricky Martin poster on my bedroom wall..

  10. Should've made menudo!

  11. Esta va ser mi ultima publicación cómo nativo de Tijuana no quisieron haceptar,yo no publico anónimo cómo vieja asustada 😳 escondiéndome la gente verdadera sabe quién soy, no soy un pendejo escondiéndome con mami y papá yo quise ayudar pero no agradecen pues bueno, que sigan creyendo que El AFO está acabado y que dios bendiga ah ustedes y sus familias si ni pagan piso,AGALEN par de intelectuales

  12. Is this the same pozolero from caf? It took a fucking decade to sentence him? Mexican justice moves glacier slow.

  13. i lived in rosarito during the teo/caf conflict, i remember there was a putrid stench near loma bonita that would spread over town, nasty

  14. He was cooking up something scrumptious

  15. Throw this puto into a volcano

    1. Mijo Elmo doesn't believe in the death penalty.

  16. Quick question is that the same guy from the corridos de Los Canelos or a different person

    1. I think that one is brothers with Raul meza el m6


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