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Saturday, March 30, 2024

FENTANYL KILLS: It's in the Weed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Florida resident Brandy Bowers shares her story of losing family members and friends to fentanyl-laced marijuana. Illicit fentanyl is a dangerous, life-threatening drug frequently found in other illicit drugs and results in the death of 200 people per day in the US. This is just one of those stories and delivers an urgent warning to avoid all illicit drugs. 

Texas Pictures Documentaries


  1. More reason to legalize weed in your state. Illinois has weed stores everywhere no Fentanyl. Oh and the weed is better than street weed.

    1. Mannnnn do they tax out here tho… 400 bills a zip at some of these dispensaries… as long as it’s fire trees tho I guess lol 🌳 🔥

    2. Yeah legalize weeds, then cracks then cocaine, then meth and final fenthaly - legalize them all and make America great again . Lol

    3. You can find the same street weed that’s in the dispensaries you just ain’t connected lol.

    4. Go to Michigan way better deals

    5. 💩💩💩... That's what weed and drugs are. Shit like elixirs most commonly preferred/consumed by the most week and feeble minded scourges of society. I was involved in a collision back in 13, some old goat took a red and T-d me. Broken leg, broken hand, some ribs and a surgery to crown that shit pie; naturally I was prescribed a heavy narcotic, Dilaudid of all things, a drug that carries a dubious designation of not highly but extremely addictive potential, though I was not aware at the time. I was prescribed a total of 45 pills, fast forward to present day/11 years since, and 18 of those 45 are still in my medicine cabinet. Yes they worked like nothing else I knew of, but could not imagine spending my days in some incoherent zombie like state. Stay off of it all when merely for the sake of recreation young bloods, sure these things have a sensible purpose, and it's not for you to cope or detach from life's struggles like some whiney bitch. Get a grip and start making a grip, put all that time and effort you place into chasing highs, into a real life.

    6. @10:35 bla bla bla ppl using drugs since beginning of time and you wanna pass judgement like you are somehow superior. fact if you use drugs too but you don't see it that way cos they are not 'illegal' ones.

    7. 838 I pay 130 canadian for a oz of fire in Canada. Canada did legalization proper flooding the market making it cheap and not very profitable for illegal grows.

    8. Dispensary weed is expensive, (20-25% tax on it), but it is potent af, and you'll never get ditch weed or weed laced with fentanyl or other drugs.

    9. 946 fuck what’s in the streets now my ninja… you got laced cocaine in the streets and what’s not to stop mfs lacing trees with fenty in the streets? Stop it and get your paper up and pay them dispensary prices.

    10. @08:53 meth is already legal dumbass. You just have to get it from a doctor and a pharmacy like Walmart. So is fentanyl for that matter. They are legitimate medications that people need.

      Now, there's a shitload of junkies who don't need the meds but like to use them 24/7.

      @10:25 Michigan is the shit. 40$ ounces and $80 ounces of fire respectively. No fetty. No medical card required. Fire.

      @12:35 dispensary weed is worth it over the illegal market because its all lab tested. That's why it costs more. Fuck street drugs.

      @12:33 that's how it goes in Michigan too. $120 ounce for top shelf rapper weed.

      @10:35 well said.

      @08:38 must be hydro or you're in a state that heavily taxes.

    11. 3:55 only attack head like you think meth is legal. Americans are the highest crack head in the world, admit it man.

    12. More reason why it should be illegal.

    13. All drugs are decriminalized in oregon. fent weed lol there a weed store on every corner around here

    14. Az 40$ ounces

  2. Off-topic, but why do you foos drink IPAs?
    Tastes like goddam Hawaiian Punch, guacala!
    "For a quart of ale is dish for a king"
    ..The Winter's Tale

    1. I stick to Modelo. But living here in LA i do frequent the hipster areas and they offer only IPAs. Not my cup of tea.

    2. Vodka and Red Bulls. Go big or go home. 😃 But I understand that everyone does have their preferences. Can't hate on that.

    3. Y’all don’t drink IPA’s because you don’t know what good beer is
      Probably haven’t worked a real day in your life either

    4. Vodka Red Bull has been my drink since I can remember! But it hurts when they want 18$ for a Belvedere Red Bull in downtown San Diego ☹️

    5. 10:58
      18 hard-earned simoleons plus a $2 tip!
      Avoid the Gaslamp district, strictly for out-of-town tourists or hick yokals from El Cajon..
      There's watering holes and ginmills a'plenty a la playa..

    6. Whiskey and Cranberry juice

    7. Czechvar czech lager

    8. 8:02🦎
      IPAs are usually bitter(55-100+ IBU) and depending on the hops used can be piney, citrusy, tropical or down right dank like green yesca. Aurora Hoppyalis, Stone IPA and Alesmith IPA out SD way being good widely available beers.
      Some new school IPAs are even in the 20+IBU range which cater to younger or novice drinkers. IPAs are the largest selling style of craft so the brewer's try to cater to the different demographics.
      Another thing to look out for is when it was bottled and was it refrigerated. Even if kept cold three months is the max time I'll accept for something I'm going to drink in one or two days.
      You might have written to be from the Boston area, Tree House and Trillium Brewing are two of the stand outs from that area.
      Been a dry week but on Monday I'm going to drink two pints of brazen sensei West Coast IPA.

    9. 9:24 no hipster here, puro Paisa116 from the streets to CDCR.

    10. 3:47
      "state raised"

    11. 211 malt beer baby.

    12. IPA = Irish Piss Ale
      very nasty yet intoxicating thanks to the high levels of fetty+meth in the piss.

    13. Viva México Cabrones!!
      Isaac "Pitbull" Cruz just knocked some loud mouth silly all over the ring to win his 140lbs WBA championship belt. The fight or at least the highlights should be up on the Tube soon.
      10:03 Is that what your BF gives you during foreplay golosa? Some piss while you smoke the glass D and he chases the dragon. I ain't judging, you do you.

    14. Bohemia lager y ya

    15. 2 live & die in LAApril 3, 2024 at 4:56 PM

      Puro pinche Pacifico y Modelo aqui en sur CAlifas

  3. Week makes people paranoid and makes them talk to themselves.

    1. Ok buddii. Have u ever used weed? If so sounds like u got the paranoid talk to urself strain. Not very good weed. More like smoking meth makes u paranoid and talk to urself!!

    2. I've never smoked weed but I've seen people's mind fucked because of it. Meth is worse but it doesn't minimize what weed can do. Don't take it personal.

    3. 9:55
      Try some whacky tabbacky, mano, you're missing out on the fun..
      It's the weed that turns into a flower in your mind..
      "Turn On,
      Tune In,
      Drop Out"
      .. Timothy Leary

    4. Laced weed made a Latino in his 20s , in Michigan go on a daytime killing spree because he saw demons. 6 killed. Youngsters in here say no to drugs.

    5. @11:16 sources?! WTF? But hey I wouldn't be surprised. There's a place in Michigan where people ride around with 20K rainbow M30s and they light people on fire across the street on the High School Football Yard.

      America is devastated by the impact of illicit street drugs like methamphetamine, fentanyl, heroin, LSD, MDMA, molly, peter, synthetic weed, bath salts, substituted cathinones and a-PVPs (Flaka).

    6. 1116am it was shithole Rockford Illinois area. And if somebody literally stabs multiple people and runs one over and beats a young girl to death with bat it has always been in him. Sounds like an excuse for a punk killer who instead of an excuse needs a rope and a tree or a bullet

    7. 9:04 But weed makes it worse. It didn't make it better.

    8. 9:04
      Anytime weed is laced with something it should not it cause some people to see things that are not there. In that guy's mind, anyone he saw he would think they are zombies and has to kill them. The mother comes running out when the son is arrested, no no no mi mijo no usa drugs!

    9. weed is SatanSmoke.It causes dangerous behavior. Watch the CDC documentary " Reefer Madness", to see the dangers of Pot

  4. And this is one of the many reasons why weed should be legal. In Germany from April 1 on weed is legal and you also are allowed to grow 3 plants yourself.

    1. We all saw what the libtards did in California: increased crime due to tecatos fighting over weed not to mention the illegal weed farms diverting water from rivers that are supposed to be for agriculture. Tanto les gusta la mota, mejor traguen eso en vez de comida 🐷

    2. you lost all credibility as soon as you said the word, libtards.

    3. Deutschland legalisiert ab dem 1. April. Endlich, haben wir es geschafft.

    4. Are you butthurt Kat, because you responded like a typical snowflake ❄.Both political parties are trash aunque te arde el Ql0, Kat with a k 🤡🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5. 6:45 Using 2016 insults is crazy

    6. 11:42 What is even crazier is people thinking weed is a "safer" drug. Society has really gone to hell when you see middle school kids using it 🤦‍♂️

    7. Another reason for it to be illegal.

    8. @ 11:42 what’s even crazier is forcing people to believe your delusion. Be whoever you want , feel free to claim
      To be anything but it’s crazy to force your delusions on others. I identify as a billionaire but the bank and Gov is not respecting my identity.

  5. Always heard that the heat burns away the fent ? Any truth to that ?

    1. @10:00 for educational and scientific purposes only: a direct flame exposed to fentanyl will oxidize the molecular structure and affect it. However, if you are smoking something like weed in a joint or in a pipe. The flame is only applied to the top of the material and then heat is distributed throughout the bowl or joint, slowly (thus preserving the fentanyl molecules).

      Now, at a certain temperature maybe 5000 degrees F, gold melts and fentanyl will disintegrate.

      People have great results smoking fentanyl out of these new special glass fetty pipes and aluminum foil where the flame doesn't directly hit the dope.

  6. I wonder who dumb ass idea was it to put fetty in weed 🤦‍♂️

    1. @10:52 it makes it better; you can turn midgrade schwag into ZaZas. Jaja

    2. @10:52 well there is also weed laced with PCP now, that's been around since the 70s 80s 90s and 2020s

    3. The Devil Himself.

    4. 4:09 I heard some wild stories from friends who bought some weed off the street 25 years ago that ended up laced with pcp, glad I missed that party. Wayne Brady shit. Sounded kind of fun though.

  7. This has to be the biggest BS. The kid was probably on fentanyl and telling the family he only smokes weed. It’s like women saying they got pregnant while using a condom, it’s obvious she wasn’t using protection but will tell everyone otherwise. Im not a weed smoker but the same people crying about legalized weed drink Budlight or whiskey. Everyone can choose their own poison.

    1. @10;56 I have personal friends who have died from smoking fentanyl laced weed. It definitely exists in the streets and most dealers put it in everything cocaine included.

    2. I'm sure they are the ones who lased the weed themselves...

    3. 100% this. I came here to say the same thing, I’m sure there’s extremely rare exceptions but people aren’t putting fentanyl in weed or coke. People that OD don’t want to admit to doing fentanyl so when they come to they say they were just doing coke or smoking weed and it was laced. Multiple people that had a friend or family member OD have called me to ask about it and I tell them that they just don’t wanna admit it and every time they call back and tell me I was right. Or if a group of friends are doing fentanyl and one ODs and dies they will just say they were doing coke or smoking weed and it was laced. Nobody wants to ever admit to doing fentanyl so now we have this propaganda. Not defending fentanyl I’m just saying it doesn’t make sense to lace shit with fentanyl outside of heroin, m30s and Xanax.

    4. @02:07 hey Einstein it doesn’t matter if it makes sense to you or not. It is real and it does happen.

      You even admitted in your post.

      You can’t trust street weed or street drugs.

      There are many dead people in the morgue to prove it.

      Anyone reads this, don’t use drugs unless you get them from a pharmacy with a legitimate prescription because the drug supply in NA is tainted.

    5. @305 It's not tainted.People just don't want to admit that their family members are addicted to fent because it sounds bad

    6. No, weed dealer who's in his right mind would ever do that.Bring that much heat to him for putting some bullshit in a sac

    7. In the AFO and jaliskas tienditas in Tijuana, cross-contamination is sometimes a problem that crops up..

    8. 424 add CDs tienditas to that list.

  8. In the bay area ..Oakland to be exact 175 a zip or 1k a pound of fire tree ..

    1. Central Valley CA
      Boutique high end zips.
      White boy grown dank

    2. Connor, show us pictures of your flashy lifestyle.

    3. That’s expensive as hell

    4. 1038 top tier grade cannabis

    5. 400$ for your shitty pound and still not buying it, Modesto, Stockton been my grounds. Good luck to the newbies up there seeing what others only dream of, don't get lost in the sauce. Play the game, stay healthy and get back home, nothing good around drugs.

  9. Another govt lie.

  10. Lemme remind Belize boy who swears up and down there was no where near the exaggerated 100k+ fentanyl related deaths a year for the past 4 years his idol Biden was in office.


    Source USA NSA

    1. Junkies chose to be drug addicts it's automatically President Biden s fault, people die to drunk driving accidents it's Biden s fault. The inflation went up let's blame Biden. Cartels traffic drugs into USA it's Biden s fault. Guess give me a break

    2. Biden has nothing to do with this

    3. It seems like the overdose numbers drastically increased once Biden took office. Maybe I'm wrong here, but wouldn't Bidens relaxed border policy help facilitate the amount of drugs that are coming in along with the number of immigrants? You say Biden has nothing to do with it, but when it comes to homicides in Mexico you want to pin it all on AMLO like he is the one telling the cartels to go out and murder indiscriminately.

    4. At 7:34
      Boy you absolutely right..
      2016 0 overdoses
      2017. 0 overdoses
      2018. 0 overdoses
      President Biden is the one to blame, under Trump's watch 0 died.
      🤣😭😂🤣I can't stop laughing.

    5. 918 nobody said there were no deaths during the years you mention you tonto but look at the spike in overdose deaths during the current administrations time in office.

    6. open border policy is for people, drugs are shipped with trucks.
      They could have had bought more scanners for the trucks. I would assume the US gob spend more money on toilet papers than on the protection of the borders.

  11. Another reason for weed to be illegal.

  12. it's in the..
    no, no I dont believe it should ever be.
    cost vs effort vs recurring, is why not or ever.

  13. Weed is for lowlifes, sometimes rich lowlifes, no matter what anyone says or how it’s spun.

    Society pays with more future crazies and mental cases on the street .

    No sympathy.


    1. Weird way to spell alcohol. Too much Reefer Madness for you.

    2. 749
      who knew I would fall
      a slave to demon alcohol?🍸

    3. yummy Imma put you in the microwave and eat you Yo @Queso

    4. Weed is for the Creme/Cream of the crop.

    5. The last time weed put a bunch of rich low life crazies in the streets was the late 1960s….

    6. I heard queso is cheering for Biden, he found out Trump is just trouble.

  14. it was like that before i got there

  15. Real mother fers grow their own weed ! Pennies on the dollar use F1 seeds and it'll practically grow itself give it the right temp lighting nutrients and start saving your money keep your mouth shut mind your own biz and you too can be a real mother Fer or don't!


  17. The devils lettuce
    🥬 should be banned

  18. Weed sux cocaine is better

    1. Cocaine is for losers

    2. I guess celebrities top executives CEOS, business owners are losers

    3. If they do coke then yes they are losers

  19. There is no safe level of alcohol consumption. It is poison, period. Having quit over years ago, I'm healthier, happier, and get way more done with my time. And with drinks prices the way they are...get a new hobby. If you haven't quit, you should. And drugs? Lacing everything with fentanyl has ruined... everything.

  20. FYI, 1/8 oz are $16.66 plus tax, $20 out the door in Ma.! It's actually been easier to buy it than grow it myself! After buying seeds, grow lights, tents, clean water, nutrients, 4'x4' grow area, soil and soil amendments plus electricity every month, plus 3 to 4 months grow time, after it's all said and done it was easier buying in bulk at $108 an oz plus tax!


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