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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Gunmen For El Migueladas Destroy A CJNG Spy

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The full weight of a felling ax and a machete will be used to cut a bound captive into pieces. Painful groans from the enslaved male on the ground can be heard during the first two swings that rain down across his neck. 

It is alleged that the victim was a spy for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. He supposedly belonged to a cell of hit men that also had within its ranks Kaibiles commandos. 

The following videos are very graphic in nature. Just as well the events have taken place in the state of Michoacán.

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario #1: The state of Michoacán belongs to the Michoacános. This is so that you faggots know how things are going to be here. I can also get down when it comes to committing evil you sons of bitches. So, don’t bother trying to instill fear with people here. We can also resort to being evil in this area. In addition, we also kill the Jalisco gunmen you sons of bitches. Everyone needs to be made aware of this. Keep sending more dumbasses like this individual our way. Take a good look at this dismembered head that I have within my hands. Let it serve as your fucking warning. 

Sicario: Here lies the handiwork of your Kaibiles.

Sicario #1: This just goes to show you, to fucking show every one of you.

Video message reads as follows:

Limones, stay on your toes you sons of bitches. Everyone knows who the fuck is in charge here and will continue to rule. You made the mistake of biting the hand that fed you guys. So, for your own safety it’s best that you backstabbers brace yourselves. Stop bringing people here based on lies. We don’t just talk about handling our affairs. We also put our words into action. 

Pajarraco is the name of the individual doing the axe work. 

* The Limones reference is in regards to the Operativa Limones that the CJNG currently has underway in Michoacán. CJNG has a special forces group known as Fuerzas Especiales Limones (FEL). An English translation of this would be the Lemon Special Forces.   

Narco Chat de Noticias  El Blog de Los Guachos


  1. Se dicen ser hombres no señores estas LACRAS son la misma Caggada de siempre lambiendole los tanates al Patronsillo otro Cobarde igual que estos. Mexico tiene mucho que dar pero Aqui LA Culpa LA tienen Los Politicos Corruptos Y Toda Esta Bola De Asesinos Cobardes Dan lastima como mexicanos que son echando a perder este Mexico Hermoso que tenemos pero no pura Caggada Ojala Y Caigan Toditos Estos Altos Mandos Y Los Encierren DE Por Vida pero 6 pies abajo por eso se merecen.

  2. Michoacan para lo Michoacanos 💯

    1. Mencho is from there so?

    2. @11:20 And leads the Jalisco cartel..

    3. @7:09 they’re the remnants of the old Milenio cartel that were Michoacános but also held power in Jalisco as well

  3. Uuffff!!
    Llevátelos Satanás
    A penas está escoria humana para ti

  4. "Get down or lay down. If you lay down you will stay down." - Darkside

  5. Rumor is Chapo Isidro just got captured

    1. He’s been captured before but released shortly after

  6. Like literally what is the point at this stage of committing these atrocities. They've all put similar acts on exhibition or worse at times, and their ranks seem to keep holding up; on account of no apparent shortage of Illiterate Fan Blowers, still willing and eager to fill them. Hence, these types of killings don't exactly instill the intended effects, making them obsolete, and FKN Retarded, apart from everything else that they are by default.

  7. Migueladas was one of the first one to open up the door for CJNG in Michoacan and now he flipped . Seems to me like Mencho and Co. Are not very respected and welcome in Michoacan

    1. “Michoacán para los michoacanos”
      Ósea que hubo acuerdo pero cjng quería llevarse mas pedazos de pastel y alos delinquents locales no les gustó

  8. Someone should teach them how to sharpen their blades.

  9. Lemon Special Forces highly trained in making Lemonade.

  10. There's a special place in hell for scum like this

    1. 6:35 I sure hope so not big heaven and hell believer but with you on this one.

    2. But if he repents and accepts Jesus he'll be in heaven. It's assured.

    3. This is what people have been doing to each other since the beginning of time.

    4. 6:45 But you sure believe in the tooth fairy.😭

    5. 8:09
      Ask the person before drawing conclusions.

  11. And the award for the dumbest name goes to the lemon boys

  12. Why was video removed ?

    1. Blogger has algorithms that won't allow the grotesque videos. And when that happens an emoji is placed in there to introduce some trickery. With that being said I wouldn't really know anything about trickery. Or would I? 😆

  13. Good to see these fb pics and videos are making there rounds around the internet.

  14. Apoco ya porke descuartizan a un libre pendejo ya son muy valientes?
    A mi se me que todos son una hora de la putos nada mas que se emocionan haciendo esto con las personas que atrapan.

    1. En realidad todos somos cul0s, el miedo esta en todos, nomas que esos son lucidos payasos que piensan que su hora no llegara y cuando les toca ya estaran en un video simiar a estos. Pero en bolita son bravos. conosco muchos asi en bola son bravisimos, los mas leones que puede aver, pero solos se convierten en un gatito faldero, asi el caso con esos.

  15. When you get stuck with lemons, you make lemonade

  16. Fuerzas especiales limones
    Mejores que las fuerzas especiales pine sol

  17. So CJNG has a special unit named "Kilbaebis"? No Pos Wow!

  18. That first strike did hurt him.

  19. Super hero sol vs the villain algorithms 😆

  20. Sick sick sick.

  21. Fuc-ing pus-ies its easy to win when somebody is tied up give em a fighting chance or r u guys afraid they might kick u in ur pus-ies

  22. So what did happen with mencho and migueladas ?


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