Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 29, 2024

In Nuevo León, 17 People From Various Families Are Kidnapped

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

In Nuevo León, at least 17 people from four different families were kidnapped by armed groups in the municipalities of Salinas Victoria and Ciénega de Flores.

According to reports, the kidnappings took place during the night of Wednesday, March 29.

Armed men entered the homes of the victims in the communities 'Los Villarreales' and 'Los Morales', located outside of Salinas Victoria.

In those two communities alone, 12 people from three families were abducted, including minors.

It should be noted that this mass kidnapping registered in Salinas Victoria, Nuevo León, is added to the one that occurred in the municipality of Ciénega de Flores, where five people were abducted last Saturday, March 23.

At this time, the Prosecutor's Office has not provided any official information regarding these cases.

Los Villarreales, Nuevo León 

Los Morales, Nuevo León 

Ciénega de Flores, Nuevo León

XEU  El Norte

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  1. Every cartel does the same dumb shit. Stop lying to yourselves that there's a good cartel because there isn't.

    1. Just like any government buddy, your vote doesn’t matter and neither you to them !!!

    2. We know this already why are you stating the obvious dummy

    3. If that was the case then it wouldn't make any sense for the government to keep paying me to this very day. You can hold on to that bullshit cliche though.

      Come on Mr. Brown. I know that you're well aware of this.

    4. @10:46 i truly concur

    5. Well if you are to believe the groupies Sol according to them MZ side of CDS Guano side of CDS and La Linea are the less trashy cartels. Chapitos side of CDS CJNG CDG both Metros and Escorpiones I would but them in the same barrel of trash. Then CDN LFM Z are probably the scum of the scum

    6. I'm beginning to think that a lot of the cheerleaders who have come through here parroting their favorite group has the Stockholm syndrome. I mean how else can you explain it.

    7. Damn Ivan 🍕 is a trend setter

    8. 12:13 I also feel if you are from a certain area or if your parents where born in a certain state I feel like you going to in a sense support the cartel your family is from . Especially if you have family in that line of work. So alot of the cheerleading comes from where you where born raised or go visit. Saludos sol

    9. 12:31 Ivan hasn't reached this level yet.

    10. Sol what your take on the whole Banda Mazatlan tourists thing going on in Sinaloa rn

    11. 12:47 I listen to a lot of death metal here and there. But even I have enough fucking sense not to play my music around senior citizens. Because I already know that my music is loud and annoying for people who don't understand my music. So, I tend to keep it private and away from everyone whenever I want to zone out to it. I would've just created distance from everyone nearby out of simple respect if I was in that group of musicians.

    12. 1:04 in respect to Senior citizens, that are close by just quickly switch it on your Bluetooth speaker to Frank Sinatra or classical piano 🎵 music 🎶.

    13. Sol is the biggest hater there is, but we already know why. He goes on super Hate mode during the world cups just like all the other central americans.

    14. 😂😂😭 lol old school

    15. 1:36 just the other day someone was claiming that I'm Mexican. But today you're saying that I'm central American. So, which is it genius? Cause now even I'm confused about who I'm supposed to be.

    16. Sol - Salvi = Solrote

    17. Let’s just settle by saying Sol is North American which technically includes Central America…

    18. 12:37 that’s very true depending where your family comes from dictates alot of which cartel you “favor” but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should agree with everything they do. Especially if it’s stuff like hurting innocents/kids/women

    19. El sol es cerote alv el puto 😂 meet me at target on sepulevda near lax i wanna throw hands with you

    20. 2;34 I totally agree with you I have always said if you wanna be about that life take it out with people that are in it too not with innocent that don't have nothing to do with it .

    21. 2:44 I've got a better idea. Here's my email. Pass it along to your moms. Let her know that I'll fly her out to Houston so that I can introduce her to my pipe game. 😂

    22. Sol what's up with the Reddit kids they want to use you as a punching bag.

    23. Sol's gonna play hide the hot dog with your mom, and then you'll feel stoopid..

  2. @10:39 Are they all equally vicious and unprincipled, or are some worse than the rest?

    1. @JamesBrown is that a serious question? All the cartels are low life scum that will rape and kill their own mothers for a dollar and dope. Mot are addicts, demented, serial killers, posessed by demons, and very uneducated and superstitous. They worship Saint Death and Saint Meth. Do you need to know more? They also practice cannabilism. Some real evil prehistorictoric shit.

    2. The thing is I feel the world back then still had fear of God . Even the narcos . If you hear the older corridos to the older narcos whenever they talk about saints they talk about Virgin Mary Saint Jude even Malverde which I personally wouldn't consider a saint. But if you hear this new music that is coming out with this new narco generation whenever they mention "saints" its the Devil Holy Death and recently African and Cuban santeria.

    3. Anytime I hear of James reminds of the article on Bullet proof Barney Harris can't believe it is going to be 3 years , teacher by day, drug robber by night. RIP Harris.

    4. 1:19 I am not Brown, but I sure remember that article on BB. Barney by night with a buddy, would go rob stash houses in North Carolina, the home they robbed had CJNG members and a shootout , Barney got hit.

  3. I’m pretty sure they are all scum of the earth

  4. North east of MTY? This is definitely the laredo boys doing.

    1. Too hard to spell Monterrey.🤣🤣

    2. It's either CDN or metros/ZVE against escorpiones

    3. facts every town north of Monterrey is deep CDN territory. La tropa del infierno did this

  5. Todo le copean a los sinaloenses

    1. Nomás falta que dañen niños como las jaliscas

    2. Todo nos envidian también

    3. 11:33 o que se graven echandose a otro vato como los del CDS 😂

    4. 12:45 ya se grabaron no viste el video de sicarios del CJNG besandose entre si en Michoacan?

    5. 3:05 😂😂😂😂 Eran de Sinaloa haciendo pasar por Jaliscos, se los ordeno su jefe La Gilbertona, que despues de su muerte tu Culiacan se calento

    6. Haha 7:33 no seas mamon . Eran Gente de las 4 letras lol . Si no me equivoco eran Fuerzas Especiales Mencho. Y los mataron CU . Con razon las 4 letras en mas de 5 años peleando por Michoacan no avanzan.

    7. 8:36 mentiras falsas, CU pumassss pumasss!!! 😂

    8. 9:43 tipico groupie no te gusta reconoser

    9. 1:05 perdon pero CDSeans son unos pedophilos asta en sus corridos lo admiten, ahi esta un corrido que dice quw al mayo le gustan jovencitas y sin usar

    10. 1:05 aparte todas las historias del chapo que aparte de pedophilo era un violador

    11. 8:03 8:04
      Tienes razon Amiga pero Eso de pedophilo no un problema del CDS sino del mundo. Un ejemplo el rappero Diddy orita mismo. O me vas decir que Diddy es parte del CDS?

    12. 8:10 pues amiguis todos los carteles son la misma mierda Amiguis 🤭🥰

    13. Pues Amiga no solo los narcos . Maetros Sacerdotes La Elite tambien son la misma mierda . De echo asta que te huelo a ti tambien jedionda. Saludos

    14. 1:13 no te enojes amiga, yo nunca te falte al respeto amiga, no se porque te enojas de la verdad amiga de mi alma, yo no me voy a bajar a tu nivel para insultarte Amiguis pero si haces poquitas cuentas sabrias que el CDS han matado mas gente inocente que el CJNG simple y censilla mente porque son un cartel mas viejo, es mas ponte a pensar cuantas personas inocentes murieron en las guerras del CDJ, CAF, CDG, BLO, Z's y ahora CJNG? Y quien a estado involucrado en todas esas guerras? 😉 (Que quede claro que para mo todos y cada uno de los carteles es la misma mierda y nadie me va a hacer cambiar de opinion) asi que por de faul si nos vamos a poner niveles en los carteles, el CDS es el peor, son el tipico culon que empieza una bronca y corre a esconderse

    15. Aquí los únicos verdaderos carteles son los cds y cdg la mera verdad

    16. 6:42 😂😂😂 si guey un cartel lleno de pedophilos y sapos y otro lleno de traidores que se quebro como en 10 celulas criminales 😂😂 son la misma mierda todos

  6. Northeast México zeta golfo lacra basura

  7. 20 yrs from now, mexicos population will be down to 1 if they keep its murder rate per yr. US doesn’t have to worry of Mexicans crossing the border.

    1. Hummm hum bug🤔
      Your a puzzle and perplexed youngster on trying to figure out how things work in life...I can see it a mile away.
      Ok US does not have to worry about Mexicans coming to Mexico, but others from Latin America like El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela will continue to use the Mexican roadways to cross into US.

    2. sounds like 1236 wants a piece

  8. Once again is this cartel related?

    1. It wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t cartel related genius. I mean who else is going into cartel territory and kidnapping all those people. You think they all ran away to join the circus or become door to door salesman ?

    2. 709 exactly. Most people here think everything is cartel related, not knowing that in Mexico there is such thing as "bandas de secuestradores" or "bandas de extorcionistas" that work independently from the cartel but might claim a cartel as a tool to accomplish their criminal activity.


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