Of course Spain doesn't want AMLO. AMLO bought back 6 power plants from the Spanish company Iberdola after Salinas De Gortari auctioned off Mexicos minerals and energy sector and the foreigners jacked up the prices. Now that AMLO bought them back for the Mexican government he's lowering the prices to where the foreign companies can not compete. The gringos are pissed!
Asi disen todos los presidentes mexicanos y a los dias ya estan hasiendo lo que les pidieron porque sino se acaban los millones que USA les da que no se haga
That is correct 656. That clown can put on the strongman routine all he wants; but, we all know that like any Mexican politician, the only acceptable response from them for the U.S. when asked to bend over and spread em is, Sir, yes Sir, how wide Sir. 🤦♂️
Uh, are you guys not keeping up with the headlines? AMLO is giving the gringos the 🖕🏼. He canceled DEA visas, he removed U.S airplanes from the hangers in Mexico, John Kerry was trying to prevent Mexico from further drilling or fracking for oil and Mexico went ahead and opened a new oil refinery, remodeled 3 and bought one in Texas. AMLO didn't attend the North American Summit. He opened up a new railroad that will compete with the panama canal. He bought military equipment from Russia, China, and France instead of the U.S. This dude is standing by his word. Hes a threat to U.S special interest. Where are you getting that he's bending over for the gringos?
1024 thanks for the misinformation. I can provide proof for anything you need in regards to what I mentioned. Can you?... if anything is being ommitted its what I bring to light. The whole homicide rate argument is the only thing that we ever hear about in the news regarding AMLO. You're not bringing nothing to the table, you're just regurgitating what everyone has already heard. Rarely do you hear about the positive AMLO has contributed because that's what is actually being "OMMITTED" mind you, the positive outweighs the homicide argument.
@10:24 Save your breath on that guy that continues he wants proof the more you explain the more he does not comprehend some people you can't reason with save your time.
No one can argue against the fact that Mexico is a narco state. The problem is so embedded in the culture that there's no short term fix. But AMLO is doing what he can to help resolve the issue in the long term. The U.S. deep state hates this, so they push narratives through the media to make him look bad, and gullible people gobble it up.
you right mexico is a really narco state,pero lopitoz lo mas probable es que se retire en una carcel del gabacho,le tienen la ropa en remojo,los gringos,lopitoz es un narcicista ataca a diestra y siniestra los periodistas,sera que va hacer lo mismo cuando este en n.y y despues en florence........
Obrador is been in the game almost 55 years he knows what he's doing is already been approved by uncle Sam they told him to stir up the ignorant a little bit
no me explico como esta reportera sharyn alfonsi,CBS,le hizo para no reirse en la cara de lopez obrador,cuando este afirma que debido a las costumbres y tradiciones en mexico no se consume ,tanta droga,y que el fentanilo el 99 por ciento no viene de mexico,....hay que andar bien pedernales para entender a lopitozzz...
@7:46 with the help of the US government you can’t hide the info that has already been leaked to the public do you research rookie see how the US is playing a part in the drug business. Don’t be quick to slander.
From a non biased view point 759 your country has major issues and your leader AMLO is part of the problem and Yes the US has issues to. But they dont need the pocket change your country gets from drug trafficking they are onto bigger things.
Amlo will finish his term. But watch, in about 3-5 years, authorities will arrest him in Thailand, as he’s a known “lady boys” fan. He’ll be extradited back to Mexico and giving the whitey bulger welcoming in prison. The End.
The US, Mexico and the cartels should come to an agreement where they only stick to drug trafficking kind of like the old days and get rid of anybody that doesn’t fall in line. Sorry to break it to you folks drugs are a big part of the economy and they are here to stay.
Calderon and EPN set this up, if the Gabachos wanted a Mex Pres. to be arrested they would’ve started with them, but AMLO is just not caring about things being public or not, he’s gonna setup his girl with the candidacy and it’ll be worse… yes , way worse. Gabachos will never airstrike anyone because it’ll cause civil unrest in Mx, and that’s worse, at least they’re only going after the cartels and placing some concerns on the table for Mx politicians to think about, and they align themselves to what the northern country wants and demands… that’s why the arrest of high level narcos happened, not because of AMLO
Isn't it true that AMLO took the Pemex petroleum fields, property of the people of Mexico, back from the multinationals after the previous president with the movie star wife and big white mansion gave it all away? Inquiring minds want to know!
1039. Yup. When people talk about corruption from the previous administrations what they are referring to are the sales of resources and industries that once belonged to the public sector like precious metals, minerals, energy, communications, oil, and railroads. Everything I mentioned was sold off by Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Ernesto Zedillo, Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderon and Enrique Peña Nieto. Now that AMLO is buying everything back and nationalizing it, the foreign owned media outlets are demonizing the Mexican president because the owners of these same media outlets have or had investments in those industries. Perfect example is Carlos Slim. It's not a coincidence that a negative article was written by the new york times which Slim happens to own the largest share of and AMLO made internet and cell phones more affordable than Slims company Telcel.
1140 the yearly homicide rate was rapidly growing when mexico was allowing assistance from U.S agencies to the point where it reached 35k homides in one year under Peña Nieto. Now that AMLO limited or pretty much eliminated U.S insolvent in mexicos internal affairs, Mexicos yearly homicide rate has been steadily decreasing.
12:29 Chayotero your not going to be able to double cross ❌❌, Detroit he does his homework, before he posts his comment, I have done mine too by reading different articles, in true actuality the homicides in Mexico went up yearly on ALMOs watch, we also know he was soft on Cartels. Further more he limited the amount of DEA in Mexico, because his partners in the military were butthurt, that Cienfuegos was arrested at LAX airport, even though they got him back they were still butthurt, yes ALMO, tried to giggle and made a mockery of the US.
120, provide us with an official government link that backs up your claims that the homicide numbers have gone up year after year. From my understanding the leveled out and started coming down.
3:08: Mexico has more than one agency that documents crime statistics and not all official compilations agree with INEGI's numbers. A problem with Mexican statistics is the presidents of Mexico have a bad habit of manipulating official statistics. It's better to follow neutral statistics from an agency like the UN. According to the UN, there were 146,440 homicides in Mexico under EPN and 179,106 homicides under ELMO up to the end of 2022. These figures don't include the year 2023 or homicides in 2024 up to the end of ELMO's administration. Nor do they include the number of disappeared and murdered people. From the numbers ELMO will most likely have more than 220,000 homicides during his years in office a more than 50% increase over EPN's numbers. The ELMO chayoteros can manipulate the numbers all they want but the official statistics of Mexico and nuetral statistics reveal that there has been a significant increase in the number of homicides in Mexico under ELMO. The number of disappeared and murdered probably increases the actual number of homicides by about 30% meaning that EPN most likely had a total number of homicides during his administration of about 190,000 and ELMO will have about 290,000 by the end of his term. According to the UN the highest number of homicides occurred in 2018. They didn't have the 2023 numbers so it is unknown if homicides in 2023 exceeded homicides in 2018. in 2018 there were two different presidents in Mexico EPN and ELMO so you can't can't pin the 2018 numbers on one president or the other. Some of the official Mexican statistics place 2021 as the year with the highest number of homicides but I'm not using those statistics here. The bottom line is that there will be about an additional 100,000 homicides under ELMO after he finishes his term than occurred under EPN. The ELMO chayoteros can manipulate the numbers all they but the official Mexican government statistics and the statistics compiled by the UN and NGO's all point to a substantial increase in the number of homicides during ELMO's administration.
509 And despite all that you mentioned he's consistently rated over 60% approval rating throughout his time in office. Instead of preaching to the like minded gringos here on BB you and IPA should start your Mexican presidential tour in Mexico so that you can expose the 60% of the population to this inside information that apparently they are unaware of. I'm sure you two are better qualified.
146,440 homicides in Mexico under EPN and 179,106…. Arent these numbers added means even if no new murders occur during the next presidency the guy still has 179k death people cause of the former presidents.
lopez obrador ,asegura que todo esta under control....... esta manana segun ,el sol de san luis potosi, 5 cuerpos fueron abandonados en barrio el carmen,en el municipio de cardenas.s.l.p......
8:50 Cárdenas was por la gente, no way the pesado shotcallers were gonna let him become president of the republic.. Somebody put a bullet in his campaign manager's brains, Donaldo Colosio style, as soon as the polls closed with CCS the clear fan favorite, but inexplicably, the vote-counting computers crashed, and when the smoke cleared, the PRI candidate was unanimously acclaimed champion, continuing what would be an uninterrupted 70 year reign, a political stranglehold on power, not broken until that Irish lad, Fox came into office☘️
I'll give my brief response to BB's own AMLO press secretary on this thread. You know who you are fool @9:31/9:40/9:41/9:50/12:06/12:29/2:20/3:08 and possibly 8:46. Ya ni la chingas buey. I've watched both videos from this interview. Did you? Pure comedy. Murderers being prosecuted for their crimes huh. No corruption because AMLO isn't corrupt. His anti corruption trickles down right? LOL. Okay we believe you. Private investments by Chinese is why México is now USA biggest trading partner. The factories were just relocated from one country to another. Minimal drug consumption in México because of the culture, traditions and morals? Pendejadas. No mass levantones, calcinados, decapitados o desaparecidos también verdad? Drugs are consumed wherever they're available just like Coke ™ and Modelo™. México is awash in the manufacturing and trafficking of illegal narcotics. I wonder if the theft of fuel is as prevalent in USA as it is in México? Never read about it in the USA press. "Diplomatic blackmail". He wants $20 billion dollars invested in Latin America yearly so people won't have to leave their countries in search of better pay. Aren't the remesas and drug trafficking revenue enough? Can't each country build up its own economy? Where does all the revenue generated in each country end up at? What a clown. So is the "Tren Maya" almost completed and on budget chayotero? Or as is typical with his national projects all over budget by 100, 200 or 300%?
IPA drinker they call The Master of direction, I will be seeing the video of 60 minutes. See if ALMO was truthful, those that love ALMO be ready for my critique, please don't take it personally, it will just be a critique.
@606 uff que hueva. I take it you believe all the time stamps you mentioned are me? Hate to break it to you but, I think there's more than one or two "AMLO apologizist" on this website. I guess I'll start from the bottom and work my way up. So the tren Maya is on the road and on the road to completion. It's running with a few kinks being ironed out, but running nonetheless and generating revenue to offset the cost. It's also bringing tourism and creating direct and indirect jobs to a once isolated and forgotten region in Mexico that is mostly inhabited by indigenous communities. The remittances increased last year because of inflation and a stronger peso against the dollar. That means more money had to be sent because products became more expensive. In other words, families in Mexico who were receiving $100 a month now need $150 to cover for the price increases. If the gringos can send 40billion to Ukraine, a country nowhere near our border or 20billion to Isreal, another country no where near the U.S border, then why not give into the "diplomatic blackmail" in order to help our southern neighbors develop their economy and prevent this unnecessary burden on the U.S? AMLO is somewhat right in regards to the drug consumption epidemic. Yes, we may have 33k homicides a year that amount to roughly 200k over his term in office but how many fentanyl related deaths have Americans experienced? 100k a year, that's 400k during Bidens term and another 400k during trumps term. Maybe the U.S should take a page from AMLO's playback and address the root cause which in my opinion, based on my observations is the disintegration of the family unit and the collapse of American society. Just take a look at your homeless situation if you think I'm full of shit. As far as the Chinese private investments go, well, they would be stupid not to invest in Mexico. AMLO opened up the Tehuantepec Isthmus railway which will serve as an alternative to the Panama Canal. It's not like the U.S can prevent Mexico from doing business with the Chinese. Just a heads up, Mexico is on its way to become an economic powerhouse and if not matching the U.S than surpassing it. With the introduction of these Chinese manufacturers, the U.S will no longer exploit the Mexican consumer by exporting and reselling them chinese goods. Goods will be produced in Mexico, sold direct and resold to the U.S. As far as the rest goes, como dije antes, "off que hueva" By the way, I watched both versions of the interview, interesting to see how each side edited their version. Sol, I suggest you upload both.
10:49 long ass word salad. Couldn't even answer my question about the "Tren Maya". Almost $30 billion dollars have been budgeted for its construction. Is it even going to be completed? How many decades to recuperate the cost and start being profitable. Después sale con su mamada that it was always going to be a subsidized public service. Puro hocico. No mames. The dollar has lost 15-20%+/- to the peso but where's the benefit for the people if commodities have remained the same or even increased. It doesn't add up but I'm not educated and have no common sense LOL. "Just a heads up, México is on its way to become an economic powerhouse and if not matching the US than surpassing it". Jajajajajajaja! Why even respond to that lunacy.
10:49 The people that are getting rich in Mexico are the Cartels and curupt government officials getting bribes, so the Cartels can expand and grow, at charging retail for the drugs consumed in US, that already makes Mexico a growing, at the same time the citizens of Mexico are getting raped with extortion and ransoms from the Cartels, all the while the government looks the other way, as far as giving money to Mexico,US already sends yearly aid, in the millions to Mexico.
Ese 10:49 Bashing and using the word gringo does not go with what you are trying to convey. USA has a large mix of people, that come from many different countries, eventually they become US citizens, so there is not only gringos in the US. I am not gringo I was born in Panama. Been a US citizen for 22 years.
952 cry me a river. Gringo governments are any non Latin American countries. In the Americas, and some European countries as well. I get it, you feel "American" because you became a citizen. Good for you. Lemme "bash" on Panama the way people on here bash on Mexico and see how you feel about it. I'm sure you wouldn't be offended.
Off topic, my dog Perin a Terrier, when I have to remind him to pee pee, he growls at me. He has to be reminded, or else he pees in the house, what can I do about it. That cat lover above me should feed his pet properly and he won't follow him to the fridge.
Off Topic but my poodle Lily, when I take her on walks, she likes to bark at anyone walking near us. Some one recommended I take her to the Ceaser 911 and her issue is corrected with in 10; minutes ?
I hope Mexico gets a worse president than him. Keep driving the citizens while the politicos and cartels split all the money up. And normal everyday people get the shaft. That’s how they like it. And swear their president isn’t corrupt 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣. Only corrupt people speak like he does. Cause they know they will never have to pay for anything that’s done.
I hope U.S gets a worse president than Trump or Biden. Keep driving the citizens while the politicos split all the money up. And normal everyday people get the shaft. That’s how they like it. And swear their country isn’t corrupt 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣. Only corrupt people speak like they do. Cause they know the citizensare dumb.
9:58 I am very pleased to hear you are updated on the news.. So far Nikki Haley is winning the electoral votes. As far as Mexico Sneiderbalm is winning to become the next president of Mexico. At first ALMO hated her, had little tantrums. Now he adores her, can't really tell what mood ALMO will be on certain days.
He knows that America is having a child with one of the princes, so he can rest easy at nite now. He won't be swayed by threats or the politics of some, he knows what is important:family. Hugs not bullets.
I saw the video on 60 minutes. No wonder they pick on Obrador in here. He partially does not say the truth. He said all crimes get investigated and people arrested. Lol we all know it's only about 5% that get investigated. Lol USA manufacturers Fentyl give me a break.
The 14 min video? Watch the 55 minute partially edited version that was shot incognito. Funny how the U.S media can add its spin to a story and paint a different picture until they get exposed.
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Lock up AMLO. Mexico is a narco state. Most presidents retire in Spain with more than 100 mil.
ReplyDeleteHe mouthed off on Spain in the past.
DeleteThey don't want him there.
His best bet is just becoming an Alucin himself
DeleteOf course Spain doesn't want AMLO. AMLO bought back 6 power plants from the Spanish company Iberdola after Salinas De Gortari auctioned off Mexicos minerals and energy sector and the foreigners jacked up the prices. Now that AMLO bought them back for the Mexican government he's lowering the prices to where the foreign companies can not compete. The gringos are pissed!
DeleteAMLO the best
DeleteAsi disen todos los presidentes mexicanos y a los dias ya estan hasiendo lo que les pidieron porque sino se acaban los millones que USA les da que no se haga
ReplyDeleteThat is correct 656. That clown can put on the strongman routine all he wants; but, we all know that like any Mexican politician, the only acceptable response from them for the U.S. when asked to bend over and spread em is, Sir, yes Sir, how wide Sir. 🤦♂️
DeleteUh, are you guys not keeping up with the headlines? AMLO is giving the gringos the 🖕🏼. He canceled DEA visas, he removed U.S airplanes from the hangers in Mexico, John Kerry was trying to prevent Mexico from further drilling or fracking for oil and Mexico went ahead and opened a new oil refinery, remodeled 3 and bought one in Texas. AMLO didn't attend the North American Summit. He opened up a new railroad that will compete with the panama canal. He bought military equipment from Russia, China, and France instead of the U.S. This dude is standing by his word. Hes a threat to U.S special interest. Where are you getting that he's bending over for the gringos?
Delete9:40 you left many things omitted, but of course you will since you want your president to look good.
DeleteHe gets a poor rating F, when it comes to security and safety, let's the Cartels run amok.
You committed that he got Blackhawks from the USA .
Mexico bought helicopter s from Russia, the old type from 1970s.
He accepted bribes from Cartels for his election.
DeleteAnd for what? Cartels are still running the show.
1024 thanks for the misinformation. I can provide proof for anything you need in regards to what I mentioned. Can you?... if anything is being ommitted its what I bring to light. The whole homicide rate argument is the only thing that we ever hear about in the news regarding AMLO. You're not bringing nothing to the table, you're just regurgitating what everyone has already heard. Rarely do you hear about the positive AMLO has contributed because that's what is actually being "OMMITTED" mind you, the positive outweighs the homicide argument.
DeleteYeah all the good the positive will be for all the dead and disappeared huh?👆
DeleteSave your breath on that guy that continues he wants proof the more you explain the more he does not comprehend some people you can't reason with save your time.
No one can argue against the fact that Mexico is a narco state. The problem is so embedded in the culture that there's no short term fix. But AMLO is doing what he can to help resolve the issue in the long term. The U.S. deep state hates this, so they push narratives through the media to make him look bad, and gullible people gobble it up.
Deleteyou right mexico is a really narco state,pero lopitoz lo mas probable es que se retire en una carcel del gabacho,le tienen la ropa en remojo,los gringos,lopitoz es un narcicista ataca a diestra y siniestra los periodistas,sera que va hacer lo mismo cuando este en n.y y despues en florence........
ReplyDeleteIn your dreams pal. 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteObrador is been in the game almost 55 years he knows what he's doing is already been approved by uncle Sam they told him to stir up the ignorant a little bit
ReplyDeleteno me explico como esta reportera sharyn alfonsi,CBS,le hizo para no reirse en la cara de lopez obrador,cuando este afirma que debido a las costumbres y tradiciones en mexico no se consume ,tanta droga,y que el fentanilo el 99 por ciento no viene de mexico,....hay que andar bien pedernales para entender a lopitozzz...
ReplyDeleteClaro que se entiende que eres prianista! Eres de esas ratas dolidas que dejaste de mamar desde que gano AMLO
DeleteAs his country goes up in flames he takes aim at American politicians.........
ReplyDelete@7:46 with the help of the US government you can’t hide the info that has already been leaked to the public do you research rookie see how the US is playing a part in the drug business. Don’t be quick to slander.
DeleteSupply and demand, supply and demand.
DeleteFrom a non biased view point 759 your country has major issues and your leader AMLO is part of the problem and Yes the US has issues to. But they dont need the pocket change your country gets from drug trafficking they are onto bigger things.
Delete8:15 “don’t need the pocket change “ isn’t the US trillions of dollars in debt ? You might want to retract that statement.
DeleteAmlo will finish his term.
ReplyDeleteBut watch, in about 3-5 years, authorities will arrest him in Thailand, as he’s a known “lady boys” fan.
He’ll be extradited back to Mexico and giving the whitey bulger welcoming in prison.
The End.
Hey you dropped this 🧠
Delete7.47 house arrest he will be to old and frail, a small walk in the park can break a bone or two.😂
DeleteAMLO had some really good points tho…
ReplyDeletesegun infobae y quadratin,el jefe sierra 3.pajaros sierra.CJNG,michoacan,fue encontrado muerto en la carcel de puente grande,guadalajara......
ReplyDeleteA lot of blind hate driven by US mainstream media propaganda.
ReplyDeleteI talk to Mexicans in the US all the time and all talk how much good AMLO has done for the Mexican people.
The propaganda from the US is less and less effective everyday driven by our mentally unstable self enrichment uni-party.
Delete👆 time coincidence with 7:24 huh?
Delete8:07 LIES!
DeleteObrador es un narco presidente.
ReplyDeleteThis guy like to hear himself talk. Shld kf known that whem he didnt visit the white house is because he is crooked af.
ReplyDeleteThe US, Mexico and the cartels should come to an agreement where they only stick to drug trafficking kind of like the old days and get rid of anybody that doesn’t fall in line. Sorry to break it to you folks drugs are a big part of the economy and they are here to stay.
ReplyDeleteI’m sure they do it all the time, that’s the CIAs job!
DeleteCalderon and EPN set this up, if the Gabachos wanted a Mex Pres. to be arrested they would’ve started with them, but AMLO is just not caring about things being public or not, he’s gonna setup his girl with the candidacy and it’ll be worse… yes , way worse. Gabachos will never airstrike anyone because it’ll cause civil unrest in Mx, and that’s worse, at least they’re only going after the cartels and placing some concerns on the table for Mx politicians to think about, and they align themselves to what the northern country wants and demands… that’s why the arrest of high level narcos happened, not because of AMLO
ReplyDeleteNorth American Union ( Canada usa,Mexico,Central america,1 big country.w internal passports.the Amero will be the new dollar.
DeleteI think he will take and retire in Cuba.
ReplyDeleteThere he can live in a mansion and enjoy his millions.
Staying in Mexico. The people love him. He didn't pimp México out like the past 5 presidentes.
DeleteIsn't it true that AMLO took the Pemex petroleum fields, property of the people of Mexico, back from the multinationals after the previous president with the movie star wife and big white mansion gave it all away?
DeleteInquiring minds want to know!
1039. Yup. When people talk about corruption from the previous administrations what they are referring to are the sales of resources and industries that once belonged to the public sector like precious metals, minerals, energy, communications, oil, and railroads. Everything I mentioned was sold off by Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Ernesto Zedillo, Vicente Fox, Felipe Calderon and Enrique Peña Nieto. Now that AMLO is buying everything back and nationalizing it, the foreign owned media outlets are demonizing the Mexican president because the owners of these same media outlets have or had investments in those industries. Perfect example is Carlos Slim. It's not a coincidence that a negative article was written by the new york times which Slim happens to own the largest share of and AMLO made internet and cell phones more affordable than Slims company Telcel.
DeleteCorruption in many forms. Including bribes for Cartels , their main contributor used to be Sinaloa, now their favorite is CJNG.
149 if you have proof then share it. I'm sure Menchos brother and Menchos wife would agree with your statement.
Delete901 or cape vérde with diddy 🤣
DeleteViva AMLO el mejor presidente que México ha tenido en 100 años
DeleteViva ELMO, the Mexican president with the most homicides during his administration in the last 100 years.
1140 the yearly homicide rate was rapidly growing when mexico was allowing assistance from U.S agencies to the point where it reached 35k homides in one year under Peña Nieto. Now that AMLO limited or pretty much eliminated U.S insolvent in mexicos internal affairs, Mexicos yearly homicide rate has been steadily decreasing.
DeleteChayotero your not going to be able to double cross ❌❌, Detroit he does his homework, before he posts his comment, I have done mine too by reading different articles, in true actuality the homicides in Mexico went up yearly on ALMOs watch, we also know he was soft on Cartels. Further more he limited the amount of DEA in Mexico, because his partners in the military were butthurt, that Cienfuegos was arrested at LAX airport, even though they got him back they were still butthurt, yes ALMO, tried to giggle and made a mockery of the US.
120, provide us with an official government link that backs up your claims that the homicide numbers have gone up year after year. From my understanding the leveled out and started coming down.
DeleteMexico has more than one agency that documents crime statistics and not all official compilations agree with INEGI's numbers. A problem with Mexican statistics is the presidents of Mexico have a bad habit of manipulating official statistics.
It's better to follow neutral statistics from an agency like the UN. According to the UN, there were 146,440 homicides in Mexico under EPN and 179,106 homicides under ELMO up to the end of 2022. These figures don't include the year 2023 or homicides in 2024 up to the end of ELMO's administration. Nor do they include the number of disappeared and murdered people.
From the numbers ELMO will most likely have more than 220,000 homicides during his years in office a more than 50% increase over EPN's numbers. The ELMO chayoteros can manipulate the numbers all they want but the official statistics of Mexico and nuetral statistics reveal that there has been a significant increase in the number of homicides in Mexico under ELMO.
The number of disappeared and murdered probably increases the actual number of homicides by about 30% meaning that EPN most likely had a total number of homicides during his administration of about 190,000 and ELMO will have about 290,000 by the end of his term.
According to the UN the highest number of homicides occurred in 2018. They didn't have the 2023 numbers so it is unknown if homicides in 2023 exceeded homicides in 2018. in 2018 there were two different presidents in Mexico EPN and ELMO so you can't can't pin the 2018 numbers on one president or the other. Some of the official Mexican statistics place 2021 as the year with the highest number of homicides but I'm not using those statistics here. The bottom line is that there will be about an additional 100,000 homicides under ELMO after he finishes his term than occurred under EPN. The ELMO chayoteros can manipulate the numbers all they but the official Mexican government statistics and the statistics compiled by the UN and NGO's all point to a substantial increase in the number of homicides during ELMO's administration.
509 And despite all that you mentioned he's consistently rated over 60% approval rating throughout his time in office. Instead of preaching to the like minded gringos here on BB you and IPA should start your Mexican presidential tour in Mexico so that you can expose the 60% of the population to this inside information that apparently they are unaware of. I'm sure you two are better qualified.
Delete146,440 homicides in Mexico under EPN and 179,106…. Arent these numbers added means even if no new murders occur during the next presidency the guy still has 179k death people cause of the former presidents.
Deletelopez obrador ,asegura que todo esta under control....... esta manana segun ,el sol de san luis potosi, 5 cuerpos fueron abandonados en barrio el carmen,en el municipio de cardenas.s.l.p......
ReplyDeleteDesde el general Lázaro cárdenas no habia un buen presidente en mexico, amlo pasara a la historia como el mejor presidente del mexico contemporaneo
ReplyDelete“Mexico will do what we say” merica has been harassing and terrorizing other countries for far too long.
ReplyDeleteMain problem is, mex says nothing of value.
DeleteHe's just a forked tongue like trump, only uglier.
ReplyDeleteDEA about to cut him off payroll. Lol
ReplyDeleteMexican Joe Biden
ReplyDeleteMi Presidente 🇲🇽
ReplyDeleteIt you're unhappy with AMLO and you could replace him with any Mex prez of modern times, who would you choose?
There all going to cullude with the virus that is always around..the Cartels.
DeleteCuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano
DeleteCárdenas was por la gente, no way the pesado shotcallers were gonna let him become president of the republic..
Somebody put a bullet in his campaign manager's brains, Donaldo Colosio style, as soon as the polls closed with CCS the clear fan favorite, but inexplicably, the vote-counting computers crashed, and when the smoke cleared, the PRI candidate was unanimously acclaimed champion, continuing what would be an uninterrupted 70 year reign, a political stranglehold on power, not broken until that Irish lad, Fox came into office☘️
I'll give my brief response to BB's own AMLO press secretary on this thread. You know who you are fool @9:31/9:40/9:41/9:50/12:06/12:29/2:20/3:08 and possibly 8:46. Ya ni la chingas buey.
ReplyDeleteI've watched both videos from this interview. Did you? Pure comedy. Murderers being prosecuted for their crimes huh. No corruption because AMLO isn't corrupt. His anti corruption trickles down right? LOL. Okay we believe you.
Private investments by Chinese is why México is now USA biggest trading partner. The factories were just relocated from one country to another.
Minimal drug consumption in México because of the culture, traditions and morals? Pendejadas. No mass levantones, calcinados, decapitados o desaparecidos también verdad? Drugs are consumed wherever they're available just like Coke ™ and Modelo™. México is awash in the manufacturing and trafficking of illegal narcotics. I wonder if the theft of fuel is as prevalent in USA as it is in México? Never read about it in the USA press.
"Diplomatic blackmail". He wants $20 billion dollars invested in Latin America yearly so people won't have to leave their countries in search of better pay. Aren't the remesas and drug trafficking revenue enough? Can't each country build up its own economy? Where does all the revenue generated in each country end up at? What a clown. So is the "Tren Maya" almost completed and on budget chayotero? Or as is typical with his national projects all over budget by 100, 200 or 300%?
IPA drinker they call The Master of direction, I will be seeing the video of 60 minutes. See if ALMO was truthful, those that love ALMO be ready for my critique, please don't take it personally, it will just be a critique.
Rosarito B.C.
@606 uff que hueva. I take it you believe all the time stamps you mentioned are me? Hate to break it to you but, I think there's more than one or two "AMLO apologizist" on this website.
DeleteI guess I'll start from the bottom and work my way up. So the tren Maya is on the road and on the road to completion. It's running with a few kinks being ironed out, but running nonetheless and generating revenue to offset the cost. It's also bringing tourism and creating direct and indirect jobs to a once isolated and forgotten region in Mexico that is mostly inhabited by indigenous communities.
The remittances increased last year because of inflation and a stronger peso against the dollar. That means more money had to be sent because products became more expensive. In other words, families in Mexico who were receiving $100 a month now need $150 to cover for the price increases.
If the gringos can send 40billion to Ukraine, a country nowhere near our border or 20billion to Isreal, another country no where near the U.S border, then why not give into the "diplomatic blackmail" in order to help our southern neighbors develop their economy and prevent this unnecessary burden on the U.S?
AMLO is somewhat right in regards to the drug consumption epidemic. Yes, we may have 33k homicides a year that amount to roughly 200k over his term in office but how many fentanyl related deaths have Americans experienced? 100k a year, that's 400k during Bidens term and another 400k during trumps term. Maybe the U.S should take a page from AMLO's playback and address the root cause which in my opinion, based on my observations is the disintegration of the family unit and the collapse of American society. Just take a look at your homeless situation if you think I'm full of shit.
As far as the Chinese private investments go, well, they would be stupid not to invest in Mexico. AMLO opened up the Tehuantepec Isthmus railway which will serve as an alternative to the Panama Canal. It's not like the U.S can prevent Mexico from doing business with the Chinese. Just a heads up, Mexico is on its way to become an economic powerhouse and if not matching the U.S than surpassing it. With the introduction of these Chinese manufacturers, the U.S will no longer exploit the Mexican consumer by exporting and reselling them chinese goods. Goods will be produced in Mexico, sold direct and resold to the U.S.
As far as the rest goes, como dije antes, "off que hueva"
By the way, I watched both versions of the interview, interesting to see how each side edited their version. Sol, I suggest you upload both.
10:49 long ass word salad. Couldn't even answer my question about the "Tren Maya". Almost $30 billion dollars have been budgeted for its construction. Is it even going to be completed? How many decades to recuperate the cost and start being profitable. Después sale con su mamada that it was always going to be a subsidized public service. Puro hocico.
DeleteNo mames. The dollar has lost 15-20%+/- to the peso but where's the benefit for the people if commodities have remained the same or even increased. It doesn't add up but I'm not educated and have no common sense LOL.
"Just a heads up, México is on its way to become an economic powerhouse and if not matching the US than surpassing it". Jajajajajajaja!
Why even respond to that lunacy.
DeleteThe people that are getting rich in Mexico are the Cartels and curupt government officials getting bribes, so the Cartels can expand and grow, at charging retail for the drugs consumed in US, that already makes Mexico a growing, at the same time the citizens of Mexico are getting raped with extortion and ransoms from the Cartels, all the while the government looks the other way, as far as giving money to Mexico,US already sends yearly aid, in the millions to Mexico.
Ese 10:49
DeleteBashing and using the word gringo does not go with what you are trying to convey. USA has a large mix of people, that come from many different countries, eventually they become US citizens, so there is not only gringos in the US. I am not gringo I was born in Panama. Been a US citizen for 22 years.
Time stamps and the use gringo. Dead give away.
Delete952 cry me a river. Gringo governments are any non Latin American countries. In the Americas, and some European countries as well. I get it, you feel "American" because you became a citizen. Good for you. Lemme "bash" on Panama the way people on here bash on Mexico and see how you feel about it. I'm sure you wouldn't be offended.
DeleteOff topic, but every time I open my refrigerator, the cat comes a-runnin', and expects a meaty handout.
ReplyDeleteHow can I train him not to beg? 😸🙀
Off topic, my dog Perin a Terrier, when I have to remind him to pee pee, he growls at me. He has to be reminded, or else he pees in the house, what can I do about it. That cat lover above me should feed his pet properly and he won't follow him to the fridge.
Delete9:17 getting punked by his dog😆😂🤣
DeleteThats pretty easy, put here in the freezer for a few hours. That will calm her down and teach her a lesson.
DeleteOff Topic but my poodle Lily, when I take her on walks, she likes to bark at anyone walking near us. Some one recommended I take her to the Ceaser 911 and her issue is corrected with in 10; minutes ?
DeleteI hope Mexico gets a worse president than him. Keep driving the citizens while the politicos and cartels split all the money up. And normal everyday people get the shaft. That’s how they like it. And swear their president isn’t corrupt 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣. Only corrupt people speak like he does. Cause they know they will never have to pay for anything that’s done.
ReplyDeleteI hope U.S gets a worse president than Trump or Biden. Keep driving the citizens while the politicos split all the money up. And normal everyday people get the shaft. That’s how they like it. And swear their country isn’t corrupt 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣. Only corrupt people speak like they do. Cause they know the citizensare dumb.
Delete9:58 I am very pleased to hear you are updated on the news..
DeleteSo far Nikki Haley is winning the electoral votes.
As far as Mexico Sneiderbalm is winning to become the next president of Mexico. At first ALMO hated her, had little tantrums. Now he adores her, can't really tell what mood ALMO will be on certain days.
He knows that America is having a child with one of the princes, so he can rest easy at nite now. He won't be swayed by threats or the politics of some, he knows what is important:family. Hugs not bullets.
ReplyDeleteThis guy is the Mexican Gavin Newsom….Attention Whores and Chinese kiss asses.
ReplyDeleteHe is more like a Trump, he lies
Delete8:24 Don’t we all
Delete"I only lied about being a thief"
Delete..Danny Ocean
I saw the video on 60 minutes.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder they pick on Obrador in here.
He partially does not say the truth.
He said all crimes get investigated and people arrested. Lol we all know it's only about 5% that get investigated. Lol USA manufacturers Fentyl give me a break.
The 14 min video? Watch the 55 minute partially edited version that was shot incognito. Funny how the U.S media can add its spin to a story and paint a different picture until they get exposed.