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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Nuevo León Police Kill 10 Suspected Criminals On The Monterrey - Nuevo Laredo Highway

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Secretary of Security points out that the criminals attacked the agents, which began a 40-kilometer chase, with rollovers and shootings involved. The Prosecutor's Office has not commented on the case

State police at the site where 10 alleged criminals were killed, on the Monterrey - Nuevo Laredo highway, this Monday.

Agents of the Nuevo León Civil Force, the state police force, killed ten alleged criminals this Monday on the Monterrey - Nuevo Laredo highway, on the border with the State of Tamaulipas. The Secretary of Security of Nuevo León, Gerardo Palacios, reported the case on his Twitter account and in several interviews with local media. Four police officers were injured, none of them apparently seriously. The State Prosecutor's Office, in charge of investigating any violent death, has not reported the matter.

According to information that Palacios has given to the newspaper El Norte, the agents were patrolling the highway just a few kilometers north of Monterrey. It was after 3:00 p.m. At some point, they saw three vehicles with armed civilians and began to chase them. The alleged criminals threw caltrops, devices made of welded nails, onto the roadway to try to stop the agents. Near the municipality of Ciénega de Flores, the criminals fired for the first time. Between the tire blowouts and the gunfire, one of the police vans overturned.

The chase continued for 40 kilometers, until the town of Sabinas Hidalgo, near Tamaulipas. Between both groups they shot each other at least twice. According to Palacios, on those two occasions the 10 alleged criminals died, five from each group. Of the four officers injured, one was from the gunshots and the other three from the rollover. The police chief has listed on Twitter the equipment confiscated from civilians: three armored trucks, 12 long weapons, 100 magazines, a grenade and 13 bulletproof vests.

Palacios has not given any details of the police convoy. He has not explained how many agents and vehicles were there, if they were accompanied by troops from other corporations, from the Army, Navy or National Guard. He also has not said what type of vehicles they moved in, whether they were the black mamba trucks, like the ones they also use in neighboring Tamaulipas, a kind of armored tank. The silence of the Prosecutor's Office prevents knowing more details and limits all knowledge about the case.

The Secretary of Security has also not said a word about the assignment of the alleged criminal group involved. He has only said that it is a cell with influence in Salinas Victoria, Zuazua and Ciénega de Flores. For years, the Nuevo Laredo criminal group, the Northeast Cartel, heir to Los Zetas in the area, has participated in the management of crime in the region, from Nuevo Laredo to the south and east, to Miguel Alemán.

The border area between Nuevo León and Tamaulipas is one of the most complicated in the country. The roads that leave Monterrey to the north, specifically to Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa, are part of the route that human traffickers use to take migrants to the United States. On secondary roads, adjacent to highways, authorities constantly find trucks, trailers and shelters with migrants. The battle of sailors and soldiers against crime in the northern zone, fierce as in few places, full of complaints about alleged executions, cases of torture and forced disappearances, ends up drawing the situation.

This Tuesday, the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, referred in passing to the matter. Asked about the violence that the country is experiencing and, specifically, about the threats that relatives of missing people are suffering in the north, he said: “Peace, that is what we all want, that there be no violence, no homicides, no attacks. Because it affects everyone. There are attacks between gangs. There are attacks that occur against the Armed Forces, or state police. And there is loss of human lives, of innocent people. So... Violence is irrational and we will continue seeking peace. “That's the position that we're in.”

“Yesterday, for example, ten members from organized crime lost their lives in Nuevo León, in a confrontation,” he added. “Persecution, overturns... 10. And just yesterday, in San Luis Potosí, two members of the Army lost their lives in an ambush. And others who are injured. All of that hurts a lot. Imagine those of us who are here for security. First the whole day of receiving reports and then getting up, just having coffee and you start receiving the briefings, the reports. So yes, yes, peace is being achieved,” he concluded.

Black Mamba military vehicle


  1. Finally the Police realized it, kill them instead of taking them to jail no bribes to a judge to let them go and laugh at the cops that arrested them.

    1. The cops know it also!!! There’s more money to be made if they’re kept in prison where inmates are charged to use the shower or drop a duce in a luxury cell that Prison leaders aided by staff.

    2. I drove the free MTY- Laredo highway last summer and that was a trip! You come around tall grass and crops and there’s a truck watching you drive by. On the free road you go through some towns that look like ghost towns; but there’s a few people in every town watching you drive by.
      Don’t take the free highway; spend the 300-500 pesos for the toll!

    3. 8;00
      That's right, ALWAYS take the cuota, they have cameras and such, mas seguro, less chance of getting jacked or kidnapped..
      In northern Baja, I dunno about other states, but your toll receipt is good for a free tow if your jalopy breaks down..

    4. @0800; jaja! I can vouch for that. We drove home that way to save money after Christmas and saw what you described.

    5. Sure, by killing criminals may seem like they are doing their job. But, they are really doing the Chapizas work. South of Monterrey from Santiago to Montemorelos. Los Chapos are taking over Nuevo León. With the help of authorities. If cops bust people holding Chapo's baggies they are promptly released. No "new" news on Chapo's in Nuevo León means they control it.
      They started killing dealers south of Monterrey. It does not get widely reported. The Santiago Mayor sent police cars to Montemorelos. That was likely done cartel orders to defend the frontlines. The chapos headquartes are in Montemorelos. Coincidence? I think not.

  2. TEN DEAD CRIMINALS! Oh no!😱 The Belize guy and Detroit are gonna want AMLO to explain to their families why the military killed them and had to raise the death toll to 35,010 for the year! I'm sure the criminals were innocent and were the victims of the bribes and inept government. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Emoji nino eat your cereal 🥣.

    2. 11:38:
      These weren't homicides you moron, so they don't count towards the 35,000 homicides for the year.
      Rest assured, these bullets weren't wasted.
      Also, you need to learn to fucking read. The delinquents were killed by the state's civil force not the military.
      You're a fucking retard just like the rest of the ELMO supporters.

    3. @12:38 I love it everytime you call someone emoji nino. 🤣

    4. 115 so you're telling me that there are separate counts depending on the type of death? Sounds like you're very well informed. Can you pull the different type of death stats from wherever you got them and share with the BB community. I'm interested to know how many criminals have died at the hands of other criminals, at the hands of law enforcement and so on, because this whole time I've been under the impression that the 35k a year all get dumped into the same pool.

    5. 7:00:
      ELMO chayotero: I know you suffer from Down's Syndrome so I will try to make it easy for you. When law enforcement are justified in killing criminals these aren't considered homicides and they aren't included in the number of homicides. INEGI doesn't keep a separate list of law enforcement killings. You need to get out of mom's basement more often.

    6. 😂 LoL Downs syndrome 😭

    7. 1032 " INEGI doesn't keep a separate list of law enforcement killings."
      You're contradicting yourself. Te estas haciendo bolas. Apparently you're not aware but INEGI does count criminals being killed as "muerte/ homicidios dolosas" whether it be by law enforcement or their criminal counterparts pendejo. 35k homicides a year is not specifically held by "innocent victims" only, as you just mentioned yourself.

    8. Detroit save your breath on his one sided views, you can't fix him he is already broken.


    9. Should put a comma after
      Detroit, & him,
      ..The Period Police

    10. 1247 "there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

    11. 1:15
      Man Detroit is that the weirdo that all homicides are only within Cartels, but no innocents get killed, along the way and he is going to fight you about it to the end 😭, leave him alone let him talk to himself.

    12. 754, it appears to me like the only period you know is the one you get once a month.
      -❣️ I Luv Detroit.

    13. Detroit I agree there's people in here not using the heads they will argue about any little thing


    14. At 1:32 the guy causing rage is a grampa that defends ALMO.

  3. Police should do these operations in Sinaloa, Jalisco, they pick on the small fry and give it news headline so to think the government is doing something.

    1. Little do you know what’s really going on little rookie.

    2. Well in Sinaloa they have been knocking them down for the past 6 months what are you smoking and jalisco their have been several events also with government and criminals but never get any top guys

  4. Is it true that Rafael Cardenas Vela was released a few weeks ago?

    1. 12:52:
      Junior is only in his mid 40's and is a free man. It pays to cooperate with Uncle Sam. Let's see if Ovidio gets the message and gets released in his 40's as well.

  5. Good! Fuckin lacras!

  6. The only way to get rid of that scum

  7. Innocent lives lost

    1. I feel tears welling up in my eyes. No wait, it's just allergies. Good riddance.

  8. I didnt even read the whole article and I know that those who died in the shootout are membera of the Cartel del Noreste. Its always them beign slain by security forces.


    1. You expect us to 🤔 know ..
      MDZ BR....Mendez Boracho

    2. We can except an ambush on those forces in the next month or so, that always happens down there when they get the cdn guys. Hopefully one or more of those ten from this event were the guys who were in the face peeling, heart pulling video. Evil sick bastards.

    3. 9:11 wth is mendez boracho ? 😂

    4. At 10:59 see what 4:32 abbreviated.........
      MDZ BR stands for
      Mendez Boracho which means
      Mendez is drunk.

  9. another day in tha
    jungles of mexico

  10. Mexico and the US are alike in 1 way I see. They never like to tell people when cops die. Unless they have to. Other wise it's always. 10 15 blablabla criminals died. But a few officers injured. Is that supposed to bolster our faith in government

  11. Happy easter compas 🍺

    - El Chino

  12. sooo.. do all rangers come in from Houston or where..

  13. why is rafael lactose intolerant

  14. cause he surely didn’t mind those 3 gallons off the commanche road in sixtytwine

  15. On easter weekend jesus must be angry 😤

    1. 3:32
      If you want to make Jesus happy again, buy a Trump bible..
      Only $59.99 while supplies last..

    2. @09:31 I’ll buy one

    3. 2:58 with what money 💰 your not working.🤣

    4. Why buy a Bible from man they call Cheetos face 👀, when he never uses the Bible, but likes to badmouth everyone.

    5. 2:09:
      Trump doesn't need to read the Bible. He thinks he wrote it.

    6. 😆 Lol
      He does not need the Bible.
      Because he thinks he is God.
      The Judge just issued another gag order, because he can't keep his potty filled mouth to himself. He thinks he is untouchable.

  16. no sean violentos ,tomen un par de pacifico y un aguachile pa la cruda realidad......happy easter plebada......................

  17. N. L. governor trying to give his state to jaliscas. Wonder how this plays on that.

  18. Good job police officers

    1. Yes👍. Unfortunately that Cartel is going to seek revenge, by 4 caravans full of killers, to spray the cops with machine gun fire. Hope the cops were given AR-15 s, to equal the shoot out. Watch the criminal go ambush style instead of fighting.


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