Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Ovidio Guzmán In Search Of An Agreement With The U.S.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

At Monday's hearing in the Northern District of Illinois, the son of 'Chapo' Guzmán could determine whether he goes to trial or enters into a plea deal with the U.S. in exchange for a lighter sentence.

The future of Ovidio Guzmán López, the Mouse, will be at stake again this Monday, March 18, when he will be brought before a federal judge for the third time in the Northern District of Illinois, where prosecutors will present evidence showing that the former drug lord was the leader of what the DEA identifies as the Sinaloa Cartel, in addition to setting dates for a possible trial.

According to security experts, Guzmán López is beginning to define his future, as prosecutors will point out to the judge the reasons why the Mouse should never leave prison again, while the defense will argue the opposite, but at the same time will study the prosecution's evidence to determine if it is worth facing the U.S. government, or if it is better to negotiate with them in exchange for a less severe sentence.

Jeffrey Lichtman, Guzmán López's lawyer, commented in a brief message sent to Ríodoce, that Ovidio Guzmán is calm, and that he expects a fair trial, without advancing a possible defense strategy, nor the possibility of a plea bargain.

In a letter whose content was published in May 2023 by Borderland Beat, and which was allegedly sent by Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán to his sons who are still free, he asks them to be smart and negotiate with the US, as it is the only way out.

"How are you 'my kings'? It is with great pleasure and love that I write to you, hoping that you are doing well. I can tell you that I am very concerned about everything I have seen on television. My wish is that you can have peace in your lives and a life without problems. I miss you all very much 'my kings'. It is very difficult here, but I have faith that a good agreement can be reached, I need you to pay more attention to the lawyer.

"They should think about the future and the welfare of the family, but let everything be done through the lawyers, do not give the face or that of the family. I don't want them to be like that or go on like that, try to fix everything. Remember that no one can be trusted and everyone will try to solve their problems at our expense.

"For now, keep a low profile as much as possible. They should go unnoticed like ghosts so that no one talks. You should wait a few months for the waters to calm down and try to avoid scandals. Check the list that the lawyer has, those are the ones they want so they can make good points with these friends, so things will get better," the alleged missive states.

However, in the opinion of Mike Vigil, former undercover DEA agent in Mexico, an agreement between Guzmán Loera's sons and the U.S. government seems "difficult" because of all the pressure against the brothers, whom the U.S. government accuses of being the main responsible for fentanyl trafficking.

"In the case of Ovidio, I don't think they are going to make an agreement with Ovidio, because it is known by all that surely the brothers who are still free have taken measures in case Ovidio collaborates, in such a way that they have already changed houses, telephones, they even changed the location of the laboratories, and that does not help the investigators," Vigil said.

The only thing left, he added, is to confront his brothers if they are ever arrested, or to give information about Ismael El Mayo Zambada, about the places where he surely knows he moves, which is in the Sinaloa highlands, "but I don't think I can contribute much, because El Mayo moves all the time.

According to the US State Department, El Raton and his brother Joaquin Guzman Lopez "inherited their father's narcotics business when he was extradited to the United States," and although the natural heir was Edgar Guzman Lopez, after his murder in 2008, El Mouse and his brother Joaquin inherited everything, until they took over the business to produce fentanyl.

In a recent statement, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that fentanyl overdose deaths are "the biggest challenge they face as a government," making it imperative to crack down on those who move it.

That observation contrasts with a letter sent to Milenio by Guzman Loera's sons, in which they claim that they are not the producers of fentanyl, but rather an army of independent producers, operating without accountability to them.

Prosecutors, for their part, along with DEA agents, claim that this is not so. Los Chapitos denied it, and as proof they placed banners in Culiacan prohibiting the production and trafficking of fentanyl, and warned that anyone who disobeyed would face the consequences.

It is expected that during the preliminary hearing against Ovidio Guzman, to be held this Monday, it will be partially defined when the trial will be held, and if it will be behind closed doors.

Ovidio Guzmán, 33, faces charges of fentanyl trafficking, criminal association, illegal possession of a firearm, and if found guilty, he could face life imprisonment.

During the hearing and possible trial against El Raton or Mouse, all evidence presented against him by the U.S. government will not be released, but will be destroyed once it is reviewed by the defense.

According to a court order signed by Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman, all evidence that comes to the defense, including photos, videos, audios of calls, photos of text conversations, seized drugs, will be subject to a protective order and will be delivered before and after each hearing to the defendant's lawyers, and with the exception of official documents that the court maintains as official, will be subsequently eliminated.

"Thereafter, neither the defendant nor his attorneys may maintain copies or photos of the material, nor may they disclose the materials or their contents directly or indirectly to any person or entity other than persons employed to assist in the defense," the document reads.

The motion adds that the same will occur with those who are interviewed during the preliminary hearings prior to trial, including potential witnesses and other persons whom the court may authorize to listen to the material, but no one may disclose or keep the content of evidence, photos, or audios, without prior authorization from the court, including, in the case of copies of evidence, it must be returned to the same court.

In the same way, he adds, the court may require a type of certification that materials retained by the defense attorney, adhere to the restrictions of the court order, and may not be disseminated or used in connection with any other matter.

Article published on March 17, 2024 in the 1103rd edition of the weekly Ríodoce.



  1. I believe there is at least a 50% chance that he will become a cooperating witness.

    1. More like a 99.99 chance
      You already know how the cdsnitches operate

  2. Will he get a sweet deal like Los Zambada by their friends in the FBI DEA or get screwed like Alfredo Beltran El Mochomo

    1. How did mochomo get screwed?

    2. Alfredo plead guilty without a plea deal. He threw himself on the courts mercy, however he still got life

  3. Pia was clapped in the shootout In Golfo de Santa Clara

  4. He’s cooked. Unless he has something significant to offer, and it doesn’t seem like he does, he’s looking at football years. Can’t tell them what they already know and get a deal. Gotta tell them what they don’t know or help them do what they can’t do. And absent a plea, he will absolutely be convicted. If all you did was bet on the fed in criminal trials, assuming you could find someone to take the bets, you’d be filthy rich.

  5. 'Ovidio Guzmán is calm, and that he expects a fair trial'

    I guarantee you that they're gonna throw the fucking bench at yo monkey ass boy. 😅

    1. He will turn info in the zambadas like vicentillo did with chapo

    2. Not if he gives up his American contacts. Just the other day you reported on eighty something arrest in Fresno. For all we know it could be a result of Ovidios cooperation.

  6. Bet he can't wait to sing like a canary regarding CDS inner operations.. south American contacts must be losing sleep alv

  7. who will he tell on????

  8. Man he basically has to give up all his brothers to be free

    1. I don't think he will give his brothers up

  9. Snitch on el Mayito Flaco and mayo zambada… estilo vicente zambada

    1. Jajaja! That would actually be funny.

  10. Something tasty is cooking for the Mouse. Remember Osiel cut a decent deal and was a bigger narco than the Mouse, and, of course, there were the Zambadas. 40 million can buy down a sentence and the cooperating Chapitos in Mexico can buy it down evern more! Remember the General Cienfuegos and his Get Out of Jail Card from political pressure in Mexico. 40 million us$$ can buy a lot of horse trading from Mexico politicians with American politicos! Also, The Mouse has nver been portrayed as a sick, depraved mass murderer like Z40!

    1. @415 you watch too much TV or conspiracy theories. Mexican authorities approaching the US on his behalf 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂😂

    2. @659 Obviously you don't know $$$ talks in politics and crime.

    3. He gave 60 mio to get his sentence lowered. But also snitched heavy on his compadres. Raton doesnt had the power to get a sweat deal.

  11. No Deal....He has nothing the U.S. wants unless his brothers..They are going to make an example of him. He is very scared as he should be...

    1. The only way he gets off if he knows details of Mayo which I doubt

    2. US or Mexico doesn’t want mayo or Ivan that bad right now. The US could send a few scouts to Sinaloa, pinpoint mayo or Ivan’s location within a week or two and send in a 12 man team with a helicopter and snatch either one of them no problem.

    3. 4:44
      Where's the Blackhawk gonna refuel, Pemex?
      ..Rally point Oxxo!

  12. The only thing would be his sisters or I don't see a deal in his favor

  13. Hes going to get supervised probation.

  14. Let’s put our thinking caps on.

    If MZ has been chosen as THE informant for DEA, why tf would they offer anything to Ovidio? Unless he gives up independent producers/traffickers or CJNG, he’s kinda fucked. Chapo was the example, so I doubt the us gov would give his kids a plea deal.

    Also, I find it interesting that Chapos letter said nobody is to be trusted. Maybe he thought his compadre MZ would never turn him in….

    1. After there father was arrested and got life for not talking.

      I’m sure they have a Plan to give up a large group of people who are most independent in order to get some kind of deal for a reduced sentence.

      I think he’ll get 10-15yrs like everyone else who cooperates.

    2. 10-15 yrs for all those American deaths ? Dude can talk all he wants. He’ll never go home. He’ll be next to his father.

  15. This is a symbolic victory for the United States. Someone has to be held responsible for ALL the ODs. What better person than the one “ allegedly “ that started this fentanyl coming into USA. He’s done. He couldn’t betray his brothers or Mayo. This will be the example made to all others wanting to traffic fentanyl. He’ll get life for sure. If not it’ll be so many years it might as well be life.

  16. Why do Sinaloas snitch sooooo muuuuch???

  17. he can try to get a deal. not gonna happen they are going to make an example out him life without parole. remember this he should’ve been working out a deal before the fentanyl hit or when his dad got extradited. by cooperating with the USA. the only way the chapitos will get more years to live free. is to turn in mayo and his son.

  18. Alot of politicos in Mexico are sweating missiles right now, Uncle Sam will trade politicos for liniency on any given day, there is a lot at stake if they can get dirt on high level politicians!

    1. Like they did with that general right ?

    2. Then why do they extradite to the USA?

    3. 12:40 you mean Cienpedos?

  19. Markitos toys should get the same treatment❗Cant wait for chiquete and markitos 2 bitches hit that perp walk like 2 hoes

    1. 126 That 126am drunk rant tho. Ha ha. Do not wish people's demise. Exert that energy on what you can do.

  20. Si no ay evidencia se la Ara frasbicada,entrance a u.s.a no ay salida, question de cortes ay se van a morir Esperanto. Justa oh injustamente

  21. I don't see how he can be a cooperating witness if they've moved everything and gone into hiding.

  22. Rats will be rats ..

  23. He’s gonna roll on Nini

    1. Nini gonna take a plea with him, 240-300 months, tens of millions in forfeiture orders and a lot of debriefing on USA based distribution and politicos in México.

  24. hypocrites! they've always know where mayo moves around they just won't go get him


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