Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sedena Searches In Nuevo Laredo For Families Abducted In Nuevo León

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Elements of the Army were sent to the neighboring state of Tamaulipas to find the people who criminals kidnapped in Salinas Victoria and Ciénega de Flores.

They add search helicopters. 

The Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) revealed that the relatives who were abducted in the municipalities of Salinas Victoria and Ciénega de Flores are in the city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, and they assigned 100 elements to find them.

According to an information sheet from the Fourth Military Region and the Seventh Military Zone in Nuevo León, they stated that they were aware that the families were transferred to said border city.

"The Commands of the Fourth Military Region and Seventh Military Zone report that, in relation to the recent incidents of insecurity that have arisen in the Municipalities of Salinas Victoria and Ciénega de Flores, N.L., and taking into account the lines of investigation related to these events, 100 elements belonging to the Special Forces Units left Mexico City, transported by a Boeing 727/800 aircraft bound for the city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., in order to assist in the search and location activities of the people abducted in those municipalities, it’s known that they were transferred to this border city," they indicated.

In addition, they specified that two MD-530F model helicopters from the Mexican Air Force and a UH-60L from the National Guard were added to these search efforts.

"Likewise, in order to reinforce these operations, the arrival of an MD-530F helicopter from the Mexican Air Force and a UH-60L helicopter from the National Guard is added, which will permanently carry out aerial reconnaissance in several locations in the state. of Nuevo León," they said.

Finally, the external Sedena will continue working to ensure and safeguard the well-being and safety of all citizens in the country.

"With these actions, the Mexican Army, the Mexican Air Force and the National Guard reaffirm their work to continue meeting the needs that society demands; they also reaffirm their commitment to ensure and safeguard the well-being of citizens, guaranteeing peace and security. of Mexicans in the country," the text concludes.

It should be remembered that 13 people were abducted in the municipality of Salinas Victoria belonging to four families, including minors.

At the same time, another 13 people were also abducted but in the municipality of Ciénega de Flores, however, seven of these have already been found.

Milenio  Borderland Beat

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  1. Mexico is one big graveyard, and no end in sight for fixing it.

    1. Lastimosamente así es.

    2. Thanks to ALMO El Hablador.

    3. 12:43
      Yep, everything was PERFECT before El Hablador.🤢🧟

    4. 8:56

      Everyone -EVERYONE - dies. Every country and every inch of Earth is a graveyard.

    5. voy a tomar
      todos tus zacapatos
      pendejo cabrón
      y luego
      te voy a dar un
      y hacerte le penitencia

    6. 1:35 I want me to die in old age or natural. I don’t want to die with my next detached my body.

    7. 2:51

      The manner of death was not the point of 8:56.

      I hope you grow to old age.

    8. 2:51 I want to reach old age too, I don't want to be cut up and put in a xoxo cooler.

    9. @07:48 well those aren't as bad as the Oxxo coolers.

  2. Is Samuel sending out that new black hawk the US gifted to them

  3. Don’t worry a lady president is on the way!!🤦‍♀️

    1. She'll have bigger pelotas than ELMO.

    2. Cause that’s the answer right lol. Presidents do what their donors and backers tell them to do. And if a female becomes president she’ll do what all the others have done and that’s make a pacto mafioso with the dominant cartel.

    3. Elmo has little balls 🏀🏀.

    4. 7.46 there smaller than that..🫐 small like blueberries 😂 lol.

    5. They're this size ••

    6. When ALMO pees , white powder comes out, like Talco.🤣😂

  4. This ain't no bs I was seeing that they almost captured Ivan... has anyone else heard anything

    1. Almost don’t mean shit homie

  5. @4:00 do yo home work rookie. ol boy Samuel doesn’t have a beautiful wife and beautiful daughter and that new cyber truck just cause of his looks. He has a lot of support and mula bro. Point of the story is he ain’t going no where at least I doubt it.

  6. despierta compa,la lady presidente es una marioneta del loco loco obrador,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. A huevo. Y si no ella quien mas?


  7. y sé que acabas de cortarte el pelo
    y frió tu serpiente

    ¡¿Dónde está el otro helicóptero?!


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