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Saturday, March 9, 2024

SEDENA Will Acquire Technology To Counter Drones And Explosives Used By Drug Traffickers

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Luis Crescencio Sandoval González, head of the National Defense Secretariat (SEDENA) reported on March 8, 2024, that his institution was seeking to acquire technology to "counteract" drone and explosive device attacks from drug traffickers, mainly in the state of Michoacán.

During the presidential morning press conference, which took place in Morelia, Michoacán, the general indicated that this state was where drone attacks and the use of improvised explosive devices had increased the most.

“Indeed, we have had some attacks with drones, mainly here, in Michoacán, is the state where they have increased. We’ve had the largest number here. Also the use of improvised explosive devices. Also here, in the state. If I remember correctly, about 980 explosive devices have been secured,” said Sandoval González.

“And this has led us to take action on this. We have been looking at what actions would lead us to protect our staff better. To acquire technology that allows us to counteract the action of drones,” added the military command.

“And also technology that allows us to quickly locate this type of explosive devices, to avoid harming our personnel when they are carrying out reconnaissance activities or patrols in areas where organized crime is present,” explained the head of SEDENA, who pointed out that they had a plan that would be presented to the Security Cabinet, in order to have these technological tools.

“We already have a plan that will be presented to the Security Cabinet to be able to have these technological tools that will ultimately allow us to provide the security that our personnel requires,” concluded Sandoval González.

A group of armed men, supposedly members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), ambushed, on Thursday, February 29, 2024, elements of the SEDENA, on the limits of the municipalities of Tepalcatepec and Aguililla, in the state of Michoacán.

The first reports from local media indicated that the military convoy was attacked with bullets fired from drones and explosives placed on the dirt roads, on Cerro Las Cocinas, located between the towns of El Montoso and Terrenatillo.

The soldiers assigned to the 43rd Military Zone responded to the attack and a confrontation took place that lasted several minutes. The result was at least four soldiers killed and another nine wounded.

The area where the ambush against the SEDENA elements occurred is a territory disputed by the “El Abuelo” cartels, headed by Juan José Farías Álvarez, in alliance with the Knights Templar, against the CJNG.

A day later, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador regretted that a group of armed men, supposedly members of the CJNG, ambushed, on Thursday, February 29 of this year, elements of the SEDENA, near the municipalities of Tepalcatepec and Aguililla, in the state of Michoacán.

“We are very sorry for this crime, this took place in Tierra Caliente, in Aguililla. They found out about a camp, they went to the camp, they traveled in vehicles as far as they could go, then they walked," explained the national leader.

"But on the way back they did not take the same path, but another and there, in the bush, there was a trap, an explosive and they came together and due to that explosion a soldier died right there," revealed the Tabasco politician, who also provided details regarding the circumstances of the attack against the SEDENA elements.

The president explained that the victims were treated immediately, but it was not possible to save their lives. In addition, he sent his condolences to the families of the soldiers, who, according to him, were already receiving the necessary assistance.

“And this is what the Army, the Navy, the National Guard, the Armed Forces have to face,” emphasized the head of the Federal Executive Branch, during his morning press conference, held from the Treasury Room of the National Palace.

Zeta Tijuana


  1. How does that work? Will they be at most criminal cells battles and skirmishes?!?!

    1. Step 1- Government procures from USA in the name of government interdiction.
      Step 2- Government sales to criminales.

    2. This is text book business.. the American way. Create a dangerous situation then sell equipment and weapons to combat it. Let’s see if we can find the name and location of company they will be purchasing from.

  2. Vaya!
    Hasta q empiezas a proteger a tus elementos

    1. 414 Ya si quiera. Haber, tu que haces o as hecho para aliviar la situacion? Y criticar sin saber no cuenta eh.

  3. Estos vergas van 10 pasos atras 😅

  4. Mexico always behind in everything, even their own cartels are more advanced in tech, than the government.

    1. When you are being funded and supplied how the fuck not are you not gonna have the most up to date shit @4:41

    2. United States sells group a the artillery and group b the anti-artillery. Insert any terrorist organization on planet earth into group a and any foreign governments into group b.

  5. Ese tabasqueño
    Le duelen más los malandros, se quedó resentido cuando era joven que le metían de golpes la milicia (hahahah) cuando andaba de dirigente en sus tiempos

  6. Who will they be asking for the tech stuff. If they get it will they use it?
    Not really it will go to storage in the warehouse.

    1. 6:20:
      The Mexican government will be purchasing all of their tech stuff from the cartels and hiring cartel sicarios to train them how to use it.

  7. Narcos have been using drones and explosives against SEDENA and other authorities for more than a decade and the Mexican government is finally deciding to obtain the technology to obtain counter measures. The incompetence of Mexican authorities is incredible.

    1. Mr. Detroit they rarely use the Blackhawks, nor the mini guns.
      A lot of people have died, it's been over 2 years and I am still waiting to see, if they brought the Cartel that killed 12 police officers, ambush style in Michoacan, to justice... Guess what NO.
      Then also they still have those crappy Soviet helicopters from the 70s.
      Now who will they be asking for the stuff against Drones.

    2. Detroit the inaction by AMLO is deliberate. Those corrupt POS no dan paso sin huarache.

    3. What was in place before AMLO? 30 thousand federales that were led by none other than Garcia Luna. As someone who has consistently gone to México for close to 40 years, I can tell you that paying mordidas to federales if you were pulled over by them was common practice.

      With the introduction of the national gaurd, it's a whole different story. They don't do traffic stops, the national gaurd responds to aggression. When you see the national gaurd they are patrolling an area, conducting check points or doing foot patrols at places like border inspections or the airport. During AMLO's term about 600 stations have been built to house the 90k+ national guard that have been added to the 30k federales that were absorbed. You can call it inaction, incompetence or not doing enough, but it speaks volumes about your ignorance, biases or inaction on your part.

    4. 10:49:
      Other than the federal de caminos (who were under the authority of bridges and roads) the federals have never performed routine traffic stops in Mexico and their existence was only brief. Much of what the NG does is chasing after women and children migrants. The very core of the NG are the former federal police that had a corruption problem. That's why the NG still has a corruption problem. Probably 10% to 20% of the federal police were corrupt. Probably 10% to 20% of the NG are corrupt. The NG does do good work and has honest agents but they are still plaqued by leadership problems because ELMO uses them as political tools to make the U.S. happy when he uses them to chase after immigrants who are not involved in illegal activity.
      You didn't even respond to my comment which speaks volumes about your level of ignorance.

    5. 5:20 como que los ex federales de caminos nunca realizaron paradas !! En dónde vives que no lo viviste?
      Y ojalá leas las leyes migratorias y tratados de Mx en materia de migración

    6. 9:09🤦‍♂️😆😂🤣👎

    7. 520 federales never made traffic stops?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 now I know you're full of it... so based on your experiences, I take it you've either been chased by the NG or witnessed them chasing migrant women and children? I've personally seen NG patrolling streets, conducting check points, at the airports and at border crossings, but never have I ever seen them running after migrants.🤣🤣🤣🤣 tell us more about the time YOU watched the NG chase migrant kids and ladies.

  8. In mexico all the money that's supposed to be used for things that matter like education, Healthcare, safety infrastructure is on Switzerland banks hideaway from corrupted politicians some of the money gets expended on expensive trips like the world series,formula u o the world cup, el clasico Barcelona vs Madrid the expensive suites are full of corruption money

    1. This president is investing into all of the things you just mentioned.

    2. 8:12 you forgot to mention the bribes he collects from Cartels, that helps his next egg, to live a lavish lifestyle. They don't want ALMO in Spain, he bad mouthed that country. He might be accepted in Norway.

    3. 902 you claim he's taken bribes but never provided the proof. If you have the proof you're either a part of or affiliated to the crooks that are paying the bribes or a part of AMLO's cabinet who is receiving the bribes. Show us the proof and explain your connection. Tell us what you know that everyone else doesn't.

  9. This technology to counter drones have been around for awhile now. Ukraine and Russia have been using it the past two years. It's called signal jammers. It literally breaks off the signal from the drone and the operator. It's not new. The drone would just lose It's signal from host controller and literally fall to the ground. Mexico is behind the times big time.

    1. Drones dont fall off the sky if their signal is lost.

  10. Haiti is now considered 100% controlled by the violent gangs and anarchy reigns supreme. Think it can't happen in Mexico? ... Is this the direction Mexico is heading? ...

    1. Apples to oranges. Look at the size of Haiti in comparison to Mexico.

  11. but are they using them? or just pieces for parade and propaganda that Mexico security is doing their job? Mexicans should question that idea. i know Mexican soldiers are some bad mfckers and I know marines are too. so why they don't take action and defend their nation/ my bet would be that the military should run mexico and clean it like South Korea after WW2 with death squads for faking traffikers lmao

  12. Found this work and its very interesting i think.
    It’s basically how to detect drones with standard components and software by hacking their wifi signals.
    Seems to be superior to other commercial systems.


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