Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Several People Who Were Kidnapped During The Violent Day On Friday In Culiacán Are Released

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The information indicates that three adults and five minors from La Noria and other families who left the place were released

Some of the civilians who were kidnapped on Friday morning in Culiacán have already been released.

According to information released this morning, a report was received to number 911 informing of the release of people in a store in the Infonavit Barrancos neighborhood, located on Benjamín Hill Boulevard.

Yesterday, the Secretary of Public Security confirmed the abduction of at least 25 people in different events in Culiacán.

Municipal Police and State Police agents who received the report went to the indicated location to confirm the information. At the site, they found three adults and five children who stated that they were from La Noria, where the first abduction occurred.

Likewise, it was said that other victims left the site by their own means.

Last night, the State Attorney General's Office issued search files for the location of a woman and her three children, who were kidnapped during the day on Friday. However, it is not known if they have already been released.

It is unknown if more families were released in the area or even elsewhere, but it is estimated that there will be more reports of people released in the coming hours.

There is no information about people detained in connection with these events.

El Sol de Sinaloa

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  1. Scumbags did the right thing to release the people, the person who ordered these kidnappings messed up.

    1. Messed up? Lmfao

      Like you or anyone in Culiacán imposes a threat.

    2. Hilarious that you think they are innocent; God help you if you were to enter the trade

    3. 12:39 Culiacán has the most powerful cartel they are definitely a threat

    4. 217 100% not the most powerful. Mencho would skull f%%k any of Chapitos only they're father could handle that smoke

    5. Only man stupid enough to fight the eternal everlasting repected powerful don mencho is, el mayonnaise... 🤫

    6. 2:37
      Where have you been.
      Mencho been dead over 2 years, word on the street...the DEA wants everyone to believe he is still alive, and laugh in the squad rooms at how many people they fool.

    7. 8:24 ok, than lets just say Menchos soul is way stronger than the chaputitos, does thst make you feel better? 👍

    8. 9:38

      No compredes Mencho ESTA muerto vato loco 😜.

    9. 1:52 pues te lo vuelvo a decir, aver su lo entiendes! su alma es mas poderosa que los chaputillos!

    10. Ya con babosadas mencho esta en la tomba.

  2. Someone had to talk sense into them. Que no se pasaran de lanza con la gente. Mafiosos contra mafiosos nadamas

  3. Guess who bitched up yet again…

    1. Bitched out ? Did you want something to happen to the kidnapped victims or something. Sick in the head…..

    2. 1126 in a sense yes Ivan bitched out. He's not built for it will be fertilizer pretty quick.

    3. You are a weirdo Forsure need to be on a list

    4. Yes and whats the point of kindnapping

  4. Ninis calentando la plaza para que caigan los Chapitos. Por traiciónar al Nini

  5. That was against the rules of the game 😂

    1. Against the rules like ratting. So Hollywood and narco corrido but, ratting is the norm and narco fosas are full of dead families from inside and outside the narco world!

  6. el mundo al reves,ruben rocha gobernador de sinaloa dice no pasa nada e invita a la raza a visitar la playa......

  7. El señor guano did the right thing

    1. They kidnappedel guanos people

  8. Replies
    1. 4:49 para el rastro

    2. 4:49 respeto que te gusten los culos de hombres pero a mí no

  9. I think we need an official update from 006 on what’s going on

    1. Does our favorite sicario even comment anymore?

    2. Did you not get the MEMO...
      Sacario 006 is out in Ukraine, fighting the Invaders, plus he found a Ukrainian girlfriend with Brite Blue piercing eyes.
      During his down time, he loves to spend time with her.

  10. la familia ,no se toca,patadas de ahogado,nomas pa asustar al muerto..... o que........

  11. It is about time the CARTEL did something right!! Kids and women should be off limits!

    1. Cuando ha hecho algo bien un cartel?

  12. What will the deployment of troops do to help find those kidnapped? Are they expected to go door to door searching every house trying to find them like in war zones?

    There is nothing useful with a reactive government when prevention is the real key.

    1. They news spread that 900 troops arrived the same day the missing were announced. The news of 900 deployed troops resulted in the release of some of the victims. This "reactive" approach saves lives and prevents additional chaos. It's poven to be effective. Think of the kidnapped journalist in Jalisco and the 3 kidnapped soldiers also in Jalisco a few days after Menchos wife was recaptured.

    2. I am sincerely wondering what else they do besides just showing up and driving around? Yes the government and cartel talk it out; agree to release a few people; the government tries to show to the community and world they are doing something about it with this show of force; then a week later life moves on and the people focus on the next mass killing or kidnapping; the troops then move on to that scene and life/business goes back to "normal" with Culiacán while the remainder of those kidnapped are also ultimately forgotten about and just become another tally mark for the statistics.

    3. What else are these troops trained or instructed to actively do besides inundate the city or town where the crime was committed and drive around the streets? Do they have any special teams that process the crime scenes, gather evidence, or try to determine if others were taken who have not been reported and are still missing unknowingly? Or is it just like a temporary vacation for criminals to head out to Mazatlán and listen to some banda at Muchacho Allegre for a few days until the troops leave knowing that it will all blow over and most victims won't talk or report the incident, and those who do file reports will just have the cases hit a dead end.

  13. Fair game. Kidnappings are to leverage power/control. It’s always been the same, but now it’s publicized.

  14. It wasn't guano family it was his pistoleros relatives the chapitos do it all the time they did it to el 15 de los damasos that's why no body likes them en culiacan

    1. Yup they also did it to negro azabaches fam when fighting rusos

    2. I’ve always found it surprising how many people are actually loyal to them in culiacan. I understand it’s mostly because of their father and the power they inherited from them as well as a lot of the younger guys they’ve put into play. You’d just think that after all their bullshit people would switch to mayo but they don’t. Maybe we will start seeing it though now that it’s happening in real time outside of Sinaloa.

    3. @6:22 people don’t “switch” from pizza to sombreros for various reasons but the main one is that the orders come from up top. There is whispers and disappointment in the brothers amongst the people but everyone is silently waiting to see what comes of this clusterfuck. If it’s true that the brothers gave the order to pick families up for leverage in a dispute with their uncle. That may be the last straw for them within the capital and state - Persona non grata.

  15. El mayo zambada mismo dió la orden de su liberacion fue ivan quien ordenó el secuestro para que su tío guano se entregara

  16. Los hermanos cagaron el palo con esta movida y la van pagar.

  17. Family is not off limits , 2 U.S. citizens, twins (15), were kids of a CDS operative. Motorcycle drove by and smoked them both in Culichi awhile ago. They were innocent but there father wasn't. There are no rules in these wars. Wish there was.

    1. Was this incident ever mentioned in the media?

  18. Let the games begin ;)

  19. No que no culos 🤣🤣 I'm sure they got that phone call saying we're coming after everyone 🤣

  20. Ahí está la gente q le aplaude al narco.
    Los q salieron a las calles a pedir la no extradición del chaputo
    Ahí está la gente que me tiene sin cuidado


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