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Saturday, March 9, 2024

Tabasco State Police Send Message To AMLO

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Good afternoon Mr. President. We are state police from the state of Tabasco. We want to let you know that the secretary named Brigadier General Víctor Hugo Chávez Martínez and the commissioner Colonel Alfredo Gutiérrez Rosado are claiming that by order of the governor and you, Mr. President, we have to disappear everyone they say.

The state has to be cleaned by higher orders. They have taken us to different family homes and we have found nothing. And yet they order us to detain them and afterwards plant drugs and weapons on them. And the commissioner, in collaboration with the agency and directors, says that this is an order. We have even had to take detainees and place them at the disposal of the agency, which sometimes doesn’t even know what they did.

Likewise, they have referred to us the elements that will kill those who speak out. And we have already had police elements who have killed them when they were on their off days. We don't want this to continue happening. In the same way, they order us to cover the numbers of the patrol cars and that we remove the license plates from them for the supposed operations which are illegal. All this on the account that there isn’t even an official search warrant from the prosecutor's office.

We no longer want to work with the secretary. And the commissioner regularly takes us to meet with armed people who don’t hold any authority. Afterwards, we go where they tell us and where we go it’s only to harm the people. This is an area that was once at peace. They’ve told us that whoever has to fall will fall. And that this is an order from above. 

But we know, Mr. President, that you didn’t give that order. They’re committing these crimes and we have collected proof of who all is involved in this. The missing haven’t appeared amd their relatives are looking for them. We hope that our call reaches the ears of the President. We’ve had enough of all this corruption. Because protecting citizens is our duty.

Brigadier General Víctor Hugo Chávez Martínez 

Coronel Alfredo Gutiérrez Rosado

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador aka AMLO

Libro Negro  El Heraldo de Tabasco  Diario Sur


  1. AMLO will probably have them whacked.

    1. Not amlo but probably some local politicians and local maña for heating up the plaza on a national level

  2. Those are good honest Mexicans police.

    1. Tienes razón

    2. They got some bigass nuts for putting that video out. Good for them. The repercussions will probably be brutal though.

  3. Now it's only another 'problem' for the govt that needs disappearing. There seems an endless supply of eager assholes to kill for money even if it sells their souls for pennies on the peso.

    1. De esos que quieren dinero así, sobran

  4. A como se está calentando el estado va salir huido con el culo sarnoso en su mano El Kakas

  5. Which DTOs have presence in Tabasco? It speaks volumes that the police are begging the president for help. I'm sure that they have no qualms with disappearing people but I'm guessing that their new bosses aren't paying as good or their comrads got killed as a form of payback. I could be mistaken. Any thoughts or counterpoints?

    1. Por qué no tendrían reparos en desaparecer personas??

      Y tampoco sé quejan del pago.

  6. The Clintons will do it first

  7. Make alcohol illegal for 1 month, see what happens

    1. People will get all shmoked up with either sitty weed or blasted with jale azul.

  8. I love Almo (no homo)

  9. Any chance these are cops working for a cartel or cartel members dressed as cops?

    1. Yes there’s a good chance it’s one or the other. This smells like cartel propaganda. Someone wants the leadership out of their territory.

      I doubt that a group of honest officers got together over coffee and decided to take on their leadership.

      Police, army, cartel, any of them could be responsible for this production.

  10. When I was 14 I met a guerita from Tabasco here in atl. She was sooo pretty and nice.

    1. That's koo foo

    2. K01:30 thanks Connor

    3. 10:54 are you the same guy that lives a block from Obradors Palace?

  11. Holy shit if this are real cops. this is unprecedented never seen them unite and actually rat on there superiors... this might be something right here... if amlo responds maybe other institutions will follow. Saludos

    1. Check how amlo has responded to every security related issue…

    2. Nothing will happen and its not the first time that some cops went public like this. The central gob is too weak to do better, even without half of them bribed it would not work.

    3. 1034
      Regrettably bro,i have to agree with you,such a fuckin shame for these guys if their on the level..It must be bad for them to go this far and i surely do hope they get help and recognition..
      Saludos to these guys and their familia

  12. If this is for real and not cartel tricks i hope these guys get all the luck in the world cause we all know they will need it..At least they can band together and be down for each other and support each other if they get attacked from anywhere..
    Will they get joy from this communication in the little fiefdoms that is mexico ?


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