Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Golfo de Santa Clara Falls, Bastion of Los Chapitos

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

This Sunday morning a convoy of 80 armored trucks and dozens of armed men entered the town of El Golfo de Santa Clara, causing several confrontations to break out, the gunmen who arrived were commanded by Los Rusos who had confrontations for more than 3 hours with members of La Chapiza, from three to six in the morning.

The Rusos had the support of Los Charlis from Peñasco, their allies, since cells were created by the extinct “Macho Prieto” mob, their objective was to eliminate Samuel Ibarra Peralta, alias “El Pía” and his lieutenant nicknamed “El Gorila” , both criminal leaders at the service of the Los Chapitos cartel, who keep fishermen and merchants trapped, causing a strong economic loss due to the collection of fees and extortion, to the extent that the men of the sea have resorted to exchanging their products for food.

Through a letter circulated on social networks, the residents of the Gulf hope that things will now change and they hope that with the arrival of this new group to the Gulf there will be a change, for years they have been oppressed and unable to say anything, for fear of being killed or disappeared. Operatives from La Chapiza had a “tax” for each kilo of fish, this area went from being a productive region to almost a ghost town, thanks to Samuel Ibarra Peralta aka Pía and Jesús Aurelio Ibarra Ramiro aka Commander Aurelio.

The statement says “the doors are open, they only ask that the new group doesn’t abuse like the others.”

Golfo de Santa Clara

Radio Patrulla  Michelle Rivera

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  1. 5 teachers attacked in Sonoyta coming back from Peñasco at dawn. 1 teacher died, 4 wounded. They were asked by sicarios to stop but they sped away. So they were chased and shot at.

    1. They were probably going to be kidnapped and held for ransom.

    2. I think the stupid criminals were going to check who they were, had they stopped and not sped away they might not been shot at. Not justifying the attack, but the teachers know how hot the plaza is, they shouldn't have been out driving so late. Sad state of affairs.

    3. So fucken hitmen shot at a car for speeding away?
      Like if a car full of their enemies would speed away instead of fighting it out with them???
      Either they are just plain stupid or they are ass hole punks afraid of anything that moves in their territory.
      Might as well send remote powered cars and have these guys chase them all over to distract their stupid asses while the real contras smuggle shit across town.

    4. que eso es ya viejo como que recuerdo algo similar hace ya bastante tiempo de eso. pienso que no es nuevo esa noticia.

    5. Y el puto de ELMO, que pedo? Tanto que chingo la madre que queria ser presidente y que? Nada cambio.

    6. They were walking

  2. I take it the government does nothing to protect citizens from being taxed. Cartels are the irs. lol.

    1. Oh they do something alright…. They take their cut from the short dudes mafia

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Your vileness knows no bounds. Have you been to Baltimore? Chicago? Detroit? California? I can keep going with USA, there are dangerous places in every country. I lived in Mexico for 2 and 1/2 years and had no issues. Maybe take your racist tropes elsewhere or at least show your face and not stay anonymous.

    2. I live on the border here in San Diego County maybe 60 homcides take that same geographical foot print south of the border 2500 or more for over 2 decades!!I know it’s dangerous everywhere but let’s be honest I!! If u have something nice there going to take it!! More than ever merchants are getting taxed in TJ Rosarita and the Puebla majico!! And government is powerless to do shit about it!!🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽💀

  4. Los Rusos stay whooping Los Chapitos ass lol 80 armored trucks !!! Holy shit !! Rusos gotta be the biggest faction under El Mayo or CDS period. That’s a lot of dudes.. 3 hours and took the city. And I bet they’ll treat the people with respect I haven’t much of anything about Rusos extorting people I’ve read they move tons of weight. Los Cazadores left became independent im hearing Los Salazar left to become independent and now Rusos are on the offensive with Los Valenzuela still fighting them in Sinoloa!! stay taking Ls

    1. Rusos do not stay whooping chapitos ass stop it lol and they ate not even close to being the biggest faction of mz let alone CDS

    2. 80 armored trucks?
      Yeah, like the Mexican media outlets don't exaggerate events.

    3. I think operativo mz bigger then ruso faction

    4. Yeah I think the Grupo flechas/operativo MZ is bigger and has made a harder impact fighting wise

    5. Operativo MZ N Rusos same team fo

      o I know for a fact they were involved without Durango CDS falls straight up

    6. Vid of the convoy entering el golfo is already circulating.. it was indeed a large convoy, but not all of the vehicles were armored.

    7. 6:43 it was only 35 vehicles

    8. 6:00 Durango has always been a state belonging to CDS both MZ and Chapos

    9. They teamed up with another macho faction that’s why it was roughly 80

    10. @11:14 is probably crying under the sheets with a tub of ice cream after they found out that Los Rusos conquered La Chapiza and killed Commander Pia.

    11. i think i remember a story on here about rusos extorting fishermen, it's probably gonna be the same shit for the people.

  5. So Chapitos are beefed with Mayo then ?

    1. @10:57 they been funkin with each other for years just now things have been heating up lately

    2. They’re basically a toxic relationship.. they love and hate eachother at the same time

  6. Semana Santa about a week away this spot always gets packed with tourists from Arizona and locals from San Luis. I wonder if Chapiza will take advantage of so many vehicles coming to get back in from San Luis or near hiding spots in the valley.

  7. Shits bout to pop tf off

  8. That Rusos/Aquiles alliance is making it’s moves

    That’s what this looks like

    They wanted to run the state top to bottom

    1. This makes the most sense to me.

      Aquiles and Rusos link up to combat CAF & the load theft. Rusos provide the manpower/tactical ability.

      Rusos ask for support/$ to take over SLRC/NW Sonora. They probably offered Salazares the ability to flip with MZ’s blessing or protection, vs the alternative of getting wiped out. Loads and $ flow for all, except Chapitos? Maybe that’s why the gave up 19 & Flaquito

  9. Did mayo made a move? I doubt ruso acted on his own. He has to kill the chapitos otherwise they will take revenge sooner or later. Also to ensure a smooth and calm transition of power once he died so his family and friends and partners are not in danger of being killed.

    1. If Nini starts spilling dirt on Los Chapitos it can potentially also start biting towards mayo .. so maybe

    2. I think it was clear that Mayo gave Rusos the Mexicali plaza. That by extension leads into SLRC and surrounding areas.

    3. 6:08 ruso was always in mexicali

  10. It's do much to be made by the cartels! WTH do they have to extort and kill innocent hard working Mexican citizens!?!
    .smdh extortion and taxation to families Mexico govt is a disgrace for allowing this to happen to it people!

  11. Who’s the dude to the bottom left he look familiar maybe I seen his photo floating around on the net some where.

    1. El Pia, un jefe de la Chapiza. Ase un mes su hijo y varios de sus pistoleros los agarraron ayi mismo en el golfo. Como en Nov del 2022, el Pia y su caravana de camionetas se agarraron a balazos contra los Rusos en el ejido Luis B. sanchez

    2. 1:43 se dieron otro enfrentamiento en luis b Sanchez después de Que paso esto

  12. It didn’t fall chapos still run it. They chased them back and fought on km57

  13. Fucking dumbasses. In a time in which the guys Chapos had for years running Sonora for them, have turn on them… Sinaloa should be looking into uniting all CDS cells, no matter if you loyal to MZ or Chapo’s. It’s the same fkn cartel. And you should be fighting for the same side.

    1. 219 sorry for your loss RIP Sapitos

    2. Ever since JGL got caught it’s been a weird relationship between MZ and Chapitos

    3. At this rate. CDS will turn into a clusterf*ck like Cartel Del Golfo

    4. The old man is doing this right now, he unites cds by pushing out the chapitos and their supporters.

  14. 02:19 you said it, coach

  15. 3 hours? Dudes were probably tired from all the partying. No que muy Vrgas?

  16. Pinchi madre ya se dieron el primer mayor topon estos weyes.... 🔫

  17. I thought el golfo de Santa Clara was always macho prieto territory?

  18. Where chapos always like that or did they start taxing people after chapo’s arrest?

    1. Rumor is Ivan's always been like that he's not a billionaire nothing close

  19. Nomas eran 35 no 80

  20. So helping the fisherman help rusos in a way ? Or are they just trying to get a piece of the taxes ?

  21. Damn I guess Rusos got tired of all chapos bull shit.

  22. Doesn't that automatically make checo/ chavó go in war with them ? I mean checo/chavo used to work for MP when he was alive.

  23. In what way does helping the fisherman help the cartel out ? Because I don’t think they’re helping the fisherman’s out just because…

    1. So. Freeing up one more port means more places to unload cargo. Be it boats. Or planes. On the road there are too many road blocks asking for money. So once you get the drugs to puerto peñasco you coud move it up to sonoyta and jump the drugs there.. or to san luis rio colorado.

    2. something is fishy

  24. They are cowards that why they shoot teachers ....but that why they join GANGS in the first place cause they are pus-ies and can't defend themselves alone so they call the homies

    1. Its because they have guns and the decent folks don't. No other reason.

  25. if you believe Mini Lic

    the extortion came when Ivan assumed power, because he was interested in the way the Russian mafia and other ones worked. The top down control of Culiacan from the beers to the grameros. That's true.

    while Rusos/Zambadas are still on the old way of doing things, where they just work.

    so, that's the way the Chapiza run the plazas, on Ivan's direction.

  26. That road from peñasco to San luis rio is beautiful sand dunes on one side then clear warm blue waters of the gulf on the other with about 500 fishing boats in the distance

    1. Would like to see pictures of your flashy bro life, the rucas, pistos, Honda Civic slammed on chrome, ect...

    2. He didn't claim he owned the road, he said he drove on it..

  27. It rlly seems like Ivan is in trouble he lost the slazar alliance too

  28. Chapitos ppl got ran out of San Luis so they out hiding in Golfo. Ruso trynna get em out once and for all

    1. There’s still chapos in slrc

  29. “the doors are open, they only ask that the new group doesn’t abuse like the others.” yeh I'm sure the new cartel who moved into town will be lovely.

  30. It was about 35 trucks.

  31. Now you can see why there is not much you can do in these towns etc..Imagine how long it would take authorities to mobilize to confront this many armed individuals ?

  32. There’s a photo of el Pia after the shootouts it says that he was killed during the firefight, He does resemble El Pia

  33. Any timeshares down there? Sounds like the fishing is good

  34. chaputos are just parasites


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